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Q10. Jeremy Corbyn: To ask the Prime Minister what plans the Government have to increase the supply of housing for rent by councils and housing associations in London. [725]
The Prime Minister: The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister is investing nearly £1.5 billion through the Housing Corporation's Approved Development Programme in 200406 to provide over 21,000 affordable homes in London, of which 10,000 will be for affordable renting, 7,000 for key workers and 4,000 for low cost home ownership.
Q12. John Mann: To ask the Prime Minister what plans he has to tackle antisocial neighbours. [728]
The Prime Minister:
The Government have a wide ranging strategy to tackle antisocial behaviour, In order to help address the issue of antisocial neighbours, the Anti-Social Behaviour Unit at the Home Office has set up a National Nuisance Neighbour Expert Panel made up of experts from the police, local authority, social services, youth offending teams and the voluntary sector. The panel has heard over 120 cases. Feedback received indicates that in 66 per cent. of cases behaviour had improved and the problems curtailed as a result of the panel's intervention.
25 May 2005 : Column 159W
We have already seen significant successes in dealing with antisocial behaviour, as confirmed by the fall in the number of people who perceive it to be a significant problem (as reported by the British Crime Survey). During this Parliament, we will step up the work of the Anti-Social Behaviour Unit, driving through cultural change in local communities especially in deprived areas. This will be a Government-wide programme, with the active support of a number of Government Departments.
25 May 2005 : Column 160W
Mr. Mitchell: To ask the Prime Minister which consultants have been employed by his Office in each of the last three years. [894]
The Prime Minister: For these purposes my office forms part of the Cabinet Office. I have therefore asked my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (Mr. Hutton) to reply. A copy of the reply will be placed in the Library of the House.