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23 Jun 2005 : Column 1172W—continued

Departmental Relocation

Mr. Gale: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many of her Department's posts (a) have been relocated and (b) are under consideration for relocation from London to the deprived areas of the south east. [6266]

Maria Eagle: My Department, our non-departmental public bodies and Ofsted are, together, implementing the Lyons Review recommendations to relocate around 800 posts out of London and the South East by 2010. So far, my Department had not identified any posts suitable for transfer to deprived areas in the South East.

Faith Schools

Keith Vaz: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many faith schools have been established in England since 1997; and how many she expects to be established in the next five years. [4052]

Jacqui Smith: There have been 145 voluntary aided schools (schools within which the majority of governors are appointed by the faith body) opened in England since 1997 (of these one closed in 1998 and two closed in 2001), with a further 31 proposals received for the next five years. Faith schools can be proposed by promoters at any time and, as such, the Department is currently only aware of schools proposed up to 2007.

There have also been some 48 voluntary controlled schools (schools within which the majority of governors are appointed by the local education authority and have a strong link to the faith body) opened since 1997, with a further 21 proposals received for the period to 2007.

Further and Higher Education

Mr. Stephen O'Brien: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills if she will assess the likely effect of the spending priorities set out in the Skills Strategy on the practice of further education providers waiving adult education fees on a discretionary basis. [6742]

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Bill Rammell: The Skills Strategy clearly set out the need to rebalance the contributions of employers, individuals and the public purse towards the costs of learning. We have been clear about our priorities of a place in school, college or an apprenticeship for all young people, and a focus on adults without a solid foundation of employability skills. Within an overall increased budget, these will be the focus for public funding. We will continue to provide fee concessions arrangements for learners on means tested benefits to access FE but we expect colleges to increase their total fee income, including collecting the income they currently chose to waive at their own discretion. These are not just technical funding changes. They are the first step in a necessary change of culture and expectations, where the value of learning and the benefits it brings to learners and to employers is properly recognised as a worthwhile and necessary investment.

Mr. Stephen O'Brien: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many (a) part-time and (b) full-time students with dependants there were in higher education institutions in England in each year between 1994 and 2004. [6743]

Bill Rammell: Data are not available on the number of students with dependants.

However, data are available on the number of full-time students receiving a dependants' grant and are shown in the table.
Students domiciled in England and Wales at UK institutions(22) in receipt of at least one dependants' grant in academic years 1999/2000(23) to2003/04(24)

Academic yearNumber(25)

(22) Data are not available for English institutions only.
(23) Earliest year for which data are available.
(24) Latest academic year for which data are available.
(25) Rounded to the nearest 100.
F503G Survey of Local Education Authorities and SLC

The 2004/05 Student Income and Expenditure Survey (SIES) should provide us with the proportion of students, both full-time and part-time, who have dependants. Unfortunately, the coverage of the most recent SIES, 2002/03, was limited to full-time students without children and cannot provide us with this information. Part-time students are not eligible to receive dependants' grants, therefore no data are available.

Jarvis plc

Steve Webb: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills if she will list the private finance initiative contracts that exist between (a) schools and (b) other education institutions and Jarvis plc. [5938]

Jacqui Smith: The following lists include the PFI contracts which were signed between Jarvis and individual schools, and those between Jarvis and local authorities for groups of schools. There were no PFI projects signed with Jarvis in the further education and
23 Jun 2005 : Column 1174W
children's services sectors. The Department does not hold information on the PFI contracts of higher education institutions.

Contract signed with school

Contract signed with local authority

Looked-after Children

Mrs. May: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many and what proportion of looked-after children aged under two years experienced three or more changes of accommodation in the most recent year for which figures are available. [6446]

Maria Eagle: At 31 March 2004 5,200 children were looked-after aged under two years. Of these, 640 (12 per cent.) had experienced three or more placements in the year ending 31 March 2004. These figures exclude children looked-after under an agreed series of short term placements.


Mr. Gibb: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills pursuant to the answer of 15 June 2005, to question ref. 4432, on multiplication facts, whether there is a requirement in the Framework for Teaching Mathematics: Reception to Year 6 documents for children to learn their multiplication tables by heart. [6200]

Jacqui Smith: The Framework for Teaching Mathematics sets the objective that all children learn by heart all multiplication tables up to 10 x 10.


Paul Flynn: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many registered (a) nutritionists and (b) dieticians she employs within her Department. [5294]

Maria Eagle: We do not hold information centrally on numbers of staff who are registered nutritionists or dieticians. None are employed specifically to work on policies relating to food, for example school meals. The Department draws upon expertise in the Food Standards Agency and the Department of Health where
23 Jun 2005 : Column 1175W
advice on nutrition and diet is needed, and commissions work from external experts (for example those currently members of the School Meals Review Panel).

Overseas Students

Mr. Jim Cunningham: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills if she will make a statement on the number of overseas students from EU member states attending university in Coventry South constituency. [6133]

Bill Rammell: The constituency of Coventry, South contains the University of Coventry and Warwick university. The latest available information is given in the table:
EU domiciled enrolments at HE institutions in Coventry, South constituency 2003–04

University of Warwick
Irish Republic5575
Czech Republic(26)15

(26) Signifies a number greater than zero but less than three.
Figures have been rounded to the nearest 5.
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).

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