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29 Jun 2005 : Column 1610W—continued

National Service Framework for Older People

Mr. Burstow: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what progress has been made against the milestones set in Standard 7 of the national service framework for older people. [6399]

Mr. Byrne: The Healthcare Commission is currently looking at progress in implementing the national service framework (NSF) for older people. There will be a particular focus on mental health services for older people. The Healthcare Commission's report will be published later in the year.

The Department's national clinical directors for older people's services and mental health services, Professor Louis Appleby and Professor Ian Philp, will shortly be launching a vision for the future of older people's mental health services, outlining the key components of a model service and building on the service developments the NSF for older people has initiated.

NHS Acute Hospital Trusts

Frank Dobson: To ask the Secretary of State for Health which NHS acute hospital trusts have financial deficits; and what the deficit is in each case. [7012]

Mr. Byrne [holding answer 27 June 2005]: The latest year for which audited data on the financial position of national health service organisations are available is 2003–04. The financial position for all NHS trusts with deficits is shown in the table.

NHS trust name2003–04 deficit position
Addenbrooke's NHS Trust(921)
Airedale NHS Trust(1,448)
Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust(4,398)
Barnet, Enfield and Haringey MH NHS Trust(924)
Berkshire Healthcare NHS Trust(851)
Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre Hosps NHS Trust(929)
Brighton and Sussex Univ Hosps NHS Trust(7,912)
Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust(5,237)
Buckinghamshire Mental Health NHS Trust(1,689)
Burton Hospitals NHS Trust(179)
Chelsea and Westminster Healthcare NHS Trust(1,880)
East Kent Community NHS Trust(225)
East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust(3,934)
East Sussex County NHS Trust(1,025)
East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust(1,787)
Essex Rivers Healthcare NHS Trust(5,843)
Frimley Park Hospital NHS Trust(524)
Good Hope Hospital NHS Trust(5,014)
Hampshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust(1,727)
Hereford Hospitals NHS Trust(18)
Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust(1,404)
Kettering General Hospital NHS Trust(1,197)
Kings Lynn and Wisbech Hospitals NHS Trust(5,358)
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust(309)
Local Health Partnerships NHS Trust(489)
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust(8,968)
Mayday Healthcare NHS Trust(163)
Mid Staffordshire Gen Hospitals NHS Trust(509)
Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust(18,637)
Milton Keynes General Hospital NHS Trust(3,172)
North Cumbria Acute Hospitals NHS Trust(4,133)
North Middlesex University Hosp NHS Trust(989)
North West London Hospitals NHS Trust(3,099)
North West Surrey MH NHS Partnership NHS Trust(1,261)
Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust(4,922)
Nuffield Orthopaedic NHS Trust(309)
Papworth Hospital NHS Trust(252)
Peterborough Hospitals NHS Trust(969)
Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust(7,753)
Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust(495)
Rob Jones and A Hunt Orthopaedic NHS Trust(2,314)
Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust(5,845)
Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust(961)
Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Trust(1,549)
Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust(1,968)
Royal Wolverhampton Hospital NHS Trust(7,612)
Sandwell and West Birmingham Hosps NHS Trust(1,593)
Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust(791)
South Tees Hospitals NHS Trust(1,712)
Southampton University Hosps NHS Trust(5,418)
St. George's Healthcare NHS Trust(650)
St. Mary's NHS Trust(503)
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust(4,149)
Sussex Ambulance Service NHS Trust(229)
The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust(963)
The Royal West Sussex NHS Trust(3,572)
Trafford Healthcare NHS Trust(744)
Walsall Hospitals NHS Trust(1,057)
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust(519)
West London Mental Health NHS Trust(1,369)
West Suffolk Hospitals NHS Trust(2,501)
Weston Area Health NHS Trust(1,514)
Whittington Hospital NHS Trust(3,400)
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust(12,801)
Worthing and Southlands Hospitals NHS Trust(27)

2003–04 summarised accounts.

29 Jun 2005 : Column 1611W

NHS Finances

Steve Webb: To ask the Secretary of State for Health if she will list the deficit or surplus at year end for 2004–05 for (a) the NHS in England, (b) each strategic health authority, (c) each NHS trust and (d) each primary care trust. [5782]

Mr. Byrne: The latest year for which audited data on the financial position of national health service organisations is available is 2003–04. Information showing the financial position for the NHS in England—strategic health authorities (SHAs), NHS trusts and primary care trusts (PCTs)—has been placed in the Library.
29 Jun 2005 : Column 1612W

Audited information in respect of the 2004–05 financial position of all SHAs, PCTs and NHS trusts will be published in their individual annual accounts and will be available centrally later this year.

NHS Patients (Overseas Treatment)

Tim Loughton: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many NHS patients were treated abroad in each of the last five years; and in what countries. [4621]

Ms Rosie Winterton: Under patient choice, overseas treatment direct referral scheme approximately 890 patients had been referred for treatment since 2003. In addition, primary care trusts may also contract with healthcare providers abroad on an individual needs basis but this information is not collected by the Department.

Data on United Kingdom patients treated in the European Economic Area under the E111/112 schemes are not available in the format requested.


Mr. Rogerson: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what measures she is taking to ensure adequate retention to fill senior physiotherapy posts; and if she will make a statement. [8139]

Mr. Byrne: It is the responsibility of local national health service employers and strategic health authorities to ensure there are sufficient numbers of physiotherapists to meet service needs. The Department is working closely with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, the NHS work force review team and NHS organisations to ensure that local managers have access to a range of strategies across recruitment and retention, commissioning and skill mix.


Jim Cousins: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many (a) radiographers of all grades and (b) radiographer trainees were employed in the NHS on average in (i) 1996, (ii) 2000 and (iii) 2004; and what estimate she has made of the numbers who were working on contracts requiring less than the standard 37.5 hours in 2004. [6317]

Mr. Byrne: The information requested is shown in the table.

The standard hours for radiographers employed under Whitley Council terms and conditions are 35 hours. Agenda for Change" replaces these arrangements and, under the new terms and conditions, the standard hours for all staff are 37.5. Implementation of Agenda for Change" started in December 2004.
National health service hospital and community health services: Radiography staff in England by area of work, level and each specified contract as at 30 September in specified years

1996Of which: part-time2000Of which: part-time2004Of which: part-time
Total Radiography staff12,8824,09114,1905,11816,9216,604
Radiography (Diagnostic)11,5253,80412,6494,76514,9326,019
Qualified staff10,2653,20711,0363,95312,1474,795
Consultant Therapist/Scientistn/an/an/an/a41
Non-qualified staff1,2605971,6138122,7851,224
Assistant Practitionern/an/an/an/a7514
Radiography (Therapeutic)1,3572871,5413531,989585
Qualified staff1,3082621,4533231,753510
Consultant Therapist/Scientistn/an/an/an/a10
Non-qualified staff4925883023675
Assistant Practitionern/an/an/an/a132

n/a=Not applicable.
Health and Social Care Information Centre Non-Medical Workforce Census.

29 Jun 2005 : Column 1613W

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