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Mr. Gibb: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what proportion of mathematics teachers teaching in secondary schools have degrees in mathematics. [9381]
Jacqui Smith: The information requested has been published in table 24 of the Statistics of Education, School Workforce in England Volume, 2004 edition, a copy of which has been placed in the House of Commons Library. Alternatively it may be accessed at the following URL:
Table 25 of the same publication provides the proportion of subject periods taught by level of qualification.
Mr. Gibb: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills if she will ask the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority to review the requirement for coursework in GCSE mathematics specifications. [9382]
Jacqui Smith: On 24 March, the Secretary of State wrote to Sir Anthony Greener asking the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority to take forward work on a number of proposals in the 1419 Education and Skills White Paper. One of these was to consider scope for reducing the coursework burden across all GCSEs, including mathematics, with a view to ensuring that coursework adheres to principles for assessment set out in chapter 9 of the White Paper, summarised in the case of coursework in paragraph 8.12. She asked that the review address in particular: the need for a consistent approach to coursework in similar subjects; fairness; the cumulative burden of coursework; and that coursework should be used to test skills and attributes that cannot be tested by a terminal examination.
Mr. Clappison: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many students entered as candidates for mathematics (a) at GCSE or O-level and (b) A-level in each of the last 30 years. [8719]
Jacqui Smith:
The following table shows the information readily available on the number of entries for mathematics at O-level or GCSE and A-level for each year between 1975 and 2004.
4 Jul 2005 : Column 165W
Mr. Burstow:
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills which local authorities have (a) established protocols for joint working across all
4 Jul 2005 : Column 166W
agencies for children who go missing, (b) established a senior manager with responsibility to oversee these protocols and their implementation and (c) produced an annual strategic monitoring report on children who go missing from home or care, as set out in her Department's report Children who go Missing: Research, Policy and Practice. [8006]
Maria Eagle: The Department of Health published 'Children Missing from Care and Homea guide to good practice' with its related Circular LAC (2002)17 in November 2002. These were issued under Section 7 of the Local Authority Social Services Act 1970, which means that local authorities are obliged to follow their requirements, unless there are exceptional circumstances. The good practice guide requires that protocols for the management of 'missing from care' incidents are drawn up between the local authority and the police, that a senior manager is appointed to monitor these protocols and that there should be regular reports to council members with responsibility for corporate parenting" on patterns of children going missing from care. The Guidance also suggests a similar model of protocols and a named manager for children missing from home.
As part of the arrangements for performance management of local authorities, all local authorities in England were required to complete a Delivery and Improvement Statement (DIS) each spring, giving a self-assessment of their progress. From April 2004, the information provided by the DIS was returned to the Commission for Social Care Inspection and it provided part of the evidence base used to evaluate the performance of each local authority in delivering their services for vulnerable adults and children. In spring 2004, the DIS included questions about LA compliance with the Children Missing from Care and Home Guidance. The data on local authorities response to these questions indicated that 96 per cent. of local authorities had appointed a senior manager to monitor 'missing from care' incidents and that 88 per cent. of local authorities had protocols in place with the police for managing missing from care incidents.
Data is not collected centrally on which local authorities have complied with the Children Missing from Care and Home Guidance, nor on local authorities which have produced annual strategic monitoring reports on children who go missing from home or care.
Mr. Hoban: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills pursuant to the answer of 15 June 2005, Official Report, column 492W, on building schools for the future (BSF), how much money has been set aside within the BSF budget for special schools. [8496]
Jacqui Smith:
Funding is not set aside specifically for special schools within the budget for building schools for the future. We provide funding based on local authorities' statements of priority, which include any plans for special schools. Based on local authorities' latest statements of priority in waves one to three, the following allocations have been made for special schools.
4 Jul 2005 : Column 167W
Wave | Allocation made for special schools | With additional ICT funding |
1 | 97.7 | 3.2 |
2 | 48 | 1.1 |
3 | 62 | 1.6 |
These allocations include initial provision for construction inflation, but may be subject to change as local authorities' business cases for BSF are further refined and if local authorities make changes to the schools included within individual BSF waves. In addition, the allocations are before any potential uplift due to the introduction of the revised Building Bulletin 77: Designing for Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Schools, which is currently subject to consultation. Non-EU Students
Mr. Stephen O'Brien: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills (1) what the estimated income was from fees paid by (a) undergraduate and (b) postgraduate non-EU students in higher education institutions in England in each year between 1999 and 2004; [8037]
(2) what the total amount of fees raised from (a) undergraduate students and (b) postgraduate students attending higher education institutions in England was in each year between 1999 and 2004. [8038]
Bill Rammell: The available information gives data on the income received in respect of fees for students on courses for which fees are charged.
Figures for non-EU overseas students are not broken down into postgraduate and undergraduate.
The available figures are given in the table.
Data in the answer cover all fee income, including short courses, self-financing full-cost courses funded by private/non-private sources in respect of all and only those students on courses for which fees are charged. This includes expenditure by Student Loans Company (SLC), Local Education Authorities (LEAs), Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS), the Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland (DEL), the Department of Health (DH) (including National Health Service (NHS), Workforce Development Confederations (England) and NHS Trusts), Regional Offices of the NHS Executive (RONE), the Scottish Home and Health Department (SHHD), and other sources not covered including individual students.
4 Jul 2005 : Column 168W
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