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11 Jul 2005 : Column 657W—continued


Mr. Ellwood: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence whether he expects British troops to return to the UK when the British area of responsibility in Iraq is ready to hand over to Iraqi forces if the US area of responsibility is not ready for handover. [4828]

Mr. Ingram: The United Kingdom is committed to Iraq under the mandate of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1546, and for as long as the Iraqi Government judge that the coalition is required to assist and develop the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and provide security. Factors in determining the scope and timeline for eventual UK force level reductions in Iraq will include: the readiness of the ISF to take responsibility for the range of security tasks; the overall security situation; and progress on the political process. We will assess each of these factors as they affect both the four provinces covered by Multinational Division (South East) and Iraq as a whole, in close consultation with the Government of Iraq and our coalition partners, particularly the United States.

Medal Citations

Mr. Hancock: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how individuals can obtain details of citationsaccompanying medals awarded to deceased relatives. [8627]

Mr. Touhig: Individuals seeking details of citations for awards to relatives who are deceased should write to the honours and awards branch at the relevant service address:

11 Jul 2005 : Column 658W

Surviving records pre-1937, or pre-1939 for the Royal Navy and Royal Marines, are available in The National Archives at the following address:

Meteorological Office

Malcolm Bruce: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make a statement on the future role of (a) the Meteorological Office headquarters in Exeter and (b) the weather stations in (i) Aberdeen, (ii) Belfast, (iii) Birmingham, (iv) Cardiff, (v) London and (vi)Manchester. [9237]

Mr. Touhig: The Meteorological Office facility recently established at Exeter houses the HQ, operations and research centre (Hadley Centre). The operations centre provides a 24 hour, seven day capability for weather centre forecasting and for issuing severe weather warnings. The outputs are delivered in real time on a national and international basis.

The future of civil forecasting at Aberdeen, Belfast, Birmingham, Cardiff, London and Manchester is the subject of current consultation by the Met Office. I will make a decision about the way ahead, taking full account of representations received, following the completion of consultation in autumn 2005.

Malcolm Bruce: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will place in the Library a copy of the strategic review of the Meteorological Office production network. [9256]

Mr. Touhig [holding answer 5 July 2005]: A copy of the consultation document will be placed in the Library of the House. I have already sent a copy of this document to those Members whose constituents may be affected by the final decision about the future of civil forecasting.

Official Residences

Mr. Prisk: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will list the residential properties his Department's Ministers are entitled to use as part of their duties. [6181]

Mr. Touhig [holding answer 27 June 2005]: Defence Ministers are not presently entitled to use any official residential properties as part of their duties.

Premature Voluntary Release

Mr. Moore: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many (a) officers and (b) private soldiers of each
11 Jul 2005 : Column 659W
Army regiment and corps have left under Premature Voluntary Release terms in each of the last three years. [9626]

11 Jul 2005 : Column 660W

Mr. Touhig [holding answer 5 July 2005]: The information is as follows:
UK Regular Army trained officer Premature Voluntary Release exits (PVR)

The Honourable Artillery Company/Royal Armoured Corps303040
Royal Regiment of Artillery303030
Corps of Royal Engineers304030
Royal Corps of Signals303030
The Infantry90100120
Army Air Corps102020
Royal Army Chaplain's Department(16)(16)(16)
The Royal Logistics Corps606070
Royal Army Medical Corps203020
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers303030
Adjutant General's Corps (Provost Branch)(16)1010
Adjutant General's Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)203020
Adjutant General's Corps (Educational and Training Services Branch)101020
Adjutant General's Corps (Army Legal Services Branch)(16)10(16)
Royal Army Veterinary Corps(16)(16)(16)
Small Arms School Corps(16)(16)(16)
Royal Army Dental Corps(16)(16)(16)
Intelligence Corps101020
Army Physical Training Corps(16)(16)(16)
General List(16)(16)(16)
Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps201020
Corps of Army Music(16)(16)(16)

UK Regular Army trained soldier Premature Voluntary Release exits (PVR)

The Honourable Artillery Company/Royal Armoured Corps300300280
Royal Regiment of Artillery360400420
Corps of Royal Engineers470490620
Royal Corps of Signals420380440
The Infantry1,3701,3401,350
Army Air Corps806090
The Royal Logistics Corps730670640
Royal Army Medical Corps9080110
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers340400450
Adjutant General's Corps (Provost Branch)120110150
Adjutant General's Corps (Staff and Personnel Support Branch)180170180
Royal Army Veterinary Corps1010(16)
Small Arms School Corps(16)(16)(16)
Royal Army Dental Corps201020
Intelligence Corps402040
Army Physical Training Corps101010
Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps303040
Corps of Army Music403050
Long Service List(16)(16)(16)

(16)—represents zero, rounded to zero, or a percentage based upon a number rounded to or equal to zero.
1.Data are rounded to the nearest 10.
2.Numbers ending in '5' have been rounded to the nearest 20 to avoid systematic bias.
3.Totals have been rounded separately and so may not appear to be the sum of their parts.
4.PVR occurrences broken down by regiment are not held centrally and could not be provided without incurring disproportionate costs.

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