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21 Jul 2005 : Column 1995W—continued

Carer's Allowance

Mr. Burstow: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what research his Department has undertaken to assess the reasons for the difference between the number of people claiming carer's allowance and the number of people who are entitled to claim. [5616]

Mrs. McGuire: No research into this area has been possible because entitlement to carer's allowance depends upon a number of factors, one of which is that the disabled person being cared for must be in receipt of attendance allowance or the equivalent rates of the disability living allowance care component. Entitlement to those benefits can only be reliably established after a claim has been made and the care and mobility needs of the disabled person fully assessed. As there is no means of reliably calculating the number of people receiving them as a proportion of the overall eligible population,
21 Jul 2005 : Column 1996W
it is not possible to make a realistic estimate of the number of people who, if they claimed, might be entitled to carer's allowance.

Mr. Burstow: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many people his Department estimate have an underlying entitlement to carer's allowance but are ineligible due to (a) overlapping benefit rules and (b) earnings above the limit. [5617]

Mrs. McGuire: As at 28 February 2005, some 265,000 people who were entitled to carer's allowance were not receiving it because of the operation of the overlapping benefit rules. Carers who earn over the earnings limit are not entitled to the allowance, and thus do not retain underlying entitlement.

Child Maintenance

Mr. Hood: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what research his Department has (a) commissioned and (b) evaluated on the financial effects on the first family when the non-resident parent has a child born to his new partner under child maintenance arrangements; what effects this has on child maintenance payments; and if he will make a statement. [10065]

Mr. Plaskitt: The Department has not commissioned any research that specifically investigates the financial impact suffered by the first family when a non-resident parent has a child born to his new partner and any subsequent impacts upon child maintenance.

Research has been commissioned to examine factors affecting non-resident parent compliance with maintenance assessments, National Survey of Child Support Agency Clients", Nick Wikeley, CDS 2001, a copy of which is in the Library. This found that the partnering status of a non-resident parent is a factor. Non-resident parents who have re-partnered or remarried tend to be less likely to comply with maintenance assessments.

Child Support Agency

Mr. Laws: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what his estimate is of the outstanding stock of Child Support Agency unpaid debts for each reporting period from 2002–03 to 2005–06; and if he will make a statement. [974]

Mr. Plaskitt: The administration of the Child Support Agency is a matter for the chief executive, Mr. Stephen Geraghty. He will write to the hon. Member with the information requested.

Letter from Mike Isaac to Mr. David Laws, dated 21 July 2005:

21 Jul 2005 : Column 1997W

£ million

(7)Available by end of July

In order to reduce the amount of debt the Agency is tapping into what works well in public and private sectors to improve its working practices. The Agency is increasing resources on enforcement activity and there is an increasing trend in the application of sanctions.

Mr. Laws: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions if he will make a statement on progress in resolving the computer problems at the Child Support Agency; and if he will make a statement. [987]

Margaret Hodge: The administration of the Child Support Agency is a matter for the Chief Executive, Mr. Stephen Geraghty. He will write to the hon. Member with the information requested.

Letter from Mike Isaac to Mr. David Laws, dated 21 July 2005:

Mr. Laws: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what his latest estimate is of the backlog of uncleared Child Support Agency cases for (a) each quarter from March 2003 to June 2005 and (b) each month from April 2004 to June 2005; and if he will make a statement. [989]

Mr. Plaskitt: The administration of the Child Support Agency is a matter for the chief executive, Mr.Stephen Geraghty. He will write to the hon. Member with the information requested.

Letter from Mike Isaac to Mr. David Laws, dated 21 July 2005:

21 Jul 2005 : Column 1998W

New scheme application work on hand

Month (2005)New scheme

1.An application is counted as cleared" when a maintenance calculation has been carried out and a charging schedule set up, or it has been closed, or it has been established that it is not a valid application (because it is subject to a reduced benefit decision, is good cause, or is in actual fact a change of circumstance on an existing case).
2.Work in hand in this context is the totality of all cases yet to be cleared, as defined above.
3.Figures rounded to nearest 1,000.

Mr. Laws: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many cases have been stuck in the new Child Support Agency computer system each month since it was introduced; what the average time taken until first payment for stuck cases is in each month; and in what proportion of stuck cases (a) assessments and (b) first payments have been made. [1994]

Mr. Plaskitt: The administration of the Child Support Agency is a matter for the Chief Executive, Mr. Stephen Geraghty. He will write to the hon. Member with the information requested.

Letter from Mike Isaac to Mr. David Laws, dated 21 July 2005:

21 Jul 2005 : Column 1999W

Tim Farron: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions if he will introduce a free phone inquiry telephone number for the Child Support Agency. [3961]

Mr. Plaskitt: The administration of the Child Support Agency is a mater for the chief executive, Mr. Stephen Geraghty. He will write to the hon. Member with the information requested.

Letter from Mike Isaac to Tim Farron, dated 21 July 2005:

Mr. Laws: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many requests to increase staffing levels have been made to each Child Support Agency business unit director, broken down by area; how many requests were accepted; and for how many staff in each case. [6198]

Mr. Plaskitt: The administration of the Child Support Agency is a matter for the chief executive, Mr. Stephen Geraghty. He will write to the hon. Member with the information requested.

Letter from Mike Isaac to Mr. David Laws, dated 21 July 2005:

21 Jul 2005 : Column 2000W

Territorial structureAuthorised headcount March 2006
Northern Territory3,145
Southern Territory3,915
National Helpline493
HQ and Support Services1,211
Agency contribution to Independent Case
Examiner's staffing

Mr. Laws: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions on how many occasions access to the Child Support Agency's computer system by former members of staff has been identified. [8744]

Mr. Plaskitt: The administration of the Child Support Agency is a matter for the Chief Executive. He will write to the hon. Member with the information requested.

Letter from Stephen Geraghty to Mr. Laws, dated 21 July 2005:

Mr. Laws: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what records he keeps of call backs (a) promised and (b) made by Child Support Agency staff. [8754]

Mr. Plaskitt: The administration of the Child Support Agency is a matter for the Chief Executive, Mr.Stephen Geraghty. He will write to the hon. Member.
21 Jul 2005 : Column 2001W

Letter from Mike Isaac to Mr. Laws, dated 21 July 2005:

Mr. Laws: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what systems have been established to monitor the quality of Child Support Agency staff responses to telephone calls. [9325]

Mr. Plaskitt: The administration of the Child Support Agency is a matter for the Chief Executive, Mr. Stephen Geraghty. He will write to the hon. Member.

Letter from Mike Isaac to Mr. Laws, dated 21 July 2005:

Mr. Laws: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many (a) serious complaints and (b) complaints about Child Support Agency (CSA) payments have been received by CSA staff in each of the last five years; and how serious complaints are (i)identified and (ii) defined. [9328]

Mr. Plaskitt: The administration of the Child Support Agency is a matter for the chief executive, Mr. Stephen Geraghty. He will write to the hon. Member with the information requested.

Letter from Mike Isaac to Mr. David Laws dated 21 July 2005:

21 Jul 2005 : Column 2002W

Total complaints received March 2005 Year to Date (YTD),and May 2005 (YTD)

Child Support Agency complaintsApril 2004-March 2005April 2005-May 2005
Total agency cases(8)1,375,000(9)1,463,000
Stage 139,7836,534
Stage 25,5801,053
Stage 32,549349
Member of Parliament to chief executive5,787893
Member of Parliament to business unit8,8711,512
Treat official1,108210
Total complaints63,67810,551
Complaints received by independent case examiner2,367n/a
Complaints accepted by independent case examiner1,259n/a

n/a=not available
(8)As at 31 March 2005.
(9)As at 31 May 2005.
1.Member of Parliament to chief executive, Member of Parliament to business unit and treat official complaints are outside the 3-tier client complaints process.
2.Treat official complaints are those received by a Minister's private office but referred for initial consideration by an official of the agency.
3.Complaints received by the independent case examiner: These include complaints where the agency had not issued a response by or on behalf of the chief executive so the independent case examiner could not accept the complaint. The figure also includes complaints on legislation etc where the independent case examiner cannot accept the complaint.
4.Complaints accepted by the independent case examiner: These are the complaints where the complainant has received a response by or on behalf of the chief executive.

Janet Anderson: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many recipients of child support are in receipt of manual payments as a result of
21 Jul 2005 : Column 2003W
computer failure at the Child Support Agency; and in how many cases there is a consequent shortfall in the amount of child support they receive. [9370]

Mr. Plaskitt: The administration of the Child Support Agency is a matter for the Chief Executive, Mr. Stephen Geraghty. He will write to the hon. Member with the information requested.

Letter from Mike Isaac to Janet Anderson, dated 21 July 2005:

Anne Main: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions if he will expedite the transfer of the case of Mr. Ronald Ceasar (ref: PCU/145410/KH/MC) to the new system of Child Support Agency payments. [10837]

Mr. Plaskitt: I refer the hon. Member to the written answer I gave the hon. Member for Bolton, South-East (Dr. Iddon), on 20 June 2005, Official Report, column 705W.

Mr. Laws: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what the average cost per case is of a Child Support Agency case processed under the (a) new scheme on the new computer system, (b) new scheme on the old computer system, (c) new scheme with a clerical assessment, (d) old scheme on the old computer system and (e) old scheme on the new computer system. [13882]

Mr. Plaskitt: The administration of the Child Support Agency is a matter for the Chief Executive. He will write to the hon. Member with the information requested.

Letter from Mike Isaac to Mr. David Laws, dated 21 July 2005:

21 Jul 2005 : Column 2004W

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