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12 Sept 2005 : Column 2297W—continued

Telephone Inquiries

Mr. MacNeil: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what facilities her Department has to deal with telephone inquiries in (a) Welsh, (b) Scots Gaelic and (c) Irish Gaelic. [14735]

Mr. Caborn: The Department for Culture, Media and Sport can only answer telephone calls in English.

External translators are used to translate letters, e-mails and faxes into English.
12 Sept 2005 : Column 2298W

Correspondence translated into English, January to June 2005

Scots Gaelic0
Irish Gaelic89


Sarah Teather: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, what websites come under her Department's responsibility; and what the (a) cost and (b) number of visitors to those sites was in the last 12 months. [16007]

Mr. Caborn: My Department has responsibility for the following:

(a) The total cost for the financial year 2004–05, for the aforementioned sites was £43,412.06.

(b) The number of visitors to each site in the last year (January to December 2004) was as follows:

Young People

Mrs. May: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what the participation rates of young people in club sport were in each of the last five years for which figures are available. [15983]

12 Sept 2005 : Column 2299W

Mr. Lammy: The 2003–04 PE, School Sport and Club Links survey found that 19 per cent. of pupils in the 6,500 schools taking part participated in sports clubs linked to their schools. The results of the survey were published on 29 April 2004 and copies of the report (The Impact of School-Sport Partnerships: The Results of the 2003–04 PE; School Sport and Club Links Survey) have been placed in the Libraries of both Houses. The results of the 2004–05 survey will be published in the autumn.

As part of the national PE, School Sport and Club links strategy, we are working with the National Governing Bodies of 22 sports to enhance and increase school-club links.


Advertising Expenditure

Mr. Burstow: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how much the (a) Department and (b) non-departmental bodies for which the Department is responsible has spent on advertising, broken down by media type in the last three years. [9500]

Jim Knight: The Department does not maintain separate records of its expenditure for advertising. The expenditure for publicity by Defra's Communications Directorate includes marketing, advertising, publications, events, shows and direct mailings. Expenditure for the last three financial years are:
£ million

This includes communications on a wide range of matters, much of it necessary or beneficial to the public and the wide range of industries in which Defra has an interest, together with local government, voluntary organisations and other bodies.

A breakdown of expenditure for each agency and non departmental body sponsored by the Department could only be obtained at disproportionate cost.

David T.C. Davies: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how much the Department spent on advertising in each of the last five years. [10253]

Jim Knight: The Department does not maintain separate records of its expenditure for advertising. The expenditure for publicity by Defra's Communications Directorate includes marketing, advertising, publications, events, shows and direct mailings and is recorded for the financial years since Defra's creation in June 2001 as follows:
£ million

12 Sept 2005 : Column 2300W

This includes communications on a wide range of matters, much of it necessary or beneficial to the public and the wide range of industries in which Defra has an interest, together with local government, voluntary organisations and other bodies.

Agricultural Exports

Mr. Hoyle: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs which countries do not import British (a) beef, (b) lamb, (c) milk and (d) pork; and what steps she is taking to encourage these countries to import these products. [11137]

Jim Knight: Lists placed in the Library of the House detail the countries for which there were no recorded exports from the UK for (a) beef, (b) lamb, (c) milk and (d) pork in 2004. Figures are based on all UK exports and include products that have been imported from both EU and Third countries that are re-exported.

Government policy is not to attempt to intervene in the market but to facilitate the right economic framework, through the implementation of its Strategy for Sustainable Farming and Food which was published on 12 December 2002, to enable farmers to succeed, compete successfully internationally and have a profitable future. The strategy provides a clear and strategic long-term direction towards a more sustainable future. The Government will work in partnership with industry and other stakeholders to implement the strategy, providing the leadership to allow farmers to flourish by their own efforts.

Air Sports

Michael Gove: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what steps she is taking to ensure that paragliding and hang gliding are not adversely affected by the new single farm payment scheme. [11281]

Jim Knight: The Department's guidance governing non-agricultural use of land under the single payment scheme is being updated to place hang gliding and paragliding in the category of activities that may be carried out without restriction provided that cross compliance requirements are met. As this is a new scheme, we expect the rules to evolve in the light of experience. That applies equally to the guidance on non-agricultural use of land which we will review again for the 2006 scheme year.

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