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12 Sept 2005 : Column 2344W—continued

Extended Schools Initiative

Mr. Gibb: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what guidance her Department plans to provide to (a) schools and (b) local authorities to help them identify voluntary sector partners as part of the extended schools initiative; and if she will make a statement. [13960]

Beverley Hughes: The DfES recognises the significant role of voluntary sector and community organisations in supporting schools and local authorities (LAs) to deliver extended services. They will be key to the successful delivery of extended services and local authorities and schools will need to draw on their provision and expertise. Initial guidance for schools and LAs on partnership working with voluntary sector providers is available through the Extended Schools prospectus, launched on 13 June 2005. Also a Know How" leaflet entitled, Involving and Working with the Voluntary and Community Sectors", available through the Extended Schools website (, offers practical guidance and information on partnership working, engaging with voluntary and community organisations and useful contacts.

The NRT (National Remodelling Team) and ContinYou will be supporting local authorities in developing their extended services and in doing so will support them in brokering partnerships with the voluntary sector.

There are many voluntary and community sector organisations that schools will know through their existing contacts and other partnership working, such as through Education Improvement Partnerships (formerly know as Foundation Partnerships). Local authorities, through established contacts, can provide advice about wider groups, agencies and services and neighbourhood—level initiatives that are willing to working in partnership to develop extended services.

Finnish Education System

Mr. Allen: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills if she will make an assessment of the effect on the Finnish education system on the teaching of social behaviour and willingness to learn in early years education; and if she will make a statement. [14561]

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Beverley Hughes: We are keen to learn from the experiences of other countries in developing policy and programmes and make regular assessments of what is happening in key comparator countries such as Finland. The Department has carefully assessed the OFSTED study The education of six year olds in England, Denmark and Finland" and the OECD review of Early Childhood and Early Care (ECEC) which includes Finland. We have learnt from these international studies and the Department's own Effective Provision of Pre-school Education (EPPE) study that supporting children's early personal, social and emotional development and helping children to develop a positive attitude to learning in a holistic approach is crucial to future success.

The Department is taking forward a significant programme of work to support children's holistic development in all early years settings. The widely welcomed Birth to Three Matters and Foundation Stage set out the key principles that enable children to develop the key skills and positive attitude needed for all future learning. As we set out in our Childcare Bill Consultation we will be developing the Early Learning Development and Learning Framework that will ensure that young children are able to access the same high quality experience regardless of the type of setting they attend. The Framework will support practitioners in creating stimulating, inclusive, caring and learning environments so that all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Fostered Children

Annette Brooke: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills (1) what proportion of children in foster care who achieved no GCSE grades A* to C in 2004 had three or more placements in the previous two years; [15004]

(2) what proportion of children in foster care who achieved five or more GCSE grades A* to C in 2004 had three or more placements in the previous two years. [15005]

Beverley Hughes: Information on the educational attainment of looked after children is not collected centrally by type or number of placements. However, information on the GCSE grades of all children who have been looked after for 12 months or more may be found in Table C of Outcome Indicators for Looked-after Children, 12 months to 30 September 2004—England" which is available on the internet at:–2005.pdf

Green/White Papers

Mr. Amess: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many (a) Green and (b) White papers her Department has produced since 1997; and if she will list these in date order. [10581]

Maria Eagle: The following list shows the Green and White papers produced between 1997 and 2001.

A list of all Command Papers produced by Departments from 10 May 2001 to the end of June 2005, prepared by the Office of Public Sector Information
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(OPSI) has been placed in the Library. This list, by Department, details the Command Paper number, title and date of publication.

A list of Command Papers from 2001 onwards is also available on the OPSI website at with links to the Command Papers where known. The list can be viewed alphabetically by Department as well as numerically.

Green Papers (consultative and discussion documents):



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White Papers (policy documents)

DocumentCommand paper
1997Excellence in schoolsCm 3681
1998Promoting disabled people's rights: creating a Disability Rights Commission fit for the 21stcenturyCm 3977
1999Learning to succeed: a new framework for post-16 learningCm 4392
2001Opportunity for all in a world of changeCm 5052
Schools achieving successCm 5230

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