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10 Oct 2005 : Column 394W—continued

Video Conferencing

David Howarth: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister how many video conferencing units are installed in (a) his Department and (b) each agency of the Department; what percentage of offices have these facilities in each case; and what plans there are to increase the number of such units. [16149]

10 Oct 2005 : Column 395W

Jim Fitzpatrick: The information requested is as follows:

The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and its agencies regularly review the requirement for video conferencing equipment, with each proposal being considered on a value for money basis. There are presently no plans to increase the number of units further.

This answer does not include the buildings occupied by Government offices, who carry out functions on behalf of 10 Government Departments.



Susan Kramer: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will make a statement on official recognition of chess as a sport. [15892]

Mr. Caborn: Chess is not currently recognised as a sport. The unanimous support of all four national Sports Councils and UK Sport is required in order for a sport or its governing body to receive official recognition.

The criteria that the Sports Councils use to decide whether an activity should be recognised as a sport are derived from their Royal Charters, and ultimately from the Physical Training and Recreation Act 1937. Legal advice has stated that chess does not fall within the meaning of the word sport" for the purposes of the
10 Oct 2005 : Column 396W
Royal Charter, or the meaning of physical training and recreation" in the Act. Recognition of chess would therefore require amendments to the Act.

Sport is now a devolved matter, so a change in the current position would require the unanimous support of both the Devolved Administrations (DAs) and the Sports Councils, before any progress could be made. It would be necessary to put a case to the DAs and the Sports Councils for legislative change that would include chess, and if necessary other mind games", within the criteria for recognition as a sport. The case put forward must be able to convince them that chess provides the same benefits to the public, such as improved health and fitness, as recognised sports, in order to merit equal status and the financial support that comes with it.


Mike Penning: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will list anniversaries for which her Department has begun planning commemorations for (a) 2006, (b) 2007, (c) 2008, (d) 2009 and (e) 2010. [16707]

Mr. Lammy: My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State is responsible on behalf of the Cabinet for the arrangements for the annual Remembrance day ceremony at the Cenotaph. As, Minister for Culture Iam working with Paul Goggins, Minister for Race Equality in the Home Office, to explore the most appropriate role for the Government in the bicentenary celebrations to mark the abolition of slave trade in 2007.

Consultation Papers

Mrs. May: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will list the consultation papers her Department has published since 1997. [15985]

Mr. Lammy: At the 26 July 2005 my Department has published the following consultations, full copies of which can be found on our website:

2005Revisions to Principles of Selection for Listing Buildings: Planning Policy Guidance Note 15 Consultation Paper
A Giving Culture: Getting the Best out of the Relationship Between the Voluntary and Community Sector and DCMS
Understanding the Future: Museums and the 21st Century
Review of the BBC's Royal Charter, 'A Strong BBC, Independent of Government' 2004
2004Consultation on Repeal of Section 5 of the Public Statues (Metropolis) Act 1854
Public Library Service Standard Consultation
Marine Historic Environment Consultation Paper
Ecclesiastical Exemption Consultation Paper
Consultation for the Independent Review of the BBC's Digital TV and Radio Services
S4C Independent Review/Adolgiad S4C
Draft Community Radio Order
National Lottery Licensing
Choosing Health? Choosing Activity
Consultation on the Scope and Implementation of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 in Relation to Sports Coaches
Establishing the Legal Deposit Advisory Panel
Fee Levels to be Established by Regulation Under the Licensing Act 2003
UNESCO Consultation on the Draft Convention on the Protection of the Diversity of Cultural Contents and Artistic Expressions
Consultation on Draft Regulations and Order to be Made under the Licensing Act 2003
The Protection of Minor and Human Dignity in the Media, and Rights of Reply
European Commission's Proposal for the Future Culture Programme 2007–13
Care of Historic Human Remains Consultation
Party Political Broadcasting Consultation Paper
Regional Devolution Consultation Paper
New EU Media Programme 2007–13 Consultation
Culture at the Heart of Regeneration
Government Action Plan—Common Commencement Date Consultation
2003Review of the BBC's Royal Charter
Draft Gambling Bill Consultation
Carriage of BBC Digital Channels on NTL'S Analogue Network
Historic Environment Records: Benchmarks for Good Practice
Consultation for the Independent Review of BBC Online
Ships for the Nation—Consultation on Government Policy for the Preservation of Historic Ships
Protecting Our Historic Environment: Making the System Work Better
Museum of London—Regulatory Reform Order Consultation Paper
Tourism Statistics Review
Export Controls on Objects of Cultural Interest—Consultation on a Draft Order to be Made under the Export Control Act 2002
National Lottery Decisions Document
2002People and Places: Social Inclusion Policy for the Built and Historic Environment
Consultation on Children's Play Review
Proposed Review of Some of the UK Export Licensing Categories
Review of Lottery Funding
Review of Lottery Licensing and Regulation
Consultation on BBC Application for Digital Curriculum Service)
Changes to Licensing Hours During all Future New Year's Eves—Amending the Regulatory Reform (Special Occasions Licensing
Consultation Paper on Prize Competitions
2001English Heritage Quinquennial Review: Stage
Review of the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester
Review of the National Maritime Museum
Review of the Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art
Review of the Public Lending Right
Consultation on Media Ownership Rules
Responses to the Government Consultation on BBC New Digital Services Proposals
Working Group on Human Remains—Submissions Invitation
Review of the Museum of London, Geffrey Museum and Horniman Museum
Review of the National Museum of Science and Industry
BBC Application to Launch BBC3
Gaming Machines: Methods of Payment
Consultation on Licensing Hours for New Year's Eve 2001 and during Her Majesty's Golden Jubilee in June 2002
Review of the National Gallery and National Portrait Gallery 2000
2000Quinquennial Review of the Historical Manuscripts Commission: Stage One
Promoting Social Inclusion Through Archives
A Consultation Paper on the Proposed Abolition of the Horserace Betting Levy Board and the Licensing of Racecourse Betting and Pool Betting on Horseracing
New Opportunities from the Lottery Consultation Paper (in two parts)
British Library Review: Prior Options Report
Comprehensive and Efficient—Standards for Modern Public Libraries
Government Response to All Our Futures: Creativity, Culture and Education 1999
1999Libraries and the Regional—A Discussion Paper
Consultation Paper on Changes to the Public Lending Right Scheme
Implementing the Television Without Frontiers Directive: Consultation Paper
Regulating Communications: The Way Ahead Results of the Consultation on the Convergence Green Paper
Consultation Paper on Proposed Structure of Regional Cultural Consortia
Guidance for Local Authorities on Local Cultural Strategies: Consultation Draft
1998Consultation on Possible Relaxation to Statutory Restrictions on Participation in Bodies Corporate in Possession of Licence to Provide Local Radio Multiplex Services
Consultation on Proposed Revision to the Statutory Digital Terrestrial Programme Service Points System
Consultation about a Sports Ground Safety Authority to Succeed the Football Licensing Authority
UNESCO: World Heritage Sites—A Consultation Paper on a New United Kingdom Tentative List of Future Nominations
The Comprehensive Spending Review: A New Approach to Investment in Culture
Tourism: Towards Sustainability—A Consultation Paper on Sustainable Tourism in the UK
Television: The Digital Future—A Consultation Document
1997Access to Museums and Galleries: Consultation Paper on Draft Code of Practice
Artsmark: A Consultation Paper
Legal Deposit of Publications: A Consultation Paper
The People's Lottery

10 Oct 2005 : Column 399W

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