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10 Oct 2005 : Column 364W—continued

Freedom of Information

Pete Wishart: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister how many Freedom of Information Act 2000 requests have been answered by the Department; and in how many cases information was (a) wholly exempted, (b) partly exempted and (c) the requests were answered in full. [14959]

Jim Fitzpatrick: I refer the hon. Member to the reply given by my right hon. and learned Friend the Minister of State for the Department for Constitutional Affairs to the hon. Member on 12 September 2005, Official Report, column 2248W.

Mrs. Spelman: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister how many requests his Department has received to date for information under the environmental information regulations. [15246]

Jim Fitzpatrick: In the six months to 30 June 2005, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (including the Government office network) received 69 different requests for information which fell into the definition of environmental information and were handled under the environmental information regulations.

Government Offices for the Regions

Mrs. Spelman: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what the (a) expenditure and (b) administration costs of each Government office for the regions were in each year since their creation; and what the estimated figure for 2005–06 is. [15205]

Yvette Cooper: (a) The administrative running cost expenditure for each Government office for the period since their creation is detailed in the table. The table includes the current allocation for the present financial year, 2005–06.

(b) Programme budgets administered by the Government offices are the responsibility of the Secretaries of State for the relevant sponsor Departments. Information is however contained in GO Annual Reports, as given to the hon. Member for Brentwood and Ongar on 17 November 2004, Official Report, column 1463W.
Government office administrative running costs

North East9,173.608,842.768,687.158,616.75
North West11,593.309,983.719,839.099,442.59
Total North West/
Yorks and Humber9,809.909,060.518,765.048,475.01
West Midlands11,057.5010,435.7310,040.379,757.79
East Midlands7,658.807,116.856,616.676,436.24
South West6,741.107,574.147,140.746,825.73
South East8,224.008,331.068,406.188,544.99

10 Oct 2005 : Column 365W


North East8,618.848,312.058,197.339,002.29
North West13,690.1313,048.5813,651.0315,344.87
Total North West/
Yorks and Humber8,683.928,888.689,357.4810,036.85
West Midlands9,474.359,330.159,960.7610,295.51
East Midlands6,754.396,951.287,335.778,244.80
South West6,985.037,796.878,711.3810,666.90
South East8,561.408,658.619,477.2610,326.44


North East9,954.4612,164.5913,811.2112,837.67
North West15,523.5216,744.5917,566.1718,067.27
Total North West/
Yorks and Humber10,943.7712,344.0613,423.2813,471.53
West Midlands10,662.8513,378.5414,957.4714,534.15
East Midlands8,713.2410,955.3911,698.8212,940.12
South West11,860.7713,858.0514,499.9414,807.03
South East10,874.7414,105.9614,300.2614,987.40

(127)Allocations for 2005–06.
GO-North West and GO-Merseyside merged during 1998–99.

Green Belt

Mrs. Spelman: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what steps the Government are taking to prevent speculative sales of green belt land. [4286]

Yvette Cooper: Green belt is a planning designation and the planning system does not control the sale of land. Planning applications would still need to be submitted for the development of green belt land. Such applications would need to be considered in light of the development plan for the area concerned and other material considerations, including national policy on green belts as set out in Planning Policy Guidance Note2 (PPG2). There are no plans to prevent sales of green belt land.

Green Ministers

David Howarth: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what (a) work his Department's Green Minister has
10 Oct 2005 : Column 366W
undertaken in the last three months and (b) meetings his Department's Green Minister has attended in the last 12 months in an official capacity within that role. [16154]

Jim Fitzpatrick: Following the general election in May, the Cabinet Sub-Committee of Green Ministers (ENV(G) was replaced by the Ministerial Sub-Committee on Sustainable Development in Government (EE(SD) whose members are departmental Sustainable Development Ministers.

My Noble Friend Baroness Andrews was appointed as departmental Sustainable Development Minister following the general election. In July, the Minister attended a breakfast seminar for Sustainable Development Ministers to discuss the sustainable development strategy and Ministers' role in delivering it.

My Noble Friend Baroness Andrews is overseeing the preparation of the Office's Sustainable Development Action Plan.

David Howarth: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister if he will list the meetings at which his Department has been present regarding the delivery of sustainable development across Government as co-ordinated by the Ministerial Sub-committee of Green Ministers. [16155]

Jim Fitzpatrick: Although the Government publish the title, membership and terms of reference of cabinet committees, it has been the practice of successive Governments not to disclose details of their proceedings.


Annette Brooke: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what estimate he has made of the cost of providing homelessness services for adults who have previously been in care in the last year for which figures are available. [15706]

Yvette Cooper: The information requested is not available centrally and could only be provided at disproportionate cost.

Sarah Teather: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister if he will establish further Working Future pilot schemes to assist homeless people into employment, with particular reference to London. [15831]

Yvette Cooper: 'Working Future' will test the use of a central block grant to subsidise the cost of procuring temporary accommodation in the private sector, promote affordable rents and improve work incentives for 100 households in three London boroughs. The two year pilot will be fully evaluated as it progresses to inform any further expansion and development. The pilot is part of a wider programme of work we are taking forward with local authorities and others to halve the number of households living in temporary accommodation by 2010, provide more settled homes and help more people into training and employment.

Sarah Teather: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister how many homeless (a) 16-year-olds and (b) 17-year-olds have been placed in bed and breakfast accommodation in each London borough in each year since 1997. [15949]

10 Oct 2005 : Column 367W

Yvette Cooper: The information requested is not held centrally and could be provided only at disproportionate cost.

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