19 Oct 2005 : Column 1009Wcontinued
EU Travel Bans
Mike Penning:
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list individuals subject to an EU travel ban who have entered UK territory in the last three years. [16072]
Andy Burnham:
This information is not held centrally and can be obtained only at disproportionate cost.
19 Oct 2005 : Column 1010W
Mr. Gregory Campbell:
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department in which regions of the United Kingdom are owners or keepers of soft airguns and low powered airguns, with an energy level in excess of one joule, required to hold a firearm certificate. [18093]
Hazel Blears
[holding answer 14 October 2005]: There is no such requirement in Great Britain except for air weapons declared to be especially dangerous by rules made by the Secretary of State under section 53 of the Firearms Act 1968 i.e. air pistols with a muzzle energy in excess of six ft.lb or air rifles with a muzzle energy in excess of 12 ft.lb. The Act does not extend to Northern Ireland which has its own specific legislation
Ian Lucas:
To ask the Secretary of State for the HomeDepartment if he will assess the accountability of police forces in England and Wales in their use of firearms. [18534]
Hazel Blears:
The use of lethal force by police officers is subject to the same requirements as for any other use of force. In general terms, the Criminal Law Act 1967 provides that the police may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances to effect an arrest or to prevent crime. The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 also provides for the use of force when necessary in exercising any of the powers provided under that Act.
Within the general framework of the law governing the use of force by the police, Chief Officers must have regard to the Statutory Code of Practice on the Police Use of Firearms and Less Lethal Weapons.
The Code is made under the Police Acts of 1996 and 1997. The Code of Practice is backed up by a more detailed Manual of Guidance on Police Use of Firearms produced by the Association of Chief Police Officers which covers the more operational aspects of the use of firearms.
Dr. Cable:
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what changes are required to the laws banning the use of certain handguns in order to allow the relevant Olympic events to take place at the London 2012 Games. [17785]
Hazel Blears:
No changes to the law are required to allow the pistol shooting events to take place at the Olympic Games to be hosted by London in 2012. The necessary arrangements can be made by issuing authorities under Section 5 of the Firearms Act 1968.
General Almog
Dr. Starkey:
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) whether his Department is proposing to take further action to effect the arrest of General Almog; [17027]
(2) whether his Department made a request to Interpol to circulate the arrest warrant for General Almog. [17029]
Andy Burnham:
The arrest warrant was issued on 10 September. On 15 September the District Judge who issued the warrant withdrew it, noting that it had been issued on grounds of urgency, but once General Almog had left the UK, the urgency was removed. There is therefore no outstanding warrant for his arrest.
19 Oct 2005 : Column 1011W
Illegal Immigrants
Mr. Malins:
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what proportion of (a) private and (b) commercial vehicles entering the UK were searched by immigration officials at the (i) Hull, (ii) Dover, (iii)Portsmouth and (iv) Southampton ports of entry in the last period for which figures are available. [3139]
Mr. McNulty:
At Hull, Southampton, Portsmouth and juxtaposed locations with services arriving at Dover, manual searches of private cars are conducted by Immigration Service staff on a risk assessed, intelligence led basis. Figures are not collated on these checks.
Commercial vehicles on services to Portsmouth, Southampton and Hull are screened by the port operator and carriers abroad. Figures are not available for these checks. On arrival in the UK screening of the vehicles by the Immigration Service is undertaken on a risk assessed intelligence led basis. 100 per cent. of commercial vehicles departing from juxtaposed locations to Dover are screened by the port operators on behalf of carriers using search technologies provided by the Immigration Service. Secondary checks are also conducted by Immigration Officers at juxtaposed locations on a risk assessed, intelligence led basis.
Licensing Hours
Mr. Walker:
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what powers are available to the police to disperse youths in known troublespots; and if he will make a statement. [18557]
Hazel Blears:
Section 30 of the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003 gives the police a power to disperse groups who are causing or who are likely to cause intimidation, harassment, alarm or distress to others.
19 Oct 2005 : Column 1012W
These powers are limited to areas where anti-social behaviour is a significant and persistent problem and there is a history of members of the public causing intimidation, harassment, alarm or distress to others.
If a superintendent is satisfied that these conditions have been met and he has gained the agreement of the local authority, he may give authorisation for this power to be used by an officer for a period of up to six months.
Parking Fines
Mrs. Spelman:
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will collate and publish figures for (a) the income from parking fines and (b) the number of parking fines issued in each local authority area in England in each year since 1997. [17501]
Paul Goggins:
Whilst information is not available centrally on the amount of income from parking fines, available information on court-imposed fines and fixed penalty notices issued by the police is given in the following tables. The information is broken down by police force area and relates to all offences of obstruction, waiting and parking in England during the calendar years 1997 to 2003 (latest available).
Not all fines and fixed penalties will have been paid.
Information for 2004 will be available early in 2006.Under the Road Traffic Act 1991, decriminalised parking enforcement (DPE) powers allow local authorities to take over responsibility for enforcing parking contraventions from police. Data on penalty charge notices (PCNs) from individual local authorities operating decriminalised parking enforcement was first published in the Home Office publication 'Offences relating to motor vehicles, England and Wales 2002 Supplementary tables'. The latest publication 2003 [Table 22(a)22(b) refers] lists data by local authorities partaking in the scheme, a copy of which is available in the Library. This publication can also be accessed on the Home Office research development and statistics (RDS) website at:
Table A: Fixed penalty data by police force area for obstruction, waiting and parking offences1,2England 19972003
Number of tickets
| 1997
| 1998
| 1999
Police force area | Endorsable | Non-endorsable | Endorsable | Non-endorsable | Endorsable | Non-endorsable
Avon and Somerset | 7 | 58,107 | 4 | 52,916 | 7 | 49,519
Bedfordshire | | 35,469 | | 34,592 | | 5,175
Cambridgeshire | 2 | 32,499 | 1 | 28,779 | | 30,387
Cheshire | 3 | 32,257 | 4 | 30,182 | 3 | 25,922
Cleveland | | 21,700 | 2 | 22,864 | 1 | 18,633
Cumbria | 2 | 20,800 | 2 | 23,162 | 2 | 12,952
Derbyshire | 3 | 23,870 | 1 | 25,998 | | 22,926
Devon and Cornwall | 4 | 80,531 | 2 | 84,877 | 5 | 77,906
Dorset | | 40,725 | | 32,790 | | 32,708
Durham | 1 | 15,040 | 2 | 15,912 | | 12,140
Essex | 10 | 59,748 | 9 | 58,919 | 5 | 49,230
Gloucestershire | 1 | 33,417 | | 31,067 | 1 | 28,467
Greater Manchester | 7 | 166,242 | 9 | 141,889 | 5 | 78,844
Hampshire | 5 | 70,475 | 7 | 66,249 | 8 | 50,937
Hertfordshire | 2 | 52,954 | 3 | 31,219 | 2 | 36,064
Humberside | 3 | 29,027 | 3 | 25,990 | 2 | 23,910
Kent | 11 | 65,033 | 5 | 58,707 | 5 | 48,753
Lancashire | 19 | 94,864 | 8 | 82,837 | 15 | 71,449
Leicestershire | 5 | 53,338 | 2 | 49,078 | 3 | 45,722
Lincolnshire | | 29,067 | 9 | 26,641 | 2 | 15,486
London, City of | | 666 | | 1,109 | 3 | 725
Merseyside | 6 | 98,229 | 4 | 97,518 | 12 | 86,912
Met Police | 90 | 160,761 | 98 | 205,779 | 41 | 192,069
Norfolk | | 36,350 | 1 | 30,754 | 1 | 26,388
Northamptonshire | | 29,576 | | 27,854 | 2 | 21,272
Northumbria | 7 | 47,592 | 3 | 45,653 | 8 | 39,865
North Yorkshire | 5 | 22,127 | 7 | 19,970 | 2 | 20,437
Nottinghamshire | 2 | 42,021 | 2 | 37,004 | | 34,871
South Yorkshire | 4 | 28,256 | 7 | 30,847 | 11 | 26,694
Staffordshire | 11 | 26,445 | 9 | 27,459 | 4 | 21,256
Suffolk | 6 | 23,037 | 5 | 21,753 | 1 | 20,574
Surrey | 6 | 25,614 | 7 | 25,400 | 6 | 20,544
Sussex | 13 | 120,244 | 7 | 111,859 | 5 | 101,971
Thames Valley | 6 | 77,971 | 6 | 76,943 | 3 | 66,454
Warwickshire | 1 | 15,550 | 2 | 18,020 | | 16,749
West Mercia | 4 | 26,221 | 4 | 26,138 | 2 | 26,688
West Midlands | 23 | 156,251 | 26 | 148,944 | 23 | 119,867
West Yorkshire | 10 | 69,608 | 7 | 63,556 | 5 | 60,337
Wiltshire | 5 | 16,025 | 2 | 15,452 | 1 | 12,896
England | 284 | 2,037,707 | 270 | 1,956,680 | 196 | 1,653,699
19 Oct 2005 : Column 1013W
Number of tickets
| 2000
| 2001
| 2002
Police force area | Endorsable | Non-endorsable | Endorsable | Non-endorsable | Endorsable | Non-endorsable
Avon and Somerset | 1 | 34,551 | 4 | 25,827 | 1 | 22,481
Bedfordshire | 2 | 3,485 | | 2,991 | | 3,602
Cambridgeshire | 1 | 32,675 | 1 | 33,286 | | 32,237
Cheshire | 3 | 19,248 | | 17,532 | 1 | 15,776
Cleveland | | 15,487 | 1 | 10,634 | 2 | 15,721
Cumbria | 3 | 5,857 | | 5,758 | 3 | 2,384
Derbyshire | | 22,259 | | 18,792 | 2 | 16,409
Devon and Cornwall | 3 | 77,874 | 3 | 59,407 | 4 | 59,631
Dorset | 3 | 31,256 | | 25,500 | | 8,034
Durham | 2 | 16,082 | 1 | 12,521 | 1 | 12,499
Essex | 6 | 40,656 | 1 | 29,772 | 1 | 23,534
Gloucestershire | 1 | 28,527 | | 26,500 | | 26,411
Greater Manchester | 3 | 71,056 | 2 | 43,381 | 3 | 34,820
Hampshire | 5 | 31,622 | 9 | 40,015 | 4 | 22,695
Hertfordshire | 3 | 32,574 | 3 | 32,709 | | 27,054
Humberside | 4 | 26,594 | 3 | 25,701 | 2 | 26,504
Kent | 12 | 3,673 | 10 | 1,702 | 4 | 1,086
Lancashire | 6 | 64,929 | 6 | 55,992 | 4 | 47,729
Leicestershire | 3 | 37,987 | 3 | 39,885 | 3 | 41,651
Lincolnshire | 2 | 15,893 | | 15,725 | | 16,659
London, City of | | 438 | 2 | 511 | | 741
Merseyside | 3 | 61,246 | 4 | 49,967 | 3 | 35,989
Met Police | 27 | 196,965 | 21 | 141,776 | 18 | 141,950
Norfolk | 2 | 25,337 | | 23,880 | 3 | 10,135
Northamptonshire | | 12,874 | | 7,988 | | 4,457
Northumbria | 9 | 44,687 | 24 | 57,780 | 15 | 48,670
North Yorkshire | 2 | 13,529 | | 14,435 | 1 | 9,435
Nottinghamshire | 2 | 31,525 | | 24,515 | | 13,387
South Yorkshire | 8 | 28,940 | 6 | 30,360 | 6 | 29,356
Staffordshire | 5 | 11,936 | 7 | 9,154 | 1 | 7,275
Suffolk | 2 | 20,837 | | 18,953 | 1 | 20,439
Surrey | 4 | 21,431 | 1 | 22,961 | 4 | 25,040
Sussex | 6 | 119,765 | 5 | 71,966 | 1 | 47,515
Thames Valley | 4 | 51,917 | 5 | 37,409 | 6 | 34,605
Warwickshire | 1 | 13,801 | | 15,355 | | 16,556
West Mercia | 1 | 22,736 | 4 | 17,104 | 2 | 17,382
West Midlands | 17 | 88,137 | 18 | 64,030 | 10 | 46,436
West Yorkshire | 1 | 61,143 | 3 | 55,300 | 5 | 55,977
Wiltshire | 1 | 10,210 | 1 | 7,450 | | 8,395
England | 158 | 1,449,739 | 148 | 1,194,524 | 111 | 1,030,657
19 Oct 2005 : Column 1015W
Number of tickets
| 2003
Police force area | Endorsable | Non-endorsable
Avon and Somerset | 14 | 17,638
Bedfordshire | | 2,235
Cambridgeshire | 1 | 22,459
Cheshire | 1 | 15,938
Cleveland | | 8,522
Cumbria | 2 | 1,814
Derbyshire | 2 | 15,779
Devon and Cornwall | 2 | 57,699
Dorset | | 635
Durham | | 5,668
Essex | 4 | 9,953
Gloucestershire | 1 | 27,703
Greater Manchester | | 27,964
Hampshire | 8 | 18,384
Hertfordshire | 1 | 9,216
Humberside | 1 | 25,503
Kent | 6 | 979
Lancashire | 8 | 31,771
Leicestershire | 1 | 31,023
Lincolnshire | | 18,563
London, City of | 3 | 678
Merseyside | 2 | 17,600
Met Police | 26 | 209,195
Norfolk | | 9,532
Northamptonshire | | 3,701
Northumbria | 21 | 30,418
North Yorkshire | | 5,670
Nottinghamshire | 1 | 6,634
South Yorkshire | 7 | 27,549
Staffordshire | 1 | 8,410
Suffolk | 14 | 20,183
Surrey | 5 | 16,125
Sussex | 2 | 46,181
Thames Valley | 4 | 24,781
Warwickshire | | 14,041
West Mercia | 3 | 12,451
West Midlands | 15 | 53,118
West Yorkshire | 2 | 54,176
Wiltshire | | 5,618
England | 158 | 915,507
(4)Offences under the Road Traffic Act 1988 s.22; Transport Act 2000 ss.173 (5); 173 (6); 173 (7); 174 (3); 175 (2); 175 (3); 175 (4); 190 Highway Act 1835 ss 72 and 78; RTA 1988 ss. 19 & 21; Highways Act 1980 s. 137 (1); Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 ss. 5 (1), 8,3236 and 4553; Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) regulations 1986 Regs. 101 and 103; Transport Act 2000 Part III; Metropolitan Police Act 1839 s. 54 (1)
(5)Does not include decriminalised parking enforcements (DPE).
19 Oct 2005 : Column 1016W
Table B: Court proceedings data for obstruction, waiting and parking offences(6)(5508180007) England 19972003Court proceedings(8)
| 1997
| 1998
Police force area | Total number of fines | Total amount of fine (£) | Average amount of
fines (£) | Total number of fines | Total amount of fine (£) | Average amount of
fines (£)
Avon and Somerset | 399 | 27,251 | 68 | 302 | 14,555 | 48
Bedfordshire | 115 | 4,600 | 40 | 106 | 4,400 | 42
Cambridgeshire | 167 | 6,820 | 41 | 162 | 6,980 | 43
Cheshire | 272 | 10,928 | 40 | 270 | 9,989 | 37
Cleveland | 366 | 12,355 | 34 | 328 | 9,733 | 30
Cumbria | 128 | 5,050 | 39 | 117 | 4,475 | 38
Derbyshire | 324 | 12,728 | 39 | 438 | 21,010 | 48
Devon and Cornwall | 486 | 20,200 | 42 | 502 | 19,435 | 39
Dorset | 88 | 3,423 | 39 | 86 | 3,515 | 41
Durham | 22 | 780 | 35 | 71 | 3,035 | 43
Essex | 416 | 19,705 | 47 | 378 | 16,904 | 45
Gloucestershire | 145 | 6,350 | 44 | 120 | 3,890 | 32
Greater Manchester | 1,130 | 61,004 | 54 | 908 | 36,667 | 40
Hampshire | 119 | 5,026 | 42 | 158 | 6,984 | 44
Hertfordshire | 208 | 8,180 | 39 | 208 | 10,149 | 49
Humberside | 454 | 12,855 | 28 | 453 | 13,920 | 31
Kent | 302 | 13,651 | 45 | 304 | 10,374 | 34
Lancashire | 504 | 24,705 | 49 | 532 | 23,460 | 44
Leicestershire | 202 | 8,895 | 44 | 190 | 9,120 | 48
Lincolnshire | 71 | 2,470 | 35 | 82 | 3,375 | 41
London, City of | 78 | 7,913 | 101 | 77 | 15,285 | 199
Merseyside | 456 | 16,220 | 36 | 993 | 44,488 | 45
Met Police | 2,208 | 429,315 | 194 | 2,785 | 307,948 | 111
Norfolk | 113 | 3,535 | 31 | 76 | 2,740 | 36
Northamptonshire | 463 | 23,310 | 50 | 440 | 23,175 | 53
Northumbria | 295 | 10,754 | 36 | 248 | 10,878 | 44
North Yorkshire | 80 | 3,687 | 46 | 69 | 2,655 | 38
Nottinghamshire | 258 | 9,227 | 36 | 216 | 8,903 | 41
South Yorkshire | 222 | 9,095 | 41 | 195 | 8,417 | 43
Staffordshire | 141 | 6,470 | 46 | 173 | 9,196 | 53
Suffolk | 435 | 13,735 | 32 | 355 | 11,855 | 33
Surrey | 91 | 4,225 | 46 | 67 | 2,630 | 39
Sussex | 251 | 9,249 | 37 | 392 | 13,606 | 35
Thames Valley | 357 | 13,074 | 37 | 339 | 14,610 | 43
Warwickshire | 161 | 7,810 | 49 | 68 | 3,440 | 51
West Mercia | 449 | 21,945 | 49 | 548 | 22,901 | 42
West Midlands | 834 | 34,183 | 41 | 962 | 42,376 | 44
West Yorkshire | 350 | 15,189 | 43 | 531 | 22,090 | 42
Wiltshire | 185 | 7,290 | 39 | 254 | 9,751 | 38
England | 13,345 | 913,202 | 68 | 14,503 | 808,914 | 56
19 Oct 2005 : Column 1017W
Court proceedings(8)
| 1999
| 2000
Police force area | Total number of fines | Total amount of fine (£) | Average amount of
fines (£) | Total number of fines | Total amount of fine (£) | Average amount of
fines (£)
Avon and Somerset | 322 | 20,427 | 63 | 247 | 15,362 | 62
Bedfordshire | 45 | 1,900 | 42 | 18 | 1,211 | 67
Cambridgeshire | 112 | 4,685 | 42 | 92 | 3,165 | 34
Cheshire | 172 | 6,851 | 40 | 129 | 5,844 | 45
Cleveland | 283 | 9,625 | 34 | 277 | 10,050 | 36
Cumbria | 109 | 5,538 | 51 | 63 | 3,805 | 60
Derbyshire | 459 | 21,390 | 47 | 353 | 16,450 | 47
Devon and Cornwall | 553 | 19,110 | 35 | 386 | 14,460 | 37
Dorset | 78 | 3,720 | 48 | 84 | 3,650 | 43
Durham | 120 | 5,680 | 47 | 165 | 7,050 | 43
Essex | 491 | 20,911 | 43 | 334 | 19,925 | 60
Gloucestershire | 430 | 18,332 | 43 | 738 | 27,323 | 37
Greater Manchester | 637 | 25,371 | 40 | 392 | 17,133 | 44
Hampshire | 140 | 5,384 | 38 | 100 | 3,900 | 39
Hertfordshire | 309 | 18,906 | 61 | 395 | 25,265 | 64
Humberside | 303 | 9,161 | 30 | 125 | 3,610 | 29
Kent | 175 | 7,460 | 43 | 84 | 6,461 | 77
Lancashire | 531 | 20,577 | 39 | 446 | 15,532 | 35
Leicestershire | 241 | 10,817 | 45 | 181 | 7,120 | 39
Lincolnshire | 68 | 2,516 | 37 | 49 | 1,530 | 31
London, City of | 67 | 11,580 | 173 | 103 | 26,427 | 257
Merseyside | 642 | 23,997 | 37 | 395 | 16,516 | 42
Met Police | 3,045 | 367,928 | 121 | 3,002 | 435,821 | 145
Norfolk | 63 | 2,840 | 45 | 61 | 2,295 | 38
Northamptonshire | 567 | 30,157 | 53 | 463 | 26,560 | 57
Northumbria | 283 | 10,820 | 38 | 225 | 7,990 | 36
North Yorkshire | 78 | 3,585 | 46 | 69 | 3,155 | 46
Nottinghamshire | 152 | 6,289 | 41 | 152 | 7,890 | 52
South Yorkshire | 197 | 13,875 | 70 | 130 | 5,765 | 44
Staffordshire | 113 | 5,587 | 49 | 37 | 1,940 | 52
Suffolk | 343 | 12,785 | 37 | 313 | 10,825 | 35
Surrey | 104 | 4,096 | 39 | 62 | 2,480 | 40
Sussex | 429 | 15,137 | 35 | 493 | 16,945 | 34
Thames Valley | 298 | 13,540 | 45 | 311 | 14,952 | 48
Warwickshire | 153 | 5,090 | 33 | 142 | 6,910 | 49
West Mercia | 652 | 34,195 | 52 | 463 | 22,450 | 48
West Midlands | 936 | 44,102 | 47 | 612 | 28,644 | 47
West Yorkshire | 686 | 30,310 | 44 | 509 | 26,186 | 44
Wiltshire | 293 | 12,142 | 41 | 294 | 20,575 | 70
England | 14,679 | 886,416 | 60 | 12,584 | 893,172 | 71
Court proceedings(8)
| 2001
| 2002
Police force area | Total number of fines | Total amount of fine (£) | Average amount of
fines (£) | Total number of fines | Total amount of fine (£) | Average amount of
fines (£)
Avon and Somerset | 222 | 20,114 | 91 | 239 | 22,540 | 94
Bedfordshire | 16 | 820 | 51 | 12 | 645 | 54
Cambridgeshire | 113 | 4,495 | 40 | 109 | 5,925 | 54
Cheshire | 232 | 9,385 | 40 | 164 | 7,720 | 47
Cleveland | 465 | 16,300 | 35 | 360 | 13,300 | 37
Cumbria | 38 | 2,190 | 58 | 56 | 3,610 | 64
Derbyshire | 310 | 16,675 | 54 | 299 | 16,635 | 56
Devon and Cornwall | 465 | 19,295 | 41 | 357 | 16,252 | 46
Dorset | 465 | 19,295 | 41 | 65 | 3,370 | 52
Durham | 136 | 6,200 | 46 | 77 | 7,145 | 93
Essex | 224 | 12,238 | 55 | 286 | 18,727 | 65
Gloucestershire | 770 | 32,191 | 42 | 814 | 30,450 | 37
Greater Manchester | 470 | 22,802 | 49 | 299 | 12,960 | 43
Hampshire | 108 | 5,100 | 47 | 81 | 4,315 | 53
Hertfordshire | 184 | 13,620 | 74 | 140 | 9,550 | 68
Humberside | 83 | 3,350 | 40 | 160 | 6,225 | 39
Kent | 24 | 1,970 | 82 | 21 | 1,500 | 71
Lancashire | 442 | 20,835 | 47 | 606 | 25,465 | 42
Leicestershire | 481 | 17,666 | 37 | 1,018 | 61,865 | 61
Lincolnshire | 108 | 4,480 | 41 | 137 | 5,835 | 43
London, City of | 19 | 3,420 | 180 | 26 | 3,755 | 144
Merseyside | 745 | 30,485 | 41 | 372 | 14,825 | 40
Met Police | 2,400 | 363,471 | 151 | 2,374 | 353,392 | 149
Norfolk | 115 | 4,707 | 41 | 126 | 8,916 | 71
Northamptonshire | 152 | 9,775 | 64 | 18 | 985 | 55
Northumbria | 274 | 11,635 | 42 | 256 | 10,525 | 41
North Yorkshire | 92 | 4,350 | 47 | 56 | 2,620 | 47
Nottinghamshire | 208 | 10,065 | 48 | 294 | 17,200 | 59
South Yorkshire | 206 | 9,870 | 48 | 217 | 10,835 | 50
Staffordshire | 23 | 1,245 | 54 | 21 | 1,685 | 80
Suffolk | 274 | 10,590 | 39 | 378 | 15,405 | 41
Surrey | 66 | 3,671 | 56 | 67 | 3,970 | 59
Sussex | 447 | 15,883 | 36 | 129 | 5,615 | 44
Thames Valley | 459 | 39,350 | 86 | 254 | 11,715 | 46
Warwickshire | 156 | 8,265 | 53 | 166 | 9,330 | 56
West Mercia | 494 | 24,071 | 49 | 373 | 20,390 | 55
West Midlands | 338 | 16,841 | 50 | 315 | 13,785 | 44
West Yorkshire | 548 | 21,827 | 40 | 563 | 21,247 | 38
Wiltshire | 152 | 10,678 | 70 | 174 | 13,603 | 78
England | 12,524 | 849,220 | 68 | 11,479 | 813,832 | 71
19 Oct 2005 : Column 1019W
Court Proceedings(8)
| 2003
Police force area | Total number of fines | Total amount of fine (£) | Average amount of fines (£)
Avon and Somerset | 110 | 9,445 | 86
Bedfordshire | 75 | 4,020 | 54
Cambridgeshire | 98 | 5,445 | 56
Cheshire | 47 | 2,260 | 48
Cleveland | 322 | 11,045 | 34
Cumbria | 45 | 2.905 | 65
Derbyshire | 349 | 18,575 | 53
Devon and Cornwall | 300 | 14,068 | 47
Dorset | 4 | 235 | 59
Durham | 43 | 2,040 | 47
Essex | 149 | 9.820 | 66
Gloucestershire | 845 | 30,755 | 36
Greater Manchester | 376 | 16,990 | 45
Hampshire | 64 | 3,740 | 58
Hertfordshire | 96 | 6,753 | 70
Humberside | 214 | 8,410 | 39
Kent | 14 | 780 | 56
Lancashire | 576 | 23,138 | 40
Leicestershire | 1,818 | 105,285 | 58
Lincolnshire | 185 | 7,860 | 42
London, City of | 19 | 1,635 | 86
Merseyside | 168 | 8,539 | 51
Met Police | 2,363 | 346,848 | 147
Norfolk | 109 | 7,678 | 70
Northamptonshire | 26 | 1,863 | 72
Northumbria | 210 | 9,640 | 46
North Yorkshire | 21 | 890 | 42
Nottinghamshire | 21 | 890 | 42
South Yorkshire | 194 | 10,365 | 53
Staffordshire | 32 | 3,000 | 94
Suffolk | 369 | 16,428 | 45
Surrey | 95 | 5,960 | 63
Sussex | 116 | 5.083 | 44
Thames Valley | 325 | 17,830 | 55
Warwickshire | 257 | 14,370 | 56
West Mercia | 296 | 17,816 | 60
West Midlands | 279 | 13,290 | 48
West Yorkshire | 624 | 33,865 | 54
Wiltshire | 185 | 22,174 | 120
England | 11,436 | 821,733 | 72
(6)Offences under the Road Traffic Act 1988 s.22; Transport Act 2000 ss.173 (5); 173 (6); 173 (7); 174 (3); 175 (2); 175 (3); 175 (4);
100 Highway Act 1835 ss 72 and 78; RTA 1988 ss. 19 and 21: Highways Act 1980 s. 137 (1); Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 ss. 5 (1), 8, 3236 and 4553; Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) regulations 1986 Regs. 101 and 103; Transport Act 2000 Part III; Metropolitan Police Act 1839 s. 54 (1).
(7)Does not include decriminalised parking enforcements (DPE).
(8)Includes cases where fixed penalty notices were originally issued but not paid and subsequently referred to court.
19 Oct 2005 : Column 1020W