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21 Oct 2005 : Column 1290W—continued

A21 Upgrade

Gregory Barker: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when he plans to issue draft orders for the proposed A21 upgrade between Hurst Green and Flimwell. [20431]

Dr. Ladyman: Once advice has been received on priorities from the Regional Transport Board, a decision will be made on the way forward, which will determine the programme and in turn the date for issuing draft orders.

Gregory Barker: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how many people have applied for statutory blight compensation in relation to the proposed A21 upgrade between Hurst Green and Flimwell. [20432]

Dr. Ladyman: 12 applications have been received for the acquisition of properties under the statutory blight provisions.

Gregory Barker: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what representations he has received on (a) noise pollution, (b) speed restrictions and (c) road dualing in relation to the proposed A21 upgrade between Hurst Green and Flimwell. [20433]

Dr. Ladyman: No specific representation has been received regarding noise pollution or speed restrictions in relation to the A21 upgrade between Hurst Green and Flimwell. The results of the Public Consultation indicated 14 respondents preferred a dual carriageway option to a three-lane road.

Gregory Barker: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will make a statement on the financing of road improvements and proposed upgrades along the A21 in East Sussex. [20434]

Dr. Ladyman: There has been no change in current financing plans for A21 improvements schemes in East Sussex. However, as the A21 is a trunk road of regional importance, planned expenditure on major improvements falls within the scope of the regional advice that the Government have asked for on spending priorities for housing, transport and economic development.

The joint Treasury/DTI/DfT/ODPM document, "Regional Funding Allocations—Guidance on Preparing Advice", published in July 2005, included indicative annual spending guidelines for each of the three spending areas. We look forward to receiving regional advice by the end of January 2006.

Gregory Barker: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what representations he has received opposing the proposed A21 upgrade between Flimwell and Hurst Green. [20435]

Dr. Ladyman: A joint public consultation exercise was held for the A21 Flimwell and Hurst Green and A21 Kippings Cross to Lamberhurst upgrades. Of the 1,246 responses received to the combined consultation, 175 respondents opposed the upgrades. Since announcing the Preferred Route for the A21 Flimwell to Hurst Green improvement in February this year, we have received further representations from property owners expressing concern about the possible affects of the scheme on their properties.
21 Oct 2005 : Column 1291W


Mr. Amess: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what estimate he has made of the cost of widening the M25 between junctions 23 and 31; and if he will make a statement. [20103]

Dr. Ladyman: The cost of widening the M25 between junctions 23 and 30 is currently estimated at £908 million. At present there are no proposals to widen to Junction 31.

Search and Rescue

Mr. Gale: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will discuss with the Chancellor of the Exchequer implementation of the eleventh recommendation of the Eighth Report from the Transport Services Committee of Session 2004–05 on Search and Rescue (HC 322–1); and if he will make a statement. [20287]

Dr. Ladyman: In the Government Response to the Transport Select Committee (memorandum issued on 10 October 2005) we have made clear that we will work with charities to improve the VAT system where possible but we do not agree that a funding scheme for charities based on irrecoverable VAT is a practical or affordable way of targeting the Government support available for charities.

I understand that my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer has conducted two major reviews to see if an efficient, affordable and principled solution could be found. These reviews came to two conclusions: first, that it would not be an affordable or efficient use of public resources to reimburse all 250,000 charitable bodies in the UK for the VAT they incur, regardless of the activities they are involved in or their financial health; and second, that there was no fair and principled basis to be used to decide which charities would be reimbursed their VAT and which would not.

Speed Restrictions

Chris Ruane: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will list the local authorities which (a) have and (b) have not introduced a 30 miles per hour speed restriction in villages. [20164]

Dr. Ladyman: This information is not held centrally. Local highway authorities are tasked with setting local speed limits on all roads which fall within their area of responsibility. There is no requirement for them to notify the Department when a speed limit is changed.

Chris Ruane: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will list the local authorities in England which (a) have and (b) have not implemented a 20 miles per hour speed restriction outside schools. [20165]

Dr. Ladyman: This information is not held centrally. Local highway authorities are tasked with setting local speed limits on all roads which fall within their area of responsibility. There is no requirement for them to notify the Department when a speed limit is changed.

Transport Act

Mr. Amess: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) if he will make a statement on the operation of section 70 of the Transport Act 1982; [20099]
21 Oct 2005 : Column 1292W

(2) how many payments were made in each category of section 70 of the Transport Act 1982 in (a) Essex and (b) England and Wales in each of the last five years for which figures are available. [20104]

Dr. Ladyman: The seat belt wearing regulations provide for exemptions on medical grounds. To be exempt, a person must hold a valid certificate issued by a doctor. Doctors judge each case on its merits and grant a certificate of exemption as appropriate, making an examination where needed.

Section 70 of the Transport Act 1982, as amended, provides for financial assistance for certain classes of people in respect of an examination for the purpose of determining whether a certificate should be issued. On valid application, the Department can provide a maximum of £55.50 towards the cost of each examination. Those entitled to apply are those receiving benefits—the list in section 70 has been updated so that it now includes income support, pension credit (guarantee credit element), tax credit, disability working allowance, attendance allowance, Constant attendance allowance with war pension, constant attendance allowance with industrial injuries disablement pension, war pensioners mobility supplement, disability living allowance. For recipients of income support, pension credit (guarantee credit element), tax credit or a disability working allowance, a member of their household (for example wife, husband, son, daughter, etc.) is entitled to a free examination provided that they live at the same address and do not have their own source of income.

Statistics are not maintained on the type, or types of benefit that patients receive—and therefore figures cannot be allocated against benefit types. Since April 2000, the Department has paid 17 claims amounting to £971.50 as follows.
Number of claims
Financial yearEssexEngland
and Wales
Total paid (£)

Travel Concessions (East Sussex)

Gregory Barker: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will make a statement on bus travel concessions in the East Sussex rural area. [19623]

Ms Buck: From April 2006, people aged 60 and over and disabled people will be guaranteed free off-peak bus travel within their local authority boundary. Local authorities will retain their discretion to work together to provide a county-wide concessionary travel scheme as currently exists in East Sussex.
21 Oct 2005 : Column 1293W

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