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2 Nov 2005 : Column 1059W—continued

Director of Parliamentary Communications

Mr. Hoyle: To ask the hon. Member for North Devon, representing the House of Commons Commission with how many hon. Members the Director of Parliamentary Communications (a) has held meetings and (b) has not held a meeting following a request for such a meeting. [24306]

Nick Harvey: Records of such requests are not held, but the Director and his administrative team do not recall any occasions when a Member has requested a meeting and one has not been arranged.
2 Nov 2005 : Column 1060W


Affordable Housing

Meg Hillier: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister how many affordable housing units expected to be built or procured through the Housing Corporation Approved Development Programme and Challenge Fund in the London Region in (a) 2005–06, (b) 2006–07 and (c) 2007–08 are (i) mixed funded social rented housing, (ii) temporary social rented housing, (iii) homebuy general market purchase, (iv) homebuy general new build, (v) mixed funded low cost home ownership for sale, (vi) miscellaneous works to RSL stock, (vii) reimprovements to rented RSL stock, (viii) works only rehabilitation of rented RSL stock, (ix) works only rehabilitation of RSL stock for sale, (x) intermediate rent for key workers, (xi) homebuy market purchase for key workers, (xii) homebuy new build for key workers, (xiii) mixed funded sale for key workers, (xiv) right to acquire, (xv) voluntary purchase grant, (xvi) starter home initiative, (xvii) do-it-yourself shared ownership, (xviii) temporary intermediate and (xix) market rented housing; and how much will be spent on each category in each year. [20462]

Yvette Cooper: The following tables show the latest estimated completions and expenditure in the London region for 2005–06 through the Housing Corporation Approved Development Programme, for categories from (i) to (xix). Funding and completions are not directly comparable, as funding will relate to projects running, not necessarily units completed, in any one year.
Estimated completions in London region in 2005–06

iMixed Funded Social Rent3,842
iiTemporary Social Rent396
iiiHomebuy Market Purchase459
ivHomebuy New Build33
vMixed Funded for Sale1,288
viMiscellaneous works to RSL stock2,166
viiReimprovements to RSL rented stock86
viiiWorks only rehabilitation of RSL rented stock124
ixWorks only rehabilitation of RSL stock for Sale0
xIntermediate rent for key workers250
xiHomebuy market purchase for key workers2,231
xiiHomebuy new build for key workers0
xiiiMixed funded sale for key workers482
xivRight to Acquire27
xvVoluntary Purchase Grant7
xviStarter Home Initiative4
xviiDo-it-yourself-shared Ownership0
xviiiTemporary intermediate0
xixMarket rent housing0

Estimated expenditure in London region in 2005–06

£ million
iMixed Funded Social Rent318.663
iiTemporary Social Rent10.175
iiiHomebuy Market Purchase23.098
ivHomebuy New Build0.802
vMixed Funded for Sale52.475
viMiscellaneous works to RSL stock6.042
viiReimprovements to RSL rented stock3.011
viiiWorks only rehabilitation of RSL rented stock2.458
ixWorks only rehabilitation of RSL stock for Sale0.000
xIntermediate rent for key workers11.832
xiHomebuy market purchase for key workers131.673
xiiHomebuy new build for key workers0.000
xiiiMixed funded sale for key workers39.357
xivRight to Acquire0.420
xvVoluntary Purchase Grant0.112
xviStarter Home Initiative0.241
xviiDo-it-yourself-shared Ownership0.000
xviiiTemporary intermediate0.000
xixMarket rent housing0.000

Categories vi,vii,viii and ix are not usually counted as completions, and figures are provided for illustrative purposes.
Housing Corporation Information Management System as at 12 October 2005.

2 Nov 2005 : Column 1061W

For 2006–07 and 2007–08 Regional Housing Boards have made recommendations to Ministers for the allocation of Regional Housing Pots funds. The London Regional Housing Board has recommended that from their allocation of £2,280 million for the two years a total of £l,684 million should be allocated to the provision of affordable housing. However, the exact distribution of funding between programmes for 2006–08 will not be known until the completion of the Housing Corporation's bidding process.

In August 2005 the Housing Corporation launched the bidding round for the 2006–08 Affordable Housing Programme (AHP). This invited both registered social landlords and non-registered bodies to apply for funds to develop affordable housing based on priorities set by the Regional Housing Boards. The outcome of this bidding round will not be known until early in 2006.

Mr. Betts: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister how many affordable housing units expected to be built or procured through the Housing Corporation Approved Development Programme in the Yorkshire and Humber Region in (a) 2005–06, (b) 2006–07, (c) 2007–08 are (i) mixed funded social rented housing, (ii) temporary social rented housing, (iii) homebuy general market purchase, (iv) homebuy general new build, (v) mixed funded low cost home ownership for sale, (vi) miscellaneous works to registered social landlord stock (RSL), (vii) reimprovements to rented RSL stock, (viii) works only rehabilitation of rented RSL stock, (ix) works only rehabilitation of RSL stock for sale, (x) right to acquire, (xi) voluntary purchase grant, (xii) do-it-yourself shared ownership and (xiii) temporary intermediate and market rent housing; and how much will be spent on each category in each year. [20659]

Yvette Cooper: The following tables show the latest estimated completions and expenditure in the Yorkshire and Humber region for 2005–06 through the Housing Corporation Approved Development Programme, for categories from (i) to (xiii). Funding and completions are not directly comparable, as funding will relate to projects running, not necessarily units completed, in any one year.
Estimated completions in Yorkshire and Humber region in 2005–06

iMixed Funded Social Rent963
iiTemporary Social Rent53
iiiHomebuy Market Purchase58
ivHomebuy New Build0
vMixed Funded for Sale169
viMiscellaneous works to RSL stock172
viiReimprovements to RSL rented stock102
viiiWorks only rehabilitation of RSL rented stock3
ixWorks only rehabilitation of RSL stock for Sale0
xRight to Acquire42
xiVoluntary Purchase Grant47
xiiDo-it-yourself-shared Ownership0
xiiiTemporary intermediate & Market rent housing0

2 Nov 2005 : Column 1062W

Estimated expenditure in Yorkshire and Humber region in 2005–06

£ million
iMixed Funded Social Rent48.710
iiTemporary Social Rent1.333
iiiHomebuy Market Purchase1.651
ivHomebuy New Build0.000
vMixed Funded for Sale3.567
viMiscellaneous works to RSL stock0.267
viiReimprovements to RSL rented stock3.209
viiiWorks only rehabilitation of RSL rented stock0.397
ixWorks only rehabilitation of RSL stock for Sale0.000
xRight to Acquire0.382
xiVoluntary Purchase Grant0.455
xiiDo-it-yourself-shared Ownership0.000
xiiiTemporary intermediate & Market rent housing0.000

Categories vi,vii,viii and ix are not usually counted as completions, and figures are provided for illustrative purposes.
Housing Corporation Information Management System as at 12 October 2005.

For 2006–07 and 2007–08 Regional Housing Boards have made recommendations to Ministers for the allocation of Regional Housing Pots funds. The Yorkshire and Humber Regional Housing Board has recommended that from their allocation of £301 million for the two years a total of £138 million should be allocated to the provision of affordable housing. However, the exact distribution of funding between programmes for 2006–08 will not be known until the completion of the Housing Corporation's bidding process.

In August 2005 the Housing Corporation launched the bidding round for the 2006–08 Affordable Housing Programme (AHP). This invited both registered social landlords and non-registered bodies to apply for funds to develop affordable housing based on priorities set by the Regional Housing Boards. The outcome of this bidding round will not be known until early in 2006.

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