3 Nov 2005 : Column 1314Wcontinued
Literacy and Numeracy
Mr. Gibb:
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills (1) how much her Department spent on in-house training on (a) literacy and (b) numeracy (i) in total and (ii) per head in each year since 2002; [23428]
3 Nov 2005 : Column 1315W
(2) how many employees in her Department requested training to improve their (a) literacy and (b) numeracy skills in each year since 2002; [23373]
(3) what steps she is taking to promote uptake of the national tests in adult literacy and numeracy among employees of her Department. [23407]
Maria Eagle:
Within my Department, the prime responsibility for developing and coaching staff lies with line managers who are best placed to assess individual needs. Most learning takes place on the job and is supplemented by centrally provided basic skills development through the Department's internal learning and development unit. Since 2002 the internal learning and development unit has spent £7,000 on basic skills activities.
In addition activities take place across the Department which incorporate elements of basic skills within them. It is not possible to separate these out or quantify costs.
Since 2002, 17 people have requested training from the learning and development unit. In addition, there will be other staff who are developed by their line managers where records are not held centrally.
The Department's basic skills framework encourages staff to sit the national tests to gain accreditation and recognition for their learning. The national tests are, typically, part of recognised basic skills programmes.
New Deal
Mr. Boswell:
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills if she will make a statement on her Department's contribution to the establishment of the new deal for skills. [21813]
Phil Hope:
The Department for Education and Skills is working with the Department for Work and Pensions, the Department for Trade and Industry and Her Majesty's Treasury to develop a package of measures that are known collectively as new deal for skills. As announced in Budget 2004, new deal for skills is a package of measures to help people move from welfare into sustainable, productive work and help adults in employment progress from low to higher-skilled work. For those moving from welfare into work, new deal for skills comprises three main strands: Skills coaching, skills passports and the adult learning option and is jointly project managed by DfES and DWP. DfES has made available £4 million in 200506 for the development and trials of skills coaching and skills passports which are being delivered by the Learning and Skills Council to support DWP priority customers.
DfES has been actively involved in the design and development of the DWP-led adult learning option which aims to test the effectiveness of providing financial support to encourage low skilled Jobcentre Plus customers to take full time Level 2 learning where a lack of skills is considered to be the barrier to a return to the labour market.
In supporting progression for those adults in work, the new national employer training programme (NETP), which will be rolled out from April 2006, will encourage employers to develop people at all levels. Unemployed people who are engaged in the new deal for
3 Nov 2005 : Column 1316W
skills and who join an NETP participating company will be able to draw on the services of a skills coach to help them through their first few months of employment and development.
School Standards and Framework Act
Mr. Hoban:
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many times she has exercised powers under section 19 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 in each year since 1998. [24326]
Jacqui Smith:
The Secretary of State's power under section 19 of the Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998 has provided a powerful stimulus to local authorities to take action in anticipation of any use of that power. The Secretary of State has not so far issued any such directions to local authorities, since in cases where the use of this power may have been considered, the local authority has used its own powers to close the school.
School Transport
Mr. Evans:
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many children in (a) England, (b) Lancashire and (c) Ribble Valley receive free transport to (i) primary and (ii) secondary schools. [24631]
Jacqui Smith:
A joint survey conducted by DfES, the Confederation of Education and Childrens Service Managers and the Audit Commission, covering local authority school transport policies, expenditure and pupil numbers carried, was published for the first time in January 2004. It reported that about 700,000 pupils received free and assisted home to school transport in England, and that just under 13,500 pupils received free or assisted transport to mainstream schools in Lancashire in 2001/02. No more detailed information is available.
Mr. Hoban:
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills pursuant to the answer of 25 October 2005, Official Report, columns 21722W, on schools, if she will list the actions she has approved for each school; and whether she has exercised her powers under section 45 of the Education Act 2005. [24324]
Jacqui Smith:
The action approved for individual schools, over and above the input from local authorities, is set out in the following table. In summary, additional funding has been approved for seven schools to improve capacity; 14 schools have been supported by School Improvement Partnership Boards, also with additional funding; an Interim Executive Board (IEB) has been approved for eight schools; Fresh Start proposals have been approved for three schools; four schools are part of London Challenge initiatives; and proposals have been approved for three schools to become Academies. Proposals for further Academies and another Fresh Start are currently under consideration. The power to close a school under Section 45 of the 2005 Education Act has provided a powerful stimulus to local authorities to take action in anticipation of any use of that power and has not yet been used.
3 Nov 2005 : Column 1317W
School |
Local authority |
Date into special measures | Funding
to improve capacity |
Fresh Start |
Academies |
London Challenge
The Warren Comprehensive | Barking and Dagenham | 13 May 2004 | | | | | |
Bishop Douglass School Finchley | Barnet | 13 November 2003 | Yes | | | | | Yes
Clitterhouse Junior School | Barnet | 3 February 2004 | | | | | |
Hollickwood Primary School | Barnet | 20 July 2004 | | | | | |
St. Mary's CE High School | Barnet | 22 October 2003 | Yes | | | | | Yes
Elmhirst School, The | Barnsley | 21 April 2004 | | | | | |
Sandhill Primary School | Barnsley | 8 June 2004 | | | | | |
Oak Bank School | Bedfordshire | 24 September 2004 | | | | | |
Highters Heath Primary School | Birmingham | 16 June 2004 | | | | | |
Oldknow Junior School | Birmingham | 8 June 2004 | | | | | |
Darwen Moorland High School | Blackburn | 20 November 2003 | | | Yes | | Yes |
Boundary Community Primary School | Blackpool | 7 November 2002 | | | | | |
Immanuel CofE Community College | Bradford | 21 January 2004 | | Yes | | | |
Rhodesway School | Bradford | 18 December 2002 | | Yes | | | |
Usher Street Primary School and Nursery | Bradford | 10 July 2003 | | Yes | | | |
Wedgwood School and Community Nursery | Bradford | 12 October 2004 | | | | | |
Windhill CE Primary School | Bradford | 11 February 2004 | | Yes | | | |
Wyke Manor School | Bradford | 10 May 2004 | | Yes | | | |
St. Andrew and St. Francis CofE Primary School | Brent | 21 April 2004 | | | | | |
Hengrove School | Bristol | 14 November 2003 | | Yes | | | Yes |
Portway Community School | Bristol | 14 November 2004 | | Yes | Yes | | |
Mount Pellon Junior and Infant School | Calderdale | 21 April 2004 | | | | | |
Robartes Junior School | Cornwall | 24 June 2004 | | | | | |
St. Ives Junior School | Cornwall | 15 February 2003 | | | | | |
St. Meriadoc CofE Junior School | Cornwall | 21 April 2004 | | | | | |
Tollgate Primary School | Croydon | 14 January 2004 | | | | | |
Winterboume Nursery and Infants' School | Croydon | 30 July 2004 | | | | | |
Morton Park Primary School | Cumbria | 12 November 2003 | | | | | |
Wyndham School | Cumbria | 2 March 2004 | | | | | |
Derby City PRU | Derby | 30 July 2004 | | | | | |
Merrill College | Derby | 25 September 2003 | Yes | | | | |
Moorhead Primary School | Derby | 8 October 2003 | | | | | |
East-the-Water Community Primary School | Devon | 25 September 2003 | | | | | |
Adwick Park Junior School | Doncaster | 28 January 2004 | | | | | |
Northcliffe School | Doncaster | 27 November 2003 | | | | | |
Portland Tophill Junior School | Dorset | 30 July 2004 | | | | | |
The Old Park School | Dudley | 26 April 2004 | | | | | |
Flamborough Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School | East Riding | 14 January 2004 | | | | | |
Rawcliffe Pupil Referral Unit | East Riding | 11 February 2004 | | | | | |
Seaford Head Community College | East Sussex | 29 January 2004 | | | | | |
Ashingdon School | Essex | 4 March 2004 | | | | | |
Holy Trinity CofE VC Primary School | Essex | 19 December 2002 | | | | | |
Langenhoe Community Primary School | Essex | 27 November 2003 | | | | | |
Lexden Springs School | Essex | 20 July 2004 | | | | | |
St. Peter's High School and Technology College | Essex | 3 October 2003 | | | | | |
Templars Infant and Nursery School | Essex | 4 November 2003 | | | | | |
Vange Primary School and Nursery | Essex | 12 November 2003 | | | | | |
Sandford School | Gloucestershire | 12 February 2004 | | | | | |
Bishop John Robinson CE Primary School | Greenwich | 22 September 2004 | | | | | |
Holy Trinity CE Primary School | Hackney | 30 September 2004 | | | | | |
Halton High School | Halton | 12 July 2004 | | | | | |
Burlington Danes CofE School | Hammersmith & Fulham | 25 May 2004 | | Yes | | | |
Hurlingham and Chelsea Secondary School | Hammersmith & Fulham | 4 March 2004 | | Yes | | | |
Oak Farm Community School | Hampshire | 4 March 2004 | | | | | |
Downhills Primary School | Haringey | 2 December 2002 | | | | | |
Little Stanmore Nursery, First and Middle School | Harrow | 22 July 2004 | | | | | |
Owton Manor Primary School | Hartlepool | 21 June 2004 | | | | | |
King's Wood School | Havering | 30 April 2004 | Yes | Yes | | | |
Weobley High School | Herefordshire | 8 June 2004 | | | | | |
Cotlenswood School | Hertfordshire | 26 November 2005 | | | | | |
Abbotsfield School for Boys | Hillingdon | 7 January 2003 | | | | | | Yes
Bromstone Primary School, Broadstairs | Kent | 20 November 2003 | | | | | |
George Spurgen Community Primary School | Kent | 12 July 2004 | | | | | |
Homewood Infant School | Kent | 7 July 2004 | | | | | |
Lawn Primary School | Kent | 3 April 2000 | | | | | |
Minster College | Kent | 5 December 2003 | | | Yes | | |
St. Mary of Charity CE (Aided) Primary School | Kent | 22 July 2004 | | | | | |
Whitehill Junior School | Kent | 22 July 2004 | | | | | |
Endeavour High School | Kingston Upon Hull | 26 March 2004 | Yes | | | | |
Birkby Junior School | Kirklees | 26 March 2003 | | | | | |
ETHOS Primary Pupil Referral Unit | Kirklees | 10 June 2004 | | | | | |
Rawthorpe High School | Kirklees | 28 March 2003 | | | | | |
Rawthorpe Junior School | Kirklees | 29 April 2004 | | | | | |
Skerton Community High School | Lancashire | 13 November 2003 | | | | | |
Intake High School Arts College | Leeds | 29 April 2004 | | | | | |
New College Leicester | Leicester City | 9 December 2003 | Yes | Yes | Yes | | |
Queensmead Junior School | Leicester City | 12 November 2002 | | | | | |
St. Peter and St. Paul Church of England Primary School, Burgh- Le-Marsh, The | Lincolnshire | 24 June 2003 | | | | | |
Sutton Bridge Westmere Community Primary School | Lincolnshire | 24 February 2004 | | | | | |
The Pinchbeck East Church of England Primary School | Lincolnshire | 30 July 2004 | | | | | |
Ashcroft High School | Luton | 19 November 2003 | | | | | |
Putteridge High School | Luton | 4 March 2004 | | | | | |
Meade Hill School | Manchester | 10 March 2004 | | | | | |
Warren Wood Community Primary School and Language Unit | Medway | 11 February 2004 | | | | | |
Mitcham Vale High School | Merton | 2 July 2004 | | Yes | Yes | | |
The Radcliffe School | Milton Keynes | 20 November 2003 | | | | | |
Gillingham, St. Michael's CofE Voluntary Aided First School | Norfolk | 11 May 2004 | | | | | |
Silverdale School | North Tyneside | 6 March 2003 | | | | | |
Duston Upper School | Northamptonshire | 18 September 2003 | | | | | |
The Orchard School | Northamptonshire | 10 March 2004 | | | | | |
Sherwood Hall School and Sixth Form College | Nottinghamshire | 21 March 2003 | Yes | Yes | | | |
The Gedling School | Nottinghamshire | 13 November 2003 | | | | | |
East Crompton St. George's CofE School | Oldham | 21 April 2004 | | | | | |
Hardman Fold Community Special School | Oldham | 28 April 2004 | | | | | |
Northfield School | Oxfordshire | 26 April 2004 | | | | | |
Knowle Primary School | Plymouth | 19 November 2003 | | | | | |
Hainault Forest High School | Redbridge | 21 November 2003 | | | | | | Yes
Redbridge Junior School | Redbridge | 16 August 2004 | | | | | |
Bullough Moor Primary School | Rochdale | 25 February 2004 | | | | | |
Moorhouse Primary School | Rochdale | 12 February 2004 | | | | | |
Wingfield Comprehensive School | Rotherham | 30 March 2004 | | | | | |
Harrop Fold School | Salford | 24 June 2003 | | Yes | | | |
Irwell Park High School | Salford | 30 April 2003 | | | | | |
Moorside High School | Salford | 23 March 2004 | | | | | |
The Albion High School | Salford | 20 September 2004 | | | | | |
Langley Primary School | Sandwell | 5 November 2003 | | | Yes | | Yes |
Rood End Primary School | Sandwell | 2 October 2003 | | | | | |
Shirecliffe Junior School | Sheffield | 8 October 2003 | | | | | |
Langleywood School | Slough | 6 November 2003 | | | | | |
Middlezoy Primary School | Somerset | 22 July 2004 | | | | | |
Severn Beach Primary School | South Gloucestershire | 25 November 2003 | | | | | |
Prittlewell Technology College | Southend | 16 June 2004 | | | | Yes | |
Thorpe Bay School | Southend | 10 June 1999 | | | Yes | Yes | |
Cobourg Primary School | Southwark | 8 June 2004 | | | | | |
Galleywall Primary School | Southwark | 4 March 2003 | | | | | |
Robert Browning Primary School | Southwark | 27 February 2003 | | | | | |
Newton-le-Willows Community High School | St. Helens | 15 January 2004 | | | | | |
Amington Heath Community School | Staffordshire | 15 October 2003 | | | | | |
Nether Stowe High School | Staffordshire | 17 February 2004 | | | | | |
Springhill Primary School | Staffordshire | 12 February 2004 | | | | | |
Kirkley Middle (Sec) School | Suffolk | 24 June 2003 | | | | | |
Bishop David Brown School, The | Surrey | 25 November 2003 | | | | | |
Potters Gate CofE Primary School | Surrey | 24 June 2004 | | | | | |
Watchetts Junior School | Surrey | 2 December 2003 | | | | | |
Seven Fields Primary School | Swindon | 26 February 2004 | | | | | |
Micklehurst All Saints CofE Primary School | Tameside | 2 April 2003 | | | | | |
Stretford High School Community Language College | Trafford | 22 January 2004 | | | | | |
Church Mead Junior School | Waltham Forest | 1 October 2004 | | | | | |
Horizon Centre | Warrington | 24 February 2004 | | | | | |
Woolston Community High School | Warrington | 12 March 2004 | | | | | |
Hartshill School | Warwickshire | 21 April 2004 | | | Yes | | |
Queen Elizabeth School | Warwickshire | 5 February 2004 | | | | | |
St. Francis Catholic Primary School | Warwickshire | 29 July 2004 | | | | | |
Two Porches School | Wigan | 7 June 2004 | | | | | |
Corsley CE Primary School | Wiltshire | 5 July 2004 | | | | | |
Bromsgrove, Catshill Middle (Sec) School | Worcestershire | 22 October 2003 | | | | | |
Kidderminster PRU | Worcestershire | 29 July 2004 | | | | | |
Leigh and Bransford Primary School | Worcestershire | 6 August 2004 | | | | | |
North Bromsgrove High School | Worcestershire | 4 February 2003 | | | | | |
Redgrove School | Worcestershire | 16 June 2004 | | | | Yes | |
3 Nov 2005 : Column 1321W
Mr. Hoban:
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many schools had been in special measures for (a) less than one year, (b) between one and two years, (c) between two and three years and (d) over three years on 31 December in each year since 1997. [24325]
Jacqui Smith:
The information requested is set out in the following table, plus the most recent figures at September 2005 for comparison purposes.
Schools in special measures
As at
31 December: | Less than l year | 12 years | 23 years | Over
3 years | Total
1997 | 240 | 136 | 35 | 2 | 413
1998 | 272 | 185 | 49 | 11 | 517
1999 | 190 | 198 | 34 | 8 | 430
2000 | 191 | 135 | 35 | 8 | 369
2001 | 133 | 119 | 37 | 10 | 299
2002 | 138 | 89 | 34 | 9 | 270
2003 | 195 | 89 | 18 | 11 | 313
2004 | 158 | 134 | 16 | 7 | 315
2005 | 93 | 117 | 26 | 2 | 238