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Andrew Rosindell: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many physically disabled people have gained the Postgraduate Certificate in Education in each year since 1997. [20799]
Bill Rammell: The latest information is shown in the following table.
Mr. Davey: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what proportion of (a) 19-year-olds and (b) 59 to 64-year-olds are economically inactive and do not have a Level 2 qualification. [25473]
Bill Rammell: From the summer 2005 Labour Force Survey we estimate that (a) 7.0 per cent. of 19 to 21-year-olds and (b) 11.0 per cent. of 59 to 64-year-olds in England are economically inactive and do not have a Level 2 qualification.
For comparison, 9.8 per cent. of the adult population in England are economically inactive and do not have a Level 2 qualification.
Mr. Chaytor: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what research she has commissioned on the effect of current school admissions policies on house prices in the vicinity of popular schools. [25595]
Jacqui Smith: The Secretary of State has not commissioned specific research of this type. However, we are aware of research by Professor Steven Machin and Dr. Steve Gibbons in 2001 which shows that more affluent parents, who can afford to move into the catchment area of popular schools, drive up house prices. This makes it harder for children from disadvantaged backgrounds to secure places.
Our White Paper Higher Standards, Better Schools For AllMore choice for parents and pupils" outlines our proposals to extend choice and open up access to schools for more parents, underpinned by a fair admissions system.
Mrs. May: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what percentage of (a) primary and (b) secondary state schools in England offer pupils the chance to participate in (i) baseball, (ii) basketball, (iii) volleyball, (iv) handball and (v) softball. [25648]
Jacqui Smith: This information is not collected in the format requested. However, the 2004/05 School Sport Survey of schools in School Sport Partnerships collected data relating to the range of sports which schools provided for their pupils. No schools in the survey reported providing baseball or handball for their pupils in 2004/05. 16 per cent. of schools provided softball for their pupils; 25 per cent. provided volleyball; and 63 per cent. provided basketball. Overall, schools provided an average of 15 different sports for their pupils. The results of the survey were published in September this year and copies have been placed in the House Libraries.
Mike Penning: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what percentage of the working age population in (a) Hemel Hempstead constituency and (b) Hertfordshire hold a qualification (i) at degree level and (ii) above degree level. [25567]
Bill Rammell: This data is not available in precisely the form requested. Table 1 shows the proportion of the working age population with a level 4/level 5 qualification 1 , as their highest qualification held: so for those with both first and higher degree qualifications, only the latter is recorded (under Level 5"). Data comes from the Local Labour Force Survey for 200405.
1 Level 4 qualifications include first degree, NVQ level 4 and sub-degree higher education qualifications such as teaching and nursing certificates, HNC/HNDs, other HE diplomas and other qualifications at level 4. Level 5 qualifications include higher degrees and NVQ level 5.
Tony Baldry: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills further to her oral statement of 25 October 2005, Official Report, column 170, on the Schools White Paper, if she will set out her proposals for incentives to encourage schools to tailor educational provision to the needs of each child. [23714]
Jacqui Smith: Many schools have tailored the curriculum and teaching methods to meet the needs of pupils with great success for many years. We now want this to be common practice across all schools, particularly for children at either end of the ability spectrum whose needs can be the most challenging to meet.
We will therefore allocate £335 million by 200708, specifically earmarked within our Dedicated Schools Grant, to provide the resources secondary schools need to start delivering personalised learning for pupils in Key Stage 3, particularly for those who have fallen behind in literacy and numeracy and for those who are gifted or talented. For those schools with the highest numbers of children who have fallen behind we will provide a further targeted £60 million in each of 200607 and 200708, shared across the primary and secondary sectors, to provide more effective one-to-one and small group tuition. We will also provide all schools with best practice materials, guidance and access to training on the most effective teaching and learning strategies to personalise learning to the needs of each pupil.
Through School Improvement Partners and the new Ofsted inspection regime we will challenge every school to demonstrate they are planning and delivering effective tailored teaching and learning for every child, including the gift and talented. And the achievement and attainment tables for 2006 will show schools'
8 Nov 2005 : Column 462W
success in ensuring pupils achieve not only five good GCSEs but also in the fundamentals of English and mathematics.
Jim Cousins: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills if she will make representations to the Scottish Executive on its proposals to treat English students in Scottish universities differently in terms of student costs and finance from other students within the European Union. [24257]
Bill Rammell: The Scottish Executive informed us of their proposed fee levels for all UK and EU students studying at Scottish universities from 2006.
However, following devolution they have full responsibility for the fees charged to all students studying at Scottish institutions, and the support arrangements for students domiciled in Scotland and EU students studying there. While we will ensure that students domiciled in England and studying in Scotland have the necessary fee support available to them, we will not be making any representation to the Scottish Executive on this issue.
Mr. Burstow: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what information the Children, Young People and Families Workforce Development Council has received on the number of (a) domiciliary care workers, (b) outreach workers, (c) residential child workers, (d) social care managers and (e) staff responsible for recruitment and supervision of social care staff who will be covered by future requirements for registration with the General Social Care Council. [22197]
Maria Eagle: Responsibility for registering categories of social care staff lies with the General Social Care Council (GSCC). Responsibility for collecting numbers of staff is divided between Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC) for those working with children and young people and Skills for Care for those working with adults. Data will be collected through the new National Minimum Data Set for Social Care (NMDS-SC), launched on 20 October.
At present, the CWDC only has limited data collected from the local authority SSDS001 census of Social Care staff, so figures are likely to be revised as the NMDS-SC data is refreshed and the GSCC sets out its priority order for registration. Current data made available to the CWDC is as follows:
(a) Domiciliary care staff: SSDS001 gives around 2300 in England employed by local authorities. It is not known what proportion of these work with children.
(b) Outreach workers: There is no category for these workers in the SSDS001the closest are community workers in children's services. These number 1,455 as employed by local authorities.
(c) Residential child workers: The estimated number of these staff is 26,575 across all sectors. This includes managers, social care staff and other supervisory roles.
(d) Social care managers: The number of social care managers in local authority operational children's services field teams is 3,550.
(e) Staff responsible for (i) recruitment and (ii) supervision of social care staff: (i) may be different from (ii) inasmuch as there are HR staff and planning officers at strategic levels. Those managing or supervising social care staff in non-residential settings number around 6,000 to 7,000. It is not known how many have direct supervisor roles, but many will.
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