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15 Nov 2005 : Column 1071W—continued

State Veterinary Service

Bill Wiggin: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many senior veterinary posts there were in the State Veterinary Service in 1997; and how many there are in 2005–06. [28149]

Mr. Bradshaw [holding answer 14 November 2005]: The State Veterinary Service was a very different organisation in 1997 and so any comparison with today would not be comparing like with like. The Veterinary Field Service was a part of the State Veterinary Service at the time. In terms of operations and responsibilities, it was the Veterinary Field Service that would equate most closely to today's State Veterinary Service.

The Veterinary Field Service was organised along regional lines, with five senior vets responsible for operations within their region. These posts had management responsibility for a number of local animal health divisional offices (AHDOs), all headed by a divisional veterinary manager (DVM). There were 23 AHDOs in total.

The State Veterinary Service (SVS) became an executive agency on 1 April 2005. In order to better manage and co-ordinate operations, both in normal circumstances and during a disease emergency, the agency has implemented a new structure during this year. The agency's corporate management team includes an operations director, strategic planning director and professional services director, who are all senior veterinary staff. The professional services director is also the Chief Veterinary Officer for Scotland. The head of operations in Scotland is also a senior vet. A new role of lead divisional veterinary manager (LDVM)
15 Nov 2005 : Column 1072W
has also been created. The organisation has seven LDVMs and a further 17 divisional veterinary managers.

Although the structure of the organisation has changed, senior veterinary staff still have a key role in managing the SVS' delivery of animal health and welfare policies throughout GB.

Water/Sewerage Services

Mrs. Moon: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what assessment she has made of the sustainability of water supplies over the next 12 months; and what estimate she has made of the level of financial investment required to ensure adequate water supplies are available over the next five years, broken down by region. [26982]

Mr. Morley: Low winter rainfall may cause supply difficulties for some water companies in 2006. By February 2006 the Environment Agency should have sufficient data to make an evidence-based assessment and advise Government on the prospects for water resources next year based on rainfall, river flows, groundwater and reservoir levels.

It is for water companies to plan the investment necessary to deliver their services, including the necessary financial provision, and it is for Ofwat, in the light of companies' plans, to ensure that companies carry out and are able to finance their functions. In its recent periodic review Ofwat set water price limits for 2005 to 2010 in the light of water companies' business plans for that period.

Norman Baker: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how much water was supplied by water companies to consumers in the last year for which figures are available; what this represents per household; and what percentage of tap water supplied is estimated to be used for drinking purposes. [27882]

Mr. Morley: The Office of Water Services' (Ofwat) report Security of Supply, leakage and the efficient use of water 2004–05" states that 8,700 megalitres a day is supplied to domestic customers by water companies in England and Wales. This equates to 3,175,500 megalitres of water being supplied in 2004–05.

The report also confirms that water companies in England and Wales estimate that average household consumption was 150 litres/head/day in 2004–05. Of this average, the estimated proportion of water used for drinking purposes, which includes water use within cooking and for food preparation, is 7 per cent.

Norman Baker: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what the average monthly cost to consumers is of (a) water services and (b) sewerage services in each water supply area in 2005–06 (i) in total and (ii) broken down by those who were (A) metered and (B) unmetered. [27895]

Mr. Morley: The average monthly cost to households of water and sewerage services is set out in the following tables, broken down by company area and by measured and unmeasured supply. The figures are estimates based on forecast data provided to Ofwat by companies.
15 Nov 2005 : Column 1073W


Water and sewerage companies
Dwr Cymru12.758.7511.8316.589.5014.92
Essex and Suffolk13.259.679.25
Severn Trent11.259.4210.7510.429.8310.25
United Utilities11.5810.3311.3313.0811.6712.83
Yorkshire (incl. York)11.089.2510.5012.089.9211.50


Water only companies
Bournemouth and W Hampshire11.429.5010.67
Dee Valley10.757.429.58
Folkestone and Dover14.5810.5812.75
Mid Kent13.0010.3312.08
South East13.5810.8312.75
South Staffs8.758.338.67
Sutton and East Surrey12.589.5012.00
Tendring Hundred17.0011.5813.58
Three Valleys12.3310.1711.75


Crown Prosecution Service

Mr. Llwyd: To ask the Solicitor-General if he will list the rates of pay of lawyers employed by the Crown Prosecution Service, broken down by grade. [27477]

The Solicitor-General: The following list shows the rates of pay of lawyers employed the Crown Prosecution Service, broken down by grade. The rates of pay are also split to show the London and National pay rates.

London pay bands

Pay band C1 London

Pay band C2 London

Pay band D London

15 Nov 2005 : Column 1074W

Pay band E London

National pay bands

Pay band C1 National

Pay band C2 National

15 Nov 2005 : Column 1075W

Pay band D National

Pay band E National

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