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Spring Supplementary Estimates

The Secretary of State for International Development (Hilary Benn): Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Department for International Development departmental expenditure limit (DEL) will be increased by £46,111,000 from £4,472,082,000 to £4,518,193,000. The administration
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budget will be increased by £11,000 from £238,970,000 to £238,981,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:

*Depreciation, which forms part of the resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL, since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of these assets would lead to double counting.

The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from


A partial draw down of £50,000,000 of other resource end year flexibility, as set out in the Public Expenditure 2004–05 Provisional Outturn White Paper (Cm 6639) within Request for Resources 1 for humanitarian assistance following the earthquake in Pakistan.

An increase of £11,000 in administration costs within Request for Resources 1 relating to funds transferred from the Cabinet Office in respect of DFID's use of the Parliamentary Counsel's Office.

An increase of £2,500,000 within Request for Resources 2 from the take up of Africa conflict prevention departmental unallocated provision for planned programme activity on conflict prevention.

A transfer of £2,000,000 within Request for Resources 2 in respect of a transfer from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for planned programme activity on global conflict prevention.
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Non -voted

A reduction of £2,500,000 in Africa conflict prevention departmental unallocated provision relating to the take up of provision within DFID's Request for Resources 2

A reduction of £500,000 in Africa conflict prevention departmental unallocated provision relating to a transfer to the Ministry of Defence to fund approved projects on conflict prevention in Africa.

An increase of £150,000 in Africa conflict prevention departmental unallocated provision in respect of a transfer from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from savings on conflict prevention projects in Africa.

A reduction of £3,050,000 following the classification of the Retrospective Terms Adjustment charge on interest foregone by the Consolidated Fund on the conversion of loans to grants, as outside public expenditure.

A reduction of £2,500,000 following the reclassification of interest income on bilateral and multilateral loans from outside the OFID resource budget to the Resource DEL.


Spring Supplementary Estimate

The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (Mr. Peter Hain): Subject to Parliamentary approval the Northern Ireland Office (NIO) will be taking a 2005–06 Spring Supplementary Estimate. The effect this will have is to increase the NIO's Resource DEL by £36,241,000 from £1,199,288,000 to £1,235,529,000 and decrease Capital DEL by £580,000 from £65,928,000 to £65,348,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resource and capital are as set out in the following table:
Resource (£'000s)Capital (£'000s)
ChangeNew DELOf which:VotedNon-votedChangeDELOf which:VotedNon-voted

The change in the resource element of the DEL by £36,241,000 arises from an increase in PSNI pension current service cost of £36,000,000 and the surrender of PES transfers from other Government Departments of £241,000.

The change in capital DEL by £580,000 is due to the surrender of a PES transfer to another Government Department.


Spring Supplementary Estimates

The Secretary of State for Transport (Mr. Alistair Darling): Subject to parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimates, the Scotland Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) will be increased by £108,539,000 (net of depreciation) from £23,049,735,000 to £23,158,274,000.

The DEL increase takes account of the following:

the take-up of End Year Flexibility (EYF) by the Scottish Executive amounting to £135,186,000; and

the take-up of 2005 Pre-Budget consequentials by the Scottish Executive amounting to £2,124,000.

The DEL increase also includes the following transfers between the Scottish Executive and other Government departments, amounting to a net increase of £14,648,000. These are:

a transfer of £2,280,000 from the Department for Transport (Rail);

a transfer of £4,140,000 from the Department of Health (Out of Area Treatments);

a transfer of £228,000 from the Northern Ireland Executive (Out of Area Treatments); and

a transfer of £8,000,000 from the Department for Constitutional Affairs (Judicial Salaries).
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The increases will be offset by interdepartmental transfers as detailed above or charged to the DEL Reserve and will not therefore add to the planned total of public expenditure.


Spring Supplementary Estimates

The Solicitor-General (Mr. Mike O'Brien): Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Attorney General's DEL will be increased by £14,290,000 from £702,733,000 to £717,023,000 and the Administration budget will be increased by £167,000 from £114,761,000 to £114,928,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:

of which: Administration Budget167114,928114,928

The Crown Prosecution Service's (CPS) element of the Attorney General's DEL will be increased by £13,708,000 from £601,813,000 to £615,521,000 and the Administration budget will be reduced by £415,000 from £57,953,000 to £57,538,000.

The change in the CPS's DEL arises from:

The utilisation of £10,400,000 resource End Year Flexibility to support increased expenditure on the prosecution of criminal cases

An increase of £550,000 Programme resources due to the reallocation of resource DEL budgetary cover from the Home Office to the Crown Prosecution Service. This is required to provide additional resources from Criminal Justice Information Technology (CJIT) to fund the re-commissioning of a test environment for Exchange Integration Service Stream Release 1 (EXISSR1) and enhancements to the Witness Management System.

An increase of £1,240,000 Programme resources due to the reallocation of resource DEL budgetary cover from the Department for Constitutional Affairs to the Crown Prosecution Service. This is required to provide additional resources from Criminal Justice Information Technology (CJIT) to aid the development of the IT tools necessary to support Case Progression Officers.

An increase of £2,500,000 Programme resources due to the reallocation of resource DEL budgetary cover from the Department for Constitutional Affairs to the Crown Prosecution Service. This is required to provide additional resources to help fund the Statutory Charging programme.
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A decrease of £173,000 Programme resources due to the reallocation of resource DEL budgetary cover from the Crown Prosecution Service to the Home Office. This is required to provide additional resources to fund the "No Witness No Justice" partnership programme to improve services to prosecution witnesses in Court.

A decrease of £415,000 Administration resources due to the reallocation of resource DEL budgetary cover, within the Attorney General's resource DEL, from the Crown Prosecution Service to HM Procurator General & Treasury Solicitors. This is required to provide additional resources to help fund the Legal Secretariat to the Law Officers.

A decrease of £394,000 Capital due to the reallocation of capital DEL budgetary cover from the Crown Prosecution Service to the Home Office. This is required to provide additional resources to fund the "No Witness No Justice" partnership programme to improve services to prosecution witnesses in Court.

Other changes which have no net effect on the CPS's DEL are:

Programme expenditure changes in respect of an increase in the Crown Prosecution Service's other current expenditure costs offset by a corresponding increase in Programme income received in respect of costs awarded to the CPS in court. This has increased by £4,000,000 from £29,300,000 to £33,300,000.

The Serious Fraud Office's (SFO) element of the Attorney General's DEL will not change from £46,275,000 and the Administration budget will not change from £27,175,000.

The Revenue and Customs Prosecutions Office's (RCPO's) element of the Attorney General's DEL will be reduced by £16,000 from £37,788,000 to £37,772,000 and the Administration Budget will be reduced by £766,000 from £19,412,000 to £18,646,000.

The changes in RCPO's DEL arise from:

The transfer of £750,000 resource DEL to capital DEL to cover additional capital spending. This is required to provide additional resources to help fund the accommodation improvements demanded by the Gower Hammond and Butterfield Reviews.

A decrease of £16,000 Administration resources due to the reallocation of resource DEL budgetary cover, within the Attorney General's resource DEL, from the Revenue and Customs Prosecutions Office to HM Procurator General & Treasury Solicitors. This is required to provide additional-resources to help fund the provision of administrative services by the Legal Secretariat to the Law Officers.

The Treasury Solicitor's Department (TSD) element of the Attorney General's DEL will be increased by £598,000 from £16,857,000 to £17,455,000 and the Administration Budget will be increased by £1,348,000 from £10,221,000 to £11,569,000.

The change in TSD's DEL arises from:

Administration costs changes in respect of a reallocation of resource DEL budgetary cover, within the Attorney General's resource DEL, of £415,000 from the Crown Prosecution Service, and £16,000 from the Revenue and Customs Prosecutions Office to the Treasury Solicitors
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Department to meet the cost of policy support to the Attorney General provided by the Legal Secretariat to the Law Officers (LSLO).

Take up of capital End Year Flexibility of £750,000 to meet the capital commitments of TSD and LSLO.

Other changes, which have no net effect on TSD's DEL, are:

Administration costs changes in respect of the transfer of £61,000 from the Treasury Solicitors' Department Agency to meet the cost of policy support to the Legal Secretariat to the Law Officers (LSLO).

Administration costs changes in respect of a £15,750,000 increase in Treasury Solicitors' Department Administration costs offset by a corresponding increase in Administration income to meet an additional demand for legal services provided to other Government Departments.

Administration costs changes in respect of a £45,000 increase in Treasury Solicitors' Department Administration costs offset by a corresponding increase in Administration income for the cost of shared finance services provided to the Revenue and Customs Prosecutions Office.

Administration costs changes in respect of a £73,000 increase in Treasury Solicitors' Department Administration costs offset by a corresponding increase in Administration income arising from a rate rebate.

Administration costs changes in respect of a £917,000 transfer of depreciation costs from other current to administration costs.

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