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27 Feb 2006 : Column 390W—continued

Search Warrants

Mr. Peter Robinson: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many search warrants have been granted in (a) East Belfast and (b) Castlereagh district command unit in the last 12 months. [53065]

Mr. Woodward: The Police Service of Northern Ireland do not hold this information on a central record. A large number of police departments would have applied for search warrants in any given geographical area, including for example DCU crime teams and CID officers, senior investigating officers investigating crimes outside the area whose investigation leads to a location within it, and C1 and C2 departments investigating organised and serious crime. To obtain the details sought would therefore involve a manual trawl of records.

Sex Offenders

Lady Hermon: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland pursuant to his answer of 25 January 2006, Official Report, columns 907–8W, on sex offenders, in which schools the three sex offenders have been working; and what their current employment status is in each case. [52479]

27 Feb 2006 : Column 391W

Angela E. Smith: I was advised by the employing authorities (that is, the Education and Library Boards, the Council for Catholic Maintained Schools, and voluntary grammar, Irish medium, grant-maintained integrated and independent schools which employ their staff directly) in January 2006 that three persons, none of them teaching staff, with a conviction for a sexual offence were working in schools. In all cases the offences were committed over 15 years ago, in one case the offence was against a minor and involved a girl who was just under age; in the other two cases the offence was against an adult female. In each case the employing authority knew of the conviction through the pre-employment check and took professional advice. The advice was, in each case, that the person was not a risk to children, and so employment was offered. The employing authorities remain satisfied that these persons do not pose a risk to children and they are still in employment.

It is not appropriate to identify the schools at which these persons are employed as there is a strong possibility that the individuals will be identified.


David Simpson: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many passengers have been fined for smoking on trains in Northern Ireland in each of the last 10 years. [53151]

Mr. Woodward: Translink has advised that the number of passengers prosecuted, convicted and fined for smoking on Northern Ireland Railways trains for the last 10 years are as follows:

(107) The figure for 2005 is at today's date. Further incidents from 2005 have still to come to court.

27 Feb 2006 : Column 392W


Mr. Peter Robinson: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many solicitors are under investigation for money laundering. [53356]

Mr. Woodward: There are currently five ongoing investigations into solicitors and money laundering.

Sonar Underwater Search Equipment

Lady Hermon: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what steps he has taken to ensure the Police Service of Northern Ireland has available to it the most up-to-date sonar underwater search equipment; and if he will make a statement. [53171]

Mr. Woodward: The PSNI Underwater Search Unit currently has access to sonar equipment located on the Ken Vickers" Fisheries vessel. This equipment and vessel have been used in all recent searches at sea and located the recent sunken trawler at Ardglass.

In relation to the recent search at Belfast docks for the missing man, Martin Kelly, the Ken Vickers" was unavailable for deployment. A side scan sonar was brought in from Humberside police.

The purchase of side scan sonar for the PSNI is currently being considered as part of the review of the Underwater Search Unit.

Special Schools

David Simpson: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many special schools there are in Northern Ireland; for how many pupils each school was built; how many pupils were on the roll of each special school in each of the last 10 years; and how far the pupil who lives the furthest from each special school has to travel to school. [53052]

Angela E. Smith: There are currently 45 special schools in Northern Ireland.

Unfortunately, due to the age of a number of the special schools in Northern Ireland and that prior to the 1986 Education and Libraries Order (NI) the majority of special schools were built and controlled by the former Department of Health and Social Services, information is not readily available on the number of pupils each school was built for.
Enrolments at current special schools in Northern Ireland, 1996–97 to 2005–06

School name1996–971997–981998–991999–20002000–01
Cedar Lodge Special School152152149147145
Fleming Fulton Special School168170165163167
Harberton Special School192190202193182
Mitchell House Special School7176787377
Greenwood House Assessment Centre5755565459
Park Education Resource Centre134131120104101
Glenveagh Special School154149145160166
Oakwood Special School7793929394
Clarawood Special School33343299
St. Francis de Sales Special School2421242424
St. Gerard's Resource Education Centre243229227217212
Limegrove School89101918693
Belmont House Special School230219222208201
Erne Special School136133134131132
Foyleview Special School107108110108107
Glasvey Special School3532374038
Knockavoe School and Resource Centre4144414645
Elmbrook Special School(108)53545048
Arvalee School and Resource Centre(108)(108)(108)(108)(108)
Rosstulla Special School140151156159158
Dunfane Special School144142151149149
Beechgrove Special School2325242020
Hill Croft Special School7374757273
Loughan Special School6773697569
Sandelford Special School9499100103110
Roddens Vale Special School5554605763
Thornfield Special School7882807880
Kilronan Special School7881798079
Riverside Special School(108)(108)(108)4046
Jordanstown Special School119117106114118
Beechlawn Special School255246247252251
Killard House Special School204201194178190
Ardmore House Special School4421434046
Brookfield Special School114114115110123
Longstone Special School189200196200199
Parkview Special School111109118123124
Knockevin Special School8889919392
Tor Bank Special School141141142143138
Clifton Special School95939899100
Lakewood Special School(109)n/an/an/a2220
Rathfriland Hill Special School9287869391
Donard Special School3941393838
Ceara Special School5048484958
Sperrinview Special School4448505756
Lisanally Special School5959656771

27 Feb 2006 : Column 393W


School name2001–022002–032003–042004–052005–06
Cedar Lodge Special School138146135137141
Fleming Fulton Special School164160154150145
Harberton Special School194190208196203
Mitchell House Special School7477817264
Greenwood House Assessment Centre5460605555
Park Education Resource Centre919196114107
Glenveagh Special School167173174175187
Oakwood Special School106999510097
Clarawood Special School11121166
St. Francis de Sales Special School2423202528
St. Gerard's Resource Education Centre223216205205215
Limegrove School8387918067
Belmont House Special School182181188193179
Erne Special School131123132123108
Foyleview Special School119118115111111
Glasvey Special School4041363330
Knockavoe School and Resource Centre4241404253
Elmbrook Special School5157555658
Arvalee School and Resource Centre(108)(108)(108)148142
Rosstulla Special School156158150160161
Dunfane Special School157152162151149
Beechgrove Special School2120191923
Hill Croft Special School7479838081
Loughan Special School7673767577
Sandelford Special School117124134132144
Roddens Vale Special School6766707178
Thornfield Special School8181889289
Kilronan Special School8080797775
Riverside Special School4849485760
Jordanstown Special School10494918673
Beechlawn Special School255277277256243
Killard House Special School180186185184171
Ardmore House Special School3125262810
Brookfield Special School123117123111111
Longstone Special School203201190198187
Parkview Special School131134134128135
Knockevin Special School8787878982
Tor Bank Special School139132132127126
Clifton Special School100106109112112
Lakewood Special School(109)6225262422
Rathfriland Hill Special School9699919595
Donard Special School3842464141
Ceara Special School6978818491
Sperrinview Special School6470716971
Lisanally Special School82959710296

(108) Means not available. The school was not open at that time.
(109) This school was not part of the education sector prior to September 1999.

27 Feb 2006 : Column 395W

The furthest distance that a pupil travels to each school is not readily available. However, the greatest distance that any pupil living in each of the board areas has to travel in order to attend an appropriate special school is as follows:

It should be stressed that these journeys are exceptional—the child in question may have a specific difficulty that can only be dealt with at a specific school. Most other pupils attending special schools may attend any suitable school and these are usually much nearer to their homes. However, with only 45 special schools in NI, the likelihood is that statemented pupils have to travel further on average than pupils attending mainstream schools.

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