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17 Mar 2006 : Column 2511W—continued

Mersey Gateway Project

Chris Grayling: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport whether it is his policy to fund the Mersey Gateway project. [59187]

17 Mar 2006 : Column 2512W

Dr. Ladyman: Officials are currently considering Halton borough council's proposals for the Mersey Gateway. We hope to make a decision on the scheme in due course.


Mr. Jenkins: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what subsidy was given to (a) all train operating companies and (b) train operating companies running to and from Staffordshire in each of the last five years for which figures are available; what he expects the subsidy to be in the next three years; and if he will make a statement. [58075]

Derek Twigg: Please see the following table and notes.
Central Trains131.6124.0114.7148.2176.3(1)(1)(1)
Virgin West Coast57.7190.9188.8328.6113.0(2)(2)(2)
Virgin CrossCountry79.9118.5206.3241.6118.5(2)(2)(2)
Arriva Trains Walesh/an/an/a46.497.8(3)(3)(3)
Wales and Bordersn/a38.890.476.6-4.5n/an/an/a
Wales and West51.947.3n/an/an/an/an/an/a
Northern Railn/an/an/an/a81.1363.8359.9380.0
First North Western146.8173.3179.5185.5103.3n/an/an/a
First ScotRailn/an/an/an/a85.3(3)(3)(3)
All train operating companies1,190.11,300.71,336.01,884.81,163.7n/an/an/a

(1)The current Central Trains franchise expires on 31 March 2006. Discussions continue over future provision of services.
(2)Negotiations are continuing with Virgin West Coast and Virgin Crosscountry over the level of subsidy they will receive in future years.
(3)Primary responsibility for the Arriva Trains Wales and First ScotRail franchises now rests with the National Assembly for Wales and Transport Scotland (an executive agency accountable to Scottish Ministers) respectively.
The answer identifies train operating companies (and their predecessors) currently operating rail services in Staffordshire. First ScotRail operates through Staffordshire but has no scheduled station stops within the county.

Mr. Greg Knight: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what assessment he has made of the levels of passenger satisfaction for each train operating company; how this information informs decisions on (a) the shape of railway franchises and (b) the assessment and award of franchises; and if he will make a statement. [56492]

Derek Twigg: The National Passenger Survey (NPS) provides an assessment of passengers' satisfaction with rail travel across all current Train Operating Companies. The fieldwork for this survey is carried out by Passenger Focus, who publish the results on their website

While the overall standards of service passengers wish to see (or experience) illustrated by NPS will form part of the overall specification for a franchise, bidders proposals for each franchise are judged against their ability to deliver the specification for the franchise being tendered.

Mr. Laurence Robertson: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what restrictions he has placed on increases in the number of trains run by train operating companies; and which of these restrictions apply to trains running to and from Gloucestershire. [56515]

Derek Twigg: The Department for Transport (DfT) encourages franchised train operators to operate additional trains, above the minimum specified in the contract for the franchise.

The additional trains can only operate if Network Rail is able to accommodate them on the rail network without detriment to other operators, if the relevant Track Access Agreement is approved by the Office of Rail Regulation, and that the additional trains have no subsidy payment implications for DfT. This position applies in Gloucestershire and elsewhere on the rail network.

Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation

Mr. Jeremy Browne: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) for what reasons the Government target for Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation in 2010 is 0.75 per cent. below the target in the EU biofuels directive; [58367]

(2) for what reasons the UK did not meet the EU target of 2 per cent. biofuel inclusion for 2005; [58368]

(3) what steps he is taking to ensure that the capacity of domestic biofuels industry will be sufficient to meet the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation, which comes into force in 2008. [58370]

Dr. Ladyman: The EU Biofuels Directive allows member states to set their own indicative targets for biofuel sales. Starting from a low base, total UK sales in 2005 were equivalent to 0.24 per cent. of overall road fuel sales, representing a six fold increase on 2004. Some other member states with an established biofuels production industry were able to meet higher targets, but many are in a similar position to the UK.
17 Mar 2006 : Column 2513W

The Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation will provide the long-term market certainty industry requires in order to commit the necessary investment in the domestic biofuels industry. In addition, the Government will introduce enhanced capital allowances for the cleanest biofuels production plants from next year, subject to state aids approval.

The level of obligation has been set at 5 per cent. for 2010 because this is currently the maximum permitted blend of biofuel allowed under EU fuel quality standards for petrol and diesel. We will look to move beyond 5 per cent. as soon as these standards allow.

Severn Tunnel

Mr. Drew: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what measures he plans to take to mitigate the impact of rises in sea level and dramatic weather events on the Severn Tunnel. [58873]

Derek Twigg: This is an operational matter for Network Rail. I have asked Network Rail to reply directly to my hon. Friend.

Speed Limits

Tom Brake: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what checks are undertaken by his Department to ensure that displayed speed limit signs conform with actual speed limits. [58953]

Dr. Ladyman: Individual traffic authorities are responsible for ensuring that displayed speed limit signs conform with actual speed limits.


Air Traffic Control

Dr. Fox: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what assessment he has made of the impact on UK military aviation of the European Commission's proposals to harmonise air traffic control charges. [57471]

Mr. Ingram: Under the existing Eurocontrol Multilateral Agreement for Route Charges, the United Kingdom has exempted all military flights flown in UK airspace. The current draft text of the Single European Sky (SES) Implementing Regulation on air navigation charges reflects the existing Eurocontrol policy and UK intends that this exemption will remain. However, as a result of the SES Implementing Regulation, where a member state chooses to exempt a class of aircraft, the state is responsible for reimbursing the air navigation service provider for the service they provide.

The Ministry of Defence has contributed to an impact assessment of the effect of the SES Regulation carried out by the Department for Transport. This has identified that the cost of providing air navigation services to military users in the UK is approximately £9.9 million (2004 prices). Work is under way to identify a cost neutral solution for military aviation based on the contribution made to UK air navigation services by military air traffic control.
17 Mar 2006 : Column 2514W

Armed Forces Pay Review

Mr. Moore: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what the manning shortfall is at each of the operational pinch points identified by the Armed Forces Pay Review Body in their report of February 2006, Cm 6740, for (a) officers and (b) other ranks in each of the Services. [58304]

Mr. Ingram: The pinch points lists and data that was supplied as evidence to the Armed Forces' Pay Review Body dates from April 2005. The current lists, that were supplied recently to the House of Commons Defence Committee, are shown in the table. They cover all ranksand additionally show the manning level of the Manning Pinch Point (MPP) trade as a percentage of the requirement. Officer branches are shown in italics.

Naval Service

Manning level (%)
(MPPs comprise around 18 per cent. of RN and 9 per cent. of RM manpower requirement)
l.Aircrew (Rotary Wing)
Merlin Pilot76
Merlin Observer57
Merlin Aircrewman70
2.Fast Jet Pilots79
3.Junior Submarine Warfare Officers71
4.Junior Hydrographical/Meteorological Officers53
5.Submarine Steward (required for secondary duties)85
6.Submarine/Communications Ratings
Petty Officer86
Leading Hands48
Able Seaman(4)114
7.Fighter Controllers77
8.Surface Ship and Submarine Junior Warfare Ratings(4)106
9.Air Engineering Junior Ratings75
10.Submarine Nuclear Watchkeeper Senior Ratings69
11.Royal Marines Junior Ranks88
12.Mine Clearance Divers Junior Ratings75

(4)Some trades are manned at over 100 per cent. yet appear as MPP trades by virtue of over-commitment on operations or to fill shortfalls elsewhere.


Manning level (%)
(MPPs comprise around 15 per cent. of Army manpower requirement)
l.Vehicle Mechanic81
2.Recovery Mechanic73
4.Ammunition Technician62
6.Petroleum Operator84
7.Explosive Ordnance Disposal74
8.Clerk of Works82
9.Military Engineer
10.Information Systems Engineer79
11.Operator Military Intelligence83
Operator Military Intelligence (Linguist)98
Operator Military Intelligence (HUMINT)34
14.Orthopaedic Surgeon53
15.General Surgeon40
16.General Medical Practitioner58
General Duties Officer67
General Duties Soldier64
Accident and Emergency8
Intensive Theatre Unit4

17 Mar 2006 : Column 2515W


Manning level (%)
(MPPs comprise around 37 per cent. of RAF manpower requirement)
l.Squadron Leader Flying Branch93
2.Junior Officer Pilots93
3.Junior Officer Weapon Support Officer93
4.Operations Support Branch (Fighter Control)79
5.Operations Support Branch (Regiment)90
6.Operations Support Branch SB (Provost/Security)87
8.Administration (Secretarial)89
9.Administration (Catering)89
10.Administration (Physical Education)92
11.Administration (Training)87
13.Medical Support83
17.Weapons Support Operator (Linguists)53
18.Weapons Support Operator (Air Loadmaster)94
19.General Technician Electronics91
20.Environmental Health Technician87
22.Air Traffic Control/Flight Operations Manager/
Flight Operations Assistant
23.Aero Systems Manager/Operator95
24.Air Cartographer93
25.Medical Administrator/ Assistant93
26.Psychiatric Health Technician78
27.Staff Nurse75
28.Dental Technician78
29.Dental Hygienist58
30.Laboratory Technician78
32.Operating Theatre Technician87
33.Movements Operator/Controller(5)1,01
34.Mechanical Transport Technician(5)1,01
35.Mechanical Transport Driver(5)1,02
36.Fire Fighter96

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