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Mrs. Villiers: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many cars are (a) owned and (b) leased by her Department; what models the cars are; what type of petrol each model requires; and what the fuel efficiency is of each model. [41359]
Mr. Byrne: The Department currently owns three vehicles, and leases two vehicles which is shown in the table.
Data on fuel efficiency is provided by the Vehicle Certification Agency and is published on their website at
Mr. Evans: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many people have been diagnosed with diabetes in each constituency in Lancashire in each of the last five years. [57636]
Mr. Byrne [holding answer 10 March 2006.]: The information is not available in the format requested. However, the following table shows all diagnoses count of patients for diabetes from 200101 to 200405.
Sandra Gidley: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the annual cost was of providing a domiciliary oxygen service through the community pharmacy network in each of the past four years. [51681]
Jane Kennedy: Figures for 200506 are not yet available. For the previous three years, the total annual costs reimbursed to pharmacy contractors and some dispensing doctors for the domiciliary cylinder oxygen service were:
£ | |
200203 | 28,300,590 |
200304 | 31,081,087 |
200405 | 32,809,514 |
Mr. Stephen O'Brien: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what percentage of requests for home oxygen supplies were emergency requests in (a) England and (b) the North West in the last period for which figures are available. [57520]
Jane Kennedy: Before 1 February 2006, there was no requirement to supply oxygen on an emergency basis. This is a specific requirement in the new service contract introduced on that date. Information on the number of such requests is not held centrally. It is included in data provided to primary care trusts as part of financial and performance management of the contract.
Mr. Stephen O'Brien: To ask the Secretary of State forHealth what provision is made for transport from home to hospital of (a) severely disabled people and (b) severely disabled people where the carer is unable to drive. [57521]
Mr. Byrne:
The publication Ambulance and other patient transport services: Operation, use and performance standards" provides guidance on the
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eligibility criteria for patient transport services (PTS) and is available in the Library. This document states that medical need for non-emergency patient transport must be determined by a doctor, dentist or midwife and will depend upon the medical condition of the individual patient, the availability of private or public transport and distance to be travelled. The principle which should apply is that each patient should be able to reach hospital in a reasonable time and in reasonable comfort, without detriment to their medical condition.
Primary care trusts (PCTs) are responsible for ensuring that there is provision of ambulance services (which could include patient transport services) to such extent as they consider necessary to meet all reasonable requirements. Therefore, it is for the local national health service to decide who provides patient transport services for eligible patients in their area. PCTs should apply the principles outlined in the aforementioned publication to consider each case on its merits or to develop local criteria for patient transport services use. The White Paper Our health, our care, our say: a new direction for community services" signals our intent to broaden eligibility to patients referred for treatment in out of hospital settings, and during 200607 we will update guidance on eligibility for PTS to reflect the changes outlined in the White Paper.
Patients that do not have a medical need for ambulance transport and who are on low incomes, or in receipt of benefits or tax credits, may be eligible for reimbursement of their travel expenses under the hospital travel costs scheme.
Mr. Stephen O'Brien: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what financial penalties can be applied to home oxygen providers who do not meet the terms of their contracts. [57527]
Jane Kennedy:
The Department can terminate the contract of any supplier who breaches material terms of their contract, and require the outgoing supplier to meet the costs incurred where another supplier is brought in
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to provide the service. Where the service delivery fails to meet the standards set out in the contract, the supplier may be required to re-perform those services.
Mr. Stephen O'Brien: To ask the Secretary of State for Health if she will list the regional suppliers for the home oxygen service. [57572]
Jane Kennedy: Linde Gas UK is the supplier for the North East oxygen service region. Air Products is the supplier for the North West, Yorkshire and Humberside, East Midlands, West Midlands, North London and South West oxygen service regions. Allied Respiratory is the supplier for regions covering South London, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Thames Valley, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. BOC Medical is the supplier in the Eastern service region. This information is published in part X of the drug tariff, which is also available on the prescription pricing authority's website ( and the home oxygen section of the national health service primary care contracting website (
Mark Hunter: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what assessment she has made of the effectiveness of the new arrangements for the domiciliary supply of oxygen products to patients. [58088]
Jane Kennedy: There has been disruption to the planned six-month programme, which began on 1 February 2006, to support the transfer of patients receiving home oxygen supplies to new suppliers. We have already taken action to get that planned programme back on track and we are continuing to work with the national health service and suppliers to monitor progress. When fully introduced, the new arrangements will provide a modern service to patients with improved access to a wider range of oxygen equipment that can do much to improve their quality of life.
Mark Hunter: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what representations she has received from the medical profession since the introduction of new arrangements for the domiciliary supply of oxygen products to patients. [58089]
Jane Kennedy: Representatives of the medical profession were included in consultation on the development of the new service. Since introduction of the new arrangements on 1 February 2006, we have continued discussions with them on plans to transfer patients to the new suppliers by August 2006.
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