Session 2005-2006

Commons Journal 262

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Page 348            2005-2006      Volume 262      

[No. 84.]

Monday 19th December 2005.

The House met at half-past Two o’clock.


1Private Bill Petitions,—The Speaker laid upon the Table a Report from the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills, That, in the case of the Petitions for the following Bills, the Standing Orders have been complied with:

Leicester City Council

Liverpool City Council

Maidstone Borough Council

Merseyside Local Authorities (Prohibition of Smoking in Places of Work)

Transport for London

Whitehaven Harbour.

2Private Bills,—The Chairman of Ways and Means reported, That, in accordance with Standing Order 81 relating to Private Business (Division of bills between this House and the House of Lords), he had conferred with the Chairman of Committees of the House of Lords, for the purpose of determining in which House of Parliament the respective Private Bills should be first considered, and they had determined that the Bills contained in the following list should originate in the House of Lords:

Merseyside Local Authorities (Prohibition of Smoking in Places of Work)

Transport for London

Whitehaven Harbour.

and that the Bills contained in the following list should originate in the House of Commons:

Leicester City Council

Liverpool City Council

Maidstone Borough Council.

3First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation,—Mr Christopher Chope reported from the First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation the draft Industrial and Provident Societies (Northern Ireland) Order 2005.

Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to lie upon the Table.

4Second Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation,—Mr David Marshall reported from the Second Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation the draft Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and Money Laundering Regulations 2003 (Amendment) Order 2005.

Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to lie upon the Table.

5Message from the Lords,—A Message was brought from the Lords, as follows:

The Lords have agreed to the Consolidated Fund Bill, without Amendment.

6Adjournment (Police restructuring),—A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That this House do now adjourn—(Mr Alan Campbell);

7Royal Assent,—The Deputy Speaker notified the House, in accordance with the Royal Assent Act 1967, That Her Majesty had signified her Royal Assent to the following Acts, agreed upon by both Houses:

Consolidated Fund Act 2005

Regulation of Financial Services (Land Transactions) Act 2005.

8Adjournment (Police restructuring),—The Question being again proposed, That this House do now adjourn;

And it being Ten o’clock, the Motion for the adjournment of the House lapsed, without Question put.

9Business of the House,—Ordered, That, at the sitting on Thursday 12th January—

(1) the Speaker shall put the Questions necessary to dispose of proceedings on the Motions in the name of Mr Secretary Darling relating to the Crossrail Bill not later than two hours after the commencement of proceedings on the first Motion; such Questions shall include the Questions on any Amendments selected by the Speaker which may then be moved; proceedings may continue, though opposed, after the moment of interruption; and Standing Order No. 41A (Deferred divisions) shall not apply; and

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(2) proceedings on the Motion for the Adjournment in the name of the Prime Minister relating to Security of Energy Supply may continue, though opposed, for three hours or until Six o’clock, whichever is the later, and shall then lapse if not previously disposed of.—(Mr Dave Watts.)

10Foreign Affairs,—Ordered, That Mr Andrew Mackay be discharged from the Foreign Affairs Committee and Mr David Heathcoat-Amory be added.—(Joan Ryan, on behalf of the Committee of Selection.)

11Armed Forces Bill,—Ordered, That Vera Baird, Mr Simon Burns, Mr David Burrowes, Mr Alan Campbell, Ben Chapman, Mr George Howarth, Mr Gerald Howarth, Mr Kevan Jones, Robert Key, Sarah McCarthy-Fry, Mr Michael Moore, Bob Russell, Jim Sheridan and Mr Don Touhig be members of the Select Committee on the Armed Forces Bill.—(Joan Ryan, on behalf of the Committee of Selection.)

12Public Petitions,—Public Petitions from—

(1) users of Broseley Leisure Centre for a multi-purpose leisure facility in Broseley, Shropshire;

(2) residents affected by the plan to build an additional twelve flats in May Avenue, Castle Point, Essex, against the planning application;

(3) residents of Essex against the policy of merging police forces and changes to the current format of the Essex Police Force;

(4) residents of Thundersley area and others for improved public toilet facilities in Castle Point, Essex; and

(5) residents of Gloucestershire for the continued independence of the Gloucestershire Constabulary

were presented and read; and ordered to lie upon the Table and to be printed.

13Adjournment,—A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That this House do now adjourn—(Kevin Brennan);

And the Motion having been made after Ten o’clock, and the Debate having continued for half an hour, the Speaker adjourned the House without Question put, pursuant to the Standing Order, it being then twenty-five minutes to Eleven o’clock, till to-morrow.

[Adjourned at 10.35 p.m.


Papers presented or laid upon the Table:

Papers delivered to the Votes and Proceedings Office on Friday 16th December 2005 pursuant to Standing Order No. 158 (Presentation of command papers):

1Environment, Food and Rural Affairs,—Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Autumn Performance Report 2005 [Cm. 6692] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

Papers delivered to the Votes and Proceedings Office on Friday 16th December 2005 pursuant to Standing Order No. 159 (Presentation of statutory instruments):

Papers subject to Negative Resolution:

2Corporation Tax,—Insurance Companies (Corporation Tax Acts) (Amendment) Order 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 3465), dated 15th December 2005, with an Explanatory Memorandum [Mr Ivan Lewis].

3National Health Service,—East Sussex County Healthcare National Health Service Trust (Transfer of Trust Property) Order 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 3393), dated 7th December 2005 [Ms Secretary Hewitt].

Other Paper:

4Representation of the People,—Parliamentary Elections (Welsh Forms) (Amendment) Order 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 3470), dated 4th December 2005, with an Explanatory Memorandum [Ms Harriet Harman].

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Papers presented or laid upon the Table on Monday 19th December 2005:

Papers subject to Affirmative Resolution:

5European Communities,—Draft European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and its Member States and the Swiss Confederation to Combat Fraud) Order 2006 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Dawn Primarolo].

6Representation of the People,—Draft Representation of the People (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2006 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Ms Harriet Harman].

Papers subject to Negative Resolution:

7Agriculture,—(1) Common Agricultural Policy Single Payment Scheme (Set-aside) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 3460); and

(2) Common Agricultural Policy Single Payment and Support Scheme (Cross-compliance) (England) Regulations 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 3459),

dated 14th December 2005 [by Act], with Explanatory Memoranda thereon [by Command] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

8Environmental Protection,—Radioactive Contaminated Land (Enabling Powers) (England) Regulations 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 3467), dated 14th December 2005 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

9Excise,—Hydrocarbon Oil (Registered Remote Markers) Regulations 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 3472), dated 15th December 2005 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Mr Ivan Lewis].

10Immigration,—Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules [by Act]; to be printed [No. 769], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Mr Secretary Clarke].

11Income Tax,—Income Tax (Building Societies) (Dividends and Interest) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 3474), dated 16th December 2005 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Mr Ivan Lewis].

12Police,—Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (Designated Sites) Order 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 3447), dated 14th December 2005 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Secretary John Reid].

Other Papers:

13Animal Health,—Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Exotic Animal Disease Generic Contingency Plan, Covering Foot and Mouth, Avian Influenza, Newcastle Disease and Classical Swine Fever [by Act] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

14Constitutional Affairs,—Department for Constitutional Affairs: Autumn Performance Report 2005 [by Command] [Cm. 6718] [Ms Harriet Harman].

15Crown Prosecution Service,—Crown Prosecution Service: Autumn Performance Report 2005 [by Command] [Cm. 6672] [The Solicitor General].

16Culture, Media and Sport,—Department for Culture, Media and Sport: Autumn Performance Report 2005 [by Command] [Cm. 6721] [Secretary Tessa Jowell].

17Government Resources and Accounts,—Resource Accounts of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for 2004–05, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 776] [John Healey].

18Government Trading Funds,—Report and Accounts of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency for 2004–05, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 719] [Clerk of the House].

19Health and Social Care,—Annual Report of the Healthcare Commission and Summary of Finances for 2004–05, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act] [Ms Secretary Hewitt].

20Home Office,—Home Office Targets: Autumn Performance Report 2005 [by Command] [Cm. 6707] [Mr Secretary Clarke].

21Marine and Aviation Insurance (War Risks),—Account of the Marine and Aviation Insurance (War Risks) Fund for 2004–05, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 784] [Clerk of the House].

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22National Audit,—Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General on Building more affordable homes: Improving the delivery of affordable housing in areas of high demand [by Act]; to be printed [No. 459] [Clerk of the House].

23National Heritage,—Report and Accounts of English Heritage for 2004–05, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 705] [Secretary Tessa Jowell].

24Northern Ireland,—(1) Accounts for 2004–05 of the—

(i) Department for Social Development, Charitable Donations and Bequests;

(ii) Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery;

(iii) Northern Ireland Social Care Council; and

(iv) Northern Ireland Social Security Agency Social Fund,

with the Reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General for Northern Ireland thereon [by Statutory Instrument]; to be printed [Nos. 761, 759, 760 and 762];

(2) Northern Ireland Office: Autumn Performance Report 2005 [by Command] [Cm. 6720];

(3) Report and Financial Accounts of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission for 2004–05, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 763]; and

(4) Report and Statement of Accounts of the Northern Ireland Policing Board for 2004–05, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 449]

[Mr Secretary Hain].

25Revenue and Customs,—Annual Report of HM Revenue and Customs for 2004–05, with HM Revenue and Customs: Autumn Performance Report 2005 [by Command] [Cm. 6691] [Dawn Primarolo].

26Trade and Investment,—UK Trade and Investment: Autumn Performance Report 2005 [by Command] [Cm. 6726] [Secretary Alan Johnson].

27Transport,—Reports of the Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee for—

(1) 2003–04; and

(2) 2004–05

[by Act] [Mr Secretary Darling].

28 Treasury,—HM Treasury: Autumn Performance Report 2005 [by Command] [Cm. 6696] [Mr Des Browne].


Standing Committees

1Draft Industrial and Provident Societies (Northern Ireland) Order 2005,—The Committee of Selection has discharged Mr Fabian Hamilton, Mr Doug Henderson and Mr Michael Meacher from the First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation (nominated in respect of the draft Order) and nominated in substitution Andrew Miller, Mark Tami and Mr Anthony Wright (Great Yarmouth).

2Draft Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and Money Laundering Regulations 2003 (Amendment) Order 2005,—The Committee of Selection has discharged Gordon Banks, Mr Khalid Mahmood, Sarah McCarthy-Fry, Joan Ryan, Sir Peter Soulsby and Kitty Ussher from the Second Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation (nominated in respect of the draft Order) and nominated in substitution Nia Griffiths, Andrew Gwynne, Mr John Heppell, Siobhain McDonagh, Stephen Pound and Ms Gisela Stuart.


Reports from Select Committees

1Education and Skills,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Education and Skills Committee [Schools White Paper]; to be printed [No. 633-vii] [Mr Barry Sheerman].

2Human Rights,—Sixth Report from the Joint Committee on Human Rights [Legislative Scrutiny: Third Progress Report], together with an Appendix; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 787] [Mr Andrew Dismore].

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3Public Accounts,—(1) Eighteenth Report from the Committee of Public Accounts [Improving school attendance in England]; to be printed [No. 789];

(2) Nineteenth Report from the Committee [Cancer—improving the patient journey]; to be printed [No. 790];

(3) Twentieth Report from the Committee [The NHS Cancer Plan]; to be printed [No. 791];

(4) Twenty-first Report from the Committee [Skills for Life]; to be printed [No. 792];

(5) Twenty-second Report from the Committee [Maintaining and improving Britain’s railway stations]; to be printed [No. 535]; and

(6) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee [National Offender Management Service: Dealing with increased numbers in Custody]; to be printed [No. 788-i]

[Mr Edward Leigh].

[No. 85.]

Tuesday 20th December 2005.

The House met at half-past Eleven o’clock.


1Childcare Bill,—Mr David Amess reported from Standing Committee D, That it had gone through the Childcare Bill, and made Amendments thereunto.

Bill, as amended in the Standing Committee, to be considered on Monday 9th January; and to be printed [Bill 107].

Minutes of proceedings of the Committee to lie upon the Table.

2Fireworks (Amendment),—Ordered, That leave be given to bring in a bill to amend the Fireworks Act 2003; and for connected purposes: And that Mr David Amess, Norman Baker, James Brokenshire, Mr Roger Gale, Dr Brian Iddon, Lynne Jones, Shona McIsaac, Rob Marris, Mr Eric Martlew, Bob Russell, Joan Walley and Miss Ann Widdecombe do prepare and bring it in.

3Fireworks (Amendment) Bill,—Mr David Amess accordingly presented a bill to amend the Fireworks Act 2003; and for connected purposes: And the same was read the first time; and ordered to be read a second time on Friday 10th March and to be printed [Bill 106].

4Adjournment (Matters to be considered before the forthcoming adjournment),—A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That this House do now adjourn.—(Mr Alan Campbell);

The Motion was, with leave of the House, withdrawn.

5Public Petitions,—Public Petitions from—

(1) supporters of the Isitfair Council Tax protest campaign for a fair and equitable replacement for council tax;

(2) residents of Canvey Island against plans to build twelve flats in May Avenue;

(3) residents of Castle Point and others against undemocratic planning processes in Castle Point Borough Council;

(4) the Canvey Independent Party and others against the closure of public toilets in Castle Point; and

(5) residents of Southend-on-Sea and others for the introduction of replacement bus services in Southend

were presented and read; and ordered to lie upon the Table and to be printed.

6Public Petitions,—Public Petitions from supporters of the Isitfair Council Tax protest campaign for a fair and equitable replacement for council tax [two Petitions] were presented; and ordered to lie upon the Table and to be printed.

7Adjournment,—Resolved, That this House do now adjourn.—(Mr Tom Watson.)

And accordingly, the House, having continued to sit till twenty-nine minutes past Seven o’clock, adjourned till Monday 9th January, pursuant to Resolution [16th November].

[Adjourned at 7.29 p.m.

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Papers presented or laid upon the Table:

Papers subject to Negative Resolution:

1Electronic Communications,—Wireless Telegraphy (Inspection and Restrictions on Use of Exempt Stations and Apparatus) Regulations 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 3481), dated 17th December 2005 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Secretary Alan Johnson].

2Family Proceedings,—Family Proceedings Fees (Amendment No. 2) Order 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 3443) dated 20th December 2005 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Ms Harriet Harman].

3Magistrates’ Courts,—Magistrates’ Courts Fees Order 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 3444), dated 20th December 2005 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Ms Harriet Harman].

4Plant Health,—Plant Health (Export Certification) (England) (Amendment) Order 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 3480), dated 13th December 2005 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

5Supreme Court of England and Wales,—Civil Proceedings Fees (Amendment) Order 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 3445), dated 20th December 2005 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Ms Harriet Harman].

Other Papers:

6Cabinet Office,—Cabinet Office: Autumn Performance Report 2005 [by Command] [Cm. 6725] [Mr Jim Murphy].

7Charities,—Account of the National Army Museum for 2004–05, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 793] [Clerk of the House].

8Exchequer and Audit Departments,—Financial Statements for the Building Research Establishment for the period 1st April 1996 to 19th March 1997, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 781] [Mr Secretary Prescott].

9Political Parties, Elections and Referendums,—Third Report from the Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission, Session 2005–06 [by Act]; to be printed [No. 783] [The Speaker].

10Registration Service,—Mortality Statistics: Review of the Registrar General on deaths by cause, sex and age in England and Wales for 2004 [by Act] [John Healey].


Standing Committees

Criminal Defence Service Bill [Lords] (Programming Sub-Committee),—The Speaker has appointed Kevin Brennan, Chris Bryant, Mr Jonathan Djanogly, Mr David Heath, Barbara Keeley, Bridget Prentice and Angela Watkinson members of the Programming Sub-Committee of Standing Committee A in respect of the Bill.


Reports from Select Committees

1Culture, Media and Sport,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Culture, Media and Sport Committee [Analogue Switch-Off]; to be printed [No. 650-v] [Mr John Whittingdale].

2Select Committees (Choice of Chairman),—Mr George Howarth reported from the Select Committee on the Armed Forces Bill, That he had been chosen as Chairman of the Committee.

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