Session 2005-2006

Commons Journal 262

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Page 594            2005-2006      Volume 262      

[No. 141.]

Tuesday 2nd May 2006.

The House met at half-past Two o’clock.


1Housing Corporation (Delegation) etc. Bill,—Mr Joe Benton reported from Standing Committee D, That it had gone through the Housing Corporation (Delegation) etc. Bill, and directed him to report the same, without Amendment.

Bill, not amended in the Standing Committee, to be considered to-morrow.

Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to lie upon the Table.

2First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation,—Mr David Wilshire reported from the First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation the draft Planning Reform (Northern Ireland) Order 2006.

Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to lie upon the Table.

3Finance (No. 2) Bill,—The House, according to Order, resolved itself into a Committee on the Finance (No. 2) Bill (Clauses Nos. 13 to 15, 26, 61, 91 and 106, Schedule No. 14, and New Clauses relating to the effect of provisions of the Bill on section 18 of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984).

(In the Committee)

Ordered,—That the order in which proceedings in the Committee of the whole House on the Finance Bill (No. 2) are to be taken shall be: new Clauses relating to the effect of provisions of the Bill on section 18 of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984, Clause No. 61, Clause No. 26, Clause No. 91, Schedule No. 14, Clause No. 106 and Clauses Nos. 13 to 15.—(Dawn Primarolo.)

A Clause (NC1) (Application of section 18 IHTA 1984)—(Mrs Theresa Villiers)—brought up and read the first time.

Question put, That the Clause be read a second time.

The Committee divided.

Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Henry Bellingham, Mr David Evennett: 193.

Tellers for the Noes, Tony Cunningham, Kevin Brennan: 285.

Clause No. 61 (Computer equipment).

Question put, That the Clause stand part of the Bill.

The Committee divided.

Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Frank Roy, Mr Alan Campbell: 281.

Tellers for the Noes, Mr Henry Bellingham, Mr David Evennett: 158.

Clause No. 26 (Abolition of corporation tax starting rate and non-corporate distribution rate).

Amendment (No. 27) proposed, in page 26, line 19 [Vol I], at the end to insert the words—

‘( ) At the end of section 8 of ICTA there is inserted—

“(3A) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section—

(a) corporation tax shall not be charged on the profits of a company where the profits of the company for any accounting period in question do not exceed a limit of £500;

(b) where an accounting period is shorter than 12 months that £500 limit shall be reduced in proportion to the reduction in accounting period; and

(c) where a company has associated companies, that £500 limit shall be reduced in proportion to the number of associates during the accounting period.”.’.—(Julia Goldsworthy.)

Question proposed, That the Amendment be made:—Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Question put, That the Clause stand part of the Bill.

The Committee divided.

Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Parmjit Dhanda, Mr Alan Campbell: 304.

Tellers for the Noes, Mr Henry Bellingham, Mr David Evennett: 137.

To report progress and ask leave to sit again.—(Mr Dave Watts.)

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The Deputy Speaker resumed the Chair and Mr Dave Watts reported, That the Committee had made progress in the Bill, and that he was directed to move, That the Committee may have leave to sit again.

Committee again to-morrow

4Adjournment (Whitsun),—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 25 (Periodic adjournments), That this House, at its rising on Thursday 25th May 2006, do adjourn till Monday 5th June 2006—(Mr Dave Watts.):—It was agreed to.

5Modernisation of the House of Commons,—Ordered, That Mr David Heath and Andrew Stunell be discharged from the Committee on the Modernisation of the House of Commons and that Mr Paul Burstow and Mr Adrian Sanders be added.—(Mr Dave Watts.)

6Regulatory Reform,—Ordered, That Bob Russell be discharged from the Regulatory Reform Committee and Lorely Burt be added.—(Rosemary McKenna, on behalf of the Committee of Selection.)

7Procedure,—Ordered, That Annette Brooke be discharged from the Procedure Committee and John Hemming be added.—(Rosemary McKenna, on behalf of the Committee of Selection.)

8Public Petition,—A Public Petition from residents of Humberstone, Leicester for additional safety measures at the junction of Scraptoft Lane and Hungarton Boulevard in Leicester was presented and read; and ordered to lie upon the Table and to be printed.

9Adjournment,—Resolved, That this House do now adjourn.—(Mr Dave Watts.)

And accordingly, the House, having continued to sit till half-past Ten o’clock, adjourned till to-morrow.

[Adjourned at 10.30 p.m.


Papers presented or laid upon the Table:

Papers presented by Her Majesty’s Command and delivered to the Votes and Proceedings Office on the undermentioned dates during the adjournment pursuant to Standing Order No. 158 (Presentation of command papers):

Friday 28th April 2006

1Dominican Republic (No. 1, 2006),—Agreement, done at London on 22nd March 2006, between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Dominican Republic concerning Air Services, with an Explanatory Memorandum [Cm. 6782] [Mr Secretary Straw].

2Miscellaneous (No. 1, 2006),—Protocol of Amendments to the Convention on the International Hydrographic Organization adopted by the Third Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference held at Monaco on 14th April 2005, with a Consolidated Version and an Explanatory Memorandum [Cm. 6783] [Mr Secretary Straw].

Papers delivered to the Votes and Proceedings Office on the undermentioned dates during the adjournment pursuant to Standing Order No. 159 (Presentation of statutory instruments):

Papers subject to Negative Resolution:

Friday 28th April 2006

3Animals,—Welfare of Animals (Slaughter or Killing) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2006 (S.I., 2006, No. 1200), dated 28th April 2006, with an Explanatory Memorandum [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

4Consumer Protection,—Cosmetic Products (Safety) (Amendment) Regulations 2006 (S.I., 2006, No. 1198), dated 27th April 2006, with an Explanatory Memorandum [Secretary Alan Johnson].

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Papers presented or laid upon the Table on Monday 2nd May 2006:

Paper subject to Affirmative Resolution:

5Immigration,—Draft Immigration (Provision of Physical Data) Regulations 2006 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Mr Secretary Clarke].

Papers subject to Negative Resolution:

6Animals,—Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (No. 2) Regulations 2006 (S.I., 2006, No. 1228), dated 2nd May 2006 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

7Health Care and Associated Professions,—Nursing and Midwifery Council (Practice Committees) (Constitution) Rules Order of Council 2006 (S.I., 2006, No. 1199), dated 19th April 2006 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Ms Secretary Hewitt].

Other Papers:

8Foreign Affairs,—Government Response to the First Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee, Session 2005–06, on Annual Report on Human Rights 2005 [by Command] [Cm. 6774] [Mr Secretary Straw].

9Government Resources and Accounts,—Treasury Minute, dated 2nd May 2006, directing the application of certain amounts as appropriations in aid of the Estimates for the year ending 31st March 2007 [by Act] [Mr Des Browne].

10Health Professions,—Report and Financial Statements of the Health Professions Council for 2004–05, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Statutory Instrument] [Ms Harriet Harman].

11National Audit,—Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General on The Provision of Out-of-Hours Care in England [by Act]; to be printed [No. 1041] [Clerk of the House].

12Supply Estimates, 2006–07,—(1) Main Supplementary Estimates for 2006–07 for—

(i) Central Government [by Command]; to be printed [No. 1035] [Mr Des Browne];

(ii) the Electoral Commission [by Act]; to be printed [No. 1039] [The Speaker];

(iii) the House of Commons: Administration [by Act]; to be printed [No. 1037] [The Speaker]; and

(iv) the National Audit Office [by Act]; to be printed [No. 1038] [Mr Alan Williams]; and

(2) Central Government: Supplementary Budgetary Information [by Command] [Cm 6771] [Mr Des Browne].

13Treasury,—Treasury Minute concerning indemnities for non-executive board members of civil service organisations [by Command] [Mr Des Browne].


Standing Committees

Draft Planning Reform (Northern Ireland) Order 2006,—The Committee of Selection has discharged Frank Dobson and Mr Brian Jenkins from the First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation (nominated in respect of the draft Order) and nominated in substitution Huw Irranca-Davies and Mr Anthony Wright (Great Yarmouth).


Reports from Select Committees

1Constitutional Affairs,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Constitutional Affairs Committee [Family Justice: the operation of the family courts]; to be printed [No. 1086-i] [Mr Alan Beith].

2 Culture, Media and Sport and Trade and Industry,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Culture, Media and Sport and Trade and Industry Committees [Ofcom’s Annual Plan 2006/07]; to be printed [No. 1083-i] [Mr Peter Luff].

3Defence,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Defence Committee [Educating Service Children]; to be printed [No. 1054-ii] [Mr James Arbuthnot].

4International Development,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the International Development Committee, together with Appendices [Conflict and development: Peacebuilding and post-conflict reconstruction]; to be printed [No. 923-iv] [Malcolm Bruce].

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5Public Administration,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee on Public Administration [The Work of the Ombudsman]; to be printed [No. 1081-i] [Dr Tony Wright].

[No. 141; WH, No. 91]

Tuesday 2nd May 2006.

The House sitting in Westminster Hall

The sitting began at half-past Nine o’clock.

Adjournment,—Resolved, That the sitting be now adjourned.—(Mr Thomas McAvoy.)

And accordingly the sitting was adjourned till to-morrow.

[Adjourned at 1.59 p.m.

[No. 142.]

Wednesday 3rd May 2006.

The House met at half-past Eleven o’clock.


1British Overseas Territories Bill,—The Order for reading the British Overseas Territories Bill a second time on Friday 12th May was read and discharged.

Bill to be read a second time on Friday 16th June.

2Neighbourhood Policing,—Ordered, That leave be given to bring in a Bill to require police services to include proposals to introduce and sustain neighbourhood policing as a provision of their policing plans; and for connected purposes: And that Mr Andrew Slaughter, Lyn Brown, Jon Cruddas, Ms Karen Buck, Stephen Pound, Mr Andrew Love, Mike Gapes, Meg Hillier, Mr Andrew Dismore, Dr Rudi Vis, Harry Cohen and Ann Keen do prepare and bring it in.

3Neighbourhood Policing Bill,—Mr Andrew Slaughter accordingly presented a Bill to require police services to include proposals to introduce and sustain neighbourhood policing as a provision of their policing plans; and for connected purposes: And the same was read the first time; and ordered to be read a second time on Friday 16th June and to be printed [Bill 177].

4Finance (No. 2) Bill,—The House, according to Order, again resolved itself into a Committee on the Finance (No. 2) Bill (Clauses Nos. 13 to 15, 26, 61, 91 and 106, Schedule No. 14, and New Clauses relating to the effect of provisions of the Bill on section 18 of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984).

(In the Committee)

Clause No. 91 agreed to.

Schedule No. 14 (Investment reliefs: venture capital schemes).

Amendment (No. 6) proposed, in page 74 [Vol II], to leave out lines 5 to 26.—(Mr Mark Hoban.)

Question proposed, That the Amendment be made:—Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Another Amendment (No. 10) proposed, in page 75, line 25 [Vol II], to leave out ‘30’ and insert ‘40’.—(Mr Mark Hoban.)

Question proposed, That the Amendment be made:—Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Another Amendment (No. 12) proposed, in page 76 [Vol II], to leave out lines 1 to 13.—(Mr Mark Hoban.)

Question proposed, That the Amendment be made:—Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Another Amendment (No. 5) proposed, in page 77, line 3 [Vol II], at the end to add the words—


Inheritance tax

9 In section 104(1)(a) of IHTA 1984 for “(b) or (bb)” substitute “(b) (bb) or (bc)”

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10 In section 105(1) of IHTA 1984 after subsection (bb) insert—

“(bc) eligible shares in a venture capital trust as defined by section 842AA(14) of the Taxes Act 1988;”


Longer holding periods

11 (1) Schedule 15B to The Taxes Act 1988 is amended as follows

(2) In paragraph 1, after subparagraph (2) insert—

“(2A) An individual shall also be eligible for relief in the 6th year after subscribing for eligible shares if those shares are held by him at the 6th anniversary of the subscription.

(2B) The amounts on which an individual shall be taken for the purposes of sub-paragraph (2A) above to be eligible for relief shall be the original subscription amount for such shares.

(3) In paragraph 3(1)(b) leave out “those shares were issued to that individual” and insert “the shares became eligible for relief under paragraph 1(2) or (2A) above. But relief claimed for a subscription of eligible shares more than five years before the date of disposal shall not be withdrawn.”.’.—(Mr Mark Hoban.)

Question proposed, That the Amendment be made:—Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Schedule agreed to.

Clause No. 106 (Conditions for company).

Amendment (No. 24) proposed, in page 97, line 13 [Vol I], at the end to add the words—

‘(1A) Not later than 31st March 2007, and annually thereafter, the Chancellor of the Exchequer shall lay before Parliament a report of the number and estimated market capitalisation of the companies that have given notice to register as Real Estate Investment Trusts under section 109.’.—(Mr Mark Francois.)

Question proposed, That the Amendment be made:—Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Clause agreed to.

Clause No. 13 (Rates).

Amendment (No. 25) proposed, in page 14, line 20 [Vol I], to leave out Table A and insert—

CO2 Emissions figure Rate
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Exceeding Not ExceedingReduced Rate Standard Rate Premium Rate
  Households with a postcode in a sparsely populated rural area Households with a postcode in a sparsely populated rural area Households with a postcode in a sparsely populated rural area
g/km g/km £ £ £ £ £ £
100 120 30 15 40 20 50 25
120 150 90 45 100 50 110 55
150 165 115 57.50 125 62.50 135 67.50
165 185 140 70 150 75 160 80
185 180 90 190 95 195 97.50

—(Julia Goldsworthy.)

Question put, That the Amendment be made:—It was negatived.

Clause agreed to.

Clauses Nos. 14 and 15 agreed to.

Bill (Clauses Nos. 13 to 15, 26, 61, 91 and 106, Schedule No. 14, and New Clauses relating to the effect of provisions of the Bill on section 18 of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984) to be reported, without Amendment.

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The Deputy Speaker resumed the Chair and Mr Dave Watts reported, That the Committee had gone through the Bill (Clauses Nos. 13 to 15, 26, 61, 91 and 106, Schedule No. 14, and New Clauses relating to the effect of provisions of the Bill on section 18 of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984) and directed him to report the same, without Amendment.

Ordered, That the Bill (Clauses Nos. 13 to 15, 26, 61, 91 and 106, and Schedule No. 14) do lie upon the Table.

5Northern Ireland,—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 118 (Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation), That the draft Planning Reform (Northern Ireland) Order 2006, which was laid before this House on 8th March, be approved—(Mr Dave Watts):—It was agreed to.

6Protection of Chickens Kept for Meat Production,—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 119 (European Standing Committees), That this House takes note of European Union Document No. 9606/05, Communication from the Commission of a Proposal for a Council Directive laying down minimum rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat production; and agrees that the Government should secure sustainable and affordable improvements to meat chicken welfare through effective and proportionate means, including a harmonised environment and inspection regime—(Mr Dave Watts):—It was agreed to.

7Sittings of the House,—Ordered, That, at the sitting on Monday 8th May, the Speaker shall not adjourn the House until any message from the Lords has been received, any Committee to draw up Reasons which has been appointed at that sitting has reported, and he has notified the Royal Assent to Acts agreed upon by both Houses.—(Mr Dave Watts.)

8Business of the House,—Ordered, That, at the sitting on Monday 8th May, notwithstanding the provisions of Standing Order No. 16 (Proceedings under an Act or on European Union documents), the Speaker shall put the Questions necessary to dispose of proceedings on the Motion in the names of Mr Douglas Alexander and John Healey relating to European Union Documents not later than three hours after their commencement; proceedings may continue, though opposed after the moment of interruption; and Standing Order No. 41A (Deferred divisions) shall not apply.—(Mr Dave Watts.)

9Adjournment,—Resolved, That this House do now adjourn.—(Mr Dave Watts.)

And accordingly, the House, having continued to sit till twenty-six minutes past Seven o’clock, adjourned till to-morrow.

[Adjourned at 7.26 p.m.


Papers presented or laid upon the Table:

Paper subject to Affirmative Resolution:

1Criminal Law,—Draft Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (Amendment of Section 61 (1)) Order 2006 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Mr Secretary Clarke].

Papers subject to Negative Resolution:

2Intellectual Property,—Registered Designs Act 1949 and Patents Act 1977 (Electronic Communications) Order 2006 (S.I., 2006, No. 1229), dated 26th April 2006 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Secretary Alan Johnson].

3Northern Ireland Departments,—Departments (Transfer of Functions) Order (Northern Ireland) 2006 (S.R. (N.I.), 2006, No. 192), dated 3rd April 2006 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Mr Secretary Hain].

4Road Traffic,—M6 Toll (Speed Limit) Regulations 2006 (S.I., 2006, No. 1185), dated 13th April 2006 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Mr Secretary Darling].

Other Paper:

5Constitutional Affairs,—Government Response to the Third and Fifth Reports from the Constitutional Affairs Committee, on Compensation culture and Compensation culture: NHS Redress Bill [by Command] [Cm. 6784] [Bridget Prentice].

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Standing Committees

1Finance (No. 2) Bill (except Clauses Nos. 13 to 15, 23, 61, 91 and 106 and Schedule No. 14, and New Clauses relating to the effect of provisions of the Bill on section 18 of the Inheritance Tax Act 1984):

(1) The Speaker has allocated the Bill to Standing Committee A; and

(2) the Committee of Selection has nominated thirty-four Members to serve on the Committee: Gordon Banks, Ms Celia Barlow, Mr Colin Breed, Mr Philip Dunne, Mr Mark Francois, Mr David Gauke, Julia Goldsworthy, Helen Goodman, Mr Paul Goodman, Nia Griffith, John Healey, John Hemming, Stephen Hesford, Mr Mark Hoban, Mrs Sharon Hodgson, Stewart Hosie, Barbara Keeley, Mr Sadiq Khan, Mr Ivan Lewis, Kerry McCarthy, Rob Marris, Kali Mountford, Mr Brooks Newmark, Dawn Primarolo, Mr Andy Reed, Mr Jamie Reed, Andrew Selous, Mark Tami, John Thurso, Mrs Theresa Villiers, Mr Tom Watson, Mr Iain Wright, Jeremy Wright and Sir George Young.

2Draft Terrorism Act 2000 (Revised Code of Practice for the Identification of Persons by Police Officers) (Northern Ireland) Order 2006:

(1) The Speaker has allocated the draft Order to the First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation; and

(2) the Committee of Selection has nominated seventeen Members to serve on the Committee: Mr Vernon Coaker, Mr David Curry, Philip Davies, Mr Jim Devine, Mr Nigel Dodds, Mr Stephen Hepburn, Mr Adam Holloway, Mr Piara S. Khabra, Mr Pat McFadden, Mr Alan Milburn, Dan Norris, Lembit O­pik, Sandra Osborne, Mr Laurence Robertson, Andrew Rosindell, Lynda Waltho and Mr Shaun Woodward.

3Draft Planning (Application to the Houses of Parliament) Order 2006:

(1) The Speaker has allocated the draft Order to the Second Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation; and

(2) the Committee of Selection has nominated seventeen Members to serve on the Committee: Mr Henry Bellingham, Tom Brake, Mr David Burrowes, Colin Challen, Frank Dobson, Mr David Drew, Mark Fisher, Jim Fitzpatrick, Michael Gove, Kate Hoey, Mr Brian Jenkins, Alan Keen, Mr Mark Lancaster, Anne Main, Andrew Stunell, Mr Dave Watts and David Wright.

4Draft Private Tenancies (Northern Ireland) Order 2006:

(1) The Speaker has allocated the draft Order to the Fourth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation; and

(2) the Committee of Selection has nominated seventeen Members to serve on the Committee: Richard Burden, Mr Douglas Carswell, Mr David Clelland, Mr Vernon Coaker, Mr Nigel Dodds, Mrs Nadine Dorries, Clive Efford, Mr Michael Foster (Worcester), Mr David Hanson, Mr Stewart Jackson, Lembit O­pik, Mr Laurence Robertson, Andrew Rosindell, Joan Ruddock, Dr Gavin Strang, Mr Paul Truswell and Joan Walley.

5Bee Diseases and Pest Control (England) Order 2006 (S.I., 2006, No. 342):

(1) The Speaker has allocated the Order to the Fifth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation; and

(2) the Committee of Selection has nominated seventeen Members to serve on the Committee: Mr Ben Bradshaw, Tony Cunningham, Mr Roger Godsiff, Mr Greg Hands, Mr Lindsay Hoyle, Chris Huhne, Lynne Jones, Mr David Kidney, Mr Mark Lancaster, John McDonnell, Andrew Rosindell, Geraldine Smith, Graham Stringer, Mr Shailesh Vara, Bill Wiggin, Mrs Betty Williams and Mr Roger Williams.


Reports from Select Committees

1Crossrail Bill,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee on the Crossrail Bill; to be printed [No. 837-xxviii] [Mr Alan Meale].

2Environmental Audit,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Sub-Committee on Trade, Development and the Environment of the Environmental Audit Committee [The Role of DfID]; to be printed [No. 1014-iv] [Mr Tim Yeo].

3Environment, Food and Rural Affairs,—(1) Seventh Report from the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee [The Environment Agency], together with Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 780]; and

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(2) Minutes of Evidence taken before Committee [Climate change: role of bioenergy], together with Memoranda laid before the Committee; to be printed [No. 965-v]

[Mr Michael Jack].

4European Scrutiny,—(1) Twenty-seventh Report from the European Scrutiny Committee; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 34-xxvii]; and

(2) Memoranda laid before the Committee [Ministerial Correspondence]

[Jimmy Hood].

5Foreign Affairs,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Foreign Affairs Committee [Developments in the European Union]; to be printed [No. 768-iii] [Mike Gapes].

6Northern Ireland Affairs,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee [Organised Crime in Northern Ireland]; to be printed [No. 886-vi] [Sir Patrick Cormack].

7Public Accounts,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee of Public Accounts [Gaining and retaining a job: The Department for Work and Pensions’ support for disabled people]; to be printed [No. 1089-i] [Mr Ian Davidson].

8Science and Technology,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Science and Technology Committee [Scientific advice, risk and evidence: how Government handles them]; to be printed [No. 900-v] [Mr Phil Willis].

9Statutory Instruments,—Fourth Report from the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments, together with Memoranda laid before the Committee; to be printed [No. 871-iv] [Mr Eric Forth].

10Transport,—(1) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Transport Committee [Transport Security: Travelling without Fear]; to be printed [No. 1085-i]; and

(2) Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee on 19th April [Personal Passenger Safety in Railway Stations]; to be printed [No. 1057-ii]

[Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody].

11Treasury,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Treasury Committee [The design of a National Pension Savings Scheme and the role of financial services regulation]; to be printed [No. 1074-ii] [Mr John McFall].

12Work and Pensions,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Work and Pensions Committee [Pension Reform]; to be printed [No. 1068-ii] [Mr Terry Rooney].

[No. 142; WH, No. 92]

Wednesday 3rd May 2006.

The House sitting in Westminster Hall

The sitting began at half-past Nine o’clock.

Adjournment,—Resolved, That the sitting be now adjourned.—(Mr Vernon Coaker.)

And accordingly the sitting was adjourned till to-morrow.

[Adjourned at 4.59 p.m.

[No. 143.]

Thursday 4th May 2006.

The House met at half-past Ten o’clock.


1Adjournment (Government’s strategy to improve the life chances of disabled people),—A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That this House do now adjourn—(Mrs Anne McGuire);

And it being Six o’clock, the Motion for the adjournment of the House lapsed without Question put.

2Adjournment,—Resolved, That this House do now adjourn.—(Mr Frank Roy.)

And accordingly, the House, having continued to sit till Six o’clock, adjourned till Monday 8th May.

[Adjourned at 6 p.m.

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Papers presented or laid upon the Table:

Papers subject to Negative Resolution:

1Education,—Education (Change of Category of Maintained Schools) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2006 (S.I., 2006, No. 1164), dated 24th April 2006 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Secretary Ruth Kelly].

2Merchant Shipping,—Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution) (Bunkers Convention) Regulations 2006 (S.I., 2006, No. 1244), dated 2nd May 2006 [by Act], with an Explanatory Memorandum [by Command] [Mr Secretary Darling].

3Universities of Oxford and Cambridge,—Statute, dated 15th June 2005, made by the Governing Body of New College, Oxford, amending the Statutes of the University [by Act] [Bridget Prentice].

Other Papers:

4Foreign Compensation,—Report of the Foreign Compensation Commission for 2004–05, with a Summary of Expenditure for 1999–2004 [by Command] [Cm. 6778] [Mr Secretary Straw].

5Justice (Northern Ireland),—Report on an announced inspection of Maghaberry Prison by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons and the Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland [by Act] [Mr Secretary Hain].

6Law Commission,—Report of the Law Commission on Renting Homes: The Final Report and Draft Bill [by Command] [Cm. 6781-I and -II] [Ms Harriet Harman].

7Northern Ireland,—Account of the Northern Ireland Social Security Agency Social Fund for 2003–04, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General for Northern Ireland thereon [by Statutory Instrument]; to be printed [No. 1080] [Mr Secretary Hain].


Standing Committees

1Finance (No. 2) Bill,—The Speaker has appointed Mr Edward O’Hara, Sir John Butterfill and Mr Joe Benton Chairmen of Standing Committee A in respect of the Bill.

2Draft Terrorism Act 2000 (Revised Code of Practice for the Identification of Persons by Police Officers) (Northern Ireland) Order 2006,—The Speaker has appointed Mr Roger Gale Chairman of the First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation in respect of the draft Order.

3Draft Planning (Application to the Houses of Parliament) Order 2006,—The Speaker has appointed Janet Anderson Chairman of the Second Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation in respect of the draft Order.

4Draft Private Tenancies (Northern Ireland) Order 2006,—The Speaker has appointed Ann Winterton Chairman of the Fourth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation in respect of the draft Order.

5Bee Diseases and Pest Control (England) Order 2006 (S.I., 2006, No. 342),—The Speaker has appointed Mr Jimmy Hood Chairman of the Fifth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation in respect of the Order.

European Standing Committees

6The Speaker has appointed John Bercow Chairman of the European Standing Committee in respect of European Union Document No. 6520/06 on Cooperation on Asylum Policy and Practice.

[No. 143; WH, No. 93]

Thursday 4th May 2006.

The House sitting in Westminster Hall

The sitting began at half-past Two o’clock.

Adjournment (Enterprise and its contribution to society),—Resolved, That the sitting be now adjourned.—(Mr John Heppell.)

And accordingly the sitting was adjourned till Tuesday 9th May.

[Adjourned at 4.09 p.m.

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