Special educational needs
33. During our inquiry we heard from Service parents
about the particular difficulties facing those of them with a
child with Special Needs.
34. The Education Act 1996, states that children
have Special Educational Needs (SEN) if:
they have a significantly greater difficulty learning
than the majority of children of the same age or have a disability
which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational
facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same
age in schools within the area of the local authority.[28]
The 1996 Act stipulates that LEAs have a duty to
identify, assess and make provision for children with special
needs and to keep their arrangements for doing so under review.[29]
The provision of support for children with special needs is graduated
from support provided within a school, known as School Action
and School Action Plus to 'Statementing' where support is provided
by special needs specialists, often drawn from external resources.
Statements are based on specialist reports from an education psychologist,
health and social care professionals and others and set out in
detail the special educational provision to be made for a child.
Once a Statement is made, the 1996 Act requires the relevant Local
Authority to arrange the special educational provision specified
in it.[30]
35. The submission by Wiltshire County Council suggests
that approximately 5% of Service children in Wiltshire have Statements
of special educational need, compared with an overall level of
approximately 2.1%. We have also received some anecdotal comment
that a higher proportion of Service children have special needs
compared to the general population, but this cannot be verified
owing to the absence of reliable data.[31]
36. At our evidence session in Colchester, Service
parents of children with Special Needs complained to us that Statements
were not transferable between schools, or between UK schools and
SCE. Schools were obliged by LEAs to reassess students on arrival
from schools outside the LEA. Mrs Heather Wheeler, a Service wife,
told us:
You might be getting to the root of a problem with
a child who has had an on-going problem and then you are posted
elsewhere and have to go through the whole rigmarole again.[32]
Mrs Maria Barber Riley told us:
My experience with regard to special needsmy
son has special needshas been quite poor on the whole with
regard to having to move round different counties and trying to
get a statement of educational needs. You have to start the whole
process over again depending on which county you are in.[33]
Mrs Michelle Dunn told us that the process could
take "anything between six months and two years".[34]
37. Teachers at Montgomery Junior School told us
that the speed of assessments varied greatly between local education
authorities, depending on the resources available. They described
an instance where a child with Special Needs had not been assessed
by an educational psychologist until almost two years after joining
Postings to our web forum: children with special educational needs
"The number of children who have lost their Statements never ceases to amaze me." (Head Teacher of UK Primary School)
38. The Minister for Schools conceded it was possible that schools
with large numbers of Service children lacked a strong enough
incentive to go through the Statementing process due to the high
mobility associated with Service children.[35]
On the other hand, he assured us that 92% of statements were produced
within the statutory 18 weeks.[36]
39. When we questioned the Parliamentary Under-Secretary
for Defence, Mr Don Touhig MP, about the problems faced by Service
children with special needs, he told us:
I have a passion about us doing something better
for special educational needs and, indeed, have been talking to
my officials about the possibility of a 'Statementing passport'
it would clearly involve the very close collaboration and support
of other departments, DfES in particular, to do that.[37]
40. We put the idea of a "Statementing passport"
to the Minister for Schools. He thought it was "an interesting
idea" but cautioned that procedures would have to be in place
to ensure statements were updated regularly. He had particular
concerns about the low number of educational psychologists which
can be called on by SCE schools.[38]
41. The Education and Skills Committee has recently
concluded an extensive inquiry into Special Educational Needs.[39]
Its report identifies problems with the procedures for supporting
all children with Special Needs and makes a number of recommendations
for improving the support mechanisms. The evidence we received
in our inquiry suggests that these difficulties are compounded
for Service children with special needs owing to the frequency
with which they move schools.
42. The difficulties
experienced by some Service families in getting their child assessed
by an educational psychologist for Statementing purposes and the
consequent delays in the provision of support to those children
is unacceptable. Schools and local authorities should give the
needs of Service children with Special Needs equal priority to
those of any other child.
43. We are concerned
at the evidence we have received that SCE lacks sufficient numbers
of educational psychologists. We call upon the MoD to ensure that
SCE schools are able to call on the services of accredited educational
psychologists within a reasonable time.
44. We recommend
that the DfES and the MoD consider introducing, as a priority,
a system whereby Service children with Special Needs are given
a Statement of educational needs which can be taken with them
as they move between schools, and is accepted by schools as the
basis for support which they will provide. The Statement should
be time-limited and reviewed regularly.
45. We note
the former Defence Minister's tentative suggestion of a "Statementing
passport" for Service children with special needs. We recommend
that the feasibility of a Statementing passport be explored further
by his successor.
Support for Service parents
46. During our inquiry, we were told by Service parents
about the importance of good quality advice and information about
the educational opportunities available to their children. The
MoD's submission states that advice for parents is available from
"a network of resources including HIVE,[40]
Service websites, the Service Families Federations and the MoD
website" and that "lead responsibility falls to the
Children's Education Advisory Service".[41]
47. The CEAS is part of the MoD and reports to the
Adjutant General. Its role is to "provide information to
Service parents on schooling in the United Kingdom and abroad".
During our inquiry we received some positive feedback regarding
the CEAS but, during our visits to SCE schools and schools in
Colchester, we became aware that many of the parents we met had
not heard of the CEAS and the service it provides.
48. Brigadier Brister, Director, Educational and
Training Services (Army), recognised that the profile of the CEAS
was a problem:
In terms of CEAS and the awareness of what it has
to offer within the Services, certainly we are acutely conscious
that there are still some people who are not aware of what is
on offer and we will address that.[42]
We asked Brigadier Brister why the CEAS offered a
primarily telephone-based advice service to parents and had such
a limited web-based presence. Brigadier Brister recognised the
advantages that an accessible website could have and told us that
he was hopeful that a new improved website would go live by the
end of May.[43] We note
that an improved website went on-line shortly before the end of
our inquiry at the beginning of July. We believe that it would
benefit from further improvement.
49. Service
parents need reliable and accessible information when making key
decisions about their child's education. We note the positive
feedback we received from parents who had used the Children's
Education Advisory Service but also the low profile of the CEAS
amongst the Service parents we met. We recommend that the MoD
provide the necessary resources to raise the profile of the CEAS
amongst Service families so that it can provide its important
advice service to a larger number of Service parents.
50. We believe
that in today's information age, a website is an essential conduit
for information between organisations and clients. We recommend
that the MoD provide the CEAS with the necessary resources for
an effective and visible website and that it do so speedily.
6 Q 320 Back
Ev 60, para 17 Back
Q 10 Back
Q 13 Back
Q 123 Back
Q 22 Back
Ofsted Report, Managing Pupil Mobility, March 2002 Back
Q 25 Back
Q 140 Back
Q 156 Back
Q 357 Back
Ofsted Report, Managing Pupil Mobility, March 2002, page
7 Back
Ibid., page 6 Back
Q 284 Back
Q 339 Back
Q 341 Back
Q 46 Back
Q 144 Back
Q 145 Back
Deployed Servicemen are entitled to a free aerogramme to send
to friends and families, commonly referred to as a bluey. An e-bluey
is the electronic version of this and is similar to a conventional
e-mail Back
Q 152 Back
Ev 74 Back
Education and Skills Committee, Third Report of Session 2005-06,
Special Educational Needs, HC 478, Ev 11, para 7 Back
Ibid., Ev 11, para 12 Back
Education and Skills Committee Report, Third Report of Session
2005-06, Special Educational Needs, HC 478, Ev 11, para 14 Back
Ev 97, para 2 Back
Q 123 Back
Q 106 Back
Q 110 Back
Q 367 Back
Q 366 Back
Q 196 Back
Q 363 Back
Education and Skills Committee Report, Third Report of Session
2005-06, Special Educational Needs, HC 478 Back
The HIVE information service is a tri-Service information network,
providing information on a range of welfare issues to all Service
personnel Back
Ev 68 Back
Q 242 Back
Q 241 Back