Children of MoD contractors
81. All children of Service personnel serving overseas,
as well as the children of MoD civil Servants and organisations
such as the Navy Army Air Force Institutes (NAAFI), are entitled
to free education in SCE schools.[88]
Many Service personnel, serving overseas, choose to have their
families with them and the existence of SCE schools in Germany
makes this possible.
82. During our inquiry we were told that the children
of some contract workers, undertaking important work for the Services
overseas, were not entitled to free SCE schooling.
Postings to our web forum: schooling for children of contractors
"there are contractors working for the MOD on high wages who could probably afford the cost of education for SCE or who have this included in their 'package', I feel that 'contractors' on low wages, working for non-profit making charities who are posted regularly and deployed with the Army are an exception to the rule and should have education included in their contract." (wife of a contractor)
"Why can I go to school in England for free and I'm not allowed to in Germany? My dad looks after all the soldiers and all the children and us at home but there is no one to pay for my English school." (child of a contractor)
83. We asked the Minister for Schools whether he considered contractors
working for MoD should be eligible for free schooling in SCE schools.
The Minister undertook to consider the situation they faced.[89]
84. We recommend
that the MoD consider broadening its criteria for deciding which
of its contract workers are eligible for free education in SCE
schools. It appears unfair that some contracted staff, performing
important responsibilities for the Services, are not entitled
to free schooling in SCE schools.