Select Committee on Defence Thirteenth Report


Members participating: Mr James Arbuthnot MP (Chairman), Linda Gilroy MP, Mr Dai Havard MP, Mr Adam Holloway MP, Mr Mark Lancaster MP and John Smith MP.


Monday 5 June 2006

Basra Air Station
Command briefing from Major General John Cooper DSO MBE, Commanding Officer, Coalition Forces, MND(SE), and Headquarters staff
Briefing from Joint Helicopter Force—Iraq
Briefing from UK Military Transition Team and meeting with Major General Abdul Latif, Commanding Officer 10th Division, Iraqi Army
Basra Palace
Briefing from 20 Armoured Brigade and visit to Brigade units
Briefing from HM Consul General, Basra and representatives of the Provincial Reconstruction Team

Tuesday 6 June 2006

Shaibah Logistics Base
Briefing from 102 Logistic Brigade
Visit to UK Medical Group and Field Hospital
Visit to 1 Logistic Battalion
Briefing from 1 Battalion, The Grenadier Guards and visit to units of 20 Armoured Brigade


Wednesday 7 June 2006

British Embassy briefing from HM Ambassador Mr William Patey CMG and Embassy staff
Meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister Dr Salaam Zawba'i
Meeting with Speaker Mahmoud Mashadani
Meeting with Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki
Meeting with Vice President Adel Abdul Mehdi
Meeting with Ambassador David Litt, US Embassy

Thursday 8 June 2006

Meeting with Vice President Tariq Al Hashimi
Visit to NATO Training Mission—Iraq

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