Oral and written evidence
9. In undertaking our inquiry, we took oral evidence
on 18 October 2005 from representatives of the main defence companies
involved in the CVF programme (Mr Allan Cameron, Managing Director,
Thales Naval Business, UK; Mr Chris Geoghegan, Chief Operating
Officer, BAE Systems; and Mr Tony Pryor CBE, Chairman of Devonport
Royal Dockyard Limited and Kellogg, Brown and Root representative
on the UK Aircraft Carrier Alliance project) and JCA programme
(Mr Tom Burbage, Executive Vice President and General Manager,
F-35 JSF Program, Lockheed Martin; and Mr Steve Mogford, Chief
Operating Officer, BAE Systems). We also took oral evidence on
25 October 2005 from Lord Drayson, Minister for Defence Procurement
and Sir Peter Spencer, Chief of Defence Procurement, and on 18
October 2005 from Mr John Coles, the CVF and MASC
Integrated Project Team Leader[25]
and Commodore Simon Henley, JCA Integrated Project Team Leader.
10. In addition to written evidence from MoD, we
received written evidence from Scottish Enterprise Glasgow[26]
and the 'Keep Our Future Afloat Campaign'.[27]
We are grateful to all those who contributed to our inquiry, and
to the specialist advisers who assisted us in our inquiry: Mr
Paul Beaver, Rear Admiral Richard Cobbold, Professor David Kirkpatrick,
Air Vice Marshal Professor Tony Mason and Brigadier Austin Thorp.