71. MoD identified £402 million of losses in
2004-05, of which £322 million had been reported as Advance
Notifications in previous years' accounts.[83]
Compared to 2003-04, when losses stood at £461 million,[84]
there has been a decrease of £59 million or 13 per cent.[85]
Losses identified in 2004-05 were £80 million.[86]
72. We asked MoD about the level of losses set out
in its financial accounts and how MoD was seeking to minimise
such losses. MoD told us that:
The losses statement provides a level of visibility
and transparency not matched by commercial accounts as private
sector organisations are not required to disclose similar information.
The size of the MoD and its capital assets under active management,
together with the range and complexity of defence business, means
that the MoD also faces a scale of challenge unique in the public
73. MoD also told us that reported losses were not
necessarily indicative of a failure of control, although it sought
to identify those that were and the lessons to be learned. MoD
considers that, with a large capital investment programme there:
will inevitably be cases where we decide not
to proceed with programmes because of changed priorities or requirements
reflecting the defence need, or judgements that the technical
challenge is too demanding.[88]
In respect of equipment acquisition, as part of the
Smart Acquisition initiative, MoD told us that it has sought to
increase the level of investment in the concept and assessment
phases which should limit losses arising from a subsequent project
74. We note that losses reported in MoD's 2004-05
Financial Accounts had reduced compared with the previous year,
but consider that the sums are still substantial. We expect MoD
to take appropriate action to minimise losses in the future.
75. We examined two specific projects where losses
were reported in the 2004-05 Financial Accountsthe Landing
Ship Dock (Auxiliary) programme and a building project at the
Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston.
76. We paid particular attention to two losses in
the Annual Report and Accounts relating to the Landing Ship Dock
(Auxiliary) programme, totalling £101.8 million. The programme
is for four ships which are designed to provide tactical sealift
as part of an amphibious group. A summary of the two losses is
provided at Table 4.
Table 4: Losses reported on the Landing Ship Dock
(Auxiliary) programme