Select Committee on Defence Eighth Report

Formal minutes

The following Declarations of Interest were made at the Committee's meeting on Tuesday 28 March 2006:

Linda Gilroy declared a non-pecuniary interest as constituency Member for Devonport Management Ltd.

Mr David S Borrow declared a non-pecuniary interest insofar as he was undertaking an Industry and Parliament Trust placement with Thales UK.

Tuesday 20 June 2006

Members present:

Mr James Arbuthnot, in the Chair
Mr David Crausby

Linda Gilroy

Mr Dai Havard

Robert Key

Willie Rennie

The Future of the UK's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: The Strategic Context

The Committee considered this matter.

Draft Report (The Future of the UK's Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: The Strategic Context), proposed by the Chairman, brought up and read.

Ordered, That the Chairman's draft Report be read a second time, paragraph by paragraph.

Paragraphs 1 to 138 read and agreed to.

Annexes [Summary and List of Abbreviations] agreed to.

Resolved, That the Report be the Eighth Report of the Committee to the House.

Several papers were ordered to be appended to the Minutes of Evidence.

Ordered, That the Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee be reported to the House.

Several papers were ordered to be reported to the House.

Ordered, That the provisions of Standing Order No. 134 (select committee (reports)) be applied to the Report.

Ordered, That the Chairman do make the report to the House.

[Adjourned till Tuesday 27 June at Ten o'clock.

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Prepared 30 June 2006