Select Committee on Defence Eighth Report

List of unprinted written evidence

Additional papers have been received from the following and have been reported to the House but to save printing costs they have not been printed and copies have been placed in the House of Commons library where they may be inspected by members. Other copies are in the Record Office, House of Lords and are available to the public for inspection. Requests for inspection should be addressed to the Record Office, House of Lords, London SW1 (Tel 020 7219 3074). Hours of inspection are from 9:30am to 5:00pm on Mondays to Fridays.

Initial memorandum from Nuclear Information Service

Lyn Brayshaw

Joyce McKay

Garry Wiles

Jane Hill

Mr and Mrs Crellin

Margot Hutchison

Paul Allard

Jenny Banks Bryer

Steven Page

Roger Kattenhorn

Mr and Mrs Rumsey

Margaret Howe

Holly Bazin

Joy Beswick

Nicholas Parsons

Initial memorandum from Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

Vicki Lesley

Hazel Neal

Joan Waterson

Lillia Fox

Mary Radcliffe

Arianna Andreangeli

Brian Boshel

Heather Williams

Nigel Baldwin

F J Pritchard

Joanna Bazley

H S Grünewald

Mr Oliver Pescott

Ann Hillier

John Meager

Mrs Gillian Hansford

West Midlands CND

Anne Hamilton

Mitzi Bales

Sian Mycock

J G McNulty

Patricia Woodcock

Brian Rands

Tony Staunton


Caroline Gilbert, Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

Brian Wicker: Pax Christi

Trevor A Rigg

Barbara Knowland

Chris and Carol Husson

Gillian Tuiberfried

Mrs Elizebeth Young

Mrs M B Boughton

World Court Project UK

Further memorandum from Oxford Research Group

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