Safety, terrorism, and proliferation
96. One of the most emotive aspects of nuclear power
relates to the potential impact if anything were to go wrong.
The major incident at Three Mile Island and the disaster at Chernobyl
have resulted in a heightened awareness of the possible environmental,
social, and economic costs which could result from either an accident
or an act of terrorism. Additional concerns arise because of
the close links between the technologies involved in the civil
and military uses of nuclear power, and the risk that a 'nuclear
growth' scenario might well result in the proliferation of nuclear
weapons worldwide.
97. Various organisations commented extensively and
sometimes passionately on these issues.[128]
Submissions from the nuclear industry tended to focus on the
fact that a new generation of nuclear power stations would be
inherently safer than existing designs, in terms of both operational
reliability and the ability to withstand direct terrorist attacks.
But they tended to dismiss other operational riskssuch
as the risks surrounding on-site storage of spent fuel and the
increased transportation of nuclear material around the country.
They also did not deal in any depth with the risks of proliferation
in the event of a worldwide 'nuclear growth' scenario and the
possibility of a move towards a plutonium based economy. By contrast,
environmental groups acknowledged that new reactors would in themselves
be inherently safer than existing designs (particularly the Magnox
plants), but they placed greater emphasis on these other associated
risks. They also argued that, while the risks may be remote, the
impact of a major accident or terrorist attack could be colossal.
The Government does in fact recognise the unique position of
nuclear power in this respect, as it is the only generating technology
to have its own police force.[129]
98. In considering these arguments, we found it
difficult to assess the risks associated with nuclear and balance
them against competing risks, such as those arising from climate
change. At least in the West, the safety record of civil nuclear
power plants has generally been good. There are many other chemical
plants where accidents or terrorist attacks could potentially
result in very serious impacts. This is demonstrated by the disasters
at Seveso in Italy (where, in 1976, an explosion resulted in the
release of dioxins), and at Bhopal in India (where a release of
methyl isocyanate in 1984 resulted in nearly 4,000 deaths and
3,000 serious disabilities). Indeed, to the extent that security
may be less onerous at such plants, the scope for terrorist attacks
might even be greater. However, the potential scale of impacts
resulting from a major accident or successful terrorist attack
at a nuclear installation is of a different order of magnitude
as the disaster at Chernobyl demonstrates. Calculations provided
by the Oxford Research Group indicate that an attack on the high
level waste tanks at Sellafield would dwarf the scale of the Chernobyl
accident and could result in over half a million fatal cancers.[130]
Moreover, the economic effects of such an event would be incalculable.
99. In this respect, the risks attached to nuclear
power are indeed of a different order of magnitude to other forms
of power generation. This is recognised in international law
in the way that the insurance liability of the industry has been
capped. The Paris and Vienna international nuclear conventions,
negotiated originally in 1960 and 1963 lay down frameworks which
shape most national nuclear liability laws and impose absolute
but limited liability on nuclear site operators. They embody
both financial and temporal limits for a catastrophic nuclear
accident. In the UK, the financial compensation limit provided
per site is currently £140 million and the temporal limit
is 10 yearsthough the former is due to rise to Euros 700
million as a result of recent amendments to the conventions.[131]
100. We were also struck by the fact that the concerns
expressed by environmental groups in relation to the proliferation
of nuclear materials and technology worldwide appear to be shared
at the highest level. The Oxford Research Group, for example,
argued that the new Generation III nuclear reactors currently
being proposed can use a mixed-oxide (MOX) nuclear fuel, which
would allow countries and organisations easier access to plutonium.
Moreover, Generation IV reactors (research on which is being
conducted by an international collaboration of states, including
the UK) would use mainly plutonium and would therefore constitute
an even more serious threat. ORG cite a 2004 UN report which warned
"we are approaching a point at which the erosion of the
non-proliferation regime could become irreversible and result
in a cascade of proliferation." While the UN report
did not directly address threats arising from civil nuclear power,
it did include the following general statement:
We recognize that nuclear energy, in the view
of many, is an important source of power for civilian uses and
may become even more crucial in the context of a worldwide effort
to reduce dependency on fossil fuels and emissions of greenhouse
gases. At the same time, the mounting tension between the goals
of achieving a more effective non-proliferation regime and the
right of all signatories of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation
of Nuclear Weapons to develop civilian nuclear industries needs
to be addressed and defused. [132]
101. Such concerns are overtly demonstrated by Western
attempts to constrain Iran's nuclear programme. Indeed, Professor
Rogers argued persuasively that we may be on the threshold of
a major escalation in the proliferation of nuclear technology.
"Essentially, we are at a point where the nuclear weapons
proliferation problem is possibly about to get much worse. That
is something which is happening for political and strategic reasons.
The problem is that in those circumstances simultaneously you
are moving to a more heavily involved plutonium economy. Put that
with the political and strategic problems, and you have a really
serious issue over the next 10 to 20 years." He went
on to emphasise that Western countries had no authority to persuade
developing states to forego nuclear when they were seen to be
saying 'Do as we say and not as we do.'[133]
As Professor Rogers pointed out, the Director General of the International
Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei, is sufficiently concerned
about these issues as to issue a seven point plan in an attempt
to shore up the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).[134]
Yet the likelihood of substantive progress is minimal, particularly
given the threats to the treaty not only from countries such as
Iran (which is at least a member of the NPT), but also from India
(which has refused to sign the NPT). Indeed, the recent agreement
between the US and India to cooperate on nuclear development further
undermines the NPT, and makes it is difficult to see how the US
can argue with any consistency for upholding it in other cases.
102. In considering these complex issues, however,
it is important to acknowledge that other generating technologies
also have serious risksalbeit sometimes of a different
type associated with them. In particular, the exploitation
of coal resources worldwide has resulted in countless thousands
of deaths from mining and associated illnesses such as pneumoconiosis.
Indeed, such impacts continue to this day in developing countries
such as China and need to be balanced against the possible risks
from exploiting nuclear power. Moreover, the development of
new technologiessuch as a shift to a hydrogen economycan
introduce other potential dangers, and we therefore welcome the
review of safety issues which the HSE is now conducting. We trust
it will assess the risks associated with all technologies in an
objective and even-handed way.
103. The risk
of a major accident at a nuclear power plant may be remote but
the consequences can be huge. This is reflected in the need for
governments to underwrite the industry against losses in excess
of Euros 700 million. Moreover, the risks of terrorist attacks
on nuclear installations and the risks associated with any further
proliferation of nuclear power are serious.
Long-term waste disposal
104. The issue of nuclear waste is also an emotive
and unique aspect of nuclear power, and one which is complicated
by the historical legacy arising from the past 50 years of nuclear
activity in the UK. The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority has
now been established to manage the waste legacy, and the costs
of doing so are currently estimated to be in the order of £60
billion. It was no part of our inquiry to investigate these
issues, but rather to assess the prospects for dealing with waste
from a new generation of nuclear power plants.
105. Currently, most spent fuel from nuclear power
stations is reprocessed in Sellafield and temporarily stored there.[135]
In 2000, the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution recommended
that no new nuclear power stations should be built until a solution
to the problem of nuclear waste is found which commanded the confidence
of both experts and the public.[136]
The Government subsequently set up the Committee on Radio-active
Waste Management (CoRWM) to investigate long-term storage options
for high level and intermediate level waste and a final report
is due in mid-2006.[137]
106. In their evidence to our inquiry, the nuclear
industry argued that the impact of waste from a new series of
nuclear new build to replace existing capacity would only increase
the existing volume of all nuclear wasteincluding high
level, intermediate, and low-level wasteby 15%, and that
the costs of dealing with it would therefore be marginal.[138]
The claimed increase in overall volume is correct and is based
on CoRWM inventory data. However, further investigation of the
CoRWM data reveals that the amount of high level waste would actually
increase by 400%, thus necessitating some increase in the capacity
of long-term storage solutions.[139]
We discuss later in this report the financing of waste disposal
from new nuclear build, but it is worth pointing out here that
CoRWM's work is primarily directed to identifying the most appropriate
long-term storage option for existing wastes rather than evaluating
issues, including costs, associated with wastes from a new generation
of power stations. CoRWM has itself stated that future decisions
on new build should be subject to their own assessment process,
including consideration of waste.[140]
107. Other countries face similar problems in dealing
with waste disposal solutions. In France, in the late 1980s there
was an abortive attempt to identify long-term disposal sites which
resulted in local riots and the imposition of a 15 year moratorium
pending further research. This report, like CoRWM's, is now due
in mid-2006. Finland has identified a site and is going ahead
with construction plans, even though the research reports evaluating
the effectiveness of the proposed solution will not be completed
until [2009]. These reports are of particular importance because
there is no dry deep-storage anywhere in the country. In the
US, the much-vaunted facility at Yucca Mountain is unlikely to
be able to deal even with all the waste from existing power stations,
and the industry is now proposing an additional site at Skull
Valley. Moreover, the scale of the problem worldwide in the event
of a 'nuclear growth' scenario is daunting as the MIT concluded
in 2003 that a new long-term disposal site of the size of Yucca
Mountain would need to be built every 3 years. These repositories
would also need to last for thousands of yearsa lifetime
far longer than that of any nation which has hitherto existed
on earth.
108. No country
in the world has yet solved the problems of long-term disposal
of high-level waste. The current work being conducted by CoRWM
will not be sufficient to address the issue of waste associated
with new nuclear build. In particular, a further study to identify
the likely costs of the latter would be required in order to reduce
investment risk.
89 Thomas, The Economics of Nuclear Power: Analysis
of Recent Studies, July 2005.The paper can be found Back
Ev271, paragraph 43 and following table. Back
PIU Energy Review Working Paper, "The Economics of Nuclear
Power", February 2002.See also National Audit Office,
The sale of British Energy, HC 694, 1997-98. Back
eg Ev162. Back
For example, Steve Thomas suggests that the planning stage in
Japan can take up to 20 years. Back
QQ110-111. Back
Thomas, The Economics of Nuclear Power, PSIRU, 2005. Back
Ev185. Back
Thomas, The Economics of Nuclear Power, PSIRU, 2005. Back
Ev269, paragraph 27. Back
TVO press notice dated 25 January 2006, at
The delays "are due to delays in detailed engineering and
to the need to correct deviations in the manufacture of components." Back
Ev40. Back
QQ 668-669. Back
Ev162. Back
Ibid. Back
Q110. Back
Q668. Back
Ev312. Back
Letter from Malcolm Wicks to Geoffrey Podger, 10 January 2006,
at Back
Ev159. Back
eg Q136. Back
Ev70. Back
Ev151ff. Back
OECD / IAEA, Uranium 2003: Resources, Production and Demand,
pp 9-10. Back
World Nuclear Association, 30th Annual Symposium, September
2005, presentation by Haruo Maeda, ITOCHU International. Back
van Leeuwen, A nuclear power primer, part 7. See:
also Ev154 ff. Back
MIT, Nuclear Power, 2003. Back
Sustainable Development Commission, The Role of Nuclear Power
in a Low Carbon Economy: Paper 8-Uranium Resources Availability,
March 2006, page 54 (quote from Jeff Combs). Back
OECD/IAEA: Uranium 2003. Back
Q570. Back
QQ 571-2. Back
Ev192-193. Back
Ev172. Back
Ev108,354,580. Back
Ev12. Back
Öko Institut, Comparison of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and
Abatement - Cost of Nuclear and Alternative Energy Options from
a Life-Cycle Perspective, January 2006. Back
See, and Back
SDC, The role of nuclear power in a low carbon economy,
Paper 2:Reducing C02 Emissions - nuclear and the
alternatives, March 2006.The report lists an extensive range
of studies on the carbon emissions associated with nuclear (pages
31-32) but does not refer anywhere to the work of van Leeuwen
and Smith. Back
Q 677. Back
eg Greenpeace (Ev462 ff), Oxford Research Group (Ec 142ff and
QQ326 fff), Open University Energy and Environment Research Group
(Ev586). Back
The Civil Nuclear Constabulary (formally the UKAEA Constabulary). Back
Q330. Back
Ev582. Back
A more secure World, Report of the High-level Panel to
UN Secretary-General, paragraph 127. Back
Q 341-343. Back
See IAEA staff press release, 2 May 2005:
. Back
We understand that waste from Sellafield B is now stored on-site
and that different arrangements are made for Wylfa. Back
RCEP, Energy - The Changing Climate, June 2000. Back
For further information on CoRWM, see Back
eg. Ev173. Back
This assumes that spent fuel is not reprocessed. The amount of
extra high-level storage required is complicated by the fact that
the radioactivity of spent fuel decreases relatively quickly.
CoRWM, Document 1481, Minutes of Plenary Meeting, 15-16 December
2005. Back