Memorandum submitted by the British Nuclear
Energy Society and the Institution of Nuclear Engineers
The BNES is the leading "Learned Society"
for Nuclear Energy. The Society functions almost completely by
the contributions of volunteers who provide their experience and
dedication to provide information to members UK, worldwide on
Nuclear Energy issues, to provide opportunities for members to
publish and present papers, meet and debate issues locally, nationally
and internationally, to promote nuclear energy specific training
in the UK and to promote increased public understanding of the
issues surrounding the use of nuclear energy.
The Institution of Nuclear Engineers (INucE)
is a professional body representing a broad cross-section of nuclear
engineers engaged in various aspects of nuclear technology, predominantly
in the UK, but also in the USA, South Africa and Asia. Our members
are involved in many aspects of the fuel cycle from fabrication,
through operation of nuclear power plants, to decommissioning
and waste management, as well as regulation. Our mission is to
promote the highest professional and safety standards for the
nuclear industry.
The BNES and INucE collectively represent the
largest body of nuclear professionals associated with the UK's
nuclear industries and we welcome the opportunity to contribute
to the Environmental Audit Committee's enquiry. While we fully
support the need to include renewables in a balanced portfolio
of energy options for the UK, our response is primarily focused
on making the case for new nuclear build in order to enhance security
of supply and reduce our carbon emissions in the medium to long
term. We would be pleased to provide further evidence both orally
and in writing should the Committee so wish.
BNES/INucE believe the Inquiry is timely in
view of our long held concerns and those increasingly being expressed
publicly by others regarding the realism and robustness of the
current UK energy policy. The Energy Sector has long time horizons.
Ensuring adequate short-medium term robustness in energy supply
is vital for Government as should be long term strategies which
are robust, flexible and provide executable options for them and
future administrations. For some of the "big ticket"
generation technologies such as nuclear, plant is expensive and
designed for lifetimes of up to 60 years. Investors need confidence
that policy will stand the test of time.
It is but 30 months since the BNES and INucE
welcomed the publication of an Energy White Paper, which promised
to set a pathway towards balancing the four "pillars"
putting the UK on a path to cut CO2
emissions by 60% by 2050 and make real progress by 2020;
maintaining reliability of energy
promoting competitive markets; and
ensuring adequate and affordable
heating for homes.
However, there was major disappointment with
the actual product which purported to keep the nuclear option
open yet neither took, nor indicated plans to take, practical
steps to do so.
Nuclear energy was acknowledged in the report
as having an important role to play in carbon free electricity
production. The White Paper indicated it MAY be needed in future
if carbon targets couldn't be met by the other means to which
priority was given. Investment in nuclear "new build"
was clouded by two issues (perceptions on waste and economics)
and the requirement was identified for a further White Paper before
nuclear could be considered for a role in the UK's future energy
The challenges being made now to the validity
of the policy enshrined in the White Paper, from many respected
quarters, indicate that in its formulation, too much weight was
given to short term issues and too little to the risks attached
to the policy in view of the scale of the challenges ahead in
delivering the "4 pillars".
BNES and INucE welcome the focus brought to
several of the key issues by the EAC Inquiry. We believe that
it is now timely to raise these complex topics and assess them
It is our view that the EAC Inquiry can make
a major contribution to Energy and Environmental planning. It
is also our view that a way forward needs to be found to ensure
nuclear energy can once again become an executable option for
the future.
1. What are the latest estimates of the likely
shortfall in electricity generating capacity caused by the phase-out
of existing nuclear power stations and some older coal plant?
How do these relate to electricity demand forecasts and to the
effectiveness of energy efficiency policies?
The fall off in electricity generation contributed
by the UK's nuclear fleet is shown in the figure below. From its
peak in the mid 1990's of just over 30%, the capacity attributable
to nuclear will drop to just 3% early in the 2020's when the only
remaining operating unit will be Sizewell B.
All the Magnox stations are scheduled to retire
by 2010, Wylfa being the last one. It has been stated that there
is no prospect of life extension for these units, with their lifetime
being determined by the life of the Magnox reprocessing operations
at Sellafield, scheduled to conclude in 2012.
The Magnox reactor retirements are due to be
followed soon after by the AGR's of British Energy. Although Dungeness
B has just been granted a 10yr life extension, being the least
"worked" unit in the fleet, this is not the case for
the other AGR's where life extensions are much less certain.
As far as Sizewell Ba Westinghouse designed
PWRis concerned, there is no reason why it should not benefit
from life extension to 60 years, beyond its original design life
of 40 years, in line with accepted international norms for similar
Set against the more recent projections as listed
below, the decline in the UK's nuclear capacity will have a major
negative impact on overall supply and carbon emissions from the
electricity sector.
The UK is now once again a net importer
of gas, and is set to be importing around 80% of its gas requirements
by 2020.
By this time, current plans indicate
that gas-fired power stations will provide two thirds or more
of the UK's electricity.
Substantial amounts of baseload coal
and nuclear capacity are scheduled to close over the coming decade.
Electricity demand is growing at
around 1-2% annually.
Carbon emissions have risen in each
of the past two years, despite the need to put the UK on track
for making substantial cuts.
Focus on renewables brings new issues
of intermittency which need to be managed.
UK geography means that we have limited
connections with other nations, so opportunities to import fuel
supplies or power in times of shortage are limited.
What are the main investment options for electricity
generating capacity? What would be the likely costs and timescales
of differing generating technologies?
Nuclear generating costs are dominated by the
cost of capital and its financing.
We show illustratively the situation for AP1000
but the effect is indicative of any modern LWR technology. Many
studies carried out worldwide indicate the cost/kW installed (or
"overnight capital cost") lies within a consistent band.
Currently competitive advanced systems can be delivered for US$2000/kW.
This yields a generating cost of 3p/kWh at 8% but 4p/kWh at 15%
rate of return on investment. Sensitivity of generating cost to
a number of parameters is illustrated below, other factors such
as load factor, economic life, construction period etc all impact
on the generating cost.
Recent studies into the relative economics of
nuclear and other alternatives have shown nuclear to be very competitive.
One such international study from OECD[20]20
is summarised in the following chart. It shows that nuclear is
extremely competitive with other generation options.
A corresponding UK study by the Royal Academy
of Engineering[21]21
came to a similar conclusion (the darker elements shown for wind
represent the costs of backup generation due to intermittency):
One point which is very important to note with
respect to nuclear generating costs is the relative insensitivity
to the price of the raw fuel. Costs of the raw material (uranium)
only account for around 5% of the total generating cost and the
overall fuel contribution (allowing for enrichment and fuel fabrication)
is typically around 15-20%.
In this context it is helpful to consider the
likely trends in fossil fuel prices. The following chart shows
projected cost of gas, oil and hard coal in Europe over the coming
decades. Recent increases in gas and oil prices are already impacting
on the UK's economy and the projected increases in the EU will
compound the effect oil and gas will have on economic stability.
Regarding timescales for introducing new nuclear
stations, international experience with standard designs (France,
Japan, Korea, China) indicates typical construction times of five
years for the first unit with timescales for subsequent units
in a series of the same design being 36-48 months depending on
the design, local circumstances and whether built in pairs or
as single units. The following charts illustrate the substantial
improvements in capital cost and construction schedule achieved
in South Korea through series build of near-identical stations.
As shown in the figure above, one important
factor to take into account for nuclear generation compared with
other forms in the UK is that nuclear has a unique hurdle to overcome
prior to implementation being possible. Notwithstanding approvals
through the "normal" planning process of approximately
two years which would apply to large scale deployment of any generation
technology, nuclear technology has to undergo regulatory assessment,
or licensing, of the design for utilisation in the UK. This process
would typically take three years (assuming that the design being
assessed has already been approved elsewhere in the world). Arguably
nuclear also has a second hurdle in that the 2003 White Paper
indicated a further White Paper would be required before any consideration
could be given to nuclear energy having any place in the UK's
future generation mix.
The timescale impact of this second hurdle would
be determined by Government but it is difficult to imagine a consultation,
evaluation and White Paper production being completed in less
than around nine months. Thus, even in the most optimistic circumstances,
if a decision to proceed were taken now, it would be 2015 before
electricity would be delivered to the grid. This means that preparatory
steps such as licensing need to be taken now. This does not in
any way imply a commitment to build new nuclear plants, but it
does ensure that the timeline illustrated above could be achievable
and that new plants could be built on a timescale to match closure
of some of the retiring stations. This process is relatively low
cost (around £10 million) but would have the added benefit
of ensuring skills and capabilities within the UK's nuclear regulatory
body were up to date with international best practice.
With regard to nuclear new build, how realistic
and robust are cost estimates in the light of past experience?
With hindsight, UK past experience contains
a number of case studies in how nuclear projects should not be
delivered. International norms over the past 10-15 years are a
much better guide and give confidence to any figures and timescales
The UK (for what appeared to be very good reasons
at the time) chose to concentrate on the gas cooled Magnox system.
All the 11 reactors built were different. There was almost no
benefit in learning from experience or series build. Different
consortia were used to design and construct the different units.
A similar path was followed for the AGR's where again there the
temptation to "improve" the design after each round
of building proved to be irresistible.
Historical cost overruns for both systems can
be attributed inter alia to:
"design as you go" approach;
delays in approvals processes;
"preference engineering"
(the regulators asking for systems to be made similar to what
they were familiar with, rather than simply assessing whether
a system met the safety criteria or not);
little prospect of modularisation
of major components and a very high degree of on site build;
a "cost plus" culture in
regulated markets, which drove suppliers towards overruns and
changing political/legislative/regulatory
This contrasts heavily with international best
practice which is to adopt a proven international design, to resist
the temptation to make it "better", and to build a number
of identical units as a series.
Both the Magnox and AGR systems have however
in general worked well, with good safety records, delivering reliable
carbon free baseload electricity for the UK. Also Sizewell B which
turned into a one-off imported design with significant redesign
during the licensing approval was completed within budget and
Now however, there is an increasing body of
international evidence to give confidence that construction and
operating costs for future nuclear plant are predictable. This
In countries such as France, China,
Japan and South Korea, the nuclear industry has demonstrated a
good track record of delivering modern designs on time and within
Nuclear plants around the world show
very good operational performance. (There has been significant
improvement in nuclear plant reliability over the past 10-15 years,
with typical load factors in the 80-90% range. Sizewell "B",
which is the nearest equivalent UK plant, has delivered similar
levels of reliably over its first 10 years of operation).
Consolidation of nuclear reactor
vendors through the 1990s has led to the development of "standardised"
internationally recognised advanced designs. As these designs
incorporate many years construction and operating experience,
utilise proven technology, and robustly address the regulatory
issues that were previously of concern, there is much more confidence
in construction times and operational performance than hitherto.
Development of improved materials
for construction, and better operational management, allow more
reliable operation at high levels of output.
Reactors are now designed for improved
maintainability which reduces operating costs and increases overall
Modern reactors make very efficient
use of the fuel, and so produce much less waste than earlier designs.
Modern designs incorporate fewer
components than older reactor concepts which, together with modern
construction techniques such as modular construction, makes today's
plants more straightforward to build.
Modern reactors are designed for
safe, cost-effective decommissioning.
What are the hidden costs (eg waste, insurance,
security) associated with nuclear?
There are no "hidden" costs in any
of these areas.
Calculations of generating costs include allowances
for waste management, decommissioning and waste disposal. From
the earlier breakdown of total generating cost, it can be seen
that such costs are a relatively small proportion of the overall
generating costtypically less than 5% of the overall cost
in total.
As far as insurance is concerned cover is provided
on a commercial basis against a requirement set according to the
international Paris Convention. In the UK this is set out in the
Nuclear Installations Act. The current limit of liability is £140
million, but this figure is shortly set to rise to
700 million.
Security measures are set by the Office of Civil
Nuclear Security (OCNS) under the Nuclear Industry Security regulations
(2003) and follow international guidance. All security costs are
covered by the generating costs as part of operations and maintenance
and currently amount to around 1.5% of the operating budget. For
new stations, where robustness of design ensures that security
issues are satisfactorily addressed, costs would be similar to
those for existing stations.
How do the waste and decommissioning costs of
nuclear new build relate to the costs of dealing with the current
nuclear waste legacy?
They do not. Future waste management costs are
a very different consideration from the costs of dealing with
the historic legacy which was in the main generated under a very
different nuclear industry and energy market framework. The existing
UK legacy should not be used to deny future generations the benefits
of reliable carbon free baseload electricity from new nuclear
power plant.
The Magnox system is very fuel intensive. This,
together with the extensive prototypic radiochemical plants constructed
at Sellafield and Dounreay in the period from the late 1940's
to the early 1980's in support of a reprocessing and fast reactor
fuel cycle, is largely responsible for the UK extensive legacy
waste and its high cost. The figure below shows the differences
between wastes arising from a modern LWR like the AP1000 compared
with a Magnox unit of equivalent output.
Overall it is vital to put potential waste arising
from new build into context both in terms of volume and in the
difficulty of dealing with it compared with the existing inventory.
If 10 new reactors were built to replace the
UK's retired and retiring fleet of 11 Magnox and 7 AGR stations,
less than 10% would be added to the existing inventory of high
and intermediate level waste. Less than 3% would be added to the
low level waste inventory. Furthermore the type of waste produced
by modern reactors is much easier to deal with and there are internationally
accepted, well engineered norms for its containment, handling
and storage. The reactors themselves are also much easier to decommission,
having been designed with this in mind.
How confident can we be that the nuclear industry
would invest adequately in funds ring-fenced for future waste
With or without any further reactors, the UK
will need a long term management route to be identified for the
baseline high and intermediate level waste inventory of 478,000
m3. The Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM) will
recommend the long term management route(s) for UK waste and spent
fuel to Government next July. The work they have published to
date suggests that deep disposal or interim surface storage will
be the preferred route.
The latest cost estimate from the NDA for management
of the legacy is around £56 billion (undiscounted total costs)[22].
A large proportion of this cost relates to the safe and effective
retrieval of wastes from their current storage, rather than directly
to the treatment and management of the wastes.
International experience shows that waste management
costs from current power generation are a relatively small part
of total nuclear fuel cycle costs.[23]
There are well-established approaches to funding it in most countries.
Funds set aside now, and in the future, would be expected to earn
reasonable rates of interest for many years before significant
draw-downs are required (eg for a geological repository, which
may not need to be in operation for decades). As a result, the
contributions required today can be modest. As examples, the USA
levies 0.001 USD /kWh (
0.0008) on nuclear electricity production. This has
led to a fund of $26 billion paid to the US Treasury. Sweden levies
0.01 SEK (0.001), Japan 0.13 Yen (0.001) and the Czech Republic
0.05 CZK (0.002). The size of the payments are generally kept
under review and increased or decreased if necessary, based on
best estimates of future costs. The money that accumulates is
available to pay for the packaging, transport and disposal of
spent fuel and Intermediate Level Waste.
Some countries without such levies require the
waste producers to set funding aside. For example, Switzerland
has a government controlled trust fund. Germany, where the funds
already total approx. Euro 25-30 billion, leaves the fund with
the power utilities.
In Sweden a fund established in 1982 covers
spent fuel encapsulation and disposal, nuclear power station decommissioning
and waste disposal, along with the R&D necessary to implement
all these activities.[24]
The fund is invested in the National Debt Office and overseen
by a board appointed by the government. The amount of money that
each contributor pays from year to year varies, depending on the
most recent estimates of future costs and how well the investments
made by the fund have performed. Cost estimates are produced by
the implementer, SKB, and submitted to the regulatory authority,
SKI, for review. Utilities must provide guarantees to compensate
for any fees which might not be paid into the fund if reactors
are shut down early (as is present Swedish government policy)
and if the costs of waste management prove higher, or are needed
earlier, than currently expected.
A similar model in the UK might be to require
the operators of new nuclear power stations to pay into a central
fund, administered (directly or indirectly) by the government.
For a single reactor of 1,000MW output and a life of 60 years,
the total fee paid, if the levy was set at 0.1p/kWh, would amount
to about £500 million, before accumulation of interest over
the life of the fund.
For comparison, the estimated cost of the Finnish
spent fuel storage and disposal programme, to accommodate the
fuel and waste from four nuclear power stations is about £850
million. Sweden estimates[25]
that its spent fuel encapsulation plant will cost about £600
million and the spent fuel repository about £1,100 million.
This assumes that the 11 operational reactors operate for 40 years.
Together with the two reactors that have already closed, Sweden's
total nuclear installed capacity amounts to about 10GW, a very
similar value to that of the UK which totals almost 14GW for historic
stations and those that continue to operate.
What is the attitude of financial institutions
to investment in different forms of generation?
In terms of scale, investment in new nuclear
plant is not unique in the energy infrastructure sector. Gas pipelines
and oil platforms and LNG facilities can actually cost more depending
on the installation and location.
Financial institution appetite and requirement
for rate of return is therefore highly dependent on the perceived
risks. Where there are unresolved policy, planning and regulatory
issues, as is the case in the UK currently, then it is difficult
to begin to argue the case for progressing any investment at all.
If however, as for example in Finland, Parliament has decided
as a matter of policy that a country will have nuclear in its
forward energy mix, an international design has been chosen and
has regulatory approval, a price has been agreed, the public have
volunteered to host the reactor in their community, waste policy
has been determined and the liabilities for the utility are clear,
financing can and has been secured from commercial sources.
If waste policy is clear and the utilities'
obligations determined at the outset; if a design has generic
approval; if the planning process is well defined and appropriately
streamlined, then risk becomes easier to assess and accept.
For nuclear energy in the UK clarity in waste
policy is essential as it is currently a significant deterrent
(without a statement of policy the owner's liability is potentially
uncapped). Recognition of the fact that nuclear is carbon free
would have a further significant impact if due credit were given.
Recent analysis by PricewaterhouseCoopers[26]
concluded that new UK nuclear plants would be readily financeable
in principle on a "project finance" basis, but that
a somewhat higher cover ratio would be required than for a conventional
project due to the risks of construction overrun and regulatory
issues. PWC further concluded that once the project was underway,
it would show resilience to price fluctuation risks, because of
the low variable cost component. This in turn would enable attractive
offtake contracts to be developed.
How much Government financial support would be
required to facilitate private sector investment in nuclear new
Provided the right market framework is in place
then it will not be necessary for Government to provide direct
financial support. Clarity in the previously mentioned waste policy
is essential as is a declaration of nuclear's acceptability as
a component of the UK's future energy mix.
Credit as a non carbon contributor and clarity
of the long term market for carbon dioxide allowances would increase
the chances of nuclear energy being successfully delivered within
the private sector.
What impact would a major programme of investment
in nuclear have on investment in renewables and energy efficiency?
Nuclear is an energy dense, reliable baseload
technology. The whole of the UK's wind energy fleetboth
on and offshorelast year generated 1.9TWh of electricity.[27]
This is slightly over half the annual output from a small Magnox
station such as Sizewell A. This is not intended to be a negative
comment with respect to wind, but rather an attempt to put into
context the extent of the challenge in dealing with the generation
gap if new nuclear stations do not replace the retiring ones.
So important are the challenges before us to
have cost effective, carbon free, secure, affordable energy that
we need to ensure all such technologies can contribute to their
full potential. It is also important to ensure that a balanced
portfolio is available. Furthermore it is wrong to treat generation
(of any form) as an "either/or" with energy efficiency.
Energy efficiency is important in its own right, irrespective
of the means selected to deliver the electricity which is needed
by the nation. Appropriate incentives and mechanisms should be
put in place to improve prospects to deliver energy efficiency
insofar as this is cost effective. Equally it is wrong to treat
nuclear and renewables as an "either/or" choice. Both
are needed. If it wished, Government could set minimum amounts
for each technology as it has done by setting the current 2010
target of 10% via the renewables obligation (RO). A similar obligation
approach for nuclearalongside the ROcould ensure
both had a firm place in the generation mix, without the technologies
necessarily having to compete.
If nuclear new build requires Government financial
support, on what basis would such support be justified? What public
good(s) would it deliver?
The following aspects of nuclear generation
contribute to the overall public good:
reliable secure baseload electricity
over an operating life of typically 60 years;
provision of very substantial quantities
of virtually carbon-free electricity;
easy maintenance of strategic fuel
stocks (it is possible to store a year's fuel requirements for
a fleet of 10 modern reactors in a building no larger than a small
major improvement to the UK's balance
of payments as a result of significant reduction in the volume
of gas needing to be imported.
To what extent and over what timeframe would nuclear
new build reduce carbon emissions?
The significant contribution nuclear power makes
to reduced carbon emissions can be seen from the French data (see
charts below). This shows a major reduction in French carbon dioxide
emissions, which maps exactly onto the increasing usage of nuclear
energy in France. If new nuclear plants were to replace retiring
nuclear stations in the UK, which would otherwise be replaced
by gas-fired stations, then it is estimated that carbon emissions
will be reduced by 3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year
over the next 20 years. However, in the short term carbon dioxide
emissions are likely to increase as coal and gas plants take up
the demand previously met by nuclear plants which are closing.
The contribution made by nuclear new build in
the UK would depend on the scale and timeframe of any new build
programme. The contribution would also depend on what assumptions
are made regarding what type of generation is being displaced
by the nuclear generation.
An illustration of what could be achieved is
shown in the graph below. This assumes 10 new 1GWe nuclear power
stations are built on a timetable of one new power station per
year, with each station operating for 60 years. It has been assumed
that the nuclear power stations will displace gas-fired generation,
with emissions of 0.4 MtCO2/TWh.
At their peak, for 50 years, these plant would
generate 79 TWh annually, avoiding the emission of over 31 MtCO2
each year. Over the entire 70 years period shown in the chart,
these nuclear stations would avoid the emission of nearly 1.9
billion tonnes of carbon dioxide.
In comparison total UK carbon dioxide emissions
for 2004 were around 580 million tonnes.
To put the scale of the challenge into context
in percentage termsthe UK has a target of cutting carbon
dioxide levels to 20% below 1990 levels by 2010. Yetwith
just six years to go, in 2004 the reduction in emissions had only
reached 4.2%, so more than three quarters of the savings still
need to be made. Indeed emission have risen in each of the last
two years, and are now higher than at any time since 1996, as
illustrated in the following chart[28].
Looking to the longer term, it is important
to think beyond purely the electricity sector, when looking at
carbon emissions. The following chart shows a breakdown of total
UK energy usage:
It can be clearly seen that, even if all the
carbon emissions associated with electricity production were removed,
more must be done if the UK is to get close to the target of a
60% overall reduction by 2050. Transport is one of the biggest
contributors to emissions, and if a 60% cut is to be realistic,
then major changes in the way we look at transport have to take
place. The most credible approach is a move to hydrogen-powered
vehicles, where the hydrogen itself is produced from a much larger
electricity sectorfuelled by nuclear, renewables and fossil
plants with carbon capture technology. This allows both the maintenance
of viable transport systems and the achievement of major cuts
in CO2 emissions.
To what extent would nuclear new build contribute
to security of supply (ie keeping the lights on)
Reliable baseload generation is a key feature
of nuclear energynuclear stations operate round the clock,
day in and day out, irrespective of weather conditions. Apart
from a periodic and predictable maintenance shutdown, the stations
operate continuously at full power, providing the kind of baseload
power a leading 21st century economy demands.
Modern nuclear power stations need to be re-fuelled
only at infrequent intervals, typically every 12 to 18 months.
Even if a refuelling could not take place as scheduled, the reactor
could continue to operate for several months, albeit that the
maximum power output would slowly decline. Considerations of fuel
availability are therefore very different for a nuclear station
than for a coal or gas-fired station, where a continuous supply
of new fuel is required in order to generate electricity.
Furthermore, it is highly credible to retain
strategic long-term stocks of nuclear fuel, just in case there
ever were to be any sustained disruption to supply. The fabricated
fuel to supply a fleet of ten new reactors (enough to supply 20%
of UK electricity needs) for a year would occupy only around 100
cubic metres. This fuel could therefore be stored in a building
no larger than a very modestly-sized house.
Nevertheless it is still sensible to consider
the availability of uranium supplies and to ask whether this represents
a realistic risk of interruption that might lead to loss of power
Uranium is ubiquitous on the Earth, indeed it
is approximately as common as tin or zinc.[29]
Uranium ores are found in plentiful quantities in many countries.
In particular, Australia and Canada are both major exporters,
as well as both having long histories of political stability.
Additional reserves are known to exist in Kazakhstan, South Africa,
Namibia and Russia.
World Uranium Resources (RAR)
[t U] Reasonably Assured Resources as of 1/1/2001, Cost range US$80/kg U or less (OECD 2002)
(1) In situ resources
t=metric tonne NA= Data not available
[1000 tU]
Cost Category
Resource Category |
$0-40/kgU |
$40-80/kgU |
$0-80/kgU |
$80-130/kgU |
$0-130/kgU |
Reasonably Assured Resources (RAR) |
>666 |
>555 |
2,340 |
718 |
3,220 |
Estimated Additional Resources Cat.I (EAR-I) |
>257 |
158 |
745 |
244 |
1,079 |
>923 |
>713 |
3,085 |
962 |
4,299 |
Independent assessment[31]
puts the total scale of conventional uranium resources at around
11 million tonnes, enough to last for around 170 years at current
consumption rates (much longer than the corresponding figures
for oil and gas). This would be enough to provide a lifetime's
fuel for all of today's nuclear reactors worldwide, plus all those
which might be built as far ahead as 2050, even in a scenario
where world nuclear capacity were to triple to 1,200GW by that
Uranium ore is imported to the UK, and other countries where
nuclear fuel assemblies are manufactured, where it is refined,
enriched and converted into finished fuel. The transport of uranium
ore does not require specialised ships or import facilities.
The diversity of source countries, the fact that several
of these nations have long and stable political histories, the
excellent track record of supply reliability, and the fact that
there are few infrastructure considerations means that sufficient
supplies of uranium to the UK can be considered to be assured.
The quantities of fuel involved for a nuclear plant are much
lower than for fossil-fuelled stations. Whilst a coal-fired power
station might consume several million tonnes of coal in a year,
a modern 1 GW nuclear station will typically require a few tens
of tonnes of fabricated fuel for each re-fuelling operation. As
noted earlier, this might take place only every 12 or 18 months.
Finally, again as noted earlier, nuclear energy also provides
valuable cost stability, as well as supply reliability. This is
because the cost of raw uranium ore accounts for only 5-10% of
the overall generating cost of electricity from nuclear stations,
whereas the cost of gas-fired generation is dominated by the cost
of the gas (which accounts for 60% or more of the full generating
cost). Increases in global market prices for fuel therefore have
a much greater impact on the costs of gas-fired generation than
they do on the costs of power from nuclear.
Is nuclear new build compatible with the Government's aims
on security and terrorism both within the UK and worldwide?
In today's society there is a wide range of potential terrorist
targets and it is important that the Government and organisations
alike consider the possible threats, consequences and contingency
plans that may prove necessary. The potential targets include
many aspects of the nation's activities on which we depend for
everyday life to proceed as normal. These therefore includeamongst
otherspublic transport systems, iconic and political targets,
and components of the infrastructure that provide important services
to the public and industry. This includes the energy and utility
industries, in the form of fuel import facilities, pipelines,
storage facilities, power stations and transmission systems and
in this context, it is appropriate to consider the physical security
of nuclear power stations, as one component of the national security
Government aims to ensure the security of nuclear material,
nuclear licensed sites, sensitive nuclear information and those
working in the industry. These objectives are overseen by the
government's security regulator Office for Civil Nuclear Security.
The Director makes an annual report to the Minister on these matters.
In his 2005 report[32],
the Director continues to affirm confidence in the security provisions
of the nuclear industry and that the security measures applied
are proportionate to the threats faced.
Nuclear power stations are amongst the most robust civil
structures in the world and have a multi-layered defence against
possible terrorist attacks. They are also subject to rigorous
security arrangements that include security vetting of all staff
and contractors, identity management and access control. As a
result, their potential vulnerability to terrorist or other malicious
threats is minimised.
Modern reactors are built with massive reinforced concrete
shields and are designed to safely withstand extreme events, both
natural and manmade. Their structural resilience to earthquakes
and the thickness of the shielding make them extremely robust
against possible attack, for instance by hijacked passenger aircraft.
Detailed analysis has shown that penetration of the radioactive
core by an aircraft under such circumstances would not take place.
In addition to their physical robustness, modern nuclear
reactors are protected by extensive safety systems. The extent
and number of these systems is such that several systems would
need to be damaged, and no action taken by operators or emergency
responders, before a significant release of radioactivity to the
environment might occur. The design is such that it is difficult
to defeat or damage enough of the systems to bring about a major
release of radioactivity. Emergency arrangements are in place
to immediately shut down reactors in the event of a heightened
terrorist threat against them. These arrangements are regularly
How carbon-free is nuclear energy? What level of carbon emissions
would be associated with (a) construction and (b) operation of
a new nuclear power station? How carbon-intensive is the mining
and processing of uranium ore?
Nuclear energy is a very low carbon form of generation. Its
lifecycle emissions per kilowatt-hour are similar to those from
renewable generation. This is the case even when emissions across
the full lifecycle of the nuclear industry are considered.
A comprehensive IAEA study[33]
shows both direct and indirect emissions for different generation
sources. This concluded that even the "high" end of
the range of emissions for nuclear energy is still almost a factor
of twenty lower than the best fossil fuelled plant (latest gas-fired
technology) and a factor of over 60 lower than older, coal-fired
technology. The "low" end of the nuclear range (representative
of more modern technology) shows a further improvement by more
than a factor of two on even this performance. This assessment
takes account of the emissions associated with all aspects of
the nuclear cycleincluding the construction, operation
and decommissioning of nuclear power stations, as well as the
uranium mining and enrichment, and the manufacture and spent fuel
treatment of nuclear fuel.
A significant contribution to the emissions from nuclear
power generation is in the carbon content of the energy used in
the different processes of the fuel cycle. This is one reason
why emissions vary from site to site. For example, the enrichment
process is energy intensive. In the US electricity from coal-fired
stations is used to power the enrichment plant, whereas in France
the electricity used comes from nuclear power plants. Consequently,
the lifecycle emissions of nuclear power plants using uranium
enriched in France are lower than those from plants using fuel
enriched in the US.
The results of this study and two others into the lifecycle
emissions of different forms of generation are summarised below.
These results show that emissions for nuclear, wind and hydropower
are much lower than those of fossil fuels.
Lifecycle Emissions gCO2/kWh
Nuclear |
Wind |
Hydro |
Gas |
Coal |
| 9-21 |
10-48 |
4-236 |
439-688 |
866-1,306 |
International Journal of Risk Assessment & Management[35] |
8.9 |
15 |
16 |
Fossil fuels: |
500-1,200 |
Vattenfall[36] |
3 |
10 |
5 |
409 |
696 |
The Vattenfall study includes a typical breakdown of emissions
for the different stages of the nuclear fuel cycle, shown below.
Stage of Nuclear Fuel Cycle
| Emissions
Extraction/leaching (mining) | 1.1
Conversion | 0.2 |
Enrichment | 0.1 |
Fuel Fabrication | 0.2 |
Operation of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) |
0.2 |
Building & Decommissioning of NPP | 0.6
Waste Facility Operation | 0.4
Build/Decommissioning of Waste Plant | 0.1
| |
Should nuclear new build be conditional on the development
of scientifically and publicly acceptable solutions to the problems
of managing nuclear waste as recommended in 2000 by RCEP?
As mentioned earlier, the answer to this point is a clear
"No". This is because so much has changed internationally
since the RCEP report. The UK's legacy is a result of historic
choices of system and an extensive prototypic programme pursued
40-50 years ago. Wastes from potential new build are nothing like
as challenging or problematic. Safe disposal is being routinely
demonstrated in other countries. However BNES and INucE recognise
the very important challenges ahead in gaining political and public
acceptability. Early implementation of the outcome of CoRWM's
study and conclusions will be essential as will be good progress
towards satisfactorily treating and packaging the legacy wastes
in readiness for final disposal.
CoRWM's interim conclusions were published recently, indicating
the direction in which their thinking is going:
The BNES and INucE strongly support the inclusion of nuclear
power in a balanced future portfolio of energy generating options
for the UK. In summary:
The Generation Gap resulting partly from
the closure of older nuclear stations will open up significantly
over the next ten years, even if new build were to be started
now. In order to secure a reliable and balanced mix in the medium
term, decisions to progress new nuclear build must be made soon.
Financial Costs and Investment Decisions associated
with nuclear power have been analysed with rigour over the last
few years by respected financial experts and it is firmly believed
that the market would be prepared to invest under the right framework.
The main issue remains risk, in particular those risks outside
the investors' control to manage.
Strategic Benefits associated with nuclear
power are significant and include:
Provision of vast quantities of electricity with
virtually no associated carbon emissions;
A substantial contribution to diversity and supply
security in the generation portfolio;
Valuable price stability in the generation mix,
at a time of highly volatile and uncertain fossil fuel prices;
A major impact on UK balance of payments as a
result of the reduced dependence on imported gas;
Valuable, highly skilled long-term jobs in a crucial
sector of the UK skillbase, and in communities which often have
few comparable employment opportunities.
Other Issues affecting the timescales for
decision making in respect of nuclear need urgent action. Specifically:
Work on pre-licensing of established international
designs should begin as soon as possible. This will help to maintain
key skills and will cut the lead time for delivery of any new
nuclear plant, without in any way implying a commitment to build.
The current lack of a formal waste policy should
not be seen as an obstacle to taking steps immediately to encourage
nuclear build. There is a process in place to deliver such a policy
and the solution will be the same irrespective of whether or not
new build takes place.
The BNES and INucE are grateful for the opportunity to contribute
to the Environmental Audit Committee's enquiry and strongly recommend
that measures are taken urgently by Government to allow nuclear
power to contribute within a balanced energy mix (including fossil
and renewable technologies) that ensures future security of supply
for the UK and contributes to a significant reduction in carbon
emissions for the benefit of future generations.
26 September 2005
20 "Projected Costs of Generating Electricity";
OECD/NEA/IEA; 2005. Back
"The Cost of Generating Electricity"; Royal Academy
of Engineering; 2004. Back
"NDA Draft Strategy-Appendix 4"; Nuclear Decommissioning
Authority; 11 August 2005. Back
Typically, the back-end costs of nuclear electricity generation
are only about 5 to 10% of the total costs-about half the fuel
costs, for example "Nuclear Electricity Generation: What
Are the External Costs?", NEA, 2003 ISBN 92-64-02153-1,
OECD/NEA, Paris Back
"Plan 2003. Costs for management of the radioactive waste
products from nuclear power production". Svensk Karnbranslehantering
AB, July 2003. SKB Report TR-03-11. http://www/ Back
http://www/ Back
"Financing New Nuclear Power Stations"-Paper
presented at BNES "Fuel for Thought" Congress, Newport,
July 2005. Back
Digest of UK Energy Statistics -DUKES-Table 7.4. Back
"Second Annual Report on the Implementation of the Energy
White Paper"; DTI/DEFRA; July 2005. Back
"Supply of Uranium"; World Nuclear Association
Information and Issue Brief; August 2004 ( Back
"World Uranium Deposits", Back
"Uranium 2003-Resources, Production and Demand"
(The "Red Book"); OECD. [Resources with estimated
costs lower than $130 per kg-a level which would have little impact
on overall generating costs of nuclear electricity]. Back
"The State of Security in the Civil Nuclear Industry
and the Effectiveness of Security Regulation: April 2004 to March
2005"; OCNS; July 2005. Back
IAEA Bulletin 42 (2) 2000. Back
IAEA Bulletin 42 (2) 2000. Back
Joop F van de Vate, International Journal of Risk Assessment
and Management 2002-Vol 3, No 1 pp 59-74. Back
Life-Cycle Assessment Vattenfall's Electricity In Sweden, Eng
30966_Lca_Divk, 2005. Back