Memorandum submitted by The Multisectoral
Initiative on Potent Industrial Greenhouse Gases (MIPIGGs)
The Multisectoral Initiative on Potent Industrial
Greenhouse Gases (MIPIGGssee is an informal
network of companies, NGOs, individual scientists and agencies
who share a common concern that society should reduce and eliminate
the environmental threat posed by the very potent greenhouse gases,
SF6, PFCs and HFCs (f-gases).
MIPIGGs draws your attention to the scope to
reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases in the UK and elsewhere,
by reducing and eliminating the use of f-gases (greenhouse gases
containing fluorine).
These gases are very much more powerful than
CO2often over a thousand times more potent.
Fortunately, they are easily substitutedthere are many
available commercialised technologies (the main applications being
in air conditioning and refrigeration). Unfortunately very little
is being done, and f-gas emissions are rising almost exponentially[209].
This compounds the climate change problem caused
by CO2, methane and nitrous oxide.
By 2050, a 20 year time horizon in HFCs are
expected to make up 8.6% of total global warming, doing as much
damage to the climate as the traffic fumes of all the worlds private
cars. HFCs are building up very rapidly in the atmosphere (20%
a year over the arctic[210]),
reflecting pollution from many uses, most notably including car
air conditioning, and commercial refrigeration.
Because they have started from a low base, f-gases
have been mostly ignored in public and political debate over climate
change. (Very few campaign groups focus on f-gases and the proposed
draft EU Regulation on f-gases will, at most, return emissions
to 1995 levels by 2020[211]).
Yet by removing them from the equation, considerable leeway could
be created to buy more time for action on energy and other difficult
We urge your Committee to press the UK Government
on this issue, and to explore with them the scope for implementing
the sort of tougher policies against uses of f-gases being adopted
in countries such as Denmark and Austria. Some relevant points
are made belowmore information is to be found at
Excellent technical information has been done by the German, Danish
and Austrian environment Ministries and Agencies and we suggest
that you consider calling them to give evidence.
Within the UK, companies[212]
such as Calor (until recently a manufacturer of hydrocarbon refrigerantsthe
business has now been sold to BOC), and Earthcare (air conditioning
and refrigeration), and Wormald (fire extinguishers) should be
able to supply technical information and sales case studies and
data about alternatives to f-gases. Briefing material is available
at our website
Whereas building new nuclear capacity is of
questionable on grounds of cost-effectiveness, creates an insoluble
waste problem and is unacceptable to large parts of the public,
measures to eliminate f-gases are environmentally safe, and usually
have knock-on effects in reducing energy usage as they are more
energy efficient than HFCs[213]
(for instance in fridges and the rapidly growing sector of air
Scientific research increasingly shows the reality
of climate change caused through global warming is worse, not
better, than was generally predicted. Here are two very recent
Work at MIT reveals that hurricane
strengths have increased in line with warming water in the Caribbean[214].
It has just been discovered[215]
that all the UK's reductions in "carbon" (and equivalent
greenhouse gas) emissions achieved through policy, have been more
than wiped out by loss of carbon from warmer soils. The same phenomenon
will exist in other EU States. This reality means we must do as
much as is technically achievable to reduce emissions of all greenhouse
The draft f-gas Regulation rests primarily on
the notion of "containment". This failed with CFCs and
it has been clearly demonstrated that it is failing with HFCs[216].
This summer a detailed examination[217]
of the assumptions adopted by the Commission in drafting the Regulation
showed that the Dutch STEK system may be allowing emissions of
at least 6.9-12.7% rather than the often quoted 4.8%. If the Netherlands
cannot effectively contain f-gases with such a system then it
is unlikely that any EU Member State can. This means that the
Regulation should be strengthened by introducing measures requiring
substitution of alternative technologies with no risk of f-gases
escaping. So far, it fails to require substitution for major uses
such as commercial refrigeration.
There is enormous un-tapped scope to avoid this.
Unlike emissions of greenhouse gases from soils for example, it
is easy to use technical measures to prevent these greenhouse
gas emissions[218].
Commercial lobbying by the f-gas industry has prevented this potential
being taken up. Sadly, in the UK, policy does not require use
of such alternatives.
The German EPA also recently reported[219]
that a cut of 30% in German f-gas emissions is possible by 2020
if available substitute technologies are used (for example hydrocarbons,
ammonia and water based systems in large-scale air conditioning
and refrigeration). Simply applying the Regulation as drafted
would only stabilise emissions of HFCs at 1995 levels, the German
study showed. Substitutes exist for all f-gas uses. The Regulation
needs to require substitution and introduce bans on f-gas applications.
The f-gas lobby is primarily American backed
and that f-gases are actively promoted in the USA. The US EPA
has even given awards for companies making HFCs on the grounds
that they can substitute for CFCs (ozone depleters)yet
non-greenhouse gas alternatives exist which must be used instead
if we are to protect the climate.
Austria, Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland have
all adopted policies which outlaw specific uses of HFCs, PFCs
and SF6. Established commercial alternatives exist for HFCs in
refrigeration and air conditioning, fire extinguishing and insulation.
Over 120 million domestic fridges using hydrocarbons (alternatives
to HFCs) have operated successfully since 1992 but HFCs are widely
used in the USA and in larger shop and office systems, due to
the lobbying power of the chemical (fluorocarbon) industry.
In 2004[220]
American multinationals Coca Cola and MacDonalds and Anglo-Dutch
giant Unilever all took measures to adopt non-HFC technologies
(mostly hydrocarbons) for chilling, cooling and air conditioning,
in ice cream, restaurant, drinks and other applications. This
shows that positive change is possibleregulation should
require it.
The new[221]
(in Europe) use of HFCs in car air conditioning could be avoided
by requiring use of proven CO2-based technologies[222]
or not fitting mobile air conditioning to cars. Existing mobile
air conditioning uses HFC 134a. US car companies use also advocate
HFC 152a, (140 times more powerful than CO2).
In 2004, the UK Government reversed previous
policy that HFCs should only be used as substitutes for CFCs,
where essential, and instead allowed them in entirely new uses,
such as car air conditioning.
In 2002 atmospheric levels of HFC 134a and 125
over Svalbard (Spitsbergen) were 20% higher than in 2001[223].
Another report has shown, as IPCC suggests, that HFC use leads
directly to pollution, and HFCs leak as rapidly as did CFCs[224].
HFCs from mobile air conditioning (mainly cars) already has the
same impact as all of Sweden's greenhouse gas emissions[225].
Over 60% of HFC emissions result from routine leaks from refrigeration
and air conditioning[226].
At present governments are allowing HFCs to
be used to replace uses of CFCs and HCFCs[227].
So far only about 30% of uses have been so substituted, and resulting
HFC emissions comprise about 1.5% of total global warming. If
all HCFCs and CFCs are replaced with HFCs, the figure will not
be 1.5%, but 4.1% (the impact over 100 years), and over the critical
next 20 years, 5.2%.[228]
Between 1990 and 2003 annual global sales of
HFC 134a rose from 189 metric tons to 166,899[229].
I hope you find these points useful in regard
to the inquiry and please don't hesitate to contact me if you
require any further information.
17 September 2005
Analysis by climatologist Kerry Emanuel of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology shows for the first time that major storms
spinning in both the Atlantic and the Pacific since the 1970s
have increased in duration and intensity by about 50%. Emanuel
found that in the past three decades, Atlantic-basin hurricanes
have grown more than twice as powerful, with a notably sharp upswing
since 1995. The researcher links the formation of intensified
storms to an increase in average ocean-surface temperature of
nearly one degree Fahrenheit during the same perioddue
in part to climate change. If coastal populations continue to
increase, Emanuel writes, it is likely to mean "a substantial
increase in hurricane-related losses in the 21st century."
Emanuel's is the first study to make a statistical link between
global warming and stronger Atlantic storms.
Higher UK temperatures are causing soils to "exhale"
large quantities of carbon dioxide, probably accelerating global
warming, scientists report. They base their assessment on a huge
analysis of soil samples gathered from across England and Wales
over 25 years. The team says its findings, if extended to the
whole of the UK, suggest some 13 million tonnes of carbon are
being lost from British soils each year.
The Cranfield University group reports its work in
the journal Nature.The scientists say computer models used to
forecast future climate trends will now have to be revised because
the calculations on which they are based will be wide of the mark.
"Our findings suggest the soil part of the equation
is scarier than we had thought," Professor Guy Kirk, of Cranfield
University, told journalists at the British Association's Festival
of Science in Dublin, Ireland.
"The consequence is that there is more urgency
about doing somethingglobal warming will accelerate."
Author: Dr. Winfried Schwarz, Frankfurt.
Author: Dr. Winfried Schwarz, Frankfurt.
209 IPCC Assessment Report 2001 Climate Change: The
Scientific Basis. Back
ENDS Daily 6 February 2004. Back
ENDS Daily-29 August 2005, Issue 1931, German EPA f-gas study. Back
For example the wide range of air conditioning, refrigeration
and chilling systems sold and installed by Earthcare Products , and the CARE range of refrigerants developed by Calor Gas, the non HFC
fire extinguisher range marketed by Wormald,
and yellow, white and rock wool mineral insulation Back
Hydrocarbons and other alternatives are also often more efficient
and cheaper than HFCs. For example in 2004 a study of the type
of refrigerant used in appliances labelled energy category A+
or A++ in the EU showed that just four out of 866 used HFCs, the
vast majority using hydrocarbons instead. Back
Increasing destructiveness of tropical cyclones over the past
30 years; Kerry Emanuel - Nature 436, 686-688 (04 Aug 2005) Letters
to Editor. Back
Warmer soils add to climate worry. Back
HFC containment has already failed Atlantic Consulting,
February 2004 report at Back
Is STEK as good as reported? Jason Anderson Institute for European
Environment Policy Back
A comprehensive 248 page German study "Fluorinated greenhouse
gases in products and processes-technical climate protection measures"
(17/09/04) by the German Federal Environmental Agency describes
the many technically and economically feasible f-gas substitution
measures that are available now. A MIPIGGs summary of the report
is also available (see Back
See ENDS Environment Daily-Monday 29 August 2005, Issue 1931). Back
220 Back
In Germany, 9.4% of all cars sold in 1992 were equipped with
AC; in 1998 the figure was 68%, rising to a predicted 90% in 2001
(Schwarz & Leisewitz 1999 cited in Keeping cool without warming
the planet: Cutting HFCs, PFCs, and SF6 in Europe Jason Anderson
Climate Network Europe Back
World's First CO2 Air Conditioning System by Satoshi
Itoh, Denso in Auto Technology 1, 2004; and, [BMW ?] and a French
firm expects its CO2 technolgy to be marketed in 2009:
Valeo develops environmentally friendly R744 air conditioning
system These
CO2 technologies use CO2 recovered from
the air or waste gases. Back
ENDS Daily 6 February 2004 Back
HFC containment has already failed Atlantic Consulting,
February 2004 report at Back
citing GRID-Arendal Back
The high and still growing share of fluorinated greenhouse gases
in overall global warming emissions-Summary of an Oko-Recherche
study (including special remarks on commercial refrigeration),
Frankfurt, June 2004, on behalf of Greenpeace Back
chlorine-containing gases controlled under the Montreal Protocol
of the Vienna Convention on the ozone layer. Back
The high and still growing share of fluorinated greenhouse gases
in overall global warming emissions-Summary of an Oko-Recherche
study (including special remarks on commercial refrigeration),
Frankfurt, June 2004, on behalf of Greenpeace Back
229 <> Back