Memorandum submitted by the Nuclear Information
"New Build" of nuclear power plants
is unacceptable for a number of reasons. It would:
(a) take the risk of nuclear terrorism into
future decades, rather than grasp an opportunity to reduce this
(b) perpetuate the nuclear fuel cycle and
reduce the prospect of Britain meeting its obligation under the
Non-Proliferation Treaty to disarm its nuclear weapons;
(c) prevent a genuine, non-hypocritical political
call for emergent nuclear states to abandon nuclear power;
(d) promote the constant risk of proliferation
of weapons-grade materials and consequent risk of proliferation
of nuclear weapons;
(e) encourage other, currently non-nuclear
States to choose nuclear power;
(f) create further international nuclear
political instability;
(g) present a permanent physical risk to
workers, communities and the environment during commissioning,
operation, decommissioning and decay; and
(h) prolong the problem of managing nuclear
waste in a scientific and publicly acceptable form.
Of all the available renewable energy systems,
that most overlooked as an immediately usable technology seems
to me to be PV (solar) power. Every block of flats, hospital,
school, university, and government institution should have a solar
heated hot water system. Incentives should be available immediately
to encourage the private sector to take advantage of solar power.
Government policy and financial investment in
public education to reduce domestic energy consumption and encourage
energy efficiency is only now bringing positive results. Any promise
of "new build" would send the wrong message, reversing
this trend. The resulting pressure on demand, causing price rises,
would impact hardest on the health and social well being of the
poor, the anxious elderly and therefore, all politicians and government.
Accidental or deliberate release of radionuclides
into the environment has been, and would always remain, the problem
and responsibility of government. Clearly, if new nuclear power
plants are not built, they cannot be a risk. Whereas advantages
of some risks, for example, building a new bridge that could be
vulnerable to sabotage, outweigh the possible harmful consequences,
new nuclear build does not outweigh the cataclysmic risk of a
nuclear release.
Renewable energy brings security to Britain.
Its large-scale development can:
(a) reduce the risk of nuclear terrorism
ad infinitum;
(b) create the opportunity to decommission
nuclear weapons;
(c) cease international political double
standards on the nuclear fuel cycle and proliferation;
(d) show integrity in international relations
relating to proliferation that will go wider than the nuclear
(e) take national and international responsibility
for future generations;
(f) diminish nuclear risks and fears;
(g) establish a permanent supply of non-lethal
energy; and
(h) contribute no hazardous waste or carbon
emissions causing climate change.
(i) The comparison of points listed under
Nuclear Power in 1.(a-h) above, with those under Security of Renewable
Energy in 5.(a-h) show that renewable energy can completely overcome,
or make a significant contribution to reducing the extreme disadvantages
of building a new generation of nuclear power plants.
(ii) Nuclear power is not a financial, technical
or political option for the majority world, whereas renewable
energy systems would bring lasting benefit to millions of ordinary
people. Britain has a responsibility to be an example and a partner.
(iii) Britain has the capacity to harness
its historic manufacturing skills and invest in the development
and large-scale production of equipment for the UK and export
renewable energy market.
(iv) Britain is on the threshold of turning
the tide away from nuclear, towards the widespread application
of sustainable, clean, renewable energy.
(v) The opportunity to resist pro-nuclear
pressure and go forward in another direction must not be missed.
If ever politics was the art of the possible, this is it. Political
vision of a safer, non-nuclear world is here; please recommend
that it becomes government policy.
20 September 2005