Memorandum from the Open University Energy
& Environment Research Unit, Part A:
This section of our submission attempts to provide
some answers to some of the questions posed in the range of issues
that constitute the remit of the Inquiry. It will address two
of the subset of questions in the bullet points under Q4:
If nuclear new build requires Government financial
support, on what basis would such support be justified? What public
good(s) would it deliver?
To what extent would nuclear new
build contribute to security of supply (ie keeping the lights
Is nuclear new build compatible
with the Government's aims on security and terrorism both within
the UK and worldwide?
We also provide some guidance on two sub-questions
under Q3:
What is the attitude of financial institutions
to investment in different forms of generation?
What is the attitude of financial
institutions to the risks involved in nuclear new build and the
scale of the investment required?
How much Government financial
support would be required to facilitate private sector investment
in nuclear new build?
The first question addressed here is: Is nuclear
new build compatible with the Government's aims on security and
terrorism both within the UK and worldwide?
"The safety and security of nuclear activities
around the globe remain a key factor for the future of nuclear
technology. . . The IAEA [also] has strengthened its co-operation
on nuclear security issues with other international organizations,
including the UN and its specialized agencies, Interpol, Europol,
the Universal Postal Union and the European Commission."
Statement to the 58th Regular Session of the United Nations General
Assembly by IAEA Director General Dr Mohamed ElBaradei, 3 November
2.1 Introduction
The importance credited to nuclear safety by
Dr ElBaredei in the above quotation is unsurprising. What is new
and important is the coupling of safety with security.
In his speech, he went on to emphasise:
"In light of the increasing threat of proliferation,
both by States and by terrorists, one idea that may now be worth
serious consideration is the advisability of limiting the processing
of weapon-usable material (separated plutonium and high enriched
uranium) in civilian nuclear programmesas well as the production
of new material through reprocessing and enrichmentby agreeing
to restrict these operations exclusively to facilities under multinational
It is arguable that this is a remarkable statement
coming from the director of the United Nations' agency charged
with the promotion of the nuclear industry. But when we consider
he made this comment barely two years after the terrorist attacks
of 9/11 in the United States, it becomes more explicable.
Dr ElBaredei further pointed out that:
"One convention that has gained increased
attention recently is the 1979 Convention on the Physical Protection
of Nuclear Material (CPPNM). In the past two years, 20 additional
States have become party to the Convention, reflecting the importance
of the international nuclear security regime."
As a result of several terrorist events in Britain
in 2005, thankfully none involving radioactive materials, along
with both Government ministers producing anti-terrorist initiatives,
and Parliament debating their pros and cons, such as the Anti-Terrorism
Act, this year has seen terrorism rise to and remain at or near
the top of the public and political agenda.
The context was set In Madrid on 10 March 2005
when UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan told an international conference
of some 400 anti-terror expertsmeeting to mark the first
anniversary of Madrid's own major terror attack on its suburban
rail system a year earlierthat terrorists must be denied
the means to carry out a devastating nuclear attack.
In urging UN member states to adopt the international
convention on nuclear terrorism, Mr Annan made this blunt statement:
"Nuclear terrorism is still often treated
as science fictionI wish it were." He added:
"But unfortunately we live in a world of
excess hazardous materials and abundant technological know-how,
in which some terrorists clearly state their intention to inflict
catastrophic casualties." he said.
"Were such an attack to occur," he
added "it would not only cause widespread death and destruction,
but would stagger the world economy and thrust tens of millions
of people into dire poverty."
In the same month of March 2005but only
made public six months later (see: "Pentagon Revises Nuclear
Strike Plan: Strategy Includes Pre-emptive Use Against Banned
Weapons", by Walter Pincus, Washington Post 11 September
2005)an internal paper* prepared for the Pentagon's Joint
Chiefs of Staff argued for consideration of the use of nuclear
weapons against an enemy that is using, or "is about to use",
nuclear or other WMD against US military forces or the civilian
population of the United States. If put into practice, this strategy
would significantly both raise the nuclear stakes, and lower the
nuclear threshold.
[*US Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations:]
These high social stakes underline the importance
of the need to ensure the best possible security applied to nuclear
installations and materials.
2.2 Responses to Q4
2.2.1 Context: Nuclear Security Worldwide
Six months ago (16-18 March 2005), the World's
nuclear watchdog, the United Nations' International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA) held a timely international conference in London,
co-hosted by the UK government, on "Nuclear Security: Global
Directions for the Future."
It was the culmination of over three years planning,
as immediately after the terrorist events of "9/11"
in the United States in September 2001, the IAEA General Conferencewhich
always meets annually in Vienna in Septemberrequested a
review of the Agency's activities relevant to preventing nuclear
The first day of the Nuclear Security Conference
reviewed the achievements and shortcomings of international efforts
to strengthen nuclear security; the second day explored how the
international nuclear security regime is adapting to new measuresand
the IAEA role in underpinning them; the third day focused upon
how the international community can reach a common understanding
to better respond to the global threat of nuclear terror, detect
and prevent it.
Richard Wright, the UK representative on the
IAEA Board of Governors, summed the perceived situation after
three days of intensive exploration by technical experts and decision-makers
with words "Nuclear terrorism is one of the greatest threats
to society".
The full findings of the conference are available
on the IAEA web site
here we highlight some of the more pertinent of them.
"Priorities for strengthening nuclear security
include continued efforts to enhance the prevention of terrorist
acts; the physical protection and accountability of nuclear and
other radioactive material in nuclear and non-nuclear use, in
storage and transport, throughout the life cycle, in a comprehensive
and coherent manner. A graded approach should continue to be used
under which more stringent controls are applied for material or
activities that pose the highest risk; for example, particular
attention should be given to high-enriched uranium or plutonium."
It added:
"The fundamental principles of nuclear security
include embedding a nuclear security culture throughout the organizations
involved. By the coherent implementation of a nuclear security
culture, staff remain vigilant of the need to maintain a high
level of security. The long-term sustainability of nuclear security
efforts is a primary concern. The investments made in States,
through their own efforts and through assistance programmes, must
be sustained in order to continue to upgrade or maintain an adequate
level of security. While the level of threat may change from time
to time, an effective level of nuclear security must be appropriately
This is clearly true. Later in this submission
we demonstrate how, in certain respects, these principles are
not being adequately met in UK practice.
A few months after the March meeting, hundreds
of delegates from some 80 countries attended an IAEA conference
in Vienna 4-8 July to consider and adopt amendments to the international
Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, which
is a complementary regime to that controlloing nuclear terrorist
The international nuclear watchdog is determined
to keep vigilant, because its leadership and membership are all
too aware of the negative implications for the nuclear generation
industry were either a terrorist (or less likely , a wartime)
attack to take place anywhere in the world against a nuclear power
plant or nuclear installation, or illicitly obtained nuclear material
be used in a so-called "dirty radiological bomb" in
a dense urban area.
Here is a horrifying scenario painted recently
by the sober finance sector magazine, Business Week, to
mark the fourth anniversary of "9/11"
"At 8.30 am on a Tuesday morning, as commuters
converge on Manhattan, an al Qaeda operative explodes a dirty
bomb outside the New York Stock Exchange. The device, while not
especially powerful, contains a radioactive payloadin this
case, caesium extracted from radiological equipment that was stolen
from a New Jersey hospital by a sleeper working there as a lab
The initial blast kills only a few dozen people,
but radiation is quickly dispersed by the prevailing winds. Minutes
after the explosion, New York City Police officers arrivestill
unaware of the real nature of the blast. But when a radiation
detector in one officer's car goes wild, it becomes clear that
a dirty bomb has detonated in the financial center of America's
biggest city.
Word of the explosion reverberates throughout
New York. Many residents panicdespite assurances from the
mayor and police chief that contamination levels would exceed
government limits only in about 40 city blocks. And by 3 pm, half
of Manhattan has tried to leave, clogging trains, highways, and
Six months later, the financial district remains
largely off-limits, and the local economy is limping along amid
a cratering of business confidence, the collapse of the tourism
industry, and a property market in free fall. Economists put the
eventual economic losses at an astronomical $1 trillion . . ."
["New York Takes Another HitIt has
been readying itself for a dirty bomb since 9/11, but . . ."
Business Week. 19 September 2005]
For New York, read Paris, Tokyo, Moscow, London,
Manchester, Glasgow Birmingham or any other major urban centre.
The Business Week "dirty bomb" scenario
uses nuclear material stolen from a hospital, but there is real
concern that such material could be illicitly obtained from commercial
nuclear power installations, as UN Secretary General Kofi Annan
highlighted before the Clinton Global Initiative, which ran contemporaneously
(14-16 September 2005) with the UN World Summit. He stressed the
dangers posed by proliferation, in giving terrorists opportunities
to steal nuclear products that they could use to make so-called
"dirty" bombs, which would combine radioactive material
with conventional explosives in order to make bombs that could
spread harmful radioactivity over a wide area.
He reinforced these concerns in his address
to open the 60th General Assembly of the United Nations on 17
September 2005, when he insisted: "we face growing risks
of proliferation and catastrophic terrorism . . ."
We observe with some consternation that there
is an apparent disconnect between the justifiable international
concern over security threats posed by the insecurities of commercial
nuclear energy sector, and the promotion of an expanded nuclear
sector by the very authorities warning of the risk. It is indeed
peculiar that just as policy makers were starting to face up to
the real insecurities posed by existing nuclear plants and fuel
cycle installationsand the transports between themat
the London and Madrid conferences, the IAEA announced at the start
of March 2005 that there were: "Rising Expectations for Nuclear
Electricity Production". In an official IAEA statement, issued
in conjunction with publication of its Nuclear Technology ReviewUpdate
2005, the Agency said:
"The IAEA forecasts stronger growth in countries
relying on nuclear power, projecting at least 60 more plants will
come online over the next 15 years to help meet global electricity
But the "Faustian bargain" infamously
spoken of by former Oak Ridge National Laboratory Director Dr
Alvin Weinberg in 1972 still exists. The spread of nuclear energy
leads to the greater potential for the spread of nuclear weapons.
The international spread of nuclear power technology,
and its concomitant spread of nuclear materials, was no accident:
it was heavily promoted under the US export technology transfer
initiative for "Atoms for Peace", set out in a path-breaking
address to the UN General Assembly by President Dwight D Eisenhower
on 8 December 1953.
In his address, in which he presaged the IAEA,
Eisenhower commented:
"My recital of atomic danger and power is
necessarily stated in United States terms, for these are the only
in controvertible facts that I know. I need hardly point out to
this Assembly, however, that this subject is global, not merely
national in character.
. . . So my country's purpose is to help us move
out of the dark chamber of horrors into the light, to find a way
by which the minds of men, the hopes of men, the souls of men
everywhere, can move forward toward peace and happiness and well
Who can doubt, if the entire body of the world's
scientists and engineers had adequate amounts of fissionable material
with which to test and develop their ideas, that this capability
would rapidly be transformed into universal, efficient, and economic
Part of the Milestone Document Series published by the National
Archives & Records Administration)
Nearly 50 years later we witnessed the near
inevitable outcome of this policy of nuclear promotion: a country
whose director of nuclear affairs deliberately and covertly proliferated
nuclear technology. This is the notorious story of Abdul Qadeer
"AQ" Khan, of Pakistan.
The current US President, George W. Bush, was
forced to admit the danger in a chilling speech he made on nuclear
proliferation and materials controls at Fort Lesley J McNairNational
Defense University, Washington, DC in February 2004:
"In recent years, another path of proliferation
has become clear, as well" said the President. "America
and other nations are learning more about black-market operatives
who deal in equipment and expertise related to weapons of mass
destruction. These dealers are motivated by greed, or fanaticism,
or both," Mr Bush warned. "They find eager customers
in outlaw regimes, which pay millions for the parts and plans
they need to speed up their weapons programs. And with deadly
technology and expertise going on the market, there's the terrible
possibility that terrorists groups could obtain the ultimate weapons
they desire most."
After detailing Khan's relations with his business
partner in proliferation, B S A Tahir, based in Dubai, Bush explained
his new Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), developed
together with Australia, France and Germany, Italy and Japan,
the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the UK, designed
to intercept and interdict lethal nuclear (and other dangerous)
materials in transit.
He then proposed that the work of the PSI be
expanded to address more than shipments and transfers: to "take
direct action against proliferation networks."
He announced the US would:
". . . help nations end the use of weapons-grade
uranium in research reactors," and urged "more nations
to contribute to these efforts."
He then pronounced:
"The nations of the world must do all we
can to secure and eliminate nuclear and chemical and biological
and radiological materials."
Some may regard that as an admirable aspiration;
we regard it as both practical and necessary.
The President finished by asserting:
"Enrichment and reprocessing are not necessary
for nations seeking to harness nuclear energy for peaceful purposes."
On security grounds alone, many would concur,
as we do.
A few months later, (on 21 June 2004) in a Keynote
Address, the IAEA Director Dr ElBaradei told a Carnegie Peace
Foundation International Non-Proliferation Conference held in
Washington DC that:
"Nuclear components designed in one country
could be manufactured in another, shipped through a third (which
may have appeared to be a legitimate user), assembled in a fourth,
and designated for eventual turnkey use in a fifth. The fact that
so many companies and individuals could be involved is extremely
worrying. And the fact that, in most cases, this could occur apparently
without the knowledge of their own governments, clearly points
to the inadequacy of national systems of oversight for sensitive
equipment and technology."
He concluded: "The present system of nuclear
export controls is clearly deficient."
He then argued: "First, we must tighten
controls over the export of sensitive nuclear material and
technology. . . Second, it is time that we revisit the availability
and adequacy of controls provided over sensitive portions of the
nuclear fuel cycle under the current non-proliferation regime
. . . We should consider limitations on the production of new
nuclear material through reprocessing and enrichment . . . considerable
advantagesin safety, security and non-proliferationwould
be gained from international cooperation in the front and the
back end of the nuclear fuel cycle. Third, we should work to help
countries stop using weapon-usable material (separated plutonium
and high-enriched uranium (HEU)) in their civilian nuclear programmes
. . ."
And he ended:
"Fourth, we should eliminate the weapon-usable
nuclear material now in existence."
Within a week (on 30 June 2004) Dr Hans Blix,
Dr ElBaredei's predecessor as IAEA director-General, called for
agreement on an international treaty to ban the production of
weapons-grade nuclear material and prevent the spread of weapons
of mass destruction (WMD). Commenting on the 15-nation WMD Commission
in Vienna, which he chairs, Dr Blix said:
"But there's also a very widespread and
strong feeling on my commission that one must move on with a treaty
that will prohibit all states involved from producing highly enriched
uranium or plutonium, both substances that can be used in nuclear
In a Financial Times Op-Ed article on
2 February this yeartitled "Curbing the Nuclear Threat"Dr
ElBaredei said that nations should now seriously consider a five-year
moratorium on building new facilities for uranium enrichment and
plutonium separation.
"There is no compelling reason for building
more of these proliferation-sensitive facilities, the nuclear
industry already has more than enough capacity to fuel its power
plants and research facilities," he said.
One of the key events at the United nations
Global summit, on 14-16 September this year, was to open for signature
the Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism,
which emerged form the first Millennium Summit in 2000, and
was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 13 April 2005. The nuclear
terrorism treaty, which strengthens the global legal framework
to combat the scourge, requires the extradition or prosecution
of those implicated and encourages the exchange of information
and inter-state cooperation. It gained its first signatories in
Russian President Vladimir Putin, US President George W Bush,
and French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin. It enters into
force 30 days after it is signed and ratified by at least 22 states.
In a related development at the United Nations,
the UK submitted a resolution, Number 1624, to the Security Council
on 14 September this year, calling for tougher controls on terrorism,
including nuclear threats. It stressed that the Security Council
should "call upon all States to become party, as a matter
of urgency, to the international counter-terrorism Conventions
and Protocols whether or not they are party to regional Conventions
on the matter, and (to) give priority consideration to signing
the International Convention for the Suppression of Nuclear Terrorism."
US President Bush pressed for the Security Council
to approve the resolution, which called upon all nations to take
steps to end the incitement of terrorist acts, and to commit countries
to prosecute, and extradite, anyone seeking fissile materials
or the technology for nuclear devices.
In February 2005, the UK Prime Minister's Strategy
Unit advised him, in a report Investing in PreventionAn
International Strategy to Manage Risks of Instability and Improve
Crisis Response, in a section on the threats from WMDs, that:
In a later section (6.8.3) on the "Proliferation
of Nuclear Technology", the Strategy Unit authors point out:
"On the one hand, developing or expanding
civil nuclear energy programmes is one option to meet increasing
demands for energy, diversify national energy portfolios, increase
energy security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. On the other
hand, such technology can be used for weapons creation . . ."
And they add:
"The tension embodied in the verification
and peaceful use provisions of the Nuclear Non- Proliferation
Treaty (NPT) does not make for easy enforcement of its aims."
This problem was highlighted at the United Nations
Global Summit in September 2005 by Mr Blair, when he bluntly stated,
in presenting the UK counter-terrorism resolution, that:
"The United Nations must strengthen its
policy against non-proliferation; in particular, how to allow
nations to develop civil nuclear power but not nuclear weapons."
Aside from the grammatical infelicity, by which
the Prime Minister inadvertently appears to oppose non-proliferation,
in advocating a strengthened policy "against" it , his
support for the development of civil nuclear technology again
demonstrates a long standing disconnect, which at once backs commercial
exploitation of nuclear energy while seeking to control or indeed
halt nuclear weapons proliferation.
These then are the current concerns in the
international community over nuclear terrorism and security threats.
This memorandum now turns to how these specifically apply to the
For a very helpful recent analysis of the nuclear
security situation in the UK, we would direct the EAC to two reports
of the BNFL Stakeholder Dialogue (SHD), of which one of this memorandum's
authors was a participating member, firstly on the Plutonium Working
Group (PWG) and thereafter the Security Working Group (SWG), over
the past five years. The final reports of both Working Groups
may be accessed via the web site of the SHD coordinators, The
Environment Council, at:
(196 pages, published 31 March 2003)
(145 pages, Published 10 December 2004)
The report of the Security Working Group summarised
". . . purpose and hope [as] to contribute
to the improvement of the security of BNFL's plant and activities,
including in particular the transport of nuclear material, by
the production of a quality review, using stakeholder dialogue,
unique in this security context. The report is the fruit of rare
collaborative effort on the part of a number of individuals from
a variety of backgrounds with many differences in outlook. Notwithstanding
that such differences in view were so divergent that in some instances
they appeared to fully contradict each other, the group has produced
what it considers to be a constructive and forward looking contribution
to the manner in which security is provided for BNFL's activities."
The 60 recommendations generated by the group
were finally grouped in seven main categories as follows:
(1) Funding and resourcing security activities.
(2) Accountability, openness and transparency
of information.
(3) Establishing a mechanism for stakeholder
dialogue with regard to security issues.
(4) Governance and organisational arrangements
with respect to OCNS.
(5) Mechanisms for assessing threats (Design
Basis Threat), the testing of security measures prescribed by
an assessment, and forecasting the consequences of such threats
if realised.
(6) Development and application of Security
Hazard Indicator for assessment of security impact of an activity
or evaluating the cost-benefit of a proposed security measure.
(7) National arrangements which fall into
the remit of government.
The Security Working Group collectively agreed
that "The attitude of BNFL in undertaking to implement, or
to lobby for implementation of the recommendations where they
lay outside their power (except where it disagrees significantly
with the measure and in any such event to give reasons for such
disagreement), was helpful in creating trust and enabling the
process to move forward."
A number of differences on some security issues
which were addressed in the course of the study remain unresolved,
such as the manner of transportation of nuclear material, the
risks arising from the conduct of plutonium swaps and the degree
which sensitive information on nuclear materials should be made
available to the public.
The SWG report in particular canvassed the difficulty
of ensuring that existing licensed nuclear sites and installationsand
nuclear materials in-situ and in transitcan be properly
secured. This present submission examines further some of the
issues canvassed in the SHD Security Working Group report.
3.1 Contractorisation and Security Controls
One issue looked at by the SHD SWG members was
that of the vetting of site operating personnel and drivers of
vehicles transporting nuclear materials between licensed nuclear
sites. It was argued by some participants that the competitive
contractorisation of the operational work of the Nuclear Decommissioning
Authority (NDA) will undermine the ability of the UK Government's
specialist nuclear security controls quango, the Office of Civil
Nuclear Security (OCNS), to conduct proper vetting, as it will
increase the number and dispersal of those contractors needing
to be vetted.
Here are some observations in respect of security
vetting from the director of the OCNS in his 2004 Annual Report:
"Para 37. The vetting system works reasonably
effectively, although it is unavoidably intrusive, time-consuming
and labour-intensive. We advise foreign agencies that vetting
is an essential component in nuclear security arrangements, in
line with IAEA guidelines. There has been pressure in recent years
to cut back numbers being vetted, but the current terrorist threat
has brought about a prudent change of view.
Para 38. It is sometimes claimed that a single
government vetting agency could achieve greater efficiency. I
doubt this. Our IOs are based close to nuclear sites. OCNS vetting
staff are familiar with conditions within the industry, the hazardous
nature of nuclear and radioactive material, and the work undertaken.
If these close links were ever broken, the discernment of those
undertaking interviews and record checks, and the understanding
informing the decision-making process, would be lost.
Para 39. The policy and practice of national
security vetting gives full regard to the requirements of the
Data Protection Act, the Freedom of Information Act, the Human
Rights Act, race relations and other relevant legislation. Where
appropriate, vetting information is exempt from disclosure. However,
we are encountering some reluctance by employers and others interviewed
to provide candid references. Despite assurances to the contrary,
some worry that their identities might be disclosed on appeal
and their organisations sued for defamation. I have drawn the
issue to the attention of Cabinet Office officials. I have also
suggested that an interdepartmental committee of vetting authorities
should be re-established, to provide a forum for a regular exchange
of views and the formulation of advice for central government.
Companies with sensitive government contracts
(List X firms) already have such a body in the Defence Industries
Security Association (DISA)."
(The full OCNS third annual report is available
The Fourth Annual Report to the Energy Minister
from the Director of Civil Nuclear Security on The State of
Security in the Civil Nuclear Industry, covering the year
to March 2005, was released in July 2005, and may be examined
The 2005 report informs the minister (para 14):
"As part of a continuing programme of work
since the terrorist attacks in the USA in September 2001, OCNS
is reviewing, with the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII)
and the operators' own specialists, the security and safety measures
in place to protect Vital Areas at nuclear sites, including generating
stations. Vital Areas contain equipment, systems or devices, the
failure of which could have serious consequences for the secure
and safe operation of a nuclear site."
It concludes:
"The programme of work is making good progress
and has so far confirmed significant redundancy in all assessed
But on security vetting it states (para 16d):
"I require all individuals, both police
and industry employees, who have access to facilities holding
Category I nuclear material to be subject to Developed Vetting
(DV) security clearance. In order to maintain his operational
flexibility, the Chief Constable's Vetting Policy for the UKAEAC
demanded that all UKAEAC Officers should be DV, even though a
proportion did not come within my definition of requirement.
With the expansion of the UKAEAC/CNC through
Extended Deployment and in recognition both of the significant
costs of the DV process and of OCNS' finite resources available
for vetting, I welcome the Chief Constable's decision to modify
his policy to allow Officers not employed on Category I nuclear
sites or escort duties to be Security Cleared (SC), the level
below DV. This variation will achieve significant cost savings
for CNPA, ease the administrative burden for OCNS and make Officers
available for front line duty faster. I have matched the Chief
Constable's initiative with some well-defined guidance, giving
him a commitment to `fast-track' clearances to DV from SC should
operational circumstances dictate the need."
And it adds at paragraphs 34-39:
"OCNS provides a personnel vetting service
which conforms to the requirements of Regulations 9, 17(3) and
22(3) of NISR (Nuclear Installations Security Regulations) 03,
and which is applied to all permanent employees and contractors
working in the civil nuclear industry. Clearances commensurate
with the level of access to nuclear material and sensitive nuclear
information are granted to individuals and such clearances conform
to national definitions, requirements and procedures. OCNS revalidate
clearances at regular intervals according to the level granted
and consider Appeals against decisions."
"35. In the year 1 April 2004 to 31
March 2005, OCNS issued a total of 12,587 clearances, of which
11,447 were for individuals who had not been vetted previously
and the remaining 1,140 were revalidations. The vast majority
of the new cases, 10,112, were for the lowest level of clearance,
the Enhanced Basic Check (BC+), which allows unescorted access
to a site. The balance of 1,335 cases represents the higher levels
of clearance (Developed Vetting (DV), Security Check (SC) and
the Counter Terrorist Check (CTC)) which permit access to sensitive
areas of a site or access to more sensitive nuclear information.
The detail is shown at Table 1 below, which includes totals recorded
for 2002-03 and 2003-04 for comparison."
Table 1
Clearance Levels
| | New Cases |
| |
| Revalidations |
| | |
| 2002-03 | 2003-04
| 2004-05 | 2004-05
Developed Vetting | 312 |
435 | 471 | 279 |
Security Checks | 753 | 921
| 863 | 47 |
Counter Terrorist Check | 22
| 23 | 1 | 0 |
Enhanced Basic Check | 8,381
| 7,742 | 10,112 | 814
TOTALS | 9,468 | 9,121
| 11,447 | 1,140 |
"36. The figures confirm the trends identified in
previous years which show a steady annual increase in the numbers
of individuals requesting clearance. Although no one has been
permitted to work on a nuclear site without the appropriate clearance
or escort, absorbing the increase in tasking has been a significant
challenge; OCNS has had mixed success in meeting it. Against a
background of staff shortages created by retirements on the one
hand and a recruitment moratorium during a major DTI downsizing
exercise on the other, OCNS productivity has continued to improve
from an already high base as a result of better working practices
and a focused commitment by staff on the task. In spite of this,
a backlog of cases built up in the last two quarters of 2004 which
has yet to be addressed. At the end of the reporting period, the
backlog (including arrears in revalidation cases) stood at 666
DV, 687 SC and 1600 BC+."
"37. Details of the numbers of revalidation cases
processed in 2004-05 are shown in Table 2 with totals for 2002-03
and 2003-04 included for comparison."
Table 2
Clearance Levels | 2002-03
| 2003-04 | 2004-05
Developed Vetting (DV) | 163
| 186 | 279 |
Security Checks (SC | 51 |
101 | 47 |
Counter Terrorist Checks (CTC) | 0
| 0 | 0 |
Enhanced Basic Checks (BC+) | 2,552
| 3,059 | 814* |
TOTALS | 2,766 | 3,346
| 1,140 |
*Figure reflects the policy change to treat BC+ revalidations
as new cases.
"38. Although the figures in Tables 1 and 2 demonstrate
the achievements of the OCNS Vetting Branch, one of my highest
priorities now is to clear the backlog of vetting cases. The practical
effect of the backlog on the industry amounts to delays in confirming
recruitment of prospective employees or engagement of contractors,
with the concomitant risk of losing them to other employment,
and additional costs accruing from the need to escort individuals
who do not hold the necessary clearance. In an industry where
margins are so tight, this is a burden which must be reduced."
"39. I have recruited new staff to replace those
who have retired and they are now coming on line. We continue
to question how we manage the vetting process to identify further
productivity increases and indeed, during the first quarter of
2005, significant efficiencies were achieved by treating BC+ revalidations
as new cases. I have also asked all those involved in the industry
to scrutinise carefully all vetting applications to ensure that
clearances appropriate to individual appointments are applied
for. The Chief Constable, UKAEAC's revision of his vetting policy
(Subparagraph 16d above) is an example of best practice and I
want to extend such initiatives. However, anecdotal evidence suggests
that operators are requesting higher clearances than are strictly
necessary, and that contractors create headroom for themselves
by asking for more clearances than a project needs, and then employing
individuals whose clearances arrive first. The balance of what
have become unnecessary applications remain in the system, clogging
it up and compounding delays."
So, although overall the DG OCNS says he is satisfied, we
highlight his comment below on the implications of backlogs in
"The practical effect of the backlog on the industry
amounts to delays in confirming recruitment of prospective employees
or engagement of contractors, with the concomitant risk of losing
them to other employment, and additional costs accruing from the
need to escort individuals who do not hold the necessary clearance.
In an industry where margins are so tight, this is a burden which
must be reduced."
We suggest that this issue should be explored with him, particularly
in the context of both any new build programme, and the expansion
of between nuclear installations transports that will be inevitable
as the NDA begins to deliver its mission.
Security vetting concerns were confirmed when the then Cabinet
office minister Douglas Alexander told the then Labour MP Llew
Smith in July 2004 in a written answer that:
"The most recent periodic review of the Government's
personnel security system recommended the creation of a new official
committee focussing on this area. That was accepted and that committee
will work to ensure the continued effectiveness of personnel security
policy and practice throughout Government, and in those organisations
with which Government works in partnership." (Hansard,
21 July 2004 : Column 333W).
It is now known from papers released in February 2005 under
the Freedom of Information Act that in the last year (2004-05)
the OCNS had over 40 cases of potential security breaches under
the current nuclear site management arrangements (see:
The papers released under a FOIA request included the following
OCNS carried out 129 pre-notified inspections
in 2004. (These include the pre-notified inspections covering
the last quarter of the FY 2003/4 cited in the last Annual Report);
OCNS has carried out 15 no-notice inspections
since September 2003.
The OCNS does not know how many security passes
were lost/stolen within the nuclear industry in the past year.
OCNS states it is primarily interested in confirming that
the sites have an effective pass management system as part of
their security arrangements. This should include procedures for
recording lost/stolen passes, disabling their access where access
is automated, and periodic redesign and re-issue;
OCNS does not expect to receive reports of individual
alarms etc. where the cause has been investigated and assessed
as benign. Nor are companies required to report what are essentially
maintenance matters provided these have been dealt with promptly
and have not significantly downgraded overall security effectiveness.
We have interpreted your question broadly to mean anything out
of the ordinary that the Operators drew to our attention. Therefore,
not all of the incidents reported to us and noted here are of
equal seriousness. None of the incidents involved theft of nuclear
material or sabotage.
To address the question of what these involved, OCNS put
security incidents into three broad categories:
1. Incidents that were responded to because they could
indicate deliberate activity intended, for example, to steal property
(including nuclear material) or information, or commit sabotage.
The figures below subdivide this category into:
(a) incidents responded to immediately and resolved immediately;
(b) incidents responded to immediately and later resolved;
(c) incidents responded to immediately that were deliberate
attempts to by-pass security measures.
2. Security equipment or procedural failures identified
by normal management arrangements or by inspection/audit. Compensatory/corrective
measures were taken to ensure maintenance of overall security
3. Failure of security leading to unacceptable or undesirable
[The numbers and description are gathered together in Annex
1 to the FOIA release]
A key part of the OCNS mission is to identify and characterize
threats. This is how OCNS director highlights "Threat Assessments"
in the latest OCNS annual report:
"11. It is vital, given the potentially serious consequences
of any criminal or malevolent activity directed against civil
nuclear sites or material, or proliferation sensitive technology,
that security measures are designed to counter realistic threats.
Effort must not be wasted on ineffective security precautions.
Accurate, timely intelligence is essential. Information on the
methods, capabilities and intentions of terrorist groups and other
potential adversaries enables security measures to be put in place.
Though rarely specific enough to identify in advance when and
where attacks might take place, intelligence reporting often does
indicate when the threat has increased, to enable contingency
measures to be activated in response, such as extra patrols or
searching. Intelligence may also indicate when more labour-intensive
security measures can be scaled back, to avoid over-extending
staff and undermining morale."
"12. I am pleased to record that the provision of
intelligence has improved markedly over the past six years. When
I took over as Director, little intelligence was received, due
to DCNSy's anomalous position within the UKAEA, as well as resource
problems inhibiting liaison. To begin with, I had to rely on personal
contacts to overcome these difficulties. The transfer to the Department
and the provision of additional staff has remedied these deficiencies.
We now receive all relevant intelligence, not just about nuclear,
radiological and related threats (CBRN), but also providing a
broader context. Most reports are sent to OCNS electronically
via an encrypted data link. We are consulted by the intelligence
agencies about our particular intelligence requirements and our
advice is sought about the interpretation to be drawn from raw
material. We are also able to provide digests and threat assessments
to the operating companies, based on this material, for circulation
to Board members, security managers, contractors and members of
"13. The decision by the Government, which I mentioned
in last year's report, to establish the Joint Terrorism Analysis
Centre (JTAC) has, as expected, substantially enhanced the quality,
scope and focus of intelligence reporting on the terrorist threat.
JTAC has developed remarkably quickly into a most effective organisation.
I am a member of the JTAC Oversight Board and OCNS functions as
a participating organisation. As well as receiving intelligence,
we provide JTAC with insights into nuclear security issues to
aid reporting on these topics. This year, JTAC staff have received
briefings from OCNS and attended training courses with managers
from the operating companies. Visits to nuclear sites are being
arranged. However, to derive full advantage from this link with
JTAC, one of our two INFOSEC Inspectors is having to devote much
of his time to the work, reading and disseminating material received
and liaising with JTAC analysts based in London. For this reason,
we aim to recruit a third INFOSEC Inspector to support both functions.
Other, larger participating agencies provide teams of analysts
to JTAC on secondment."
"14. I mentioned in my previous reports the procedures
we use to assess medium term security threats, incorporated in
a key planning document known as the Design Basis Threat (DBT).
The document is based on the intelligence we receive about the
motives, intentions and capabilities of terrorist groups and other
potential adversaries. It is designed to provide a definitive
statement of the possible scale and methods of attack that could
be faced at civil nuclear sites, or when nuclear material is being
transported. The DBT also takes account of the availability of
countermeasures and contingency arrangements provided by the police,
the MOD and other agencies. It makes clear which forms of possible
attack the nuclear operating companies are expected to guard against,
which types of attack remain the responsibility of the Government
and whether, in the latter case, the companies are required to
take mitigating or preventative measures."
"15. The DBT provides the basis for the design, implementation
and management of security measures by the civil nuclear companies.
It is also used by OCNS to develop or revise model security standards
and guidance, evaluate site, transport and computer security plans
prepared by the operators, and to monitor compliance. The companies
subject to regulation have supported this approach because it
provides a clear, rational basis for security planning, resource
management and quality control. Furthermore, the approach is regarded
by the IAEA as best practice and has been adopted by other foreign
regulatory authorities."
He ends by stating: "For security reasons, the
DBT is classified SECRET and no further details can be published."
A 140-page study prepared for MPs and Peers by the Parliamentary
Office of Science and Technology (POST), published in July 2004,
on Assessing the Risk of Terrorist Attacks on Nuclear Facilities,
carries a short section (4.5) on the UK DBT. It states:
Official information on the potential scale and methods of
terrorist attack at civilian nuclear facilities is contained within
a document known as the Design Basis Threat (DBT) as recommended
by the IAEA (Box 3-2). The contents of the DBT, drawn up by OCNS,
are secret, although OCNS mentions two possibilities which are
now included: the possibility that terrorists might use vehicles
loaded with explosives to crash through perimeter defences, and
the threat that terrorists who were prepared to kill themselves
or risk discovery might attempt to penetrate into [certain
sensitive areas inside sites] to detonate explosives. 61
The DBT makes clear which forms of possible attack the nuclear
operating companies are expected to guard against and which remain
the responsibility of the government, and whether, in the latter
case, companies are still required to take mitigating or preventative
"Different countries publish varying amounts of detail
about the Design Basis Threat. There is more publicly available
information on the US DBT than most other countries. Some of these
are listed in Box 4-1, to illustrate the kinds of attack contemplated
by authorities, although this provides no indication of the contents
of the UK DBT."
The POST report is an excellent overview, which may be insufficiently
known to Parliamentarians. We recommend the EAC invite its primary
author, Dr Chandrika Nath, to provide oral evidence to explain,
and perhaps update, her findings.
It may also be instructive for the EAC to look at how details
of the DBT is classified, or otherwise, elsewhere.
3.2 The United States Case
In the United States, following the terrorist events of September
11, 2001, a review of nuclear security was conducted by the regulatory
authorities. The following is part of the text of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) press release issued on 21 September
2001 under the headline:
The press release said:
"In light of the recent terrorist attacks, US Nuclear
Regulatory Commission officials and staff have been working around
the clock to ensure adequate protection of nuclear power plants
and nuclear fuel facilities. This has involved close coordination
with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, other intelligence and
law enforcement agencies, NRC licensees, and military, state and
local authorities."
"Immediately after the attacks, the NRC advised nuclear
power plants to go to the highest level of security, which they
promptly did. The NRC has advised its licensees to maintain heightened
security. The agency continues to monitor the situation, and is
prepared to make any adjustments to security measures as may be
deemed appropriate."
"In view of the recent unprecedented events, Chairman
Richard A Meserve, with the full support of the Commission, has
directed the staff to review the NRC's security regulations and
On 29 April 2003 the NRC announced changes being made in
the DBT. The text read in part:
"The NRC, after extensive deliberation and interaction
with stakeholders, has approved changes to the design basis threat
(DBT). The Commission believes that the DBT represents the largest
reasonable threat against which a regulated private guard force
should be expected to defend under existing law . . . In addition,
the Commission has approved the issuance of two other Orders to
nuclear plants . . . to further enhance protection of public health
and safety, as well as the common defense and security."
"These Orders, in combination with the recently-issued
Order in the area of access authorization, enhance the already
strong defense capability at these sites using three interdependent
elements directed to best protect the public, with the appropriate
resources placed at the right places. These elements are:
the revised Design Basis Threat and associated
defensive capabilities derived from previous measures that the
Commission directed;
tighter work hour control and more robust training
requirements for security personnel, to increase their capability
to respond to threats; and
enhanced access authorization controls to ensure
all plant personnel with access to critical areas have had the
most rigorous background checks permitted by law.
"The Order that imposes revisions to the Design Basis
Threat requires power plants to implement additional protective
actions to protect against sabotage by terrorists and other adversaries.
The details of the design basis threat are safeguards information
pursuant to Section 147 of the Atomic Energy Act and will not
be released to the public. This Order builds on the changes made
by the Commission's 25 February 2002 Order. The Commission believes
that this DBT represents the largest reasonable threat against
which a regulated private security force should be expected to
defend under existing law. (emphasis added) It was arrived at
after extensive deliberation and interaction with cleared stakeholders
from other Federal agencies, State governments and industry."
"Under NRC regulations, power reactor licensees must
ensure that the physical protection plan for each site is designed
and implemented to provide high assurance in defending against
the DBT to ensure adequate protection of public health and safety
and common defense and security. Extensive changes in those physical
protection plans will now be made and submitted to NRC for approval."
"The second Order describes additional measures related
to security force personnel fitness for duty and security force
work hours. It is to ensure that excessive work hours do not challenge
the ability of nuclear power plant security forces to remain vigilant
and effectively perform their duties in protecting the plants
. . . The NRC developed this unclassified Order through a public
process . . ."
"The third Order describes additional requirements related
to the development and application of an enhanced training and
qualification program for armed security personnel at power reactor
facilities. These additional measures include security drills
and exercises appropriate for the protective strategies and capabilities
required to protect the nuclear power plants against sabotage
by an assaulting force. This Order requires more frequent firearms
training and qualification under a broader range of conditions
consistent with site-specific protective strategies. The details
of the enhanced training requirements are safeguards information,
and will not be released to the public. As with the DBT Order,
the Commission solicited comments on a draft training Order from
cleared stakeholders, including security personnel and took those
comments under consideration in reaching its final decision."
[As a matter of public fact, the Orders were challenged in
the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
Circuit by the NGOs Public Citizen, Inc and San Luis Obispo Mothers
for Peace, in a suit brought on 30 June 2003. The full text is
on the NRC website at:]
The disclosures over the sensitivities and changes in the
USfollowing its post "9/11" review are
the subject of a special analysis by one of our authors, and are
appended as Annex 1 to this memorandum. This analysis clearly
demonstrates that a sensible, detailed discussion on the DBT can
be held in open session.
We would recommend the EAC invite before them both the
director and deputy director of the OCNS to examine how they advise
decision makers and ministers on the comparative risk from the
hazards posed by breaches of security at nuclear installations.
We find it hard to understand why, despite the fact that
the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has found it possiblepost
9/11, in a country, the United States, deeply wounded by the terrorist
actions on its own soilto put many details into the public
domain on changes in the US DBT, such details still remain classified,
and hence beyond independent critical appraisal, in the UK.
Some MPs have made efforts to discover the background to
the UK DBT. The then Energy minister Brian Wilson told MPs in
a written reply three years ago:
"I cannot add to the information about the key planning
document known as the design basis threat (DBT) which the Director
of the Civil Nuclear Security referred to in his recent annual
report on the `State of Security in the Civil Nuclear Industry
and the Effectiveness of Security Regulation', placed in the Libraries
of the House on 11 June 2002. The assessment is classified and
no further details can be published. The Director of Civil Nuclear
Security assures himself that a site operator's ability to protect
against the DBT is adequate and is tested. (Official Report, 26
June 2002: Column 892W)."
In July 2004, a question was put to the DTI energy minister
on the DBT, asking which organisations provided information used
by the Office for Civil Nuclear Security (OCNS) to construct its
design basis threat (DBT) for plants and operations of civil nuclear
companies; and whether the OCNS shares information on the United
Kingdom DBT with its United States counterpart.
The then Energy minister Stephen Timms replied:
"The Design Basis Threat is a planning tool that draws
principally on assessments produced by the Security Service and
the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC), of which OCNS is a
member. OCNS discusses the processes involved in the production
and use of a Design Basis Threat with many member states of the
International Atomic Energy Agency, including the United States,
but does not exchange analyses or conclusions that are protectively
marked." (Official Report, 16 July 2004: Column 1383W).
This is a matter we would recommend is explored further
by the EAC.
3.3 BNFL Material Unaccounted For (MUF) Problem Highlights
Nuclear Materials Accountancy Difficulties
Another issue that is central to nuclear materials security
is: how reliable is the accountancy procedure?
In February 2005 BNFL admitted that nearly 30 kilogrammes
of plutonium remained "unaccounted for" in its annual
nuclear materials stocktake. The Times newspaper reported
it as its front page lead story.
The Whitehaven News, Sellafield's local newspaper,
in its 24 February 2005 edition reported a BNFL spokesperson as
saying that, in fact, the IAEA sets standards on these uncertainties
"at 1% of the total Sellafield throughput but the latest
figures represent only around 0.5% of this."
BNFL had issued a statement on 17 February which boldly stated
in part that:
"Euratom, the European regulator with responsibility
for this issue, has accepted all inventories as satisfactory".
Further investigation demonstrated that this brief comment
was not comprehensive, and hid an unresolved problem, viz that
Euratom, the European Unions' nuclear watchdog regulator, remained
in dispute with BNFL over the application of safeguards at Sellafield.
Indeed, DTI energy minister Mike O'Brien stated in a written parliamentary
answer to MPs:
"BNFL and the [DTI] Safeguards Office are currently in
discussion with the European Commission to resolve measurement
issues that have been identified in certain aspects of nuclear
material accountancy at Sellafield." (Official Report, 25
February 2005: Column 888W).
The important fact to recognise is not that the percentage
uncertainty is less than 0.5%, but the actual quantity of the
plutoniuma potent nuclear explosive materialis around
30 kilogrammes. With the IAEA's "significant quantity"
to trigger security concerns of this nuclear material being 8
kilogrammes, this means that more than three times that amount
(around 10 nuclear bombs' worth) was not accounted for.
This problem is not one of safety, but security, safeguards
and materials accountancy. 100,000 kilogrammes of reprocessed
plutonium is currently stockpiled at Sellafield. The fact that
such a large surplus of this potent nuclear explosive remains
without a long-term management solution remains an awkward political
problem for ministers. And it also puts the inability of BNFL,
Sellafield's operators, to account for 30 kilogrammes into context.
This incident was given a context in May 2005, when the Guardian
newspaper (9 May) revealed that some 83 m3 of radioactive liquors,
containing up to 200 kilogrammes of plutonium, had been leaking
from a section called the "feed clarification cell"
inside Thorp, Sellafield's most modern reprocessing plant, operated
by the British Nuclear Group (BNG), part of BNFL. The Nuclear
Decommissioning Authority, owners of Thorp, subsequently issued
a Media Statement on 27 May, recording it had taken receipt of
an internal report of the incident from the British Nuclear Group
board of inquiry.
The Energy Minister informed Parliament in written answer,
issued in September 2005, that his predecessor, as the minister
responsible, had first been informed of the leak on 21 April.
(Official Report, 12 September 2005: Columns 2269-70W).
The Energy Minister had earlier informed Parliament in a
written answer on 15 June what was known about the accident, in
"the results of BNGSL's investigation suggests that the
pipe may have started to fail in August 2004 and that complete
failure of the pipe may have occurred in mid-January 2005. Opportunities
such as cell sampling and level measurements were missed which
would have shown that material was escaping to secondary containment."
(Official Report,15 June 2005: Column 413W).
The Energy Minister revealed in his answer this September
"The special report (dated 10 May 2005) on this incident,
as required under Article 14 of Commission Regulation 302/2005,
was forwarded to the Commission's DG Transport and Energy Directorate
H by the UK Safeguards Office on 13 May 2005. However, this official
notification had been preceded by verbal notification to the Commission
of accounting discrepancies in THORP during a routine inspection
on 29 March 2005. When it became clear that the discrepancies
were due to a leak, the Commission were informed on 21 April 2005.
Further details were provided to Commission inspectors on the
Sellafield site during the week beginning 25 April 2005."
He added that while there is no formal requirement to notify
the International Atomic Energy Agency: "the UK made a statement
at the Board of Governors in Vienna during the week of 13 June
2005. The UK Safeguards Office has been kept informed of all related
discussions between the British Nuclear Group Sellafield Limited,
including participating in a meeting held at the DG TREN offices
in Luxembourg on 16 June 2005." (Official Report, 12 September
2005: Columns 2269-70W)
For a hair-raising account of how major problems can occur
in even relatively new nuclear plants handling nuclear materials,
the final report of the Board of Enquiry makes for chilling reading,
( which we would
recommend to the EAC, not least because the BNG's parent, BNFL,
is often touted as a possible future builder/operator of new nuclear
power plants.
This was an accident that created environmental safety and
potentially nuclear security problems. But there assuredly are
bigger nuclear terrorist threats. At the 7th Irish and UK Local
Authorities Standing Conference on Nuclear Hazards, held in Drogheda,
County Louth, Ireland, on 10-11 March 2005, specialist consultant
Dr Gordon Thompson, of the Institute for Resource and Security
Studies, Cambridge, Massachusetts, presented a chilling paper
on the theme: "Are Nuclear Installations Terrorist Targets?"
He pointed out that in the US the Government has published
a design of a cruise-missile warhead intended to penetrate rock
or concrete. He reported that the warhead has a diameter of 71
cm, a length of 72 cm, and a total mass of 410 kg; when tested
in 2002, it created a hole of 25 cm diameter in tough rock to
a depth of 5.9 m; that one means of carrying such a device would
be a general-aviation aircraft; and that a Beechcraft King Air
90 will carry a payload of up to 990 kg at a speed of up to 460
km/hr; a used King Air 90 can be purchased for US$0.4-1.0 million.
In other words, a viable platform of attack is well within
the budgets of international terrorists. The vulnerabilities are
manifold: spent fuel stores, high activity radioactive waste liquor
storage tanks; long-term immobilised radioactive waste stores;
and nuclear reactor containment at Magnox reactors.
Dr Thompson provided the following typologies of vulnerability:
We record that it was Dr Thompson's memorandum to the Defence
Select Committee, in January 2002, that led to the Defence Committee
making a recommendation that the terrorist threat to nuclear installations
be conducted by POST, resulting in the POST report to which reference
was made above. The EAC may find it useful to invite Dr Thompson,
who has since been used as a security consultant by the Committee
on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM), to give further oral
details on his concerns over insecurities at UK nuclear installations.
3.4 Cyber insecurity
Another vulnerabity of nuclear plants is cyber insecurity.
An article by Kevin Poulsen of Security Focus (8 March
2005) reported that two companies that make digital systems for
nuclear power plants have come out against a US Government proposal
that would attach cyber security standards to plant safety systems.
The 15-page proposal, introduced in December 2004 by the
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, would rewrite the NRC's "Criteria
for Use of Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants."
The current version, written in 1996, is three pages long and
makes no mention of security.
The NRC plan expands existing reliability requirements for
digital safety systems and, as the article states:
"infuses security standards into every stage of a system's
lifecycle, from drawing board to retirement."
So far, industry reaction has been less than glowing. Capri
Technology, a small California firm that builds specialised systems
and software for nuclear plants, calls the regulations "premature",
and says the proposal could deter plant operators from installing
new digital safety systems entirely.
"The NRC tries to promote the use of digital technology
in the nuclear power industry on the one hand, but then over-prescribes
what is needed when a digital safety system is proposed,"
wrote company president William Petrick, in comments filed with
the commission. An industry veteran, Petrick advocates withdrawing
the proposal until the NRC and industry experts can agree on a
more effective cyber security strategy.
Framatome, a French company that develops and builds nuclear
plants from the ground up, had a similar response. The company
argued in its comments that the NRC is painting with too broad
a brushfor example, by applying the same security standards
to software running on a general purpose computer, and to firmware
embedded in a chip.
Cyber security "is sufficiently important and complex
to merit a more considered set of guidance," Framatone has
argued. "A significant joint effort should be undertaken
to publish comprehensive cyber security guidance that covers present
and planned uses of software in nuclear plants", the company
In 2004 the IAEA itself warned of growing international concern
about the potential for cyber attacks against nuclear facilities,
and said it was finalizing new security guidelines of its own.
No successful targeted attacks against plants have been publicly
reported, but in 2003 the "Slammer" worm penetrated
a private computer network at Ohio's idle Davis-Besse nuclear
plant and disabled a safety monitoring system for nearly five
hours. The worm entered the plant network through an interconnected
contractor's network, bypassing Davis-Besse's firewall.
We recommend that the EAC invite before it suitable witnesses
to explain the vulnerabilities posed by cyber-threats to nuclear
3.5 Parliamentary scrutiny of nuclear security issues
Several pointed questions have been raised in Parliament
in the past year over nuclear security, including concerns over
potential threats to nuclear installations from aircraft.
Defence minister Adam Ingram said in response to a question
in April 2004 asking the Secretary of State for Defence if he
would list each near-miss incident involving RAF aircraft and
United Kingdom nuclear installations reported to his Department
in each year since 2000 that:
"Restricted areas for aircraft have existed around nuclear
facilities for many years. In the aftermath of 9/11 the Civil
Aviation Authority (CAA) revisited this policy, issuing an amendment
to Article 85 of the Air Navigation Order, and now major nuclear
installations have a restricted area of two nautical mile radius."
"The number of alleged breaches of restricted areas involving
RAF aircraft and United Kingdom nuclear installations reported
to the Ministry of Defence in each year since 2000 is detailed
in the following table. The Ministry of Defence, Defence Flying
Complaints Investigation Team carried out investigations on each
occasion and concluded that five of these were found to have infringed
restricted areas. I will shortly place copies of all reports of
the investigations in the Library, with all personal data redacted
in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998."
Mr Ingram later told MPs that:
"Both Royal Air Force and United States Air Force aircraft
operate with the same restrictions in respect of overflights of
nuclear installations and residential areas. Nuclear installations
are to be avoided by a radius of two nautical miles from a fixed
centre-point or a height of 2,000 ft, by all types of aircraft.
In respect of `residential areas' we grant avoidances in the United
Kingdom military low-flying system to towns with a population
of 10,000 or more, as well as everything within certain major
avoidance areas. Towns granted avoidances are to be overflown
at not less than 1,000 ft by helicopters, and not less than 2,000
ft by fixed wing aircraft." (Official Report, 25 May 2004
: Column 1617W)
We know from an earlier parliamentary answer to the now retired
Labour MP Llew Smith that a "near-hit" incident reported
on 4 April 2002 involved a helicopter landing in the grounds of
the BNFL nuclear installation at Berkeley, Gloucestershire. It
turned out to be a Canadian military helicopter on a joint military
exercise. But what if it had been a group of international terrorists?
The plant management did not know.
It was reported in several newspapers (The Observer,
Sunday Express) on 11 September 2005 that armed police
would henceforth be routinely deployed to guard nuclear plants:
"Armed police drafted in to protect nuclear plants from terror
attack", was one headline.
"Armed police have been introduced at two nuclear power
stations in Suffolk, it was confirmed yesterday. Civil Nuclear
Constabulary officers have been drafted in to patrol. Security
at the sites of BNG's Sizewell A and British Energy's Sizewell
B plants near Leiston has been reviewed, along with other plants
throughout the country, following both the 9/11 attacks and the
London bombings in July. Sizewell B director Mark Gorry revealed
to a Sizewell stakeholders group meeting that the move was intended
to boost confidence and act as a deterrent. In January 2003, 30
Greenpeace campaigners scaled the dome containing the pressurised
water reactor at the Sizewell B plant. They said the protest was
to highlight the station's poor security and vulnerability to
We recommend that Greenpeace be invited, along with officials
from the British Nuclear Group and British Energy, to explore
the current robustness of security at UK nuclear plants
Independent Commentary on Nuclear Security Risks
The following disturbing statements were included in an exhibition
hosted by BNFL at its Sellafield site, prepared by the Science
"A nuclear device could be the ultimate weapon for a
terrorist, but fortunately, such devices are very difficult and
expensive to build. Although the UK government does not allow
plutonium from civil nuclear reactors to be used in the UK's nuclear
weapons, some people are worried about terrorists getting hold
of plutonium illegally. By reprocessing and by transporting MOX
fuel, which contains plutonium, all over the world, we are increasing
the risk of plutonium proliferation."
"Some people believe that as reprocessing separates reactor-grade
plutonium from spent fuel it increases the terrorist risk and
should therefore be stopped. Leaving the material as spent fuel
is often considered safer as it is less attractive to terrorists
who would have to separate the plutonium from the fuel themselvesa
long and difficult process. But terrorists could still use the
spent fuel, with out separating out the plutonium, to make a `dirty
"The Irish Government, environmental groups, and organisations
opposed to nuclear proliferation have all expressed opposition
to the opening of the MOX fuel manufacturing plant at Sellafield.
The case put forward against MOX fuel manufacture includes, but
is not confined to, the risk of plutonium proliferation, the possibility
of slightly increased radioactive discharges, and economic arguments
based upon the apparent lack of customer orders for the new fuel."
"Civil nuclear plants have to meet certain national standards
of security and design to protect them against sabotage and terrorist
attacks. But the attacks of 11 September 2001 forced many people
to reassess the lengths that terrorists might go to."
"The high-level liquid waste that comes from reprocessing
is stored in constantly cooled tanks at Sellafield. These tanks
represent one of the world's most hazardous concentrations of
long-lived radioactive material and are, therefore, a prime terrorist
target. An attack on these tanks, similar to the one in New York
in September 2001, could have extremely serious consequences for
much of the UK and Ireland."
We found these observations alarming, but not alarmist. All
of these statements were to be found at the web site for Sparking
Reaction at:
The web site, and exhibition, has now been closed.
We recommend representatives of the Science Museum be
invited before the EAC to give evidence on the basis of these
As part of the Government's evolving counter-terrorist legislation,
the Home Secretary published a new draft Terrorism Bill on 15
September which includes a section on combating nuclear terrorism.
The relevant clauses are reproduced at Annex 2. At the time of
preparation of this submission, there was insufficient detail
about these clauses to allow comment to be made.
Our judgement is that far from enhancing energy security
of supply, the further deployment of nuclear technology would
undermine security in the UK, and should be avoided. The second
part of this submission demonstrates that "the lights can
be kept on" by a range of decentralised and dispersed renewable
energy technologies, none of which suffer the insecurities of
nuclear power.
Q3 What is the attitude of financial institutions to investment
in different forms of generation?
What is the attitude of financial institutions
to the risks involved in nuclear new build and the scale of the
investment required?
4.1 Introduction
EERU does not pretend to expertise in nuclear financing.
However,the authors of this memorandum attended an international
expert seminar on the future prospects for new UK nuclear energy
development, hosted by the Ditchley Foundation at Ditchley Park
in June 2005, where the matter was keenly explored. The rules
of reportage covering the event ("Chatham House Rules")
preclude specific reporting of the remarks and observations of
participants. We are, however, able to report that amongst those
engaged were representatives from merchant bankers NM Rothschild
& Sons, investment specialists Spirent, legal and business
advisors Eversheds, and project management specialists CH2M Hill
4.2 Risk
The key issue for prospective future investment in new nuclear
power capacity is risk.
This was addressed in an open forum roundtable discussion
at the World Nuclear Association's Annual Symposium, held in London
8-9 September 2005.
The participants from the investment sector comprised the
following: Roger Ewart-Smith, Managing director, Rothschild (UK),
William Oulton, Managing Director, FTSE4Good, William Vereker,
Managing Director, Lehman Bros, (UK).
In response to questions asking how investment banks considering
investing in new nuclear power plants in the UK would factor into
their risk assessment the implications of a terrorist attack on
any other nuclear installation in the UK, or abroad, during the
planning, construction or commissioning phase of any nuclear plant
they might fund, the following replies were given:
Mr Ewart-Smith of Rothschild said that the private sector
cannot easily take the risk in such circumstances. Mr Vereker
of Lehman Brothers said there would need to be protection measures
built in to secure their investment.
Therefore it is apparent that risk arising from terrorist
actions could prove an impossible hurdle for the full funding
of new nuclear plants, if the reactions of these two senior investment
bankers specialising in energy investment are a good guide.
According to a report in The Business newspaper ("Rothschild
Champions Nuclear Joint Venture", 26 June 2005): "NM
Rothschild, the London merchant bank, is leading an initiative
to finance, build and manage Britain's next generation of nuclear
power stations. It plans to create a jointly-owned nuclear power
company, provisionally named `New Nuclear', that could raise funds
and manage the nuclear-build programme."
The article went on to record "The Business has
learned that Rothschild has drawn up the plan on behalf of its
client, state nuclear group BNFL, which is looking at ways in
which a UK nuclear revival could be funded by the private sector.
Rothschild's is proposing instead that a minimum of three of the
UK's six utilities take stakes in New Nuclear. The three main
contenders would be the UK arms of Eon, RWE and Electricite de
France (EdF), whose European parent companies already operate
nuclear power stations. Scottish and Southern Energy, Scottish
Power and Centrica could also take stakes, although they could
settle for long-term power purchase agreements instead."
It quotes an unnamed source from one of the UK power utilities
as saying "Rothschild's are very keen to get back into nuclear."
Brian Count, who has recently retired as chief executive
of RWE's UK arm is reported to have said of the scheme: "It's
credible; it has merit. The issue is one of spreading the political
This article is one of several to appear in the Sunday business
press, and is typical of "kite flying" or "dipping
one's toes in the water", to test the temperature. The assertions
reported need to be tested with witnesses.
We would thus recommend that witnesses from Rothschild,
Eon, RWE and Electricite de France be invited to give evidence
before the EAC.
On the same Sunday, The Sunday Times ("Taxpayers
`will pay billions' for nuclear plants," 26 June 2005) reported
that a "new generation of nuclear power stations could be
built only if the government is prepared to put billions of pounds
of public money into the project." This was the conclusion
of a leading economic think tank, Oxera, in a report issued on
27 June.
Oxera estimated that replacing the current nuclear power
stations would likely cost about £8.6 billion, from which
it thinks industry could expect a return on its equity of just
11%. "Our figures do not indicate there would be enough of
an incentive for industry to finance a new nuclear programme,"
said Oxera director Derek Holt.
We would concur with the Oxera conclusions, and recommend
that the EAC invite Oxera to present evidence to the Committee.
We note that in the House of Commons at Trade and Industry
question time on 23 June 2005, the Trade and Industry Secretary
Alan Johnson told MPs, in response to a request for a statement
on the future of nuclear power in the UK, that:
"The 2003 energy White Paper set out the Government's
energy policy on all sources, which obviously includes nuclear
energy as well as fossil fuels and renewables. The Department
keeps progress against the White Paper goals under review, through,
for example, the work of the Joint Energy Security of Supply Working
Group and the publication of the second annual report on the White
And in response to a supplementary question asking how many
new nuclear power stations would this country need to maintain
a 20% contribution, Mr Johnson added:
"I understand the point made by the hon. Gentleman, who
has long been a proponent of new-build nuclear energy. I come
to this question with what could be called clean-slate technology,
as I am neither pro nor anti-nuclear. I feel very strongly that
the 2003 energy White Paper got it about right when it said that
at some point in the future "new . . . build might be necessary
. . . to meet our carbon targets.That is still the case. There
are issues around cost and waste which, as the hon Gentleman well
knows, are difficult issues. The Prime Minister has said that
we need to make a decision on new build in this Parliament. We
intend to do so, but we intend to take a measured look at all
the issues across the energy field and ensure that our decisions,
if they involve nuclear new build, meet the obligations that we
agreed in 2003 for further consultation and another White Paper."
(Official Report, 23 June 2005: Column 929-30)
At present, this would appear to remain the situation. We
would thus recommend the Trade and Industry secretary, his energy
minister Mr Wicks, and the Director General of Energy at the DTI,
Ms Joan MacNaughton, be invited to give the committee further
details on departmental thinking on prospective financing of new
electricity generation technologies.
Annex 1
Shortly after the NRC Orders were issued, Joseph S Mahaley,
Director of the US Department of Energy's Office of Security,
testified before a session of the House of Representatives' Subcommittee
on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations
of the Committee on Government Reform, held on 24 June 2003.
He told the Representatives that the 2003 DoE Design Basis
Threat Policy is predicated on the information contained in the
Defense Intelligence Agency, "Postulated Threat: to US Nuclear
Weapons Facilities and other Selected Strategic Facilities,"
dated January 2003, also referred to as the Postulated Threat
"The Postulated Threat Statement details relevant threat
information about postulated adversary team sizes, characteristics,
capabilities and applicability to national security assets. The
Postulated Threat Statement is based on intelligence information
detailing actual terrorist attacks and the equipment and tactics
utilized in the attacks, expert judgments regarding stated terrorist
intentions and the ability of the terrorist to execute the stated
objectives, and postulated capabilities based on the latest knowledge
concerning terrorist activities."
"Prior to 11 September 2001, attacks in New York and
Washington, the Department of Energy, in August 2001, requested
that the intelligence community prepare an update to the 1994
Postulated Threat Statement. Although the 1994 Postulated Threat
Statement was designed to be a 10-year document, we believed at
that time that changes in international politics, emerging technologies
and increases in worldwide terrorism required a reassessment.
The National Intelligence Coordinating Committee assigned the
primary responsibility for updating the Postulated Threat Statement
to the Defense Intelligence Agency."
"The events of 11 September 2001, delayed the Postulated
Threat Statement update effort due to reallocation of critical
assets. However, the requested Postulated Threat Statement update
was fully underway by January 2002. The primary entities collaborating
on the revision to the Postulated Threat Statement were: the Defense
Intelligence Agency, the Department of the Navy, the Department
of the Army, the Department of the Air Force, the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence
Agency, and the Department of Energy."
"The Department of Energy's Office of Security began
revising the DoE Design Basis Threat Policy in October 2001. Our
work on the revised DoE Design Basis Threat Policy was carried
out in parallel with the work on the updated Postulated Threat
Statement to reduce the amount of time that would be required
to issue a final DoE Design Basis Threat Policy upon completion
of the Postulated Threat Statement. After the release of the final
Postulated Threat Statement in January 2003, we made final revisions
to the Departmental Design Basis Threat Policy. The Policy was
then coordinated within the Department of Energy, including the
National Nuclear Security Administration. The revised Policy was
approved by the Deputy Secretary of Energy on 20 May 2003."
"The new Design Basis Threat Policy will provide managers
an improved threat policy document to plan, resource, and execute
vital safeguards and security programs. In addition to updated
threat information, the revised Design Basis Threat Policy includes
a significant enhancement over prior policiesthe use of
the `graded threat concept'. The graded threat concept considers
and accounts for factors such as consequences of a malevolent
event, the attractiveness of the asset, the ability of an adversary
to accomplish a given objective with an asset, and the resources
required by an adversary to accomplish a given objective."
"The graded threat approach includes the establishment
of `Threat Levels' for Departmental facilities and associated
`Protection Strategies' based on the assets located at a given
facility. The Design Basis Threat Policy separates `Threat Levels'
into two distinct categories. One category of `Threat Levels'
covers theft, disruption of mission, and espionage and foreign
intelligence collection, and the second categoryof `Sabotage
Threat Levels'covers radiological, chemical, and biological
"Five `Threat Levels' are established for theft, disruption
of mission, and espionage and foreign intelligence collection:
Threat Level 1 (the highest)for facilities that receive,
use, process, store, transport, or test Category IA assets (ie,
nuclear weapons, nuclear test devices, or completed nuclear assemblies)
through Threat Level 5 (the lowest)for facilities that
are only required to maintain minimum safeguards accountability
or security operations (ie, small office activities, tenants in
large office buildings, or small isolated research or test facilities
that do not possess quantities of special nuclear material)."
"Four `Sabotage Threat Levels' are established for radiological,
chemical, and biological sabotage. Sabotage Threat Level 1 (the
highest) through Level 4 (the lowest) are set for facilities,
buildings, or operations that process, store or transport radiological,
chemical, and biological materials by the degree to which these
materials, if dispersed, would result in acute dose effects at
the site boundary."
"Immediately following the events of 11 September 2001,
the Department implemented measures to augment safeguards and
security for the most critical Departmental assets. The recently
revised Department of Energy Design Basis Threat Policy incorporates
those measures and, in some cases, sets a higher standard for
the protection of Departmental assets."
"The revised Design Basis Threat Policy is effective
immediately and will be implemented over the next several years.
Actions to augment existing safeguards and security programs for
those facilities and assets that are considered the highest security
policy will be undertaken as soon as practicable."
No such detail of the British DBT has been placed before
MPs by anyone in a position of authority to know.
On the same day as the above testimony, the US Government
Accountability Office issued a report entitled Nuclear Security:
DoE Faces Security Challenges in the Post September 11, 2001,
Environment, (GAO-03-896TNI).
The GAO reviewed how effectively the National Nuclear Security
Administration (NNSA)a separately organised agency within
US Department of Energy (DoE)manages its safeguards and
security programme, including how it oversees contractor security
operations. GAO also reviewed DoE and NNSA's response to the terrorist
attacks of 11 September 2001. In this regard, GAO examined: DoE
and NNSA's immediate response to 11 September; DoE's efforts to
develop a new Design Basis Threat, a classified document that
identifies the potential size and capabilities of the terrorist
forces that DoE and NNSA sites must be prepared to defend against;
and the challenges DoE and NNSA face in meeting the requirements
of the new Design Basis Threat.
The USGAO was able to use unclassified material to provide
three case studies of US military nuclear installations or security
regimesat the Rocky Flats former nuclear warhead production
plant, outside Denver, Colorado; the Technical Area-18 (TA-18)
at the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory in New Mexico; and the Transportation
Security Division, which travels the United States interstate
To our knowledge, no analysis independent of the nuclear
security regulator has been conducted of the UK DBT, because the
details of the DBT remain confidential. Here is one comment made
by the USGAO on the US DBT:
"The number and capabilities of the terrorists involved
in the September 11 attacks rendered obsolete DoE's Design Basis
Threat, last issued in 1999. However, DoE's effort to develop
and issue a new Design Basis Threat took almost two years; it
was issued in May 2003. This effort was slowed by, among other
things, disagreements over the size of the potential terrorist
group that might attack a DoE or NNSA facility. Successfully addressing
the increased threats will take time and resources, as well as
new ways of doing business, sound management, and leadership.
Currently, DoE does not have a reliable estimate of the cost to
fully protect DoE and NNSA facilities."
Moreover, the US National Academy of Sciences was given a
detailed assessmentin public sessionon the "Vulnerability
of Spent Fuel Pools and the Design Basis Threat", by Peter
D H Stockton (a former Special Assistant on nuclear security for
US Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, now senior investigator for
the Project On Government Oversight [POGO]) on 10 May 2004.
He said on the Design Basis Threat (DBT):
"The Postulated Threat is a document created by the Defense
Intelligence Agencyin conjunction with the US intelligence
community. It indicates a significant threat against nuclear facilities
in terms of numbers of adversaries, lethality of weapons and size
of truck bombs. This document should be the basis for the size
of the DBT."
Amongst the proposals made by POGO were some on a Possible
Solution to Threat from Aircraft:
"Barrage balloons, similar to those used in World War
II, lofted around the perimeter of a nuclear plant site would
likely divert an oncoming plane, and would not be prohibitively
It is also on public record (TCNC Newsletter 3-4 July/August
2003) that a Workshop on Korea-USA Design Basis Threat (DBT) was
held at INTEC of KAERI in Daejeon from 30 June to 2 July 2003,
in which around 50 participants from MOST, KAERI, National Police
Agency, KHNP, KEPCO, KNFC, KOPEC, and other competent authorities
participated. The lecturers of the workshop were experts from
the US Government's Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in the
Annex 2
The Draft Terrorism bill, dated 13 September 2005, made public
15 September 2005, contains the following sections:
"10 Trespassing etc on Civil Nuclear Sites
(1) The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (c
15) is amended as follows.
(2) In subsection (1) of each of sections 128 and 129 (trespassing
etc on a designated site in England and Wales or Northern Ireland
or in Scotland), for designated insert protected.
(3) After section 128(1) (sites in England and Wales and Northern
Ireland) insert.
(1A) In this section protected site means.
(a) a civil nuclear site; or
Terrorism Bill
Part 1. Offences
(b) a designated site.
(1B) In this section civil nuclear site means.
(a) any premises in respect of which a nuclear site licence
(within the meaning of the Nuclear Installations Act 1965) is
for the time being in force; and
(b) so much of any premises of which premises falling within
paragraph (a) form a part as lies between.
(i) the edge of the premises in respect of which the licence
is in force; and
(ii) the outer perimeter of the protection provided for those
(1C) For this purpose.
(a) the outer perimeter of the protection provided for any
premises is the line of the outermost fence provided for the protection
of those premises; and
(b) the line of such a fence shall be treated as including
what would, assuming every gateway in the fence to be closed,
be the line the gate in each of those gateways.
(4) After section 129(1) (sites in Scotland) insert.
(1A) In this section protected Scottish site means.
(a) a civil nuclear site in Scotland; or
(b) a designated Scottish site.
(1B) In this section civil nuclear site means.
(a) any premises in respect of which a nuclear site licence
(within the meaning of the Nuclear Installations Act 1965) is
for the time being in force; and
(b) so much of any premises of which premises falling within
paragraph (a) form a part as lies between.
(i) the edge of the premises in respect of which the licence
is in force; and
(ii) the outer perimeter of the protection provided for those
(1C) For this purpose.
(a) the outer perimeter of the protection provided for any
premises is the line of the outermost fence provided for the protection
of those premises, and
(b) the line of such a fence shall be treated as including
what would, assuming every gateway in the fence to be closed,
be the line of the gate in each of those gateways.
12 Maximum penalty for certain offences relating to nuclear material
(1) In section 2 of the Nuclear Material (Offences) Act 1983
(c 18) (offences involving preparatory acts and threats), for
subsection (5) substitute.
(5) A person guilty of an offence under this section shall
be liable, on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for life.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to offences committed before
the commencement of this section.
(Text at
Part B
In the UK, a vociferous minority have recently been arguing
that we must re-open the nuclear energy option. Renewables and
energy efficiency, they say, cannot make a big enough contribution
to achieving the 60% cuts in fossil-fuel carbon emissions that
will be needed by mid-century to avert catastrophic climate change.
Yet Germany, a larger and wealthier nation than Britain,
with higher electricity consumption and a higher proportion of
nuclear power but with poorer fossil and renewable energy resources,
is on-course to phase-out nuclear energy by 2020, is phasing-in
renewable energy many times faster than the UK and has detailed
plans to cut its emissions by not just 60% but 80% by 2050.
In 2003-04, Britain's renewable energy sources, as the Table
below shows, contributed only 1.3% of the country's primary energy
and 3.5% of its electricity. By contrast, renewables in Germany
contributed some 3% of primary energy and 7.9% of electricity
in 2003more than twice as much as in the UK.
Table 1
How do Germany's and Britain's plans for the rest of this decade
and beyond compare?
The UK Government in its 2003 White Paper on energy (DTI,
2003) emphasized the role of renewables, combined heat and power
and energy efficiency in enabling the UK to meet its Kyoto treaty
commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions (mainly carbon dioxide,
but including other gases) by 12.5% by 2012. No new nuclear power
stations would be built, though the option of doing so in future
was left open. By the end of 2004, the UK had reached its Kyoto
targetthough there are concerns that emissions may rise
again in future years. Through the Renewables Obligation the Government
plans to increase the proportion of renewable electricity to 10%
by 2010 and to 20% by 2020. It has also pledged to go beyond Kyoto
and cut emissions of the principal greenhouse gas, CO2,
by 20% by 2012.
Germany's renewable electricity targets are similar: 12.5%
by 2010 and 20% by 2020. But by 2010 it also aims to achieve a
10% contribution of renewables to primary energy. Germany's Kyoto
target is for a 21% cut in greenhouse gas emissions. By 2004,
it had reached 19%.
The rate of growth in Germany's renewable energy supplies
has been astonishing. Between 1998 and 2003 the contribution of
biomass energy doubled, wind power capacity quadrupled and the
number of solar photovoltaic roofs increased six-fold (see Figures
1a, 1b and 1c below). By 2003-04, as Table 1 above demonstrates,
Germany's installed wind and solar photovoltaic capacities were
respectively 19 and 70 times as great as those of the UK. (BMU, 2004)
Figure 1a: Growth in Wind Electricity Generation and Installed Capacity in Germany, 1990-2003. Source: BMU, 2004a
Figure 1b: Growth in Biomass Electricity Generation in Germany, 1990-2003. Source: BMU, 2004a
Figure 1c: Growth in Photovoltaic Electricity Generation and Installed
Capacity in Germany, 1990-2003. Source: BMU, 2004a
Premium prices are paid for renewable power under Germany's
Renewable Energy Sources Act, but the additional costs are modest,
one Euro per month per household, and are added to electricity
bills, not paid through taxes. The prices are different for each
technology and the subsidy system is quite sophisticated. For
example, each year the price paid for electricity from new photovoltaic
installations falls by 5%, giving solar manufacturers a strong
incentive to reduce prices as the size of their market expands.
But the premium prices are guaranteed for 20 years, giving confidence
to investors.
Not surprisingly, the renewable energy sector in Germany
is booming. In 2003 it had a turnover of 10 billion Euros and
employed 120,000 people. Long-term, investment is predicted to
reach 18-20 billion Euros per year, and by 2020 the number of
jobs is expected to reach 400,000. (Trittin, 2004).
Alongside measures to promote renewables, Germany has also
been strongly encouraging more efficient use of energy, though
such measures as incentives for combined heat and power generation
and increasingly stringent regulations on the energy performance
of buildings.
Germany's ambitious plans for the rest of this century are
described in great detail in the Environment Ministry's 2004 report
Ecologically-Optimised Extension of Renewable Energy Utilisation
in Germany (BMU, 2004). By 2050, the report envisages primary
energy use falling to around half the current level, despite continuing
economic growth and rising prosperity, due to major improvements
in energy efficiency and increasing use of combined heat and power
plants. By then, renewables should be supplying 65% of the nation's
electricity, 45% of its heat and 30% of its transport fuel. Nuclear
power will have been phased out three decades ago and fossil fuel
use reduced to around 20% of current levels. This "ecologically-optimised"
energy system will allow Germany to achieve an 80% cut in greenhouse
gas emissions, making a major contribution to international efforts
to mitigate climate change, and setting an example to other wealthy
So why has renewable energy, and wind energy in particular,
progressed so slowly in the UK? To a considerable extent, this
has been due to widespread misconceptions about the nature of
wind power, its costs and its effects on the environment and the
electricity system. The recent publication of Wind Power in
the UK, a comprehensive, peer-reviewed report on the subject
by the Government's Sustainable Development Commission (SDC, 2005)
is therefore greatly to be welcomed.
Among the report's conclusions are that wind power is already
relatively cheap, with on-shore wind currently costing around
3.2 p/kWh and offshore some 5.5 p/kWh. These costs should reduce
to around 1.5-2.0 p/kWh and 2.0-3.0 p/kWh by 2020. By 2010, some
7.5% of UK electricity could come from roughly 4,000 MW of on-shore
turbines and another 4,000 MW of off-shore capacity. Moreover,
contrary to some other reportsin particular the 2004 report
of the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE, 2004)the additional
reserve and balancing power requirements of wind power are not
onerous. By 2020, some 20% of UK electricity could come from wind
at a very modest additional cost of some 0.17 p/kWh. These conclusions
are very similar to those of the German energy agency DENA, which
in 2005 reported that it would be quite feasible for some 20%
of Germany's electricity to come from wind by 2020, that the requirement
for additional reserve power and new power lines would be modest,
and that the additional cost to householders would be only 0.5
eurocents per kWh (DENA, 2005).
The development of wind power on-shore in the UK has been
also partially hindered by the fact that under the Renewables
Obligation (and its predecessor, the Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation)
there are strong financial incentives to developers to seek the
windiest sites, which are often the most visually conspicuous
and therefore most likely to be opposed by local amenity groups.
A further problem is that the value of the Renewables Obligation
Certificates (ROCs) earned by producers of renewable power is
determined by market forces and can go down as well as up in future
years. This is a disincentive to investors, unlike the situation
in Germany where investors know they will be paid a fixed price
for their electricity for 20 years. However, on a more positive
note, the new planning guidelines recently issued to Local Authorities
have resulted in a higher rate of planning approvals for on-shore
wind farms in the last year or so.
Though several UK offshore wind farms have now been built,
offshore wind progress has recently slowed, partly as a result
of mergers among the large Utilities funding such projects, and
partly because most firms are reluctant to bear all the risks
of being a pioneer in this new and very demanding environment,
preferring to wait and learn from others' mistakes. The capital
grants offered by the DTI to offshore wind projects do not seem
to be sufficient to compensate firms for the very considerable
initial risks involved - though few doubt that in the long term
offshore wind will be a highly successful and profitable area
of operation. (Harrison, 2005; Massy, 2005; Milborrow & Moller,
So how can the UK accelerate its progress in renewable energy
and energy efficiency?
1. For new supply technologies, what is needed is more
and "smarter" support, with higher levels of funding
for technologies at earlier stages of maturity, such as offshore
wave, tidal and wind, biofuelled electricity and photovoltaics.
The DTI has recently introduced some promising innovative support
mechanisms, with wave and tidal being given a mixture of capital
grants and fixed price support, in addition to the value of ROCs.
(for details, see Renew 2005 and
2. More community involvement in local renewable energy
projects would help to gain improved acceptance. For example,
priority could be given in planning rules and grant funding to
projects with a proportion of local ownership.
3. Although renewable electricity is important, electricity
provides less than 20% of UK delivered energy, so incentives to
increase the renewable proportion of energy used in heating and
in transport are urgently needed.
4. Efficient energy use in buildings, industry and transport
needs to be encouraged by a mixture of incentives for efficiency
and penalties for inefficiency, backed up by increasingly stringent
regulatory measures.
5. The UK needs to accept that energy is currently too
cheap, and that higher energy costs will encourage more efficient
use (though with appropriate measures to protect low-income consumers).
6. The enormous purchasing power of Government, at both
local and national level, could be used to greater effect to stimulate
the market for low- and zero-carbon goods and services.
7. There should be scope for low interest loans (since
Governments can borrow much more cheaply than the private sector)
to assist investment in renewable and sustainable energy projectsperhaps
though public-private partnerships, with Government funding some
of the investment at low interest rates and the private sector
funding the rest at higher rates of return.
8. And finally, we in the Universities are very conscious
of the need for education and training for the many thousands
of specialists who will be required to design, build and maintain
the sustainable energy infrastructure of the 21st century. We
also need a major programme of public education to enable non-specialists
to be better informed on key issues.
To conclude, Germany's successful track record and its policies
for future decades demonstrate that it is entirely possible to
deploy renewables and improve energy efficiency fast. And its
"ecologically optimised" scenario for 2050 shows in
detail how an 80% cut in CO2 emissions by 2050 can
be achieved without nuclear power. This scenario, incidentally,
is very similar to the UK Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution's
scenario number four for 2050, which entailed a 47% cut in primary
energy use, with energy mainly supplied by renewables (plus a
much-reduced fossil fuel contribution) and no contribution from
nuclear power (RCEP, 2000).
A new nuclear programme for the UK is undesirable because
it would in practice (if not in theory) starve renewables of investment
and send the wrong signals to investors and to other countries.
In short, the 2003 White Paper strategy remains broadly correct,
but the UK Government needs to make a much stronger commitment
to renewables and energy efficiency in the coming decades, along
German lines, if its ambitious and laudable CO2 reduction
targets for 2050 are to be achieved.
Godfrey Boyle is Director of the Energy & Environment
Research Unit at The Open University and editor and co-author
of Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future (Oxford
University Press, 2004) and Energy Systems and Sustainability
(Oxford University Press, 2003).
An abbreviated version of this text was published in Science
in Parliament, Journal of the Parliamentary and Scientific
Committee, Summer 2005 (Boyle, 2005), as a synopsis of the author's
contribution to the Committee's debate on "The Nuclear Option",
held at Westminster on 13 June 2005.
REFERENCESBoyle, G (2005) "Non-Nuclear
Sustainable Energy Futures: What Can the UK Learn from Germany?"
Science in Parliament, Journal of the Parliamentary and
Scientific Committee, Summer 2005, pp 22-23.
BMU (2004a) Renewable Energy Sources in Figures: 2004. Federal
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear
Safety (BMU), Berlin, 36 pp.
BMU (2004b) Environmental Policy: Ecologically-Optimized Extension
of Renewable Energy Utilization in Germany: Summary. Federal
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear
Safety (BMU), Berlin, 58 pp.
DENA (2005) Planning of the Integration of Wind Energy in Germany
Onshore and Offshore to the Year 2020: Summary of the Essential
Results by the Project Team. Deutsches Energie Agentur (DENA),
Berlin, 22 pp.
DTI (2003) Our Energy Future: Creating a Low-Carbon Economy,
Department of Trade and Industry, 142 pp, The Stationery Office,
Harrison, L (2005) "Offshore in the Doldrums", Wind
Power Monthly, April, p 6.
Massy, J (2005) "Turbulent Waters Create Market Drag",
Wind Power Monthly, April, pp 48-52.
Milborrow, D and Moller, T (2005) "Technology Works Fine
but Building Costs Rise" Wind Power Monthly, April,
pp 52-53.
RAE (2004) The Costs of Generating Electricity: A Study Carried
Out by PB Power for the Royal Academy of Engineering, 54 pp,
Royal Academy of Engineering, London SW1P 3LW.
RCEP (2000) Energy: the Changing Climate Royal Commission
on Environmental Pollution, 22nd Report, 4749, 292 pp, The Stationery
Renew (2005) "Wave and Tidal Energy Demonstration
Scheme" Renew, 156, July-August, pp 23-24. Network
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