Counter-Narcotics Strategy
372. Previous reports in this inquiry have outlined
the problem of opium poppy cultivation and drug trafficking. Our
predecessor Committee noted that this is not only a problem for
Afghanistan, but also for the United Kingdom and Europe; 95% of
heroin in the United Kingdom originates from Afghanistan.[483]
The United Kingdom is in the lead on an ambitious programme to
reduce opium poppy cultivation. The last Report in this inquiry
concluded: "the United Kingdom's lead role in co-ordinating
the UN's counter-narcotics strategy in Afghanistan is one of the
Government's most important responsibilities overseas."[484]
373. On 14 February 2006, Foreign Office Minister
Dr Kim Howells set out to Parliament Afghanistan's revised National
Drug Control Strategy. The Strategy has four main priorities:
- disrupting the drugs trade
by targeting traffickers and their backers;
- strengthening and diversifying legal rural livelihoods;
- reducing the demand for illicit drugs and treatment
of problem drug users; and
- developing state institutions at the central
and provincial level. [485]
Previous Reports in this inquiry have noted the importance
of using mosques to spread the anti-drugs message and the need
to divert the entrepreneurial energies of profiteering warlord
commanders into less harmful activities. The last Report in this
inquiry noted that both of these approaches must be "essential
parts of a successful strategy."[486]
374. The United Kingdom has helped set up Afghan
counter-narcotics institutions and provided mentoring and training
as well as equipment. On 14 February 2006, Dr Howells told Parliament
about this:
[T]he UK has helped to establish and provide
training for the Counter Narcotics Police of Afghanistanthe
lead drug law enforcement agency, headquartered in Kabul, with
7 provincial offices. The UK is also providing training for the
Afghan Special Narcotics Force, an elite and highly trained force
equipped to tackle high value targets across the country. We are
also working with the international community to recruit and train
a counter narcotics Criminal Justice Task Force of Afghan investigators,
prosecutors and judges to work with the Counter Narcotics Police,
to be able to push through successful drugs investigations and
The UK has funded the development of five drug
treatment centres and is working with the Ministry of Counter
Narcotics to determine how best to support activity in this area
following the completion of UNODC's survey on drug use within
Afghanistan late last year. We are also supporting the US led
Poppy Elimination Programme (PEP) by funding the salaries of Afghan
staff charged with raising awareness of the illegality of the
opium industry and monitoring Governor-led eradication in priority
poppy growing provinces.[487]
375. When our predecessor Committee visited Afghanistan
in 2004, it heard that the absence of secure prisons hindered
the development of the criminal justice system. In April 2006,
the former Foreign Secretary wrote to us about this issue. The
United Kingdom is a major donor to a UN Office for Drugs and Crime
(UNODC) project to build a secure prison facility just outside
Kabul. This facility will be used to house those convicted of
serious drug trafficking offences and will be in operation from
the beginning of August. Her Majesty's Prison Service has been
advising the UNODC during the design of the facility and a team
of UK prison officers has been involved in training Afghan prison
officers in high security prison techniques. In addition, the
USA is planning to build a secure detention facility near Kabul
airport as part of a Counter-Narcotics Justice Centre. "These
two facilities will enable the Afghan authorities to hold the
most dangerous drug offenders. The Afghan authorities are also
currently considering their infrastructure and training needs
for the remainder of their prison estate and we will consider
what further assistance we can provide to them, particularly in
respect of increasing their capacity to house drug offenders at
provincial level."[488]
376. Overall spending by the United Kingdom on counter-narcotics
work in Afghanistan increased from £1.6 million in 2002-03
to around £20 million in 2004-05. In June 2005 that figure
was more than doubled to around £50 million for 2005-06,
which included £30 million for the development of alternative
livelihoods for farmers and rural labourers.[489]
A further increase was announced in September 2005, with a revised
budget for 2005-06 of £50 million for alternative livelihoods
and £6 million for eradication activity. Over the following
three years, the United Kingdom plans to spend more than £270
million; £130 million will be provided by the Department
for International Development, with the remainder coming from
the FCO, the Ministry of Defence and other departments.[490]
377. We commend the Government's work assisting
the Afghan authorities to establish secure prison facilities and
in providing training in prison techniques. We recommend that
the Government set out in its response to this Report what further
assistance it could give in this area, particularly in respect
of increasing the Afghan capacity to house drug offenders at the
provincial level.
378. Cultivation of opium poppy increased dramatically
following the overthrow of the Taliban in 2001. However, there
are signs that counter-narcotics strategies may be beginning to
have an impact. According to the UNODC Afghanistan Opium Survey
2005, opium cultivation decreased by 21% year on year from a record
high of 131,000 hectares in 2004 to 104,000 hectares.[491]
The report attributes this decline to several factors: the farmers'
choice to refrain from poppy cultivation, the government's eradication
programme, the ban on opium, and law enforcement activities. Nevertheless,
Afghanistan remains the world's largest supplier of opium (87%).
Moreover, production in 2005 was just 2.4% lower than in 2004;
favourable weather conditions resulted in a 22% higher yield.
Cultivation also increased in some provinces. Explaining this
trend, UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa has said that
opium is the only commercially viable crop in many parts of Afghanistan:
"Assistance to farmers is needed until the legal economy
takes over as the mainstay of growth in Afghanistan."[492]
379. The UNODC released its Opium Rapid Assessment
Survey in February 2006. This survey provides an assessment of
the situation at the middle of the cultivation cycle and collates
information on the geographical distribution and dynamics of opium
poppy cultivation and anticipated harvest times. The survey found
that there was "an increasing trend in opium poppy cultivation
in 13 provinces, a decreasing trend in three provinces and no
change in 16 provinces as compared to the results of the Annual
Opium Poppy Survey 2005."[493]
380. There are reports that friction has emerged
between the USA on the one hand and the British and Afghan governments
on the other over the pace and extent of eradication.[494]
The United Kingdom approach has been to pursue eradication only
where there is access to alternative livelihoods. We asked Jack
Straw about this, and whether British forces would be involved
in eradication in Helmand, which is one the main opium-producing
provinces. He told us:
We have been careful on the issue of forced eradication.
We have certainly opposed aerial eradication because of its indiscriminate
nature and the fact that it can eradicate other crops as well.
I think it will be for the commanders on the ground, in consultation
with the local authorities, to make judgments about any particular
case if they come across a field full of poppies, what efforts
are made to deal with that immediate problem.[495]
David Richmond, Director-General, Defence and Intelligence
at the FCO, added:
[T]here is a distinction to be made between eradication
and interdiction. There is some eradication going on at this very
moment in the Helmand province, but it is being carried out by
the Afghan authorities themselves and I think the judgment is
that eradication is best done by the Afghans, and that is indeed
what is happening at the moment, but the interdiction of the actual
trade in narcotics production of the opium, and so on, that is
an area where I think British forces could play a role.[496]
This point was reiterated in a letter to us from
the former Foreign Secretary in April 2006. This said: "ISAF
forces will not take part in the eradication of opium poppy or
in pre-planned and direct military action against the drugs trade.
As President Karzai has pointed out, this is a job for the Government
of Afghanistan."[497]
381. Another problem is the limited range of alternative
livelihoods for Afghan farmers. We asked Jack Straw about this.
He told us:
A great deal of thought and money is going into
the creation of alternative livelihoods in Afghanistan and it
is something which we are leading on for the UK, an awful lot
of work and money, and there is no doubt that the long-term solution
to drugs is the general raising of living standards and the creation
of alternative livelihoods, as well as creating a secure environment.[498]
Nevertheless, there remain few options that offer
anything close to the income derived from opium poppy. This fact
lies behind a controversial proposal by the Senlis Council. The
Senlis Council is critical of what it describes as "aggressive
strategies", including eradication, which it says "primarily
affect the most vulnerable actors of the opium economythe
farmersdestroying their livelihoods."[499]
The Council argues that counter narcotics efforts have "proven
largely ineffective in addressing this all-encompassing crisisthe
illegal opium trade remains an impediment to sustainable development."[500]
The Council's proposal is that in the context of the global shortage
of opium-based medicines, Afghanistan could license opium production:
[B]y re-directing the opium poppy into the formal
rural economy through the implementation of a strictly controlled
opium licensing system, opium could become a major driver for
a sustainable and diversified Afghan rural economy. In view of
the world shortage of essential medicines, the development of
an Afghan brand of morphine and codeine could also be endorsed.[501]
382. The Government has expressed doubts about such
an approach. On 2 March 2006, Secretary of State for International
Development Hilary Benn told the House:
The Afghan Government has expressed its opposition
to licit cultivation of opium. The Afghan Minister for Counter
Narcotics, Habibullah Qaderi has said recently: "The poor
security situation in the country means there can simply be no
guarantee that opium will not be smuggled out of the country for
the illicit narcotics trade abroad. Without an effective control
mechanism, a lot of opium will still be refined into heroin for
illicit markets in the west and elsewhere. We could not accept
this." The UK agrees that licensing opium cultivation in
Afghanistan for medical use is not a realistic solution to its
drug problem, not least because it risks a high level of diversion
of licit opium into illegal channels. The production of opium
is also contrary to the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of
383. We reiterate our predecessor's Committee's
conclusion that "the United Kingdom's lead role in co-ordinating
the UN's counter-narcotics strategy in Afghanistan is one of the
Government's most important responsibilities overseas". We
conclude that negligible progress has been made reducing opium
poppy cultivation in Afghanistan. We recommend that the Government
set out in its response to this Report how it intends to make
better progress in tackling this problem. We further recommend
that the Government clarify its position towards eradication and
that it set out what progress has been made on developing alternative
livelihoods for Afghan farmers.
Role of the United Kingdom
384. In May 2006, the United Kingdom deployed the
Headquarters Group of NATO's Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (HQ ARRC
Group) to Kabul to command the NATO-led International Security
Assistance Force (ISAF) for nine months. This period coincides
with the expansion of the ISAF mission to Afghanistan's Western
and Southern provinces (ISAF stage 3). As part of this expansion,
the United Kingdom will deploy personnel to Helmand Province in
the south of the country.[503]
The deployment will set up a new British-led PRT at Lashkar Gar,
the capital of Helmand Province.
385. The former Foreign Secretary wrote to us about
the role of British troops in Afghanistan:
They will work to counter insurgency and help
the appropriate authorities build security and government institutions
to continue the progress of recent years. Above all, their presence
will help the Afghans create the environment in which economic
development and institutional reformboth essential to the
elimination of the opium industrycan take place. ISAF will
be able to help with the provision of training to Afghan counter-narcotics
forces and will, within means and capabilities, provide support
to their operations. They will also help the Afghan Government
explain their policies to the Afghan people. ISAF forces will
not take part in the eradication of opium poppy or in pre-planned
and direct military action against the drugs trade. As President
Karzai has pointed out, this is a job for the Government of Afghanistan.[504]
386. Nevertheless, there is concern over both the
dangers that British personnel will face and the possible blurring
of their role. The former Defence Secretary admitted the size
of the challenge to the House: "Southern Afghanistan is undeniably
a more demanding area in which to operate than either the north
or the west. The Taliban remains active. The authority of the
Afghan Governmentand the reach of their security forcesis
still weak. The influence of the drugs traffickers, by contrast,
is strong."[505]
The Senlis Council has also outlined a number of concerns:
British forces in southern Afghanistan are faced
with the twin mission of counter insurgency and support to counter
narcotics. However, in a region where opium cultivation is deeply
entrenched, the war against opium could make the war against insurgency
a much more difficult, probably impossible, task. It is important
that the fundamental stabilisation mission of British troops is
not compromised by the war against opium
The mission of
the British forces in southern Afghanistan with regards to opium
should be clearly defined in order to avoid any clash with the
primary mission of counter insurgency. The terms "support"
to eradication activities can take many shapes on the ground and
should therefore be defined in more specific detail beforehand.
In a province which is increasingly falling into the grip of Taliban
and other insurgent groups, it is vital British forces win the
trust of local communities by avoiding to undermine their livelihoods.[506]
387. In March 2006, the Defence Committee published
a report on the United Kingdom's deployment to Afghanistan. This
report flagged up a number of concerns. Principal among these
was the role of the deployment to Helmand: "There is a fundamental
tension between the UK's objective of promoting stability and
security and its aim of implementing an effective counter-narcotics
strategy. It is likely the more successful the deployment is at
impeding the drugs trade, the more it will come under attack from
those involved in it. In the short term at least, the security
situation is likely to deteriorate."[507]
Reflecting the difficult security environment in which British
forces are operating, a British soldier was killed and two wounded
in action against suspected Taliban forces in mid-June.[508]
388. The Defence Committee's report also highlighted
the relationship between ISAF and Operation Enduring Freedom.
The Stage 3 expansion of ISAF takes it to areas that are the responsibility
of the OEF counter-terrorism mission (ISAF's role is explicitly
aimed at stabilisation and not counter-terrorism). "It is
possible that after stage 3 is completed, ISAF and OEF Forces
will, on occasion, operate in the same geographical areas. Certain
assetsnotably air supportare shared. Effective coordination
is therefore essential."[509]
389. The last Report in this inquiry described plans
to "increase synergy and better integrate the two operations".[510]
Our predecessor Committee concluded that: "the proposal for
increased synergy between and better integration of NATO's operations
in Afghanistan and those of the US-led coalition is a potentially
positive move, which if correctly implemented should enhance the
effectiveness of security, reconstruction and counter-terrorist
activities alike. However, we would not support such a process
being used as cover for a significant withdrawal of US forces
from the country or for a material reduction in the US commitment,
unless there was a corresponding threat reduction."[511]
390. In its response to this Report the Government
agreed that "It will be important that achieving single mission
status leads to no reduction in capability to undertake the tasks
currently performed by OEF." [512]
The response also welcomed the conclusion at the February 2005
meeting of NATO Defence Ministers that NATO military authorities
should produce a "detailed plan, with timelines, to implement
greater synergy between the NATO-led International Security Assistance
Force (ISAF) and US/coalition-led Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF)."
[513] The Government
also told us that the plan would be circulated to NATO allies
and discussed prior to and at the NATO Defence Ministers meeting
in June 2005.
391. We conclude that there is potential for a
blurring of the United Kingdom's counter-insurgency and counter-narcotics
objectives in Afghanistan. We recommend that the Government clarify
the role of British personnel, including with regard to the policy
of eradication and support to eradication activities. We further
conclude that the expansion of ISAF's area of operation requires
careful consideration of how best to coordinate with the US-led
Operation Enduring Freedom. We reiterate our predecessor Committee's
conclusion that "increased synergy between and better integration
of NATO's operations in Afghanistan and those of the US-led coalition
is a potentially positive move, which if correctly implemented
should enhance the effectiveness of security, reconstruction and
counter-terrorist activities alike". We recommend that the
Government update us in its response to this Report on NATO planning
to achieve this greater synergy.
470 Foreign Affairs Committee, Seventh Report of Session
2001-02, Foreign Policy Aspects of the War Against Terrorism,
HC 384, paras 101-117 Back
"US envoy warns on efforts to build Afghanistan", Financial
Times, 3 February 2006 Back
HC Deb, 26 January 2006, col 1529 Back
HC Deb, 17 January 2006, cols 27-28WS Back
Remarks by the Prime Minister, opening of the London Conference
on Afghanistan, 31 January 2006, available at: Back
HC (2004-05) 36-I, para 338 Back
"Scores killed in Afghan violence", BBC News Online,
18 May 2006, Back
"Taliban Shift Tactics in Afghanistan", Terrorism
Focus, The Jamestown Foundation, 18 April 2006, volume III,
issue 15 Back
"Scores killed in Afghan violence", BBC News Online,
18 May 2006,; and "Remember Afghanistan? Insurgents
bring suicide terror to country", The Independent,
17 January 2006 Back
"Field Notes: Afghanistan Insurgency Assessment, The Signs
of an Escalating Crisis", The Senlis Council, 7 April 2006 Back
Ibid Back
Q 114 [Mr Straw] Back
Q 222 [Mr Straw] Back
HC (2004-05) 36-I, paras 332-337 Back
HC (2004-05) 36-I, para 337 Back
HC Deb, 14 February 2006, cols 82-85WS Back
HC (2004-05) 36-I, para 336 Back
HC Deb, 14 February 2006, cols 82-85WS Back
Ev 69 Back
HC Deb, 15 June 2005, cols 467-8W Back
HC Deb 24 October 2005, col 73W; and FCO press release, 5 September
2005, available at: Back
"Afghanistan Opium Survey 2005", UNODC, November 2005 Back
ibid Back
"Afghanistan Opium Rapid Assessment Survey", UNODC,
February 2006, available at: Back
"US memo faults Afghan leader on heroin fight", The
New York Times, 22 May 2005 Back
Q 253 [Mr Straw] Back
Q 253 [Mr Richmond] Back
Ev 69 Back
Q 251 [Mr Straw] Back
Defence Committee, Fifth Report of Session 2004-05, The UK
deployment to Afghanistan, HC 558, Ev 53. Back
Ibid, Ev 54. Back
Ibid Back
HC Deb 2 March 2006, cols 874-5W Back
503 Back
Ev 69 Back
HC Deb, 26 Jan 2006, cols 1530 Back
Defence Committee, Fifth Report of Session 2004-05, The UK
deployment to Afghanistan, HC 558, Ev 53 Back
Ibid, para 90 Back
"UK soldier dies in Taleban clash", BBC Online,
12 June 2006, Back
Defence Committee, Fifth Report of Session 2004-05, The UK
deployment to Afghanistan, HC 558, para 35 Back
HC (2004-05) 36-I, para 345 Back
Ibid, para 346 Back
Foreign & Commonwealth Office, Sixth Report of the Foreign
Affairs Committee; Session 2004-05; Foreign Policy Aspects
of the War Against Terrorism; Response of the Secretary
of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Cm 6590, June
2005 Back
Ibid Back