Letter to the Parliamentary Relations
and Devolution Team, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, from the
Clerk of the Committee
The Committee has noted the statement in the
letter to the Chairman from Ian Pearson dated 8 December[1]
that he has written to the Foreign Secretary about private military
companies and that the review following the Green Paper on regulation
of these companies is continuing. The Committee has asked me to
write with some specific questions, to which it desires answers
in the New Year.
What are the rules of engagement
which currently apply to personnel working for companies under
contract to provide security services to HMG in Iraq?
What criminal law currently applies:
(a) to personnel working for companies under contract to provide
security services to HMG in Iraq, (b) to personnel working for
British companies under contract to provide security services
to other governments or to international bodies in Iraq and (c)
to British citizens working for foreign companies under contract
to provide security services to other governments or to international
bodies in Iraq?
Is there a standard form of contract
for companies which provide security services to HMG in Iraq?
If so, may the Committee have a copy? If not, may the Committee
receive examples of indemnity clauses from such contracts, with
any commercial in confidence information removed?
How is compliance by private companies
with the terms of contracts for the supply of security services
to HMG in Iraq monitored?
I would be grateful to receive a response to
this letter not later than 12 January.
Steve Priestley
Clerk of the Committee
14 December 2005
1 See Foreign Affairs Committee, First Report of Session
2005-06, Human Rights Annual Report 2005, HC 574, Ev 67. Back