Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Annex A



Nothing in these rules limits your inherent right to take action necessary to defend yourself.

  1.  CONTRACTED SECURITY FORCES: Cooperate with Coalition, Multi-national and Iraqi Security Forces and comply with theater force protection policies. Do not avoid or run Coalition, Multi-national or Iraqi Security Force checkpoints. If authorized to carry weapons, do not aim them at Coalition, Multi-national or Iraqi Security Forces.

  2.  USE OF DEADLY FORCE: Deadly force is that force which one reasonably believes will cause death or serious bodily harm. You may use NECESSARY FORCE, up to and including deadly force, against persons in the following circumstances:

    (a)  In self-defense.

    (b)  In defense of persons as specified in your contract.

    (c)  To prevent life threatening offenses against civilians.

  3.  GRADUATED FORCE: You should use graduated force where possible. The following are some techniques you can use if their use will not unnecessarily endanger you or others.

    (a)  SHOUT; verbal warnings to HALT.

    (b)  SHOVE; physically restrain, block access, or detain.

    (c)  SHOW; your weapon and demonstrate intent to use it.

    (d)  SHOOT; to remove the threat only where necessary.


    (i)  Fire only aimed shots.

    (ii)  Fire with due regard for the safety of innocent bystanders.

    (iii)  Immediately report incident and request assistance.

  5.  CIVILIANS: Treat Civilians with Dignity and Respect.

    (a)  Make every effort to avoid civilian casualties.

    (b)  You may stop, detain, search, and disarm civilian persons if required for your safety or if specified in your contract.

    (c)  Civilians will be treated humanely.

    (d)  Detained civilians will be turned over to the Iraqi Police or Coalition or Multi-national Forces as soon as possible.

  6.  WEAPONS POSSESSION AND USE: Possession and use of weapons must be authorized by the Ministry of Interior and must be specified in your contract.

    (a)  You must carry proof of weapons authorization.

    (b)  You will maintain a current weapons training record.

    (c)  You may not join Coalition or Multi-national Forces in combat operations except in self-defense or in defense of persons as specified in your contracts.

    (d)  You must follow Coalition or Multi-national Force weapons condition rules for loading and clearing.

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