Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Annex B


Private Security Company Code of Conduct for Operations in Iraq

  As a duly registered and vetted Private Security Company, the following pledge is made:

  To conduct operations professionally with honesty, sincerity, integrity, fidelity, morality and good conscience in all dealings with clients.

  To preserve forever clients' confidence under any and all circumstances consistent with law and deal justly, and impartially with each situation with each individual, irrespective of social, political, racial, ethnic, or religious considerations, economic status, or physical characteristics.

  To conduct all operations within the bounds of legality, morality, and professional ethics.

  To counsel clients against any illegal or unethical course of action.

  To explain to the full satisfaction of clients all applicable fees and charges and to render accurate, factual and timely reports.

  To support to the best of ability the professionalism of Private Security Companies operating in Iraq; to contribute to better community relations; through work and deed to elevate the status of the Private Security Company profession.

  To ensure that all employees adhere to this code of conduct.

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