Select Committee on Foreign Affairs Written Evidence

Letter to the Parliamentary Relations and Devolution Team, Foreign and Commonweath Office from the Clerk of the Committee

  As you know, during its recent visit to Washington DC the Committee discussed with US interlocutors the possibility of a visit to the US detention facility at Guantánamo Bay.

The Committee deliberated further on this matter yesterday and asked me to request your assistance in making the arrangements for such a visit. We are open-minded on questions such as timing and the Committee is willing to be flexible in the interests of achieving a worthwhile visit. I will be happy to provide any further information you or the US authorities may require.

Steve PriestleyClerk of the Committee

30 March 2006

Letter to the Clerk of the Committee from the Parliamentary Relations and Devolution Team, Foreign and Commonweath Office

  Thank you for your letter of 30 March. My apologies for the delay in replying.

We would be happy to assist in making arrangements for a visit by the Committee to the US detention facility at Guantanamo Bay. The Embassy in Washington has raised this with the State Department and the Department of Defense. As you would expect, agreeing the specific details of any visit will require further discussion with the US authorities. We will be in touch as soon as we have more information on this.

Chris Stanton

Parliamentary Relations and Devolution Team

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

19 April 2006

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