Letter to Clive Stafford Smith, Legal
Director, Reprieve, from the Clerk of the Committee
The Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of
Commons has since late 2001 been conducting an ongoing inquiry
under the title Foreign Policy Aspects of the War against Terrorism.
Six Reportsthe text of which is available on the Committee's
web sitehave been published to date. The inquiry is very
wide-ranging and has included consideration of the extra-judicial
detention of terrorist suspects outside the United Kingdom and
their subsequent treatment.
Having noted recent press reports, the Committee
would welcome written evidence from you on the case of Mr Binyam
Mohammed and on any other similar cases of which you are aware.
Having considered any written evidence you may choose to send
it, the Committee will decide whether it wishes to invite you
to give oral evidence.
Steve Priestley
Clerk of the Committee
14 February 2006