Wednesday 1 February 2006
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Dr Christopher Hughes, Department of International Relations, Director, Asia Research Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science and Professor David Wall, Centre of Chinese Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, and Chatham House.
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Wednesday 8 March 2006
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Dr Linda Yueh, Pembroke College, University of Oxford, and Department of Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science, Professor Jude Howell, Director, Centre for Civil Society, London School of Economics and Political Science, and Professor Yongnian Zheng, Head of Research, China Policy Institute, University of Nottingham
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Mr Brad Adams, Director for Asia, Human Rights Watch and Ms Corinna-Barbara Francis, East Asia Team, Amnesty International
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Dr Gerard Lyons, Chief Economist, Standard Chartered Bank, and Committee Member, Hong Kong Association, and Lord Powell of Bayswater KCMG, a Member of the House of Lords, President, China Britain Business Council
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Wednesday 22 March 2006
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Dr Dafydd Fell, Department of Politics and International Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, Dr Patrick Cronin, Director of Studies, International Institute for Strategic Studies, and Dr John Swenson-Wright, East Asia Institute, University of Cambridge, and Associate Fellow, Chatham House
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Wednesday 26 April 2006
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Mr Aidan Foster-Carter, Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Sociology and Modern Korea, University of Leeds, and Dr Jim Hoare, former member of the Research Cadre of HM Diplomatic Service
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Mr John Ashton, Chief Executive, E3G, Third Generation Environmentalism
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Wednesday 7 June 2006
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Rt Hon Margaret Beckett, a Member of the House, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Mr Sebastian Wood CMG, Director for Asia Pacific, and Mr Denis Keefe, Head of Far Eastern Group, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
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