Select Committee on Health Written Evidence

Memorandum by the Department of Health (SP 01)

  At Health Select Committee on 24 November I promised to provide further information on three areas.

1.   Paul Burstow asked what is the source of the statement that 99% of people will be in entirely smoke-free workplaces?

  From Office for National Statistics data for 2003, of all employees jobs in enclosed places, an estimated 2% were in bars (includes public houses and licensed bars). These are the exempted premises in the proposal we are putting forward. Based on the responses to the consultation we estimate that no more than 30% of these premises do not prepare and serve food so would allow smoking. This means workers in exempted licensed premises make up substantially less than 1% of all employees in enclosed places.

2.   Paul Burstow asked what are the most recent figures on smoking rates in Ireland?

  The latest figures, to August 2005, were recently published by the Irish Office of Tobacco Control. The graph is reproduced below from the OTC website which shows the rise in recent months, after an initial fall in prevalence.

3.   David Amess asked how many membership clubs will still be able to allow smoking after the ban is in place?

  The Clubs we are proposing to exempt are what were known under previous licensing legislation as Registered Clubs, but are known under the Licensing Act 2003 as Qualifying Clubs with a club premises certificate in force. The latest figures were published by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport in October 2004 and are for the year to June 2004. Table 1 is reproduced below and shows that there were 19,913 Registered Clubs in England and Wales in 2004. We do not know how many of these clubs currently voluntarily ban smoking in enclosed parts of the premises.

Table 1


England and Wales Number as at 30 June each year
On-licensed premises
DatePublic houses etc Residential and RestaurantLicensed clubs TotalOff-licensed premises On- and off-licensed premisesRegistered clubs Theatres
198067,09120,622 3,089  90,80237,252 128,05426,889241
198268,37322,590 3,212  94,17539,362 133,53727,057
198369,13623,679 3,363  96,17840,853 137,03127,192261
198570,33125,263 3,552  99,14642,646 141,79226,725
198671,20026,503 3,731101,43443,891 145,32526,726311
198871,87528,411 3,845104,13144,888 149,01926,186
198972,71229,426 3,934106,07245,507 151,57926,015271
199174,29931,106 3,926109,33147,944 157,27525,073
199274,05329,787 3,798107,63846,063 153,70125,073242
199475,52231,409 4,281111,21247,735 158,94724,239
199575,39230,042 4,272109,70645,986 155,69224,005272
199778,09831,223 3,951113,27247,753 161,02522,836
199877,93429,779 3,847111,56045,425 156,98522,614270
200077,87628,774 3,996110,64645,450 156,09621,036
200178,54027,968 3,748110,25644,696 154,95222,037218
200381,93329,462 3,867115,26247,478 162,74020,045
200481,45528,164 3,751113,37046,582 159,95219,913

November 2005

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