Select Committee on Health Written Evidence

Memorandum by British American Tobacco (SP 45)

  Please find enclosed a copy of the submission made by British American Tobacco (BAT) to the Department of Health's consultation on the smokefree elements of the Health Improvement and Protection Bill[2]. I hope that the Health Committee will consider it as a piece of evidence for their own enquiry on this important subject.

  In summary, BAT believes that the Government's balanced approach to this issue provides for choice and is aligned with public opinion. We are, therefore supportive of "Option 4", but believe that it could be reinforced by ensuring that non-food pubs which choose to have smoking and non-smoking sections use ventilation to an Air Quality Standard defined by Government on the basis of expert advice. This would help separate non-smokers from smokers and also create an environment in which staff in non-food pubs would have a reduction in their exposure to second-hand smoke.

  BAT's international spread of business helps us to follow this issue across much of the world. We believe that we can demonstrate to the Committee that properly ventilated, designated smoking areas or rooms can be effective in addressing the issue. We would welcome the opportunity to do so by inviting the Committee to visit our London office where, from October, we will be showcasing the ventilation and filtration systems available from a number of leading international companies. We hope the Committee might consider it interesting and useful to view these systems and to talk to their manufacturers. We would also extend an invitation to the Committee to visit our research and development facilities to view the work we undertake ourselves, as outlined in our submission.

2   Not printed. Back

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