Memorandum by Action on Smoking and Health
(ASH) (SP 52)
1. Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) welcomes
the Select Committee's investigation into this vitally important
public health issue. We would be pleased to provide further written
material and to give oral evidence on the issue, at the Committee's
discretion. ASH is a charity working on tobacco control policy.
Our funding comes mainly from Cancer Research UK, the British
Heart Foundation and the Department of Health.
2. This evidence is divided as follows:
Paragraphs 3 to 4 set out current
Government proposals.
Paragraphs 5 to 13 analyse the current
state of public opinion on the issue.
Paragraphs 14 to 19 look at the economic
impact of smokefree legislation.
Paragraphs 20 to 59 look at the proposed
exemption for pubs that do not serve prepared foodlooking
in turn at health and safety, the regulatory burden and market
incentives created by such exemptions, the public health implications,
the possible consequences for binge drinking and the human rights
and other legal implications of exemptions.
Paragraphs 60 to 62 look at the proposed
exemption for membership clubs.
Paragraphs 63 to 69 look at possible
exemptions for residential premises that are also workplaces.
Paragraphs 70 to 72 look at other
premises which should be smokefree by legislation but are not
currently covered by the definition of "enclosed space".
Paragraphs 73 to 75 look at the proposed
definition of smoke and smoking.
3. The public health White Paper, Choosing
Health: Making Healthy Choices Easier, published in November
2004, stated that:
"We therefore intend to shift the balance
significantly in favour of smokefree environments. Subject to
parliamentary timetables, we propose to regulate, with legislation
where necessary, in order to ensure that:
all enclosed public places and workplaces
(other than licensed premises which are dealt with below) will
be smokefree;
licensed premises will be treated as
all restaurants
will be smokefree;
all pubs
and bars preparing and serving food will be smokefree;
other pubs
and bars will be free to choose whether to allow smoking or to
be smokefree;
in membership
clubs the members will be free to choose whether to allow smoking
or to be smokefree; and
in the bar area will be prohibited everywhere."
(White Paper, page 99, paragraph 76)
4. On the proposed timetable, the White
Paper stated that:
"We intend to introduce smokefree places
through a staged approach:
by the end of 2006, all central government
departments and the NHS will be smokefree;
by the end of 2007, all enclosed public
places and workplaces, other than licensed premises (and those
specifically exempted), will, subject to legislation, be smokefree;
by the end of 2008, arrangements for
licensed premises will be in place."
(White Paper, page 99, paragraph 77)
It is clear from extensive polling
evidence that the public would give majority support to comprehensive
smokefree legislation. The Irish and New York examples suggest
that such legislation becomes overwhelmingly popular after it
is introduced.
5. It would appear that there is a concern
in some parts of Governmentcarefully fostered by the tobacco
industry and its front groupsabout whether the majority
of (at least) the English public backs comprehensive smokefree
provision. This arises because many polls (including the Smoking
Related Behaviour and Attitudes module conducted by the Office
of National Statistics, and all polls conducted by the tobacco
lobby) segment the issue by asking about smokefree legislation
in relation to particular categories of public place.
6. Even given this approach, it is clear
that public opinion has shifted markedly in recent years towards
smokefree legislation. The latest ONS survey report shows a large
increase in support for restrictions in pubs, from 48% in 1996
to 56% in 2003 and then to 65% in 2004. When people were asked
in more detail what restrictions in pubs they would prefer, 47%
thought that pubs should be mainly non-smoking with smoking allowed
in designated areas, and 16% thought the premises should be mainly
smoking with a designated non-smoking area. Nearly a third (31%)
said that smoking should not be allowed anywhere, an increase
of more than half since 2003, when only 20% thought smoking should
not be allowed anywhere. Only 5% thought there should be no restrictions
on smoking at all. Public opinion is continuing to shift on the
issue across the UK. Support for smoking restrictions in other
locations exceeded 80%for example, indoor shopping centres
(87%), indoor sports and leisure centres (93%) indoor areas at
railway and bus stations (82%).[15]
7. However, if the issue is not segmented
in this way, it is clear that a majority of the public will assent
to the proposition that all workplaces and enclosed public places
(including all pubs and restaurants) should be smokefree.
8. The latest poll to show this was conducted
by BMRB for ASH (fieldwork between 15 and 17 July 2005, sample
size 996). [16]Asked
"The Government has announced plans to make most enclosed
public places smokefree from 2008. Would you support a proposal
to make ALL enclosed workplaces, including pubs and restaurants,
smokefree? " 73% supported the proposition, with 24% saying
no and 3% saying don't know. The poll also shows that 85% of people
would visit bars and pubs as oftenor even more oftenif
they were smokefree by law.
9. Detailed results include:
The Government has announced plans
to make most public places smokefree from 2008. Would you support
a proposal to make ALL workplacesincluding all pubs and
all restaurants smokefree?
| All
% | Non smokers
| Smokers
% |
Yes | 73 | 82
| 46 |
No | 24 | 14
| 52 |
Don't know | 3 | 3
| 3 |
| | |
If the indoor premises of pubs and bars were smokefree
by law, do you think you would you use them more often, less often
or about the same?
| All
% | Non smokers
| Smokers
% |
More often | 28 | 36
| 4 |
If would make no difference | 57
| 59 | 52 |
Less often | 12 | 2
| 42 |
Don't know | 2 | 2
| 2 |
| | |
Smokers made up 25% of the survey sample.
10. This confirms previous poll results. In April 2004,
MORI was commissioned by ASH to conduct by far the largest and
most representative poll so far conducted on the issue (poll size4,000
adults across Great Britain). The question asked was:
"Ireland, Canada, Norway and New Zealand
have each passed laws to ensure all enclosed workplaces are smoke
free. How strongly, if at all, would you support or oppose a proposal
to bring in a similar law in this country?"
The results were as follows:
8% neither support nor oppose;
Support for a smokefree workplace law was strong across all
social classes:
86% of social class AB support the proposal;
83% of social class C1 support the proposal;
79% of social class C2 support the proposal; and
72% of social class DE support the proposal.
Even regular smokers support a new law: the MORI poll showed
support from 59% of daily smokers and 68% of infrequent smokers.
11. The ASH poll cited above also found that 49% of adults
specifically supported a complete ban on smoking in pubs. This
result was in fact more favourable than polls conducted around
smoking in bars in New York before the city ordnance came into
effect. In 2002, public opinion surveys in New York showed only
30% of the public specifically supporting legislation requiring
fully smokefree bars. [18]
12. A crucial point about smokefree legislation is that
it becomes more popular after its successful introduction. In
Ireland, the most recent survey, conducted by TNS mrbi for the
Office of Tobacco Control in March 2005 (in advance of the one-year
anniversary of the law) shows extremely high levels of public
93% think the law was a good idea, including 80%
of smokers;
96% of people feel the law is successful, including
89% of smokers;
98% believe that workplaces are now healthier
because of the smokefree law, including 94% of smokers.
Support has grown steadily since the smokefree law was introduced.
Before its introduction more than two thirds of the public supported
the law (67%) while the vast majority of people wanted it to be
complied with (81%). Independent research conducted three months
following implementation (June 2004) indicated that 89% of people
(smokers and non-smokers alike) felt the law had been a success.
13. We therefore conclude that if the Government opts
for a comprehensive smokefree law covering all pubs as well as
other workplaces and enclosed public places, then this will receive
overwhelming public support, which will rise further after the
legislation comes into effect. It is already the case that legislation
including pubs and restaurants is more popular here than it was
in Ireland prior to its introduction there. Independent research
conducted in Ireland after the legislation was published but before
it was implemented found that only 67% supported the inclusion
of pubs and restaurants compared to 73% in the ASH BMRB poll.
Subsequent research for the Irish Department of Health and Children
(July 2004) indicated that public support had risen to 82% with
95% of people recognising it as a positive health measure. In
addition, in the national New Year's Poll ("2004How
was it for you? ") carried out for RTE television and
broadcast on New Year's Daythe smokefree law was voted
the no 1 "high" of 2004. The poll featured the top sporting,
cultural, current affairs and other events throughout the year.
14. The Government should therefore present this issue
as a single yes/no question, either legislation is introduced
to end smoking in all workplaces and enclosed public places or
it is not. If this is done, public opinion will not represent
a significant barrier to actionindeed the legislation is
likely to prove, as in Ireland, a major political and popular
There are large economic benefits to be gained
from smokefree legislation and the consequent fall in smoking
prevalence rates.
There is extensive evidence showing that smokefree
legislation does not cause economic damage to the hospitality
15. Comprehensive legislation ending all smoking in workplaces
and enclosed public places is the cheapest and simplest way to
protect the public from the health risks of secondhand smoke.
By comparison, the costs of a policy of improved ventilation and
more segregation of smokers and nonsmokers would be very considerable.
Modern ventilation systems are expensive to install and to maintain.
In 1999, the HSE estimated that the initial installation costs
of ventilation equipment in all organisations not currently separating
smokers and non-smokers would be between £580 million and
£2,400 million, with an annual maintenance cost of about
10% of the initial outlay. The HSE estimated that the total cost
of a voluntary scheme for all workplaces to have either smoking
rooms or mechanical ventilation would consist of "one-off"
costs of between £1,259 million and £3,167 million in
1998-99 prices and recurring costs over 10 years of £1,889
million to £5,694 million. [20]
16. Using previous estimates from the Scottish Executive,
Department of Health and HSE, Professor Christine Godfrey of the
University of York has estimated that making all workplaces in
the UK smokefree would realise substantial economic benefits,
of approximately:
at least £832 million from prevention of
death and disease;
£181 million from prevention of fires and
reduced cleaning costs;
£2,854 million from improved productivity.
Her detailed estimates are as follows: [22]
Summary of revised estimates of the annual potential benefit
of making UK workplaces smokefree, at 2003-04 prices
| £ million |
From reduction in passive smoking: |
Value of reduced deaths from passive smoking
| 652 |
Productivity gains from reduced sickness absences
| 249 |
Reductions in NHS costs from reduced sickness
| 8 |
From reduction in active smoking: |
Reduction in number of smoking related deaths among those aged under 65
| 133 |
Reductions in NHS costs from quitters | 39
Productive gains from reductions in smoking absences among current smokers
| 9 |
From smokefree workplaces: |
Reduced fire damage, deaths and injuries, fire services and administration
| 53 |
Reduced cleaning and refurbishment costs |
128 |
From productivity gains arising from changes in working patterns
| 2,596 |
Total | 3,867
| |
17. The tobacco lobby and sections of the hospitality
trade often claim that smoking restrictions are bad for business.
The objective evidence does not support this claim. For example,
in March 2004, a report on the impact of the legislation was issued
by the New York City Department of Finance, the Department of
Health and Mental Hygiene, the Department of Small Business Services,
and the Economic Development Corporation. It concluded that: "One
year later, the data are clear . . . Since the law went into effect,
business receipts for restaurants and bars have increased, employment
has risen, virtually all establishments are complying with the
law, and the number of new liquor licenses issued has increasedall
signs that New York City bars and restaurants are prospering.
18. In Ireland, the Vintners Federation of Ireland and
other groups have claimed that the smokefree law has reduced pub
takings by "20-30%".[24]
This claim is false. The retail sales index for bars volume in
Ireland (2000=100) shows that the value of bar sales in Ireland
decreased by 4.0% in the year following the introduction of smokefree
legislation (April 2004 to May 2005), continuing a trend that
began at least two years before the legislation came into force.
[25]The decline in volume
at drinking places in Ireland is a function of changing social
habitsnot smoking laws.
19. A major review of economic evidence from jurisdictions
with smoking restrictions was conducted by Luk Joossens et al
for the Smoke Free Europe partnership. [26]
20. The review looked at almost 100 studies from Canada,
UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain and Hong
Kong. It failed to find a negative impact or a positive effect
in studies based on objective and reliable measures, such as taxable
sales receipts, data several years before and after the introduction
of smoke free policies, where controls for changes in economic
conditions were employed, and where statistical tests were used
to control for underlying trends and data fluctuations.
21. The Government proposes to exempt from full smoking
restrictions pubs that do not serve prepared food. ASH considers
this proposal highly undesirable for the following reasons:
It would fail to protect the health and safety
of some of the most vulnerable people in the workplace.
It would create perverse incentives and unfair
competition in the pub and hospitality industry.
It would be more costly and burdensome to enforce
and would conflict with regulatory principles set out in the Hampton
It would undermine the public health benefits
of smokefree legislation, particularly in poorer communities.
It would undermine the Government's alcohol policy
by encouraging "stand-up" binge drinking rather than
alcohol consumption with food.
It would be open to challenge under the Human
Rights Act and under existing health and safety law.
22. The Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health (SCOTH),
which advises DH, reported in November 2004 that: "overall
exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke in the population has declined
somewhat as cigarette smoking prevalence has continued to come
down. However, some groups, for example bar staff, are heavily
exposed at their place of work. " The report concluded
that: "it is evident that no infant, child or adult should
be exposed to secondhand smoke . . . Secondhand smoke represents
a substantial public health hazard".[27]
23. Professor Konrad Jamrozik, formerly of Imperial College
London, estimated in May 2004 that secondhand smoke in the workplace
generally causes about 600 deaths each year in the UK and one
death among employees of the hospitality trades each week. [28]For
comparison, the total number of fatal accidents at work from all
causes in the UK in 2002-03 was reported by the Health and Safety
Executive as 226. [29]
24. There can be no justification whatever for protecting
the great majority of employees from this serious workplace health
and safety risk while continuing to leave some of the employees
at greatest risk (bar staff in exempted premises) exposed.
25. Exempting a category of workplaces from smokefree
legislation could be subject to legal challenge. The date of "guilty
knowledge" under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSWA)
has now clearly passed in relation to secondhand smoke. This is
the date by which employers should know of the nature of a specific
workplace health and safety risk. Therefore, employees made ill
by such exposure in the workplace will have a case for damages
against their employer, claiming negligence and citing a breach
of the HSWA as evidence. This would remain possible in respect
of any premises exempted from a general prohibition on smoking.
ASH has been working with the personal injury and trade union
law firm, Thompson's, to identify such cases, and a number have
already been settled out of court for substantial sums. [30]
26. The danger of exemptions to the hospitality trade
could be that the Health Bill allows smoking to continue in some
premises, only for the employers concerned then to face civil
actions under the HSWA. If the legislation proceeds with the proposed
exemptions, ASH will make it a priority to find and support such
cases in exempted premises.
27. It has been suggested that Ministers may feel bound
by the terms of the Labour Party manifesto for the 2005 General
Election, which promised smokefree legislation but also offered
exemptions for non-food pubs and clubs. However, the manifesto
also stated that: "whatever the general status, to protect
employees, smoking in the bar area will be prohibited everywhere."
[31]We expect the overwhelming
expert response to this during the consultation period to be that
this proposal will not in fact protect employeesin which
case the Government should reconsider the precise terms of the
manifesto commitment, and recognise the clear benefits of comprehensive
rather than partial legislation.
28. The proposal to prohibit smoking in the "bar
area" of exempted pubs would fail to provide adequate protection
for employees or members of the public. Smoke drifts. Most pubs
currently have any separated smoking and non-smoking areas in
the same open space.
29. Ventilation systems are expensive, hard to maintain,
and as even Philip Morris has admitted, do not provide good protection
from the health effects of secondhand smoke"While
not shown to address the health effects of secondhand smoke, ventilation
can help improve the air quality." [32]
30. Recent research in venues in Sydney, Australia, showed
that designated "no-smoking" areas in the hospitality
industry provided at best partial protection and at worst no protection
at all against the damaging effects of secondhand smoke. [33]
31. Research by D Kotzias and others at the European
Commission Joint Research Centre's INDOORTRON facility concluded
that ". . . changes in ventilation rates simulating conditions
expected in many residential and commercial environments during
smoking do not have a significant influence on the air concentration
levels of ETS constituents, eg CO, NOx, aromatic compounds, nicotine.
This suggests that efforts to reduce ETS originated indoor air
pollution through higher ventilation rates in buildings, including
residential areas and hospitality venues, would not lead to a
meaningful improvement in indoor air quality. Moreover the results
show that "wind tunnel"like rates or other high
rates of dilution ventilation would be expected to be required
to achieve pollutant levels close to ambient air limit values".[34]
32. In other words, for ventilation to have any significant
effect, it would require tornado like quantities of ventilation
to produce an acceptable risk to those exposed to secondhand smoking.
This is patently unrealistic.
33. The proposed exemptions for some pubs and clubs would
increase the regulatory burden on business, and create perverse
incentives and unfair competition. For example, the British Beer
and Pubs Association (BBPA) has previously commented that "creating
an opt-out for clubs like this is a gross distortion of the market.
There must be a level playing field for all".[35]
34. We agree with the memorandum of evidence submitted
to the House of Commons Health Select Committee in February 2005
by the BBPA, which stated that: "if legislation is the
preferred Government route, this needs to be implemented nationally
and must be applied equally across all sectors of the hospitality
industry. The staff and customer issues faced by licensees are
no different in public houses, private clubs, restaurants, hotels,
or workingmen's clubs, and preferential treatment or exemptions
remain illogical in a public health context. "[36]
35. The proposed exemption for pubs not serving prepared
food would also require more frequent and more intrusive inspections
by enforcing bodies, particularly Environmental Health Officers.
The Chartered Institute for Environmental Health has warned that
the exemptions would "add to red tape and lead to a more
complex licensing regime".[37]
Paragraph 19 of the consultation document proposes to specify
in regulations "a list of permitted foods for smoking
licensed premises". These must be "pre-packaged
ambient shelf-stable snacks".
36. Chapter 4, paragraph 79 of the White Paper suggests
that between 10% and 30% of pubs to be exempted. There are about
55,000 pubs across the country, so even if this estimate proves
accurate (see response to question 5 above) this exemption may
cover anything between 5,500 and 16,500 establishments. However,
the RIA states only that while the enforcement costs of comprehensive
legislation might be £20 million, the costs of enforcing
legislation with exemptions would be £20 million plus.
37. ASH commissioned Jane MacGregor of Jane MacGregor
Associates (and the Local Authority Co-ordinating Office for Regulatory
Services: LACORS) to survey seven authorities, representing London
Borough, Unitary, Metropolitan and District Councils. They also
represent different regions of the country and very different
social settings. The seven authorities surveyed were:
Derby City (urban unitaryLabour controlled).
Gateshead (rural/urban metropolitan boroughLabour
Southwark (London BoroughLib Dem controlled).
Liverpool (urban, metropolitan boroughLib
Dem controlled).
Milton Keynes (rural/urban unitaryLib Dem
Reading (urban, unitaryLabour controlled).
Warwick (rural/urban, districtNOC, Conservative
largest party).
38. In order to calculate the cost per authority of enforcing
both Option 2 (comprehensive legislation) and 4 (legislation exempting
some pubs and clubs) in the Government consultation document,
a formula was derived based upon the number of licensed business
premises liable to inspection under such new legislation, the
number of visits required and cost per officer hour. This formula
was applied across all participating authorities, in order to
calculate an estimated overall cost of each option. The results
The range for enforcing Option 2: £12,800-£37,440.
The range for enforcing Option 4: £19,200-£56,160.
The likely annual cost to Local Authorities of enforcing
Option 2 is in the range of £4.5 million- £13.3 million;
compared to £6.8 million-£19.9 million for enforcing
Option 4.
39. Reasons given for differences were:
The greater number of visits required to enforce
Option 4Regulations will be more difficult to understand
by both public and business in terms of what is and what is not
Licensed premises may give up serving food to
avail themselves of the exemption afforded by Option 4. This will
increase the number of visits required to ensure that the legislation
is being complied with and that food is not being served;
The "level playing field" for businesses
created by Option 2 would allow for visits to be carried out in
a more routine fashion and as part of other inspections for example
food safety or health and safety inspections;
There are likely to be fewer complaints to deal
with from competing businesses and members of the public if Option
2 is adoptedthe more straightforward legislation is, the
less education and advice is needed before hand;
If the legislation is less complex, as afforded
by Option 2, the work could be undertaken by an officer on a lower
salary grade; breaches would be less complex to detect and thus
costs of enforcement lower.
40. It should also be noted that there were other costs
identified by the respondents, notably the impact that this new
legalisation will have upon their other regulatory functions,
for example food safety and health and safety inspection work,
both of which have performance measures attached to them, set
by the Food Standards Agency and the Health and Safety Commission
respectively. All the authorities surveyed preferred Option 2
in the Government consultation document. All thought that enforcing
the new legislation would be relatively high priority work. Most
were intending to bid for additional funding to enable the work
to be carried out effectively.
41. The Hampton Review produced a series of regulatory
principles which characterise good regulation. Regulations should
be easily understood, easily implemented and easily enforced.
The current proposals including exemptions and poor definitions
conflict with these principles and are therefore at odds with
existing Government regulatory policy.
42. The proposal to exempt some pubs and membership clubs
clearly threatens to undermine key Government public health objectivesto
reduce smoking prevalence rates and tackle health inequalities.
43. It is clear that pubs and clubs that would be exempted
under the Government's proposals would be concentrated in poorer
communities. These communities will have higher than average smoking
prevalence rates, and will be suffering from the sharp health
inequalities that the class distribution of smoking brings.
44. ASH commissioned the survey firm IFF Research Ltd
to survey 1,252 public houses and wine bars to establish: how
many pubs currently do not serve prepared food; where such pubs
are located; and what their likely future business decisions might
be in relation to prepared food if the legislation includes the
proposed exemptions.
45. Key findings from the survey are as follows:
What is your pub/wine bar's current policy on smoking?
No smoking throughout | 1%
Separate rooms for smoking and non smoking |
7% |
Separate areas for smoking and non smoking |
36% |
No smoking at bar only | 7%
Smoking throughout | 46% |
Other | 3% |
Don't know | *% |
Base: All | (1,252)
| |
Does your pub/wine bar serve any food including hot food
and/or cold food like sandwiches, ploughmans etcor do you
only provide packeted food, like crisps and nuts?
Packeted food (crisps and nuts) only | 28%
No food at all | 3% |
Other food including hot | 66%
Other food not hot | 3%
Base: All | (1,252)
| |
As you may be aware, under current Government proposals, all
restaurants, pubs and wine bars preparing and serving food will
be required to be smoke-free by 2008. If these proposals go ahead
which would you opt forsmoke free and serving food, smoke
free and not serving food or smoking allowed but no food served?
Smoke free and serve food | 44%
Smoke free but no food served | 1%
Smoking allowed but no food served | 41%
Don't know | 14% |
Base: All | (1,252)
| |
46. These findings show that the proportion of pubs not
currently serving prepared food is at the very top end of the
Government's White Paper estimate (10-30%). ASH also asked IFF
to correlate the proportion of pubs serving and not serving prepared
food to the deprivation indices for the postcodes in which they
were located. Key findings here were:
Proportion of pubs not serving prepared food by deprivation index
for postcode
(1richest to 5poorest postcodes)
1 | 14% |
2 | 18% |
3 | 25% |
4 | 37% |
5 | 45% |
Proportion intending not to serve prepared food and to allow smoking throughout if exemptions are included in legislation
| |
47. These figures clearly provide powerful supporting
evidence for two principal concerns of health and medical organisations:
the concentration of exempt premises in low income
communities means that exposure to secondhand smoke will be far
higher amongst low paid bar workers and customers from more deprived
areas, exacerbating health inequalities;
exempted pubs are concentrated in poorer communities,
would provide a continuing social focus for smoking and would
therefore tend to reduce the impact of the legislation on smoking
prevalence rates in these areas and widen health inequalities;
if exemptions are included in the legislation,
the number of pubs not serving food is likely to rise, further
undermining public health gains from the legislation as well as
undermining a key element of Government strategy in relation to
alcohol consumption.
48. Paragraphs 8 and 9 of the RIA estimate that ending
smoking in all workplaces and enclosed public places would reduce
overall smoking prevalence rates by 1.7%. 0.7% of this effect
is estimated to result from the direct effect of ending smoking
in employees' own place of work, and 1% from more places outside
smokers' own place of work going smoke free.
49. The RIA gives no assessment of the reduction in prevalence
rates that would be achieved if the Government's proposed exemptions
were adopted. However it does assess the health benefits from
averted deaths from secondhand smoke for non-employees ("customers")
of this option as worth £150-£250 million a year, as
opposed to £350 million for the full ban. It also gives an
estimate of the benefits from non-employees who are now smokers
quitting as worth £0-£180 million for legislation with
exemptions, and £180 million for a full ban.
50. In total, the RIA assesses the net benefits of a
full ban at £1,344 to £1,754 million a year, compared
to £998 to £1,586 million for the Government's preferred
option. (For this purpose, one year of additional life expectancy
is valued at £30,000). In other words, the Government proposed
an option which reduces the net benefits by up to £350 million
a year. It is significant that the Government has not yet published
an estimate of the net effects on smoking prevalence rates of
legislation with exemptions compared with a full ban?
51. The tobacco industry understands very well the benefits
from its point of view of partial smoking restrictions in the
workplace as opposed to comprehensive legislation. This is why
such half-measures are promoted by its front organisations such
as FOREST. An internal Philip Morris internal document from 1992
states that "total prohibition of smoking in the workplace
strongly affects industry volume. Smokers facing these restrictions
consume 11% to 15% less than average and quit at a rate that is
84% higher than average . . . these restrictions are rapidly becoming
more common. Milder workplace restrictions, such as smoking only
in designated areas, have much less impact on quitting rates and
very little effect on consumption".[38]
52. Chapter 4, paragraph 77 of the White Paper noted
the risk that some pubs may cease to serve prepared food in order
to qualify as premises that can continue to permit smoking. The
fear is dismissed with the words "we believe that the
profitability of serving food will be sufficient to outweigh any
perverse incentive for pub owners to choose to switch".
But this assertion has been contradicted by senior figures in
the pub trade, for example, Tim Clarke, chief executive of restaurant
and pubs group Mitchells and Butlers has warned that "the
enforced specialisation between food and smoking risks commercially
incentivising more pubs than the White Paper currently anticipates
to remove food and retaining smoking throughout. "[39]
53. ASH has commissioned a legal opinion from Keir Starmer
QC on the Human Rights Act implications of the proposed exemptions.
54. The opinion suggests that the current proposals may
well breach the European Convention on Human Rights in relation
to the proposed exceptions to the smoking ban.
55. In brief, Counsel considers that allowing these exceptions
may well breach Articles 2 (right to life) and Article 8 (right
to respect for private and family life). He also considers that
the proposed exceptions may breach Article 14 (prohibition of
discrimination) although it is more difficult to advise on this
on account of uncertainties with regard to both the law and the
effect of exemptions to the ban on particular groups.
56. Therefore, if the Government does proceed with present
proposals by only introducing a partial ban, then this is almost
certainly likely to lead to legal challenges by those left unprotected
by the exemptions. Employees working in exempt licensed premises
or membership clubs or prisoners or patients in psychiatric hospitals
in which smoking was allowed would have particularly good grounds
for bringing a successful challenge.
57. Apart from bar staff in exempt premises, other classes
who might be held to be discriminated against by exemptions for
non-food pubs and clubs include pregnant women (and by extension
all women of child-bearing age, who may be in the early stages
of pregnancy and unaware of the fact) since secondhand smoke is
a particular risk to the foetus and therefore these women would
not be able safely to use the services and facilities provided
by such pubs and clubs.
58. Exempting a category of workplaces from smokefree
legislation could be subject to legal challenge. The date of "guilty
knowledge" under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSWA)
has now clearly passed in relation to secondhand smoke. This is
the date by which employers should know of the nature of a specific
workplace health and safety risk. Therefore, employees made ill
by such exposure in the workplace will have a case for damages
against their employer, claiming negligence and citing a breach
of the HSWA as evidence. This would remain possible in respect
of any premises exempted from a general prohibition on smoking.
ASH has been working with the personal injury and trade union
law firm, Thompson's, to identify such cases, and a number have
already been settled out of court for substantial sums. [40]
59. The danger of exemptions to the hospitality trade
could be that the Health Bill allows smoking to continue in some
premises, only for the employers concerned then to face civil
actions under the HSWA. If the legislation proceeds with the proposed
exemptions, ASH will make it a priority to find and support such
cases in exempted premises.
Membership clubs employ staff who would be left
at risk under this proposal.
No special protection is suggested for clubs that
admit children. Children are at particular risk from secondhand
Even the pub trade agreeslegislation should
set a level playing field for all. Clubs should not be allowed
to compete unfairly against pubs by continuing to permit smoking.
60. There are 3,751 licensed clubs in England and Wales
(clubs in private ownership) and 19,913 registered clubs (owned
by the members). (Source: Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Statistical Bulletin Liquor Licensing, England and Wales, July
2003-June 2004).
61. It is clear that since many clubs (eg Labour Clubs)
compete with local pubs for trade, such pubs would face unfair
competition if smoking was ended on their premises but not in
neighbouring clubs. We understand that strong representations
on this point will be made to the Government by the hospitality
trade, and these have our full support.
62. There is no special protection suggested under this
legislation for clubs that admit children. Paragraph 4 of the
November 2004 SCOTH report states: "A number of new studies
have confirmed the range and extent of health damage in infancy
and childhood. Children are at greatest risk in their homes and
the evidence strongly links secondhand smoke with an increased
risk of pneumonia and bronchitis, asthma attacks, middle ear disease,
decreased lung function and sudden infant death syndrome. It has
also been shown that babies born to mothers who come into contact
with secondhand smoke have lower birth weights." [41]Since
children are particularly at risk from the effects of secondhand
smoke, this is entirely unacceptable.
Any exemptions for residential premises that are also workplaces
must ensure the protection of staff and should not prevent progress
towards full smoke freedom as an objective of public policy
63. We accept the principle of a distinction between
public and private (residential) places for the purposes of this
legislation. This raises issues of boundaries between the two,
particularly where public institutions actpermanently or
temporarilyas primary residences, eg prisons, hospices,
care homes, secure wards for psychiatric patients. It is important
to balance the right of residents to behave as they wish in their
own "home" with the right of workers and residents to
work and live in a safe environment as far as possible free from
the hazards of secondhand smoke.
64. We believe that where any exemption is granted, the
agreed upon definition of the premises and any associated conditions
ensure that in practice, and from the outset, such premises emphasise
smokefree, with designated smoking areas, rather than emphasising
smoking, with provision of designated smokefree areas.
65. We recommend that a general statement be included
in the legislation, similar to that used in the Republic of Ireland's
legislation[42] to the
effect that: "An exemption does not constitute a right
to smoke and employers are still bound by a duty of care to take
every possible step to protect their employee". Workers
in any exempted premises should have a legal right to request
that they are not exposed to secondhand smoke in their working
environment, and they should be accorded this right as part of
an employer's duty of care.
66. We recommend that in any exempted premises, regulations
should require all reasonable precautions to be taken to limit
the migration of smoke from a smoking room to the rest of the
non-smoking environment, in line with best practice. Exempt premises
should be strongly encouraged to develop, implement and review
a best-practice based smoking policy in order to protect staff
and non-smokers from the health hazards associated with secondhand
67. We recommend that there should be an agreed review
process for exempt establishments, with a view wherever possible
to increasing smokefree provision in the future.
68. We recommend that all assistance be given to employers
where exemptions are granted, in order to assist them prepare
staff and service users for change prior to smokefree legislation
being introduced. We recommend that specific guidance be tailored
for different audiences regarding (a) the health hazards associated
with secondhand smoke exposure (b) issues related to smoking cessation,
and (c) details of services that are able to assist staff and
service users with cessation advice and treatment where applicable.
We also recommend that employers receive guidance on effective
development and communication of smokefree policies in advance
of legislation implementation, and that attention is drawn to
existing national guidelines.
69. Psychiatric units raise issues which require a specific
strategic approach. ASH supports the approach set out in the Health
Development Agency publication "Where Do We Go From Here",[43]
which recommends, inter alia:
Research on any interactions between tobacco use
and prescribed medication.
Research on particular motivations among service
users who smoke heavily (eg boredom, alleviation of symptoms,
Smoking cessation programmes designed specifically
for mental health service users, which involve advocates, users
and staff and can be integrated into overall care plans.
The legislation should allow the inclusion of sports stadia
etc as relevant public placeswherever secondhand smoke
in a public place is a significant danger to health it should
not be permitted
70. ASH supports the inclusion of regulation-making powers
to allow the legislation to apply to areas which, while not "enclosed"
"carry risks of harm from secondhand smoke because of the
close grouping together of people". This would include, for
example, sports stadia and major railway stations.
71. Furthermore, as it is accepted that these areas carry
risks of harm, then the much greater risks of harm to those working
in pubs, bars and clubs with higher levels of exposure must also
be accepted. Therefore the exemptions of these venues cannot be
All smoking should be ended in workplaces and enclosed public
places: Secondhand smoke is a health and safety risk whether the
substance being smoked is tobacco or something else
72. ASH believes that it should be an offence to smoke
or permit smoking in enclosed workplaces and public places, regardless
of what is smoked. Therefore, the new law should not just cover
the smoking of tobacco products, as proposed in the current DH
consultation document, but also herbal cigarettes etc. This would
make the legislation easier to enforce. It would also be a consistent
health and safety approachinhalation of secondhand smoke
is a risk to health whatever the substances being burned in the
cigarette may be.
73. The main components of smoked tobacco that create
health risks from secondhand smoke are carbon monoxide and respirable
particulate matter. The second-hand smoke from herbal cigarettes
contains both.
74. A study of herbal cigarettes published in the Lancet
in 1999 demonstrated a higher level of carbon monoxide produced
by burning vegetable based cigarettes compared with emissions
from regular cigarettes. [44]Another
study to determine the tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide in the
mainstream smoke of selected international cigarettes showed that
a brand of herbal menthol cigarette which did not contain detectable
levels of nicotine, yielded mainstream smoke containing 9.8 mg
of tar per cigarette, and substantial amounts of carbon monoxide
(16.5 mg/cigarette). [45]This
confirms earlier research in Australia, which suggested that tar
and particulate matter were present in non-nicotine cigarettes
at similar levels to tobacco cigarettes. [46]
75. Exempting non-tobacco cigarettes would also make
the legislation harder to enforce. One example comes from Delaware,
where a bar owner selling herbal cigarettes claimed he assumed
all patrons lighting up were smoking non-tobacco cigarettes. [47]
September 2005
Smoking Related Behaviour and Attitudes 2004, Office of National
Statistics, table 6.13: Back
Polling firm BMRB and commissioned by Action on Smoking and Health
(ASH) and Cancer Research UK to conduct a poll on public support
for smokefree legislation. 996 interviews were conducted by telephone
with residents in Great Britain aged 16 years and over. Fieldwork
was conducted on one wave of the BMRB Access Omnibus (15-17 July
2005). Full results available from ASH on request. Back
17 Back
First Annual Independent Evaluation of New York's Tobacco Control
Program, New York City Department of Health: Back
Smoke Free Workplaces in Ireland: A One Year Review, page 7,
Office of Tobacco Control: Back
Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Draft regulatory impact
assessment for an approved code of practice on passive smoking
at work. London: Health and Safety Executive, 1999. Back
Going Smokefree: The medical case for clean air in the home,
at work and in public places, a report of the Royal College of
Physicians, chapter 11. Back
ibid, table 11.3. Back
As for footnote 16 above. Back
Press Release from Vintners Federation of Ireland, 29 March 2005: article_type-id=1&article_id=125 Back
Central Statistical Office, Ireland, Retail Sales Index April
&hl=en Back
"Smokefree Europe Makes Economic Sense":
europe%20_%20economic%20report.pdf Back
Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health: Secondhand Smoke:
Review of evidence since 1998: Update of evidence on health
effects of secondhand smoke: Back
28 Back
29 Back
For example, the case of casino worker Mickey Dunn, see: Back
Labour Party Manifesto 2005, page 66: Back
32 Back
Cains, T et al Designated "no smoking" areas
provide from partial to no protection from environmental tobacco
smoke. Tobacco Control 2004; 13: 17-22. Back
Ventilation as a means of controlling exposure of workers to
environmental tobacco smoke, D Kotzias et al, Back
Times: 21 June 2005-,,2_1662688,00.html Back
Select Committee on Health, Session 2004/5, Written Evidence:
Memorandum by the British Beer and Pubs Association: Back
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Briefing Note on
Public Health White Paper http:.// Back
38 Back
39 Back
For example, the case of casino worker Mickey Dunn, see: Back
41 Back
The Republic of Ireland Public Health (Tobacco) Act 2002:
%20Act%202002.pdf Back
"Where do we go from here: Tobacco control policies within
psychiatric and long-stay units": National Institute for
Health and Clinical Excellence, 2001: Back
Groman, E et al 1999. A harmful aid to stop smoking. The
Lancet. 353(9151): pp 466-467. Back
Calafat, AM 2004. Determination of tar, nicotine, and carbon
monoxide yields in the mainstream smoke of selected international
cigarettes. Tobacco Control. 13(1): pp 45-51. Back
Gourlay SG and McNeill JJ 1990. Anti-smoking products, Medical
Journal of Australia. 153: pp 699-707. Back
Buchting, F 2000. Herbal cigarettes: tobacco starter kits for
minors. TRDRP (Tobacco Related Disease Research Programme)
Newsletter. [online] 3(3): pp 1, 2,67. Available from: Back