Memorandum by Professor Roger Scruton
(SP 57)
Here are some thoughts on the issue of smoking
in public places that you might wish to put before your committee.
1. There are two kinds of "public place"those
that we are free to avoid, and those that surround us whether
we like it or not. Places where people have to go, in pursuit
of their daily business, ought to be smoke free, since most people
don't want to breathe second-hand smoke, and second-hand smoke
in any case poses a risk to health. Places where people go partly
in order to smoke in companylike the local pubbut
which others are free to avoid, raise quite different questions,
and it is bound to be controversial for the law to forbid what
normally goes on there.
2. There are two general reasons for caution
in legislating on matters like this one. First, the scientific
base is always shifting, and what is declared to be a major health
hazard one week might the next be discovered to be no such thinghaving
been meanwhile forbidden. There is a school of thought associated
with something called the Precautionary Principle which says that,
in the absence of conclusive evidence we should nevertheless forbid
that which might pose a serious riskin other words, take
no risk. But taking no risks is itself a risky policy. And the
arguments for forbidding tobacco smoke in public places weigh
yet more strongly in favour of forbidding car exhaust fumessomething
that would have dire effects on the economy, and which no politician
contemplates as yet.
3. We need to consider two questions in
addition to that of health: the rights of the various parties
involved, and the consequences, social and economic, of the legislation.
I have no doubt in my mind that people who don't smoke have the
right to be free of smoke exhaled by others. I also have no doubt
that smokers have the right to gather together in places where
others go, provided the others are free to avoid those places.
This is the normal rule in the village pub, which usually has
a bar where you can smoke and another where you cannot. The only
doubts concern the barman, who is obliged to breathe second-hand
smoke if he is to keep his job. On the other hand, a car mechanic
is obliged to encounter all the toxic products of his trade, including
large doses of carbon monoxide. The assumption is that, if he
chooses this trade, he also chooses the risks associated with
it. Common sense suggests that the same applies to barmen.
4. All the above considerations are familiar
and have been regularly discussed in the media. What seems to
be less frequently discussed, however, is the social consequences
of a ban on smoking in public places, where public places includes
pubs and bars. As someone who lives in the country, where the
pub is a mainstay of community life, I have to say that I regard
with considerable apprehension any legislation that either increases
the likelihood of excessive drinking orworse stillleads
to people staying at home and doing their drinking there. It seems
to me that we need proper statistical research on the extent to
which smoking in the pub reduces drinking. I feel sure that it
does, since part of the point of both activities, when carried
on in company, is to find some other use for the mouth than talking,
in order to overcome inhibitions and to slow down the pace of
conversation. For many people (especially those brought up after
the war) the cigarette and the pint are bound by an indissoluble
marriage, and a ban on smoking will therefore drive them from
the pub. I believe that the pub, properly managed, frequented
by respectable people of the neighbourhood and conducted under
a regime of controlled social drinking, is a huge social asset,
and that to destroy it would have serious consequences, especially
on the socialisation of the young, who would no longer have a
place to which they can go and share in an ambience where the
older generation dominate. Indeed, the pub, as traditionally conceived,
helped to keep binge drinking under control. The binge now usually
starts in the off-licence, and proceeds from there to the bus
shelter, the park bench or the football stadium. The pub was a
place to relax with your neighbours, and since relaxation involved
doing things that you were not allowed to do at home but which
helped you to be at ease with others, smoking hadand it
seems to me (as a non-smoking observer) still hasan important
place in the social ambience of the pub. Personally, therefore,
I would prefer to see suitable health warnings above the bar,
together with the mandatory provision of a non-smoking bar, rather
than a legal prohibition of smoking in the pub.
The economic consequences of a ban would also
be serious, since it would certainly lead to the closure of many
pubs and bars in marginal placesprecisely those places
where the social function of the pub is most important. This would
have a knock-on effect on local economies of a kind that may be
serious in rural areas. I assume that you are taking evidence
from the Association of Licensed Retailers on this kind of issue.
5. Obviously there are political factors
to take into consideration: the present Government is acquiring
a negative image on account of its propensity to ban whatever
the activists dislike. "When in doubt, ban it" is not
a healthy political slogan. It might be thought wise to back off
in the present instance, where the ordinary pleasures of ordinary
people are at stake. But that is of course a different kind of
argument, which may or may not appeal to the committee.
6. As I indicated, my wife and I have a
small media consultancy which has a tobacco firm as a client,
so that the above may all be discounted as self-serving propaganda.
However, the firm in question (JTI) seeks our help in promoting
serious debate about the wider issues of marketing and risk. They
hope to secure an intellectual climate which recognises their
trade as a legitimate and legal part of things. So far as I know
they don't have a line on whether smoking in public places should
be banned, and the arguments that I have given above are in any
case irrelevant to their interests since they have no business
in Britain. If you want to see the kind of work that we do for
this firm you should consult, which is the
briefing that we produce summarising arguments and promoting discussion
about the interconnection of risk, freedom and regulation in a
modern economy.
7. That said, it should be mentioned that
the demonisation of the tobacco industry is one of the factors
behind the current legislative proposals. Promoting public health
is one thing; punishing an industry (whether or not justly) another.
It is very important for legislators to be absolutely clear which
of those objectives is guiding themand this applies to
the drinks and fast food industries also, where the health factors
are at least as serious as in the case of tobacco, and where some
kind of legislation will soon be needed to protect the long term
interests of society. Any legislation about smoking in public
places is going to create a precedent for legislation governing
fast food, alcohol, and the diet of children, and must therefore
be founded on clear principles. In general I would say that health
is an important consideration but seldom the only one. It is also
right and proper to consider people's desires, their social needs,
and the long-term interests of public order and community sentiment.
September 2005