Select Committee on Health Minutes of Evidence

Examination of Witnesses (Questions 200-207)


20 OCTOBER 2005

  Q200  Dr Naysmith: That is banned now, is it?

  Dr Stotesbury: Yes. It is just by positioning in vending. That is what I was referring to. It is the positioning of your brands in vending machines.

  Q201  Chairman: There is no other way?

  Mr Jenner: No.

  Q202  Chairman: All target promotion has now finished, has it?

  Dr Stotesbury: Yes.

  Q203  Chairman: Is that the same with Philip Morris?

  Ms Mohrmann: Philip Morris sells its tobacco products in public houses.

  Q204  Chairman: But you do not use the venues beyond that?

  Ms Mohrmann: We use the venues to be able to sell our tobacco products to the people who choose to smoke and we abide by the current laws that are here today under the TAPA Act of 2002.

  Q205  Dr Taylor: You have said that the 12 million people who still smoke have made the informed choice to smoke. How do you square that with the evidence we are going to be given that that most smokers want to give up?

  Mr Jenner: I cannot comment on evidence that you are going to be given. I am not sure what that is to which you refer.

  Q206  Dr Taylor: This was raised by the College of Physicians to say that there is definite evidence that most smokers want to give up, and that conflicts very much with your statement that these 12 million have made the informed choice still to smoke.

  Mr Jenner: The reality is that clearly, as we have discussed this morning, the vast majority of smokers do so in the full knowledge of the risks associated with the products—and those risks have been widely promulgated to them for over 30 years on each and every pack, so they clearly are aware of that. I am not familiar with particular statistic to which you refer.

  Dr Taylor: Thank you.

  Q207  Chairman: Could I thank all three of you for coming along and completing this morning's evidence. It has been very informative. Where you can supply us with further information, we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

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Prepared 19 December 2005