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Session 2005-06
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Health Committee Publications

Health - Minutes of Evidence [Back to Report]

Here you can browse the Minutes of Evidence which were ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 15 December 2005.

Thursday 17 November 2005

Members present:

Rt Hon Kevin Barron, in the Chair
Charlotte AtkinsDr Doug Naysmith
Mr Paul BurstowMike Penning
Jim DowdDr Richard Taylor
Anne Milton


Witnesses: Mr Phil Wheatley CB, Director General, HM Prison Service; Mr Paul Foweather, Governor, HM Young Offenders' Institute Wetherby; Mr Paul Thain, Director, Modernisation and Strategic Development, Norfolk and Waveney Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust; Mr Ian Hulatt, Mental Health Adviser, the Royal College of Nursing; and Mr Paul Corry, Director, Campaigns and Communications, Rethink Severe Mental Illness, examined.

Question Numbers





Witnesses: Mr Rob Hayward OBE, Chief Executive, British Beer and Pub Association, Mr John Hutson, Chief Executive, J.D. Wetherspoon, Mr Nick Bish, Chief Executive, Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers, Mr Bob Cotton OBE, Chief Executive, British Hospitality Association, and Mr Tony Payne, Chief Executive, Federation of Licensed Victuallers Associations, examined.

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Witnesses: Mr Simon Thomas, Managing Director, Thomas Holdings Ltd, Sir Peter Fry, Chairman, and Mr John Carpenter, The Bingo Association, examined.

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Witnesses: Mr Hugh Robertson, Senior Health and Safety Policy Officer, TUC; Mr Brian Revell, National Organiser for Food and Agriculture, and Ms Pauline Robson, TGWU; Mr Vincent Borg, Assistant National Health and Safety Officer, UNISON; and Mr Michael Ainsley, London Region Organiser, GMB, examined.

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Prepared 19 December 2005