Sight tests
42. Over 17 million sight tests were carried out
in 2003-04 in the UK.[71],[72]
These include both NHS tests which conform to a protocol agreed
with the Department and private tests which may be more or less
extensive than the NHS test. A high percentage of tests are provided
free: around 11.7 million (all NHS tests) are paid for by PCTs
and their equivalents;[73]
the rest are either private or NHS tests which people who are
not eligible for a free test pay for directly. The NHS sight test
currently costs £18.39, but the General Ophthalmic Services
contract will be renegotiated this year and the price of the test
is likely to rise.[74]
A survey carried out by the Federation of Ophthalmic and Dispensing
Opticians (FODO) found that the average cost of a private sight
test was £17.68.[75]
The amount spent annually by the Government on free tests in England
was £178 million in 2003-04; spending by patients was approximately
£106.08 million. According to the Department, the cost of
administration of the NHS sight test is low, at around £1
million a year.[76]
43. Free universal eye tests were abolished in 1988.[77]
Full screening of school age pupils does not now take place everywhere
in the country. However, free tests for the over 60s were reintroduced
in 1999. There has been a 68% real terms increase in Departmental
expenditure on NHS sight tests between 1994-95 and 2004-05 (see
table below).
Financial Year |
Total gross
expenditure1, 2, 3
| Cost of sight
test provision4
| Cost of glasses
1994-95 | 275.0
| 112.6
| 162.1
1995-96 | 279.7
| 113.4
| 166.0
1996-97 | 286.7
| 117.4
| 169.0
1997-98 | 285.5
| 121.3
| 163.9
1998-99 | 277.4
| 119.5
| 157.5
1999-2000 | 321.1
| 166.9
| 153.5
2000-01 | 321.3
| 171.5
| 149.3
2001-02 | 327.0
| 176.0
| 150.3
2002-03 | 318.6
| 171.4
| 146.5
2003-04 | 328.5
| 178.0
| 149.4
2004-05 | 340.0
| 189.1
| 149.7
Health and Social Care Information Centre
1. Expenditure is on a resource or accruals basis
2. Revalued to 2004-05 prices using GDP deflators (December 2005)
3. Includes; cost of grants to supervisors of ophthalmic optical
graduate trainees, not counted in the cost of sight tests or the
cost of glasses provision.
4. An estimated proportion of total expenditure based on more
detailed breakdown of costs available in same year's cash monitoring
data. Comprises fees paid to ophthalmic opticians and ophthalmic
medical practitioners, including payments for domiciliary visits,
help given towards private sight tests and employers' superannuation
5. An estimated proportion of total expenditure based on more
detailed breakdown of costs available in same year's cash monitoring
data. Comprises the cost of vouchers and repairs and replacements.
6. The consistency of data may have been affected by the changeover
in accounting responsibilities from Strategic Health Authorities
to Primary Care Trusts from 1 October 2002. Cost of sight tests
and glasses estimated, assuming same proportions as in 2001-02.
44. The opticians' groups that appeared before the Committee did
not consider that there needed to be changes to the charging system.[78]
Rather they stressed the need for greater awareness of the importance
of eye health and preventative eye care. Their main concern was
the consequence of failing to undergo a sight test, which increased
the risk of serious eye disease, particularly in vulnerable groups.
Failure to screen children at the appropriate age can also have
serious consequences.[79]
The International Glaucoma Association (IGA) stated that some
racial groups were particularly at risk of certain eye conditions,
and that these groups often do not use chargeable NHS services:
A prime example of this are people of African Caribbean origin
who are more prone to developing glaucoma than the Caucasian population
glaucomas tend to be more difficult to control effectively, making
early detection even more of a priority if vision is to be preserved
for life.[80]
Dr David Cartwright, of the College of Optometrists, pointed out
the importance of diagnosing eye disease early as a means of preventing
sight loss later in life, and of saving the NHS money. A patient
with glaucoma, for example:
is not immediately aware that their vision or the visual
fields might be getting worse until it is often too late to treat.
So it is essential to diagnose that early and treat it early and
that would lead to savings later on in the ongoing care of that
45. It is unclear whether charges have much effect on whether
those at risk undertake eye tests. Abolition of the free sight
test in 1988 was followed by a decrease in the number of tests
performed[82] and levels
of referrals from opticians to hospital ophthalmologists fell
significantly after the sight test fee was introduced.[83]
On the other hand, the overall number of sight-tests received
by the over 60s did not increase significantly when free tests
were reintroduced in 1999, suggesting that older adults were not
deterred from undergoing a test by the charge.[84]
Opticians' groups also doubted whether cost was a major reason
why people did not have tests. The Minister agreed that people
were unlikely to be deterred from visiting their opticians by
There is no evidence that people, frankly, just do not go
because they could not afford it.[85]
She also agreed that identifying groups particularly at risk for
eye disease was more important than encouraging more people overall
to seek a sight test.
46. Age Concern, Citizens Advice and others were concerned that
the value of the vouchers provided by the NHS to cover, or contribute
to, the cost of spectacles was too low. There is a gap between
the value of the voucher and the cost of spectacles and contact
lenses at some opticians. According to Citizens Advice:
If you are living in a rural area where you cannot shop around
so easily, you could well find that your local optician just does
not provide them within [the value limit] and you have got to
find the difference, which then immediately brings you below the
Income Support level. You may then decide maybe, "I can't
afford to go to the optician's at all"[86]
47. In written evidence opticians groups agreed that patients
could not afford to buy expensive glasses with the vouchers:
The allowances [for spectacles vouchers]
are insignificant
against the actual retail cost of these expensive lenses.[87]
However, in oral evidence the Association of Optometrists (AOP)
stressed that, "there is plenty of opportunity to buy spectacles
within the voucher value".[88]
Additional charges for clinical services
48. During the inquiry we heard about the increasing number of
charges for clinical services which may have an effect on
health outcomes and patient wellbeing. We looked at evidence in
respect of two: the Jentle Midwifery scheme at Hammersmith Hospitals
Trust and the dermatology clinic run by Harrogate and District
NHS Foundation Trust (see boxes below).
49. The Jentle Midwifery scheme was introduced in
2004 to give one-to-one midwife care to women throughout the course
of their pregnancy and after delivery. The National Service Framework
(NSF) for Maternity Services states that such care should be the
national standard.[89]
Few hospitals at present meet the NSF; the Jentle scheme attempts
to do this but only for those who can pay £4,000, plus a
number of other women with particular needs.
50. The advantages of the scheme are that a small
number of women, both those who pay and those with special needs
who are subsidised by the women who pay, get a high class service
that otherwise they would not receive. It is argued that there
are not the funds to provide the service in any other way.
51. Several witnesses, however, objected to the scheme.
The main objections are first that better NHS care which affects
health outcomes is being made available to those who pay. Secondly,
the scheme provides private care on the cheap; it would be more
acceptable if the scheme were clearly in the private sector and
the women who used it paid the full cost.[90]
The money raised in this way could be used to fund NSF services
for those who need it. Dame Gill Morgan of the NHS Confederation
said the scheme made her "slightly uneasy" and described
it as an "uncomfortable situation":
The challenge for schemes like this is that they
are right on the cusp between the private sector and the NHS which
makes it, I think as you have been exploring, really quite difficult
to know how far people will take them.[91]
Jane Kennedy agreed that the situation at Queen Charlotte's
and Chelsea Hospital made her "uncomfortable", as women
pay for a service that should be available as standard from the
NHS.[92] She said that
she had asked for an investigation to be carried out following
evidence received by the Committee on the scheme.
52. The dermatology clinic run by Harrogate and District
NHS Foundation Trust (see box below) caused less concern than
the Jentle Midwifery Scheme, because it provides treatment that
is no longer available on the NHS in that area and because patients
pay the full cost of treatment. Nonetheless, the clinic operates
from the main hospital and is run by NHS employees. There may
be questions about the use of management and other staff time.
53. The dermatology clinic in Harrogate and the
Jentle Midwifery scheme in London differ significantly. The former
involves charging for purely cosmetic procedures while the latter
charges a fee for services that should be available, according
to the National Service Framework on maternity services, as standard.
The Jentle Midwifery scheme provides cut-rate private care within
an NHS hospital. This is unacceptable. Essential care of this
type should be given to all or paid for privately at full cost.
31 OECD 2001 Back
Q 564 Back
Ev 1 Volume II Back
Q 3 Back
Those with lower prescribing rates include Australia, Greece and
the Scandinavian countries. OECD 2001 Back
This includes administration of the Prescription Pre-payment Certificate
and the NHS Low Income Scheme (described later) Back
Ev 77 Volume II Back
See Annex 1 Back
Q 139 Back
Soumerai et al. New England Journal of Medicine 1994; 331:650-655 Back
Reduced use of essential drugs occurred (15% among the elderly
group, 23% among those on benefits), alongside a higher rate of
serious adverse events (mortality, hospitalisation, nursing home
admission) and an increased rate of admission to A&E. Tamblyn
et al. Journal of the American Medical Association 2001;
285, 421-429 Back
The survey included 1602 people who had paid prescription or dental
charges in the last year. Citizens Advice reported that 28% of
these people did not have their prescription dispensed due to
the cost. See Unhealthy Charges, published by Citizens
Advice 2001.
Ev 143 Volume III [cited in evidence from the All Party Group
on Primary Care and Public Health] Back
Ev 137 Volume III 1,052 adults were interviewed by MORI in 150
sampling points in Great Britain from 6-10 April 2001. The results
were extrapolated Back
Q 172; see also Q 216, Martin Rathfelder from the Socialist Health
Association (SHA), who told us: "If you make a charge on
then the consumption of those items is likely to
reduce amongst the population least able to afford them. If we
are serious about encouraging people less able to pay to use the
Health Service, then forcing them to come up with [£6.65]
every time they have a prescription seems counterproductive" Back
Qq 148,149, 151. According to the BMA, this is a "very frequent
[happening] once or twice a week". Dr Schafheutle
said that GPs and pharmacists probably underestimate how often
this occurs Back
Q 159 Back
Q 281 Back
Ev 94 Volume II Back
Q 142 Back
Eg. the subject has never been included in the British Social
Attitudes Survey Back
Q 632 Back
Q 634 Back
Ev 92 Volume II Back
Q 154 Back
Q 328 Back
Written evidence to the Health Committee, Public Expenditure
on Health and Personal Social Services 2005, HC 736. This
represented the income from charges collected within the General
Dental Service. Charge income collected within Personal Dental
Service pilots was not separately identified in NHS accounts before
2005-06.The Department of Health gave a figure of £630 million.
This was a projection of the expected income in the current financial
year, 2006-07, under the new dental charge system, to be collected
within all primary care dental practices that had previously worked
either within the GDS or Personal Dental Service pilots Back
Source: British Dental Association. Not printed Back
In 1988 the percentage of treatment costs paid by patients was
75%. Now it is 80%, and will remain at this level under the new
contract. Eversley, 2001, The history of NHS Charges and
Q 247 Back
According to the Department, administration of dental charges
is inextricably tied to the main process of paying dentists and
the separate marginal cost of dealing with patients is minimal.
The cost of salaries and overheads of the department that deals
with exemption checking and patient refunds is £0.3 million
per annum; the Department estimates that direct exemption checking
costs less than £0.1 million per annum Back
Q 247 Back
Clinical Guideline 19. Dental recall: recall interval between
routine dental examinations. NICE, October 2004 Back
Ev 4 Volume II Back
Ev 24 Volume II Back
Q 330 Back
Source: British Dental Association. Not printed Back
Q 328 Back
Q 595 Back
Q 247 Back
Ev 11 Volume II Back
Department of Health, Sight test volume and workforce survey,
2003-04 Back
In 2004-05, 11.7 million NHS sight tests were performed in England
alone, Q 318 Back
General Ophthalmic Services: Consultation tables, NHS sight tests,
vouchers, workforce, premises 2004/2005.
Opticians groups estimated that the actual price of providing
the test is approximately £37 Back
Optics at a Glance, FODO 2005. Survey based on a 25% sample of
providers . The average figure is taken from a range of prices
(£15 to £50). The average price also includes free sight
tests for particular promotions or groups of patients. This inevitably
reduces the average significantly Back
This comprises 0.5% on top of the cost of the sight test to compensate
optometrists for requesting evidence of entitlement from patients,
and recording and reporting the results to PCTs. In addition,
a small supplementary fee is paid for similar checks on patients
who claim NHS vouchers towards the cost of spectacles. PCTs oversee
the General Ophthalmic Service and conduct sample checks on patients
who claim entitlement to NHS services Back
The Health and Medicines Act of 1988 abolished free universal
sight tests.
Q 404 Back
The Child Health Sub-Group Report on Vision screening, of the
National Screening Committee, recommended that all children should
be screened between ages 4 and 5. Vision defects include amblyopia
(3% of children), refractive error (hypermetropia, astigmatism,
rarely myopia), and strabismus (3-6%). NSC May 2005 Back
Ev 148 Volume III Back
Q 308 Back
Office of Health Economics, Compendium of health statistics
1997. Cited in Eversley 2001 Back
Laidlaw and Bloom. The sight test fee: effect on ophthalmology
referrals and rate of glaucoma detection. BMJ 1994;309:634-636.
Referrals to the Bristol Eye Hospital were 13.7-19.0% lower than
expected after the introduction of the sight test fee Back
Q 636 Back
Q 624 Back
Q 240 Back
Ev 138 Volume III Back
Q 356 Back
National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity
Services. Department of Health 2004.
; Research has shown that women are less likely to need a C-section
when they receive one-to-one care from a single midwife Back
More exclusive private hospitals may charge over £10,000 Back
Q 417 Back
Qq 685-687 Back