AAGBIAssociation of Anaesthetists of Great Britain
Additionalitya policy whereby ISTCs were prohibited from employing staff who been employed in the NHS in the previous six months
BMABritish Medical Association
BMJBritish Medical Journal
BOABritish Orthopaedic Association
DTCDiagnostic and Treatment Centre
FCEFinished Consultant Episode
GMCGeneral Medical Council
HCCHealthcare Commission
HSJHealth Service Journal
ISTCIndependent Sector Treatment Centre
ITNInvitation to Negotiate
KPIKey Performance Indicator
LDPLocal Delivery Plan
Minimum Takesee Take or Pay
MOIMemorandum of Information
MRIMagnetic Resonance Imaging
NHS Equivalent Costa calculation of the amount of money that would be paid to an NHS provider for delivering a certain activity in the same location as the provider with the same care pathway. It is derived from the NHS tariff, with certain adjustments made to reflect the delivery model of the independent provider
NHS Tariffa centrally-calculated average cost for any given procedure within the NHS, generated by the Department of Health based on submissions from trusts
PbRPayment by Results
PCTPrimary Care Trust
PECProfessional Executive Committee
PMETBPostgraduate Medical Education and Training Board
PQQPre-Qualification Questionnaire
Revision raterate at which joint replacements have to be replaced a second time
RCNRoyal College of Nursing
RCoARoyal College of Anaesthetists
RCOpthRoyal College of Ophthalmologists
RCPRoyal College of Physicians
RCRRoyal College of Radiologists
RCSEngRoyal College of Surgeons of England
SHAStrategic Health Authority
Spot purchasingthe ad hoc use of the independent sector to treat NHS patients
Take or Paya contractual guarantee of minimum income, irrespective of how many procedures were performed
Tapered Take or Paya variant of take or pay whereby over the period of the contract there will be a reduction in the proportion of payment made regardless of whether the procedures are performed
VfMValue for Money