Select Committee on Health Fourth Report

Glossary of Terms

AAGBI—Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain

Additionality—a policy whereby ISTCs were prohibited from employing staff who been employed in the NHS in the previous six months

BMA—British Medical Association

BMJ—British Medical Journal

BOA—British Orthopaedic Association

DTC—Diagnostic and Treatment Centre

FCE—Finished Consultant Episode

GMC—General Medical Council

HCC—Healthcare Commission

HSJ—Health Service Journal

ISTC—Independent Sector Treatment Centre

ITN—Invitation to Negotiate

KPI—Key Performance Indicator

LDP—Local Delivery Plan

Minimum Take—see Take or Pay

MOI—Memorandum of Information

MRI—Magnetic Resonance Imaging

NHS Equivalent Cost—a calculation of the amount of money that would be paid to an NHS provider for delivering a certain activity in the same location as the provider with the same care pathway. It is derived from the NHS tariff, with certain adjustments made to reflect the delivery model of the independent provider

NHS Tariff—a centrally-calculated average cost for any given procedure within the NHS, generated by the Department of Health based on submissions from trusts

PbR—Payment by Results

PCT—Primary Care Trust

PEC—Professional Executive Committee

PMETB—Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board

PQQ—Pre-Qualification Questionnaire

Revision rate—rate at which joint replacements have to be replaced a second time

RCN—Royal College of Nursing

RCoA—Royal College of Anaesthetists

RCOpth—Royal College of Ophthalmologists

RCP—Royal College of Physicians

RCR—Royal College of Radiologists

RCSEng—Royal College of Surgeons of England

SHA—Strategic Health Authority

Spot purchasing—the ad hoc use of the independent sector to treat NHS patients

Take or Pay—a contractual guarantee of minimum income, irrespective of how many procedures were performed

Tapered Take or Pay—a variant of take or pay whereby over the period of the contract there will be a reduction in the proportion of payment made regardless of whether the procedures are performed

VfM—Value for Money

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