Select Committee on Health Fourth Report

List of written evidence in Volume II

1  Department of Health (ISTC 1)   Ev 1

2  Action against Medical Accidents (ISTC 43)  Ev 35

3  Amicus (ISTC 13)  Ev 39

4  Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (ISTC 40)  Ev 42

5  British Association of Day Surgery (ISTC 26)  Ev 52

6  British Geriatrics Society (ISTC 21)  Ev 53

7  British Hip Society (ISTC 17)  Ev 54

8  British Medical Association (ISTC 33)  Ev 55

9  British Orthopaedic Association (ISTC 25)  Ev 61

10  BUPA Hospitals (ISTC 23)  Ev 65

11  Capio Healthcare UK (ISTC 35)  Ev 70

12  Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (ISTC 7)  Ev 75

13  Confederation of British Industry (ISTC 31)  Ev 77

14  General Medical Council (ISTC 38)  Ev 80

15  Healthcare Commission (ISTC 36)  Ev 81

16  Hospital Management Trust (ISTC 30)  Ev 87

17  Mercury Health (ISTC 6)  Ev 89

18  Nations Healthcare (ISTC 24)  Ev 91

19  Netcare Healthcare UK (ISTC 27)  Ev 96

20  NHS Alliance (ISTC 41)  Ev 98

21  NHS Confederation (ISTC 32)  Ev 111

22  NHS Partners Network (ISTC 29)  Ev 114

23  Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board (ISTC 28)  Ev 117

24  Royal College of Anaesthetists (ISTC 8)  Ev 119

25  Royal College of Nursing (ISTC 22)  Ev 123

26  Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ISTC 5)  Ev 126

27  Royal College of Ophthalmologists (ISTC 4)  Ev 127

28  Royal College of Physicians (ISTC 9)  Ev 135

29  Royal College of Surgeons of England (ISTC 39)  Ev 136

30  Society and College of Radiographers (ISTC 16)  Ev 141

31  Sunderland Local Medical Committee (ISTC 14)  Ev 143

32  Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (ISTC 34)  Ev 144

33  UNISON (ISTC 42)  Ev 146

34  Dr Andrew Bamji (ISTC 10)  Ev 156

35  Robert Johnston (ISTC 11)  Ev 161

36  Dennis McDonald (ISTC 2)  Ev 162

37  Dr Sally Ruane (ISTC 46)  Ev 166

38  Ruth Salisbury (ISTC 18)  Ev 168

39  Dr David Sowden (ISTC 19)  Ev 168

40  Mr Z (ISTC 44)  Ev 171

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